人教版新目标八年级下Unit6 Period 4导学案精修版

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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)课题:Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 【读写课】 Section B 3aSelf Check Period 4 学习目标重点单词: stepmother, wife, husband, whole, scene, stone, shine, ground, lead, voice, inside, brave重点短语:as soon as, make a plan to ,wake up,leadto, be made of, get lost, because of.重点句型:1.The weather was so dry that no food would grow.2.As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.自主学习Task 1 翻译下列单词及短语。在房子里面 了解 _因为 _穿上 _出去_ 面包片_不要紧_找出_Task2 翻译下列句子:1.妻子告诉丈夫,如果他不把孩子们扔到森林里,让他们自生自灭,整个家庭就会灭亡。_2.我真在沿路仍白色的石头。除非我这样做,否则我们将会迷路的。_3.你们在森林里睡了这么久!_4.看!它在把我们引向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙小屋。_Task3完成教材3a-3b的任务1.认真阅读2b中的每一个场景,为每一个场景写出关键词,完成后小组内互相交流所写的关键词并说明理由。2.再次阅读 2b的故事,然后完成3b的故事情节概述,完成集体核对答案。小组交流两人一组互相复述故事,请几位学生复述故事。我的疑问自主学习后,我还有不明白的问题:_ 合作探究探究一 One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow.一年,气候如此干燥,以至于没有食物能生长。sothat 如此以致于。 若从句是否定句时,可用tooto替换。The girl is so young that she cant go to school.=The girl is too young to go to school.这女孩年龄太小,不能上学。问:若从句是肯定句时,可用_结构替换,改为简单句。sothat和suchthat探究二Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and sugar. 它在把我们引向那座由面包,蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙小屋。【探究】1.此句中made of bread, cake and sugar作定语,修饰名词house;形容词wonderful也是house的定语。记忆 在英语中,大部分形容词作定语修饰名词时应前置,短语或句子作定语修饰名词时则后置。如:the young people in the room 屋子里的年轻人2.lead 及物动词,意为“带路,领路,领导”。过去式为led, 常用结构:lead sb +介词+地点名词。如:The guide led us though the forest.lead sb to do sth带领某人做某事。如:He led the people to become rich.lead to通往,导致,引起。如:Too much work can lead to illness.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。教师点拨知识点一 sothat 和so that 的辨析1. sothat意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。句中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词。例如: My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop. 我的双腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。 2. so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”。例如: He gets up early every morning so that he can catch up the early bus.他每天早晨早起以便能赶上早班公共汽车。练练吧 单项选择:1.The soccer match was _ exciting that everyone was cheering and jumping.A.very B.so C.too D.to2. Tom runs fast _ he can catch the dog.A.very B.so that C.so D.that【探讨】:(1)sothat的同义简单句型为:(2)so that的同义简单句型为:课内巩固A. 我一定行!用所给单词的适当形式填空。1)They have been _(marry) for ten years.2) How _ (luck) that boy felt!3)She is _(popular) than you.4) He is one of the best _(sing) in China.5) The old woman makes a _(live) by selling clothes.B.我要进步! 1. _ we were eating dinner in the restaurant ,the owners dog took my bag away quietly.A. While B. As soon as C. Because D. Until 2. I didnt go to bed_11 oclock. A. after B. or C. because D. until 3.The young American stood quietly _ British guards searched his clothes. A. as B. while C. when D. since 4. If you dont go, I shall not _. A. too B. also C. neither D. either 5. How much did you pay_ that bike? A. over B. off C. on D. for6. Its cold, so we decided_ at home. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed7.Dont forget_ your homework tomorrow.A. bring B. to bring C. brought D. bringing8.She _her clothes at eight last night.A. is washing B. washing C. washed D. was washing9. Some boys were talking _others were playing football on the playground. A. when B. while C. before D. soC. 我自豪,我骄傲!书面表达。我们都知道精卫填海的故事,你能用英语介绍一下吗?80词左右。提示内容:炎帝有一个女儿,她经常在花园里玩。有一次去大海里划船, 结果掉进海里淹死了。她的父亲很伤心,她变成一只名叫敬畏的鸟,决心用石块把大海填平。提示词语:love, play, die, change, into, watch, decide课后反思课后反思教师寄语:Never do things by halves.不要半途而废。 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_感到自己有待加强的是_


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