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外文翻译-如何成功引导新员工入职 本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译外文题目 How to orient employees into new positions successfully 外文出处 Management Research News,2001(24):P44-48 外文作者 Valerie D. Davis, Brian H. Kleiner 原文:How to Orient Employees into New Positions SuccessfullyValerie D. Davis, Brian H. KleinerAmong the primary objectives of every business enterprise, deriving greater productivity per employee and reducing the rate of turnover is always present. Businesses spend billions on benefits, engage in plant and office beautification, and indulge in a myriad of other activities intended to attract and retain good workers. Yet management seldom takes advantage of one of the most effective devices ever created for holding on to employees: a well-thought-out employee orientation programmed.Orientation is the process of familiarizing employees with whatever is necessary for them to feel at home and understand and perform their new duties efficiently. To put it another way, it is the beginning of a fusion process leading to the integration of company and employee goals and needs. Without this sense of commonality, employee productivity, performance and morale will suffer St.John,1980 . Therefore, it is desirable to study the orientation policy with respect to employees.The purpose of the present work is to establish the appropriate orientation programmers to orient employees into new positions successfully based on existing studies. The scope, type, and key considerations of orientation required for establishing the appropriate orientation programmed is presented.The Scope of OrientationIn our highly sophisticated society, the old saying about “a happy worker being a good worker” means that a better-informed employee will become a highly tangible company asset. A sound orientation programmed provides a coalescing force for the modern corporation and more opportunities to access to a new environment for employees. The range of activities and courses which are offered by corporations for their employees to improve familiarization with and adaptation to a situation or environment is quite broad. Irrespective of the type of industry or company, orientation should be concerned with two distinct levels.General OrientationMatters of general orientation should be relevant to all employees and include some typical information St.John,1980 . First, introduction to the company is a matter of who the company is, where it has been, and where it is going. The key is to make the new employee feel good about the company, begin to instill the pride of belonging, being a part of the company. Second, an important policy review must include standards of conduct, performance standards, the introductory period of employment, discipline policy, and safety. Third, a review of benefits is crucial. Employees need to appreciate the cost of benefits, and it should be related to the percentage of payroll spent on their behalf Smith,1984 .Specific OrientationFirst of all, the topics of specific orientation are unique to the employees new department and job St.John,1980 . The objective is to provide for a smooth transition into the new job in a way that maintains motivation and gets the new employee into production as soon as possible. Orientation should not be an obstacle to productivity and motivation, but be prepared and ready to get the employee immediately involved in the work flow. Secondly, introduction to the fellow workers and facilities is one of the most important orientation. Introducing people a few at a time and assigning someone to be the new employees mentor helps new employees to adapt to a new working environment more easily Smith,1984 .The scope of these two programmed should also be adapted to the new employees job responsibilities, training and past experience in comparable positions. Conversely, some standard coverage of key information about the company, the department and the job is desirable from both the companys and the employees standpoint.The Type of OrientationFormal OrientationFormal orientation is a programmed which is planned and officially conducted by the company at set times St.John,1980 . Usually this programmed takes place after the first day and before the end of the first week of employment. The programmed itself should be composed of new employees who are heterogeneous with regard to occupation and homogenous with regard to level. And, the programmed should be led by someone who is very knowledgeable about the organization, personable, a clear communicator, and has the ability to make people feel welcome without becoming overbearing.Topics presented during the orientation should be direct and to the point Penzer,1973 . A brief overview, some detailed reading materials, and one or two names of people that can be contacted for specific information can be provided. The main focus should be on showing the new hire where he/she fits into the company, and each should be given an organization chart with his/her job shown in red Penzer,1973 . An orientation of this kind is only part of the process by which employees begin to adjust to the organization and the work environment.In many cases this process may well start before the employee first sets foot in the company. Still, the most important period in establishing job understanding and satisfaction is the pre-duty phase of formal orientation period and that immediately following LaMotte, 1974 . This is the time when the employee has anxieties and questions about his/her work and his/her new environment. This is the time when attitudes of acceptance and enthusiasm must be created, and when the employee must demonstrate attitudes and behavior that mesh with the companys philosophy and mode of action.Informal OrientationAt the completion of the formal orientation meeting, the new hire is sent to his work station. From this point, informal orientation begins. Informal orientation is a continuing programmed which is unplanned and unofficially conducted by fellow workers St.John,1980 . After hiring and orientation, other facets of the personnel relations programmed come into play. In a real sense the orientation process continues throughout the employees working history at his/her company, concluding only at retirement or termination of employment.Most new hires do not want to create the impression of appearing dumb, do want and need to know their role in the company, and do need to be able to achieve their own career objectives, so the manager should have a general plan to guide the course of discussion. Some topics include the duties of those in his/her immediate work area, the duties and responsibilities of the new hire, and the areas in which further training might be needed and a tentative plan to accomplish it. During this discussion, the manager must remember to adopt the perspective of the new hire, who knows little about the company or department. And, the manager should request the fellow workers to provide job-related information to a new-comer Penzer,1973 .Formal assignment of someone to go to for help can provide the new hire with direct support until he/she develops his/her own peer relationships. If handled properly, this can also have a positive effect on the fellow worker who has an opportunity to demonstrate his/her skills and knowledge in a helpful and personally rewarding way. Most associates, including the supervisor, cannot break away from their responsibilities long enough to provide a meaningful orientation. The resourceful fellow workers help the newcomer to overcome the obstacles, learn his/her job, establish relationship with associates.A certain finding from the marketing-training study shows that while employees were very positive about the quality of formal training, they indicated it failed to cover subject matter that was necessary to accomplish their jobs. This suggests that an orientation programmed must be developed in conjunction with comprehensive job analysis and that periodic feedback from participants must be sought to ensure adequate match between job demands and programmed content Penzer,1973 .Key Considerations of OrientationTo achieve imum pay-back, employee orientation should be viewed as an initial and crucial step in the continuing management-employee dialogue. As such, this effort requires a commitment of energies to those now aimed at outside audiences, from legislators to the general public. The responsibility for initiating and maintaining a good management-employee communications system rests squarely on the manager Lublin, 1978 . In general, he/she should be candid when discussing issues in the company and sensitive towards the employees actual situation. But the specific format of the orientation can take many shapes.There are as many variations in between as there are companies. In addition to easing an employees uncertainties and anxieties about a new job and a new work environment, a well planned, ongoing orientation programmed can create a favorable attitude toward the organization, provide opportunity for feedback and help to avoid some of the factors which generate turnover, misunderstandings and grievances. The following five primary considerations can help you measure orientation practices and provide guidelines for any recommended changes in procedure.Orientation Policy and SkillsRepresentatives of management and employees alike should jointly propose policy for all significant aspects of the orientation programmed St. John,1980 . This proposed policy must then be reviewed and officially adopted by top management, before being shared with all company employees. Achievement of company goals will be furthered if one or more representatives of top management appear at formal orientation sessions and talk about company philosophy and expectations. These statements should spell out exactly what employees can expect from management and what the company expects from the new employees. They can also be reinforced and made official policy when included in a prominent place in the employee handbook or orientation kit. All personnel administrators and supervisors also should participate in organized training sessions to develop orientation proficiency. When the peer system is employed, these people should also receive training St.John,1980 .General and Specific AccountabilitySince there are two levels of orientation, company and departmental, responsibility for orientation must be shared by the personnel department and the employees immediate supervisor St.John,1980 . However, the personnel department should have the overall responsibility for programmed planning and follow-up. Specific responsibilities must be spelled out for both levels in order to avoid duplication, omission and general confusion. Therefore, the personnel departments share of orientation would include such areas as company history, products and operations, as well as employee services. Then orientation should become more technical, and the new employees immediate supervisor has the responsibility to take over and cover topics such as department boundaries and the employees work station and job duties, as well as expected results such as reporting relationships, how the job relates to other jobs, key policies and operational procedures as they relate to the specific job, working hours and any other time factors, dress and safety requirements, and expected on-the-job conduct.Session Timing and DurationA problem common to most orientation programmed is the tendency to overwhelm the new employee with too much information to remember. This problem may be the result of two different causes. First, it may be the result of covering too much information in one particular session Alexander,1969 . The natural result of the inability to absorb all of it is a disinclination to absorb any of it. Therefore, it is important to avoid jamming all orientation, especially detailed information, into one long session at the beginning of the job, since there are limits to what any new employee can be expected to absorb, digest and retain during the initial orientation session. Brief sessions, not to exceed two hours at a time, are recommended, especially for non-managerial-level positions St.John,1980 .Involvement and InterestInvolvement in a subject is partially related to a persons degree of personal involvement Alexander,1969 . It is necessary for the new employee to become involved in the matter being taught him/her, if it is to have any real or lasting value. If the employees interest can be increased, he/she will probably pay closer attention and remember the main points better. The commonly used lecture method falls far short in creating interest. The employee is not involved in the learning process and often begins to day dream. Thus, the lecturer may be giving orientation, but no one may be listening. Involvement in a subject can be increased if the new employee is allowed to participate in it. Discussions, question-and-answer periods are means by which to involve the employee. It may also be beneficial to relate company benefits to the individual. The employee should be informed how the company benefits directly apply to him/her.Follow-upThe orientation process does not end once the information has been presented to the employee. In many programmed, communication between the new employee and the instructor is lacking. The lecture method does not necessarily insure that the main ideas have got across. Two-way communication is needed to insure mutual understanding Alexander,1969 . The instructor needs feedback from the employee to be sure that the message has been received correctly. Follow-up is necessary to determine the level of understanding. This final part of the orientation programmed is essential to its success. Formal and systematic follow-up to the initial orientation is a must St.John,1980 , an open-door policy is no guarantee that new employees will feel free to initiate discussion with the manager or instructor. It is crucial to avoid the sink-or-swim approach of abruptly ignoring the new person following orientation.(节选)译文:如何成功引导新员工入职瓦来瑞D.戴维斯,布莱恩H.克莱纳在每个企业中,增加人均产值和减少员工流动率一直都是其首要目标。企业在美化办公室环境以及其他一系列能吸引并留住优秀员工的活动中往往花费了成千上万元,以此去创造更多的利润。然而,管理者却不会利用最有效的方法,即经过深思熟虑的员工培训方案去留住所需的员工。员工培训是一个使员工熟悉环境,有效的理解并履行他们的职责以及让员工对企业产生归属感的过程。换言之,这是一个融合的开始,它整合了公司和员工的目标和需求。没有这些共同的目标,员工产能,公司业绩和士气将会受到影响(圣约翰,1980) 。所以,对员工的培训方案进行研究是非常必要的。本文的目的是在现有的基础上建立合适的员工培训方案,主要包括培训的范围,类型,以及建立合适员工培训方案所需的注意事项等,以此来成功地引导员工入职。员工培训的范围在我们这个不断发展进步的社会中,员工培训的范围十分广泛。俗话说,快乐的员工能成为优秀的员工,意思是更有价值的员工是一个公司的有形资产。一个好的新员工入职培训方案能为企业提供一种强有力的推动力量,也为员工提供了一个接触新环境的机会。培训的活动和课程的范围十分广泛,不论什么样的公司,员工培训都可以被分为两种。总体的员工培训方案总体的员工培训方案应包含一些特有的信息,它是和公司所有的员工有关的(圣约翰,1980)。首先,培训内容应包含公司简介,它可以说明公司的基本情况、现状以及未来的发展前景。目的是让新员工对公司有个好印象,逐步灌输他们对公司的归属感,并促使他们以公司为荣。其次,一份包括行为准则、业绩标准、工作时间、惩罚制度,安全等内容的公司章程也是非常必要的。第三,关于福利的介绍也很重要,员工一般都很关注福利信息,这和他们的工资结构有一定的关系 史密斯,1984 潘泽尔,1973 。一个简要的回顾,一些具体的阅读资料,一两个相关的人名,这些都可以作为话题的材料。而培训主要的焦点应集中于告诉这些新员工,他哪里适合这个公司,给他看公司的组织架构,并用红色标出他的职位是哪里 潘泽尔,1973 。这些话题只是员工培训的一部分,经过培训,员工会开始逐步适应这种组织架构和工作环境。在许多情况下,这个方案很有可能会在员工第一次踏入这个公司开始。建立对工作的理解和满意度的最重要的时间是正式的员工培训之前,紧跟着就是实行正式的员工培训方案 拉莫提, 1974 。在培训阶段,大多数员工对自己的工作和环境存在一定的疑虑,培训的开展可以使员工更热情地去接纳公司,员工也可以借此机会表明自己的态度,使自己的想法和公司的观念及行为准则相一致。非正式的员工培训正式的员工培训完成后,新员工会被送到相应的工作岗位上去。从这起,非正式的员工培训就开始了。非正式的员工培训是一个持续进行的过程,它没有计划性,由同事帮助等非正式形式组成(圣约翰,1980)。在员工的招聘与培训之后,人力资源管理的其他模块开始起作用。事实上,对员工的培训在员工的工作生涯中一直存在,只有在员工退休或者结束职业生涯时,它才会结束。大多数新员工不想留给别人一种很呆板的印象,他们想知道自己在公司的角色,想达到自己的职业目标,所以经理需要制定一个培训计划来满足员工对这部分交流的要求。主题可以包括他目前工作的职责,新工作的职责,需要进一步训练才能完成的工作等。在这个讨论中,经理必须记得要站在新员工的角度,因为他们对公司和部门的了解比较少。而且,经理应该要求同事为新进的员工提供与工作有关的信息 潘泽尔,1973 。正式地指定某个人,让新员工向他寻求帮助,可以让新员工在需要时得到直接的指导,直到他们有了自己的认识。如果处理得当,这也能让那个帮助别人的同事得到一个展示自己能力的机会,既利人又利己。大多数公司同事,包括主管,不能脱离他们的工作职责去给新员工提供一个有意义的培训。机智的同事会帮助新人克服心理障碍,更好地适应他的工作,并且帮助他们与同事友好相处。一个关于销售人员的培训的研究表明,当员工对正式的培训质量很有信心时,说明他们并没有完成他们应有的工作。这说明员工的培训计划必须和工作分析一起进行,对参与者阶段性的反馈可以确保工作需求和培训计划的内容保持一致 潘泽尔,1973 。员工培训的关键注意事项为了使培训收益最大化,员工的入职培训应被当作是对员工持续进行管理的第一步,也是关键的一步。同样地,这种影响需要对外界有一个承诺,不管是对立法者还是公众都是需要的。经理直接承担开展和维持一个好的员工管理沟通系统的责任 卢布里内尔, 1978 。总的来说,当谈到公司的事情时,他应该坦白,对员工的实际情况应该细心。但是关于员工培训的具体方法可以是多种多样的。不同的公司有不同的培训方法。一个计划性强、不间断的员工入职培训方案除了可以缓解新员工的不确定性以及对新工作新环境的焦虑外,还可以创造员工对公司的好印象,提供一些反馈信息,避免员工的离职与流失等。以下五个基本注意事项可以帮助你衡量员工入职培训的效果,为实施过程中任何可能发生的情况提供一些指导。培训的方法和技巧基层员工应和代表管理层的员工一起,共同对员工的入职培训方案中的几个重要方面提出相应的对策(圣约翰,1980)。在公布之前,这个方案必须经过上层管理者的正式审查并采纳。如果在新员工培训活动中出现越来越多的高层管理者,他们谈论公司的理念和发展,那么这将更好地促进公司目标的达成。员工对管理层的期待和公司对员工的期待都可以在这些报告中反映出来。他们也可以在重要位置上放上员工手册、定位文件等,这些官方政策可以强化培训的效果。所有人力资源管理部门的职员以及主管也应该积极参与促进组织进一步发展的相关培训事务中。当一批新员工被录用后,这些开展培训的人力资源管理部门的工作者也应该接受相关的培训(圣约翰,1980)。总体责任和具体责任正因为有公司以及部门这两个层次的划分,对于员工职责的说明必须由人力资源管理部门和员工的直属主管共同来承担(圣约翰,1980)。然而, 人力资源管理部门应对培训的程序策划以及后续的跟踪反馈负全部责任。特定的职责说明必须用来反应这两个层次,以免造成重复、省略和总体的混乱。因此,人力资源管理部门所承担的关于职位说明的责任应该包含如下内容:公司历史、主要产品及相应业务,员工服务等。职位说明应该变得更加有技术性,新员工的直属主管有责任告诉新员工部门的管理界限划分、员工的工作场所以及工作职责等,同样它应该包括上下级的报告关系,该职位如何涉及到其他工作,关键政策以及一些操作程序的预期结果,因为这些会涉及到具体的工作,包括工作时间、着装要求、安全事项,预期的在职行为。会议时间和持续时间在员工培训的过程中,最常见的问题就是将新员工埋没在太多需要记忆的信息中。这个问题可能是造成两种不同培训效果的原因。它导致了过多的信息同时覆盖在一个特定的部分 亚历山大,1969 。新员工的无法吸收培训的信息都是源于不愿吸收。因此,一开始就进入长长的会议是没有效果的,因为新员工在会议中预计可吸收、消化并且保留的部分都是有限的,所以详细的信息交流应注意持续的时间,以免干扰其他方向,记住这点非常重要。简短的会议,建议不超过两个小时以上,尤其是对非管理层位置上的员工来说是比较好的(圣约翰,1980)。参与和兴趣参与与员工个人的兴趣有很大的关系 亚历山大,1969 。如果是那种有真正的或持久价值的东西,新员工就会在培训中较好地接受,这些东西对新员工的培训来说是很有必要的。如果员工的兴趣被提高了,他可能会更加密切关注并能更好的记住要点。常用的演讲等培训方法现今已不能较好地提起员工的兴趣。员工不参与到学习中就会经常开始想入非非。因此,授课者可能会给予一些定位,但是可能没有人在听。提高员工的参与度是一门学问,讨论、互问互答等是引导员工参与进来的有效方法,而员工,他可能对公司利益与他个人关联起来的部分较有兴趣,大部分员工希望了解公司的福利如何直接适用于他。后续行动即使信息已经向员工呈现出来,关于岗位职责定位的过程也没有结束。在许多过程中,新员工与指导者之间的沟通比较缺乏。演讲方法不一定能保证他们在主要观点上达成共识,但双向沟通对确保相互理解是十分必要的 亚历山大,1969 。指导者需要员工的反馈,以确保此消息已经被正确地接收。跟踪反馈是决定理解的水平的必要方法,它是定位程序的最后部分,是成功与否的必要条件。正式的和系统的跟踪对员工培训的初始定位是必须的(圣约翰,1980),一种开放的政策是不能保证新员工与经理或者老师畅所欲言地开展讨论的。这是避免贸然忽略新人日后的定位所产生的员工流动的一种至关重要的方法。(节选)


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