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英语Unit 4同步验收笔答部分根据下图所示,完成句子中所缺少的单词1I have three _.2Here is a _ of keys.3Do you like your _ ? 4I like playing _ very much.5There are two _ in the pencil box.6My _ is purple. Do you like it?7There are three keys on the _.8I can see a ball _the table.9。There is a pencil case _the bag.根据句意,使用你所学过的介词填空,每个介词只能使用一次on, in, at, behind, between, next to, under1There are some birds _ the sky.2We can study this subject _ TV.3Shall we meet _ the bus stop?4My best friend sits _ me. He often helps me.576 is _ 75 and 77.6I dont want to fall _ others.选择填空( )1Every day I go to school with my _.AtableBsofaCTVDschoolbag( )2I find there _ no pencils in my pencil case.AisBareCbeDhave( )3Are there any keys in the _ ?AdrawerBeraserCbaseballDpen( )4Will you put up my picture _ the wall, please?AinBonCatDunder( )5There isnt a _ in the classroom.AchildBchildrenCpeopleDteachers( )6 _ the baseball on the sofa? Yes, it is.AIsBAreCAmDDoes( )7Look at the picture _ the right.AinBonCatDnext( )8We usually play football on the school _.Areading roomBmeeting roomCplaygroundDlibrary( )9Do you know the _ between them?AdifferenceBdifferentC difficult Ddifficulty( ) 10Do you _ your ID card?Yes. I will bring it to school tomorrow.AwriteBreadCneedDlook( )11 Is this _ watch? -No, its not his watch. A. her B. Bobs C. your D. Marys( ) 12 -_ the baseball and the basketball? -On the table. A. Where B. Wheres C. Is it D. Where are ( )13 I _ know her name.A. not B. dont C. no D. arent 下列句子中各有一处错误,请你找到,并加以改正( )1He finds his ID card on the dress.( )2There are some pencil in the case.( )3Is the video cassettes behind the computer?( )4My hat is in the chair.( )5There isnt any radios in the shop.根据上下文,完成下列对话中所缺少的词语,每空一词,缩写算一词A: Excuse me, Mum. 1 my dictionary?B: 2 or Chinese?A: I want to look up a 3 word in my English text. I cant understand it.B: 4 it on your bookshelf?A: No, it 5 Is it in 6 bedroom? You used it just now.B: Oh, I am sorry. I put it 7 my dresser. Its in my bedroom. I will get it for 8 .A: It doesnt matter. 9 get it myself.B: By the way, youd better put 10 on the shelf after you finish your reading.阅读理解This is a picture of my bedroom. Its a nice room. A football is behind the door. My desk is near the window. You can see a chair behind the desk. You can see some books and flowers on it. My English books are in my backpack. The bag is behind the chair.( ) 1. Its a picture of _.A. my family B. my bedroom C. my school ( ) 2. My football is _.A. behind the door B. near the door C. behind the desk( ) 3. The desk is _.A. on the bed B. behind the chairC. near the window( ) 4. We can see some _ on the desk. A. English books B. books and flowers C. schoolbags( ) 5. The English books are _.A. on my desk B. on the floorC. in my backpack书面表达:你的弟弟明天要和同学出去郊游,你受妈妈委托,将弟弟所需要的东西都准备齐全了,现在你写一张留言条,把东西的清单和它们所放置的地方写清楚书包放置在沙发上,地图(map)在书包里,一串钥匙也放在书包里,一些钱(money)放在抽屉里,两盒磁带和一个录音机放在电脑旁边,一些水果和食品放在了桌子上面 _ _ _ _ I. 句型转换:1. The CDs are on the desk. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ on the desk?2. Where are the baseball? (补全答句)Sorry, I _ _. 3. They are my watches. (改为否定句)_ _ _ watches. 4. Lindas tape is in the bookcase. (提问)_ _ Lindas tape?5. That is a bag. (改为复数句)_ _ _.6. The baseball is on the sofa. (改为否定句)The baseball _ _ on the sofa. 7. The cat is under the bed. (提问)_ _ the cat?8. - Are the English books in the backpack? -Yes, _ _9.My pen is in the pencil case.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ in the pencil case.V. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 打扰一下,我的橡皮在哪里?_ _, _my eraser?2. 她的钥匙在书包里。_keys _ _ the schoolbag. 3. 我的棒球在桌子底下。My _ is _ the _.4. “你的课本在桌子上吗?” “不,它们不在。”-_ your books _ the _?-No, _ _.5. 我的钢笔不在沙发上。My pen _ _ the sofa.


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