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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 7 whats the highest mountain in the world?单元过关测试I、选择填空(15分)( )1.How to read 4,444,444 in English?A. four millions, four hundreds and forty-four thousand, four hundreds and forty-fourB. four million, four hundred forty-four thousand, four hundred forty-fourC. four, four four four, four four fourD. four million, four hundred and forty-four thousand, four hundred and forty-four ( )2. China is _ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest( )3. - Dad, Ive just seen only one copy of “FOOTBALL” at the newsstand.- Go and buy back, Bob.A. it B. other C. that D. one ( )4.Bill jumped than any other player at the sports meeting. A. tall B. taller C. high D. higher ( )5. Mum, could I have an MP3 like this?Certainly,we can buy one,but as good as this. A. cheap B. a cheapest C. a cheaper D. the cheapest( )6.Traveling by train is excited than a rushed trip by air.A. much B. a little C. far more D. little ( )7.Ill spend five days in Shanghai. A. other B. the other C. another D. others ( )8.There are of listeners in the meeting room. A. the large number B. the large numbers C. a large number D. large number ( )9. -Lily doesnt look so happy as her sister Rose. -No, shes _than Rose. A. less happy B. less unhappy C. less happier D. less unhappier ( )10. -Isnt Yantai in the east of China?-_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it isnt. D. No, it is. ( )11. Youd better speak as English as you can. A. more B. many C. much D. little ( )12. The panda weighs 50 kilos more than a man. A. big B. large C. great D. giant( )13. He runs fastest all the students. A. in B. of C. at D. with ( )14. -What do you think of Miss Lis teacher?-Oh, no one teaches .A. well B. better C. best D. good( )15.You looked for it twice, but you havent found it. Why not try ?A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once II、完形填空(15分)You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world. Its not 1 . In the desert we can find small 2 or even big ones. We can see hills, too. As there is 3 rain in the desert, most plants there need 4 . Still we can see some plant life there. There is some water in some places in the desert. We 5 these places oases(绿洲). Sometimes the water 6 under the ground or the rivers running through the desert. In the oases, there are villages and towns. People 7 all kinds of crops (庄稼)in the fields there.People also 8 outside the oases, but these people are not farmers. They 9 camels(骆驼), sheep, and other animals. The animals 10 the plants there and do not need much water. The people of the desert do not live anywhere for long. They keep 11 from one place to another. They must always 12 grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is no more 13 for their animals, they take down their tents and leave for another place. The desert people are 14 to each other. They are ready to help the people 15 and give them food and water. ( )1. A. good B. true C. really D. terrible ( )2. A. stones B. trees C. flowers D. grass ( )3. A. much B. plenty of C. little D. a little ( )4. A. air B. earth C. water D. snow ( )5. A. think B. know C. make D. call ( )6. A. comes from B. is carried from C. is put in D. ends( )7. A. find B. grow C. cut D. sell( )8. A. play B. sleep C. live D. travel( )9. A. buy B. have C. kill D. meet( )10.A. hope B. see C. find D. eat( )11.A. jumping B. running C. moving D. driving( )12.A. look for B. wait for C. bring out D. send for( )13.A. salt B. food C. sugar D. leaves( )14.A. useful B. polite C. friendly D. popular( )15.A. in trouble B. with a smile C. in the worn-out D. from villagesIII、阅读理解(20-分)AStrange things happen when you travel, because the earth is divided into two zones is one hour. You can have days with more than twenty-four hours and days with fewer than twenty-four hours. You can have weeks with more than seven days and weeks with fewer than seven days.If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋),your ship comes into a different time zone(时区) every day. As you come into each zone, the time changes one hour. If you travel west, you set your watch back. If you travel east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-four or twenty-three hours.If you make a trip by ship across the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) ,you cross the International Date Line (国际日期变更线). This is point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change one full day. If you travel east, today becomes yesterday. If you travel west it is tomorrow.( )1. Something interesting will happen to the time if you travel because .A. a day has always fewer than twenty-four hoursB. a day has always more than twenty-four hoursC. a day has more or fewer than twenty-four hoursD. sometimes zones are large and sometimes zones are small( )2. If we cross the Atlantic Ocean, we .A. change one full day B. set our watch backC. set our watch ahead D. set our watch back or ahead( )3. If we travel across the International Date Line on July 5th, the date becomes July .A. 3rd B. 4th C. 5th D. 6th ( )4. The Atlantic Ocean .A. is in one time zone B. is divided into twenty-four zonesC. is divided into five time zones D. can not be crossed in five days( )5. Which of the following sentences is TRUK ? .A. If we travel around the world, we will get into trouble in telling the time.B. If we travel west across the Atlantic Ocean, we will have twenty-three hours.C. If we travel by ship across the Atlantic Ocean, we will cross the International Date Line.D. If we travel across the Pacific Ocean, today becomes tomorrow.B阅读下列几段文字,根据所提示的内容,选择正确的图片序号。1.Egypt is a modern nation in an ancient land. The valley of the Nile(尼罗河), the river that runs like a ribbon through the length of the country, was the birthplace of one of the worlds earliest civilizations. The Great Pyramid at Giza was one of the wonders of the ancient world and is the only one that has survived. 2. Holland is a nation that is well known for its open and gritty(坚忍不拔)spirit.The Dutch windmills, which once numbered more than ten thousand, were replaced by the advent of new pumping systems(新的抽水系统). God created the earth but left the Dutch the task of creating Holland.3. France is in the middle of Europe, its capital is Paris.It has 1,500 miles of beaches lining 3 major bodies of water: the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel? Altogether more than 35 million people enjoy Frances beaches in any given year! 4. Australia is the oldest continent in the world, and it is the largest island, too.There are so many beautiful and rare animals in Australia, such as wombat(袋熊),kangaroos and so on. 5. This country has a long history- one of the worlds earliest civilizations. It has 56 nations altogether with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. It abounds in natural resources(资源), such as giant panda, snub-nosed golden monkey(金丝猴).A B C D E1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV、单词拼写(10分)1 . The giant pandas are one of the most e _ animals in the world .2. He is so I_ that he can surely work out the problem .3. The h_ of Qomolangma is 8,844 meters .4. Tsunama(飓风)is one of the worst natural d_ in the would .5. Taiwan lies in the s of China.6. The l of the two lines is the same.7. London has a p of ten million.8. Everyone knows that pandas like eating b .9. China is a great country with a long h .10.There is only a little water l in the glass. V、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1.Toms father is as tall as him. (two)2.The oil now is even (expensive) than before.3.She was troubled because she had reached the (weigh) of 180 pounds. 4.The of the Qomalangma is 8,844 meters.(high)5.The heavy rain prevented us from (come) in time.6.Have you ever seen the film (direct) by Zhang Yimou?7.I think its one of (enjoy) trips in my life.8.After a short rest, he continued (write) his novel.9.Who do you think is (care)of the two. 10.The more heavily it rained, (worry)we became.VI、根据所给汉语意思完成句子。(10分)1.印度豹每小时能跑100千米。The cheetah can run about 100 .2. 这种新型的手机只有五厘米长 。This new type of mobile phone is only 5 centimeters _ _ .3. 我们在一起的时间越长, 我们越快乐。_ _ we stay together , _ _ we will be4.黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is in China.5.中国的人口比印度的多。The population of China is _ than _ of India.VII. 选词填空 (10分)happy, close, angry, parent, listen, make, if, long, but, importantAre you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most 1 in your family. 2 are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel theyre not as 3 to their parents as before. They even think their parents are unfair to them.Some students complain that their parents say a lot to them, but never 4 to them. Some of them even say it 5 . “My parents dont allow me to play computer games, 6 other classmates are doing that”. Others say, when theyre 7 phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if theyre speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very 8 . Some students even decide to leave home. But they dont know running away may bring them some more problems. Show your parents youre growing up. Then theyll feel youre no 9 a small child.10 _you follow the advice, youll have a happy life and never think of running away.VIII. 阅读表达 (10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据文章的要求答题。(请注意问题后的字数要求)(1)One day a lonely girl found two weak birds while she was walking in the woods. She took them home and put them in a small cage. She fed them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl loved them very much and wanted their singing to last forever. (2)One day the girl left the cages door open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched worriedly as it circled(盘旋) high above her. She was afraid that it would fly away and she would never see it again. So when it flew close, she grasped(抓) at it wildly. She was very happy that she held it tightly within her hand! Suddenly, she felt something had happened to the bird. She opened her hand and was surprised to find the bird was dead. Her love for the bird killed it. (3)She noticed the other bird jumping in the cage. She could feel that it wanted to be free. It hoped to fly into the clear, blue sky. She lifted it from the cage and flew it into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times (4)When the bird was flying happily in the sky, she was so glad. Just then the bird flew closer and sat softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song she had ever heard. (5)The fastest way to is to hold it tight; the best way to keep love is to let it fly!1Why did the girl loved the two birds very much?(no more than ten words)_2.What sentence in the passage can be replaced (替换)by the following one?She loved the bird so dearly, however, the bird died by her own hand._3.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese._4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words .(no more than 2 words )_5.What does the story want to tell us? (no more than 10 words )_VI、书面表达(20分)根据中英文提示,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑,字数在60-100之间的英文作文,所给英语提示词必须都得用上。保护我们的环境是十分重要的,世界上仅有一个地球,我们就生存在这个地球上,所以保护环境是我们义不容辞的责任。那么,我们应该做些什么?我们该怎么做呢?take good care, important, only one earth, our duty to plant trees ,collect battery, plastic(塑料的) bags, protect animals ,spit, in public places, rubbish ,


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