(人教大纲版高二全册Unit19 The Merchant of Venice)

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本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛2010届高三一轮复习教案Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:重点单词与短语:merchant;envy;scale;archaeology;duke;troublesome;justice;curiosity;masterpiece;merciful;mercy;murder;decorate;decoration;gentle;punishment;unearth;enemy;bless;immediately;spear;swear;weakness;order; anymore;surgeon;sword;emperor;greatness;sentence(v.);conflict;central;judgment;declare;complex;pay back;as far as;after all;in the eyes of;have mercy on;tear up;offer up;dig up;go down on ones knees;句型I offer you six times what you have just offered. 倍数的表示方法You shall get justice. shall 用在二三人称的陈述句中的用法 He has no choice but to cry. but 作介词的用法语法:复习直接引语和间接引语 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握envy;scale;archaeology;duke;troublesome;justice;curiosity;masterpiece;merciful;mercy;murder;decorate;decoration;gentle;punishment;unearth;enemy;bless;immediately;spear;swear;weakness;order;anymore;surgeon;sword;emperor; sentence(v.);conflict;central;judgment;declare;complex;pay back;as far as;after all;in the eyes of;have mercy on;tear up;offer up;dig up;go down on ones knees;等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握倍数的表示方法;shall 用在二三人称的陈述句中的用法;but 作介词的用法。教材知识归纳知识归纳1. Deny your father, and refuse your namerefuse 的用法:相关归纳:(1)refuse sb. sth. 拒绝给予某人某物they refused him a visa.他们拒绝给他签证。She would never refuse her kids anything.她对孩子百依百顺。(2)refuse to do sth. The engine refused to start.引擎怎么也发动不起来。Martin refused to discuss the matter.马丁拒绝讨论此事。(3)refuse sth.I politely refused their invitation.我礼貌地回绝了他们的邀请。注意:refuse sb. to do sth. 是一个错误的搭配He refused me to use the dictionary.()2. The way I would go about itgo about( )继续做某事,忙着做某事Despite the threat of war, people went about their business as usual.虽然战争在即, 人们照常忙着自己的事。()着手做某事,开始做某事Peter has no idea how to go about finding a better job.彼得不知道怎样才能找到更好的工作。Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight. 博比今天晚上在非常认真地做功课。 (3)流传The rumor is going about that John and Mary are getting married. 谣传约翰和玛丽要结婚了。(3)到处走走(about也是副词,相当于around。)People are going about more now that the weathers better. 因为天气热些了,人们外出增多了。Mother is much better, thank you, shes able to go about a bit more. 谢谢你,母亲好多了,她已能更多地走动了。相关归纳:着手做某事的表示方法:get down to sth./doing sth.set out to do sth.set about doing sth.put ones hand to sth.take up sth.3. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.mercy n. 仁慈、怜悯、宽恕相关归纳:(1)have mercy on sb. =show mercy to sb. =give mercy to sb. 宽恕某人The commander showed mercy to the prisoners of war.司令官对战俘十分怜悯。In Iraq, the American soldiers had no mercy on the prisoners of war. 在伊拉克,美军士兵对战俘毫无怜悯之意。No mercy was shown to the prisoners. 对囚犯毫不宽恕。(2)at the mercy of= in the power of任由摆布,在掌握之中The dogs life was at the mercy of its master. 狗的生命掌握在它主人手中。 The mouse caught just now was at the mercy of the cat, his cruel enemy. 刚才被抓住的那只老鼠现在由它的残忍的敌人猫任意摆布。(3)without mercy 毫不留情地They beat him without mercy.他们残忍地打他。(4)beg for mercy 乞求宽恕He went down on his knees and begged for mercy.他跪下来乞求宽恕。(5)leave.to the mercies of 让受的摆布The slaves were left to the mercies of their master. 奴隶们受尽了主人的虐待。(6)throw.on ones mercy 请求宽恕He threw himself on my mercy. 他请求我宽恕他。4. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.“还是的好”“倒不如”“干脆”“不妨”的表示方法:may / might just as well do sth. (用来指现在或将来)may / might just as well have done sth. (用来指过去)If Ive got to go somewhere, I may as well go to Birmingham. 如果我非得到什么地方去的话,我还是去伯明翰的好。I may as well admit that I knew the answer all along. 我干脆承认了吧,我早就知道答案。The weather was so bad we might as well have stayed home. 天气这样糟糕,我们还不如呆在家里呢。The film was boring, we might as well have watched TV at home.电影非常枯燥,我们还不如呆在家里看电视呢。注意:(1) may 和might 没有区别,just 可以省略。(2) may well do sth. 是表示推测的结构,意思是“很可能”He may well be on the playground, for he likes playing basketball very much.他很可能正在操场上,因为他很喜欢打篮球。5. Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants.pass judgment (opinion) on sb. / sth. 对进行评价(批评),此处表示“作出判决”。Its difficult to pass judgment on the affair when we know so little about what happened. 对发生的情况了解这么少,要作出判断是困难的。 I cant pass my opinion on your works without examining it thoroughly.不仔细看,我不能对你的作品提出意见。make ones judgment on / about / of sb. / sth对进行评价(批评)。I dont really want to make any judgments on the decisions they made. 我真的不想对他们作出的决定作任何评价。6. If you offered me six times what you have just offered,倍数的表示方法 times作“倍数”解释时,是可数名词,用times表示“A是B的几倍大 (或高、长、宽、深等)”“A比B大(或高、长、宽、深等)几倍”,常见的句型如下: (1) A+倍数+the size (height,length,width,depth,etc) of B。 The new bridge is four times the width of the old one.这座新桥是旧桥的四倍宽。The meeting room is three times the size of the classroom.会议室是教室的三倍大。The river is five times the depth of the brook. 这条河是那条小溪的五倍深。 (2) A+倍数+ as big (high,long,wide,deep,etc) as B。 Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 This box is three times as heavy as that one.这个箱子是那个箱子的三倍重。This new highway is three times as wide as the old one. 新公路是旧公路的三倍宽。(3) A+倍数+ bigger (higher,longer,wider,deeper etc) than B. The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.会议室比我们办公室大三倍(会议室是我们办公室的四倍大)。Asia is three times larger than Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。 (4) A+倍数倍数as +many/much +n. +as B. Our factory produced four times as many cars as theirs.我们工厂生产的汽车比他们的工厂多4倍。I have four times as much money as he.我有的钱比他多4倍。(5)A+倍数+ more + n.+ than B. Our factory produced four times more cars than theirs.我们工厂生产的汽车比他们的工厂多4倍。I have four times more money than he.我有的钱比他多4倍。注意:用times表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数,表示两倍不用two times,而用twice或double。 My income is now double what it was.我的收入是以前的两倍。 Now the number of sheep is more than double that of 1990.现在羊的数目是一九九。年的两倍多。7. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?hope 的用法派生词: hopeful adj. 有希望的;有前途的 hopefully adv. 有希望地 hopeless adj. 没有希望的;不可救药的相关归纳:hope to do sth (既表示愿望又表示对此很有把握)希望I hope to see you and your family soon.我期待不久能见到你和你的家人。hope that clause 希望;预祝(接从句用陈述语气)I hope that he will succeed.我期望他会成功。It is hoped that. = Hopefully.人们希望It is hoped that there will be a drop in the prices of vegetables.人们希望蔬菜的价格能够降下去。I hope so. 我希望如此。 I hope not. 我希望没有。(我希望不。)Will it rain this weekend?这个周末会下雨吗?I hope so. (I hope not.) 我希望会。(我希望不会。)had hoped to do sth 或had hoped that sb would do sth 表示“本希望(本想),但未实现”I had hoped to help you but I was ill then.我本希望去帮助你但是那时我病了。There is little / no / not much hope of (doing) sth 干某事的希望不大There is much hope of our catching the first bus.我们有很大的希望去赶上早班车。Is there any hope of doing sth? Is there any hope that? 有十某事的希望吗?Is there any hope of our team winning the game?我们球队有获胜的希望吗?in the hope of = in hopes of = hoping 怀着的希望 We set out at five this morning in the hope of catching the early bus.我们今天早上5点钟出发为了能赶上早班车。hope for sth. 希望得到某物Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。After this dry weather,people all hope for rain.经过了这段干旱,人们普遍希望下雨。8. I desire my pound of flesh.desirevt. 期望;想,希望;请求,要求(1)desire+名词或代词 期望;想,希望 All he desired then was some spare time for study. 那时候他想的只是有些空余时间进行学习。I desire rest after such a long walk.在那么长的散步后,我很想休息一下。People desire peace.人们渴望和平。(2) desire+不定式作宾语。She desired to marry a rich man.她很想嫁个富翁。Theres one small point which I should desire to clear up. 有一个小问题我想澄清一下。(3) desire sb. to do sthHe desired us to leave soon.他希望我们尽快离开。They desired him to go there at once.他们希望他马上到那里去。(4)desire + that 从句 (在从句中常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形。)He desired that all letters should be burnt after his death.他请求在他死后把全部信件烧掉。She desired that you should go and see her at once. 她请你马上去见她。n. 欲望,渴望;渴望的东西;渴望的人I have no desire to discuss the question.我不想讨论这个问题。He brought me my hearts desire.他给我带来了我心里渴望的东西。9. Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job.envy n. 妒忌;羡慕 妒忌的对象;羡慕的目标vt. 妒忌;羡慕相关归纳:(1)v.+ n. / pron. 或 v. + n. / pron. + n. / pron.I envy you your good luck.我羡慕你的好运。John envied his friends success. 约翰嫉妒朋友的成功。(2)out of envyShe said it out of envy.她出于嫉妒说了这话。(3)the envy of sb. 某人羡慕的对象His talent is the envy of his colleagues.他的同事都羡慕他的才能。The boys new toy was the envy of his friends. 这个男孩的新玩具是他的朋友妒忌的对象。(4)feel envy at sth./sb. 羡慕某人或某物He felt envy at my success.他羡慕我的成功。10. Please be seated.seat相关归纳:(1)seat sb./oneself + 介词短语(表示动作)He seated himself in a chair.他在椅子上坐下。The young couple seated themselves upon a bench that stood by the lake. 这对年轻的夫妇在湖畔的长椅上坐下。(2)be seated +介词短语(表示状态)She was seated at the piano with her back to them. 她坐在钢琴旁,背对着他们。(3)sp seat 人数 (有.座位,容纳.人,作这一用法时等于hold, admit)The auditorium seats/holds/admits 3,000 people.这个礼堂可坐三千人。There are seven waiting room there, seating 17000 people in all. 那里有七个候车室,总共可坐一万七千人。注意:seated可以理解为形容词来表示状态。I found him seated at the window.=I found him sitting at the window.我发现他坐在窗户旁边。11 You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted.shall作为情态动词的用法(1)用于任何人称的陈述句,在陈述句中表示允诺、威胁、命令、决心、规定、要求等。表示允诺Tell her that she shall get the book tomorrow. 告诉她明天就可以拿到那本书了。You shall have higher pay if you work well. 如果你工作得好,你就可以得到较高的工资。 表示威胁、命令If you wont do as I tell you, you shant get your birthday gift. said father to Tom. 父亲对汤姆说:“如果你不听话,你就得不到生日礼物。” You shall do everything as I do, so look carefully. said the teacher to the students.老师对学生说:“你们必须照我做的去做,看仔细了。” 表示决心Everything shall be done to save the ship. 必须尽一切力量来营救这艘船。The enemy shall be wiped out. 敌人一定会被消灭。用在条约、规章、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,一般用于第三人称表示“应,必须”Intruders shall be punished.非法闯入者将遭处罚。用在某些从句中,表示意图,要求,相当于should。 We are anxious that he shall be given a chance to try it out. 我们热切希望能给他机会试一试。My demand is that you shall get it ready before five. 我要求你在五时前把它准备好。(2) 用在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一、第三人称“.好吗?要不要.?”Shall we begin now?我们现在开始好吗?Shall I wait outside?我在外面等好吗?Shall I turn on the lights?我开灯好吗?12. Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.go/get down on ones knees 跪下、屈膝Never go down on ones knees before enemy.在敌人面前决不能屈膝。He went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪地求饶。 Father went down on his hands and knees and let his son ride on his back. 父亲趴在地上让儿子骑在他背上。 注意:go down落下;下降;减弱He got home before the sun went down.太阳下山前他到了家。The price of eggs has gone down.蛋价下降了。The wind has gone down a little.风势已减弱了一些。(2)get down吞下;记录;使沮丧She couldnt get the medicine down.那药她吞不下去。Please get down what he says.请把他的话记下。The continual wet weather is getting me down.持续的潮湿天气使我沮丧。pay back 偿还;报复Have l paid you back the $20 you lent me? 你借给我的20美元我还给你了吗? He paid me back by not coming.他采用不来的办法报复我。pay for 付的钱;为付代价Before he pays he likes to know what hes paying for. 在付钱时,他喜欢知道他要付什么钱。He paid dearly for his careless slip. 他为自己粗心的失误付出了巨大的代价。pay off 还清;付完丁资后解雇;成功Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. 我们的计划当然成功了,那是个很好的主意。When the building was completed, he paid off the laborers. 大楼建好后,他付完工人的工资,打发他们离开。bargainbargain n. 交易,合同交易;协议;廉价买到的东西Clement made a satisfactory bargain with him.克莱门特和他作了一次满意的交易。These toys are a real bargain at such low prices.这些玩具的价格这么便宜,真划得来。He made a bargain with his wife You take care of the children and Ill cook. 他与她的妻子达成协议“有照看孩子,我负责做饭。”2) bargain vi. (常与with,for连用) 讲价;谈条件,达成协议She bargained with the fishmonger over the price.她与鱼贩讲价钱。They bargained on a two-year term.他们讲定以两年为期。概念提示重点/热点1:Antonio lost all his ship at sea at sea (1)在茫茫大海上,意指“离海岸很远”。 Now his ships were all at sea. 现在他的船都出海了。The ship hit an iceberg and buried at sea.这船撞上了冰山,葬身海底。Several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane. 由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。(2)be all/completely at sea=be at a loss茫然不知所措 Im all at sea. I cant understand that problem.我简直是一片茫然,我无法理解这个问题。The girl was completely at sea when her mother scolded her. 当母亲责怪她时,女孩茫然不知所措。相关归纳:有无冠词的意义变化:(1)by sea与by the sea经海路”,后者表示 “在海边”。 How did you go there? By train? No, we went there by sea. “你们怎么到那里去的?乘火车?”“不,我们乘船去的那里。” The Turners lived by the sea. 特纳一家住在海边。(2)go to the sea与go to sea的区别,前者意为“去海滨”(度假或野餐),后者表示“去当水手”。 Last Sunday, the students in Class Two went to the sea.上星期天,二班的学生去海边玩。I want to go to sea when I grow up. said the boy to his mother. 这小男孩对母亲说:“我长大了要去当水手。”(3)in possession of拥有;in the possession of为所有(4)by day在白天;by the day按日计算(5)be in charge of负责;be in the charge of由负责,在掌管之下(6)out of question毫无疑问,一定;out of the question不可能(7)go to school (church) 上学(做礼拜)go to the school (church) 到学校(教堂)去(8)in hospital住院;in the hospital在医院里重点/热点2:on one condition该介词短语意为“规定一个条件”。He allowed me to do it on one condition.他让我做这件事情但是必须遵守一个条件。on condition that 这是一短语连词 (=only if),引导条件状语从句。Ill give you the day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning.You can use the bicycle on condition that you return it tomorrow.只要你明天归还,自行车你可以拿去用。易混易错点1:动名词作主语Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。Climbing mountains is really fun. 爬山是真有趣。Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a suffer. 在这种工作条件下工作不是愉快而是痛苦。动名词作主语,有时先用it作形式主语,把动名词置于句末。这种用法在习惯句型中常用。It be no use/good/a waste of time+ doing sth.There +be +no +动名词,含义上相当于its impossible to doIt is no use/no good crying over spilt milk. 洒掉的牛奶哭也没用。It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join us. 劝说这样的人加入真是浪费时间。It was hard getting on the crowded street car. 上这种拥挤的车真难。It is fun playing with children. 和孩子们一起玩真好。There is no joking about such matters. 对这种事情不是开玩笑。注意:不定式和动名词作主语的区别(1) 动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作。Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)It is not very good for you to smoke so much你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)(2) 动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。不定式短语通常用来表示一件未完成的事或目的。Climbing mountains is interesting爬山很有趣。(经验)Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验) (3)不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。It took me only five minutes to finish the job讲题组课内题例与课后题:课内题例1. She is a kind-hearted woman and often has mercy _ these who are in trouble.A. a; for B. 不填; on C. some; to D. much; with变式1. They were lost at sea, _ the mercy of winds and waves.A. in B. on C. at D. under解析: have mercy on / upon 是固定短语,只能使用介词 on 或upon。另外,短语中的mercy是不可数名词,前面不可加不定冠词。答案:B变式1. 考查固定短语be at the mercy of 受 支配。答案:C2. _ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.A. As long as B. As far as C. Just as D. Even if解析: 选项A中的 as long as 表示“只要”;选项B中的 as far as 跟其后的I can see 一起表示“据我看,据我所知”;选项 C 中的Just as表示“就在时”;选项D中的Even if表示“即使”。答案:B3. It is reported that the United States use _ energy as the whole of Europe.A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much变式1. Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many变式2. A mouse can eat _.A. double its weight B. its double weight C. its weight double D. two times its weight解析:本题考查倍数的表达方式。表示倍数的名词要放在as.as的前。答案:D变式1.考查特殊的倍数表示方法:倍数as +many/much +n. +as ,另外more than 修饰twice表示程度,所以答案为:D变式2. 该句意思是“老鼠可以吃它体重两倍重的食物。”考查“倍数+ ones +n.”这一特殊的倍数表示方法。答案:A4. - You havent lost the ticket, have you?- _. I know its not easy to get another one at the moment.A. I hope not B. Yes, I have C. I hope so D. Yes, Im afraid so变式1. is our hope that there will be a film on Sundays evening.A. There B. That C. This D. It解析:考查语境中的交际用语。根据上下文的语境可以得出答案。题意为:“你没把票弄丢,是吧?”“我希望没丢,我知道现在很难再买一张。”从后文可以看出,这里是希望没有丢。答案:A变式1. it 为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的that 从句。答案:D5.She will join us one condition that we divide all the profits equally.A. inB. for C. on D. to变式1. .We will not attend the party we are not invited.A. on condition that B. unless C. however D. whenever解析:5.C 此题考查短语on one condition“在这种条件下”。变式1 on condition that意思是“只要”,与句子意思相符。答案:. A 课后题:1.Because he was so deeply ,he was declared to be bankrupt.A. out of debtB. out of debt C. in debt D. into debt2.Nancy is not coming tonight.But she !A. promisesB. promisedC. will promiseD. had promised3.I dont know whether you happen ,but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.A. to be heardB. to be hearingC. to hearD. to have heard4.She begged me to have mercy him.A. onB. inC. toD. with5.Mr.John ordered that the letter at once.A. typeB. to typeC. be typedD. typing解析:1. C 题意为:因为他负债很多,他被宣布破产了。in debt意为“负债”。2. B 这里是说她过去答应过要来,这从but所表达的语气中可看出,所以用过去时。3. D happen后面用现在完成时,表示动作发生在不定式to study的前面。4. A have mercy on sb.是固定搭配,意为“宽恕某人”。5. C order后的宾语从句要虚拟语气,should可以省略。课后练习题A组:1.I shall my overcoat before I go out.A. wearB. have onC. dressD. put on2. Its high time the sum was paid _ to the bank with interest.A. for B. off C. back D. on3.The boss desired all the letters .A. burningB. being burntC. to be burntD. burnt4. I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.A. As long asB. As far asC. Just asD. Even if5.At last, we couldnt help mercy the beggar.A. show;toB. showing;toC. have;onD. have;to6.I have for the trick he played on me.A. paid him backB. picked him upC. seen him offD. looked him down7.We have received an order that all the students ad teachers to the play-ground.A. will comeB. would comeC. should comeD. came8.The Smith bought a new car, which was the of their neighbours.A. envyB. admireC. respectD. proud9.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was of cheating customers.A. accusedB. chargedC. scoldedD. cursed10.When he saw his father his paper plane, he burst into .A. tore up;tearB. tear up;tearsC. tore down;tearsD. tore off;tears答案:1. D 这里需要动作性的短语,所以选put on。2.C 此题主要考查短语辨义。正确分析各选项的意义。题意是:到向银行还本付息的时候了。3.C desire表示“要求”,用desire sth. to be done结构,因为不定式与letters之间是逻辑上的动宾关系4.B 此题考查连接词的用法。as far as表示“远到;就某种程度或范围而言”,常构成as fast as I know“就我所知”;as far as I can see“我认为”;as long as“只要”;even if“即使”;just as“就在时”。根据题意“在我看来,只有一种可行的办法来躲避这次危险”。故选B。5.B couldnt help doing“情不自禁干某事”;show mercy to“对仁慈(宽容)”。故选B。6.A 根据题意“我因他对我的玩笑而报复了他。”pay back“偿还报复”;pick up“捡起,接某人”;see off “送行”;look down“轻视,看不起”,故选A。7.C 此题考查order后从句用虚拟语气,should+动词原形。8.A 根据题意“史密斯一家买了一辆新车,成为了邻居们羡慕之物”。envy用作名词,表示“所羡慕之物”。admire“羡慕,钦佩”,不作名词用。9.A A、B、C均有“指控,指责,责备”之意,但搭配不同;accuse sb of /charge sb with/scold sb for。10.B 根据题意“当他看到他父亲撕毁了他的纸飞机时,他突然哭了”。tear up“撕毁”;burst into tears“突然哭了”。单词拼写1.She m him for his money.2.His explanation sounds (合乎情理的)3.Your headache is a (结果)of drinking too much last night.4.She (声称) that he knew nothing about it.5.As your (惩罚),half of your money is Antonios.答案:1. married 2. reasonable 3. result 4. declared 5. punishment.B组:一、 汉译英1. 你打算怎样着手建鸟舍?2. 他向她求婚,但是她拒绝了。3. 他们饶恕了被打败的敌人。4. 我不妨告诉你真相。5. 这座塔是那座楼房的三倍高。6. 他没法恰当地表达出他的感情,不管他多么想这样做。7. 那家大型电影院能坐两千人。8. 他开始新工作时,茫然不知所措。9. 这年轻人双手着地,然后靠墙倒立。10.这件夹克衫价格如此低真是便宜货。答案:1. How will you go about building the bird home?2. He asked her to marry him, but she refused (to marry him).3. They showed mercy to the defeated enemy.4. I might as well tell you the truth.5. The tower is three times the height of the building.6. He couldnt well


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