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英文入职自我介绍范文英文入职自我介绍1Hello, everyone, my name is zhang wei, have beenin the social work before came to the company for twoyears.Two years is not long,but also letme out justfromthe school of young and confusion, I have a certainknowledge of social work and adaptation, as well as intheoriginalworkoflosingtheyoungshouldhaveenthusiasm and positive. I originally want to engagein margin line, decided to change a work to learn,because I think as young people should be willing tochallenge myself, to engage in different industries.So Iwenttothehuangshangolfinternationalcommerce promotionco.,LTD.,to be a customer servicecommissioner. Although I have are unfamiliar to theindustry, but I believe that god reward those who workhard,hard work,as longas inthe laterwork a seriousand uemitting hard work, I will adapt to and grasp thework,become a qualifiedcustomer servicecommissioner,togetherwithhuangshan golfclubdevelopment,grow uptogether.英文入职自我介绍2Hello,I'm wang togolfinternationalcommercepromotion co., LTD., has been for a week, for a newemployee, I want to work in the future I have a lot ofthingsneedtolearn,needtoconsultalotofcolleagues and leaders to, as far as possible to thefastest time to adapt to the new environment.Hope Ican inthefuturework give fullplayto theirprofessional expertise, efficient finish work mattersassignedbytheleadershipofthecompany,forChina's golf tomorrow contribute an own strength.英文入职自我介绍3I came to Los relaxation although only one month,but in this short month, the company made me feel thattheworkofleadershipexcellence,continuousinnovation,foremployeesinevery possibleway formetojoin-Losrelaxationislucky.Tobecomeamember of the company, I feelveryproud,I believethatpride will make me even more passion into work.As a new work environmentintoa new staff,althoughin the past have accumulatedsome experience,butjustwent to the company, isinevitable,oralittlepressure.Inordertomake theirworkingstatusas earlyas possible and adapt the working environment, there are problems in time to ask my colleagues to activelywork to learnthenecessaryexpertiseto improvetheirprofessionallevel.DuringthistimeIlearneda lot ofknowledge, their skills have been greatly improved,passes very full and happy, No matter how tired it isworth it!Here,I especiallywant to thankme during thistimeto help the leadership and colleagues, it is becauseof the meticulous care and trouble they help me get itas soon as possible from the kind of tension in theliberation,so Iquicklyadaptto theenvironment,loveto put all the work!As I understand it, Los relaxationis concernedabouttheireveryemployee tohave enoughspaceforeachemployeeshowingthemselves!InLosrelaxation,Iliketheclerkof thiswork,because thispost is highly challenging, let me put 10 years ofknowledgeand applytheirknowledge,and can playwellI plantodealwithissuessuch as capacityitisbecauseof work like, so that I can whole-heartedly to work.Iknow that theonly positiveactioncan bringaboutfruitfulresults.Inorder to do a good jobsellingthiswork, I was led to my heart's doing each task.Forme, Los relaxationisa new environmentdifferentfromthe past, have contacted all the people and things arenew.As anew employee,I'mgoingtotaketheinitiative to learn, adapt to the environment, whilealso showing his respect superior to the company, infulltrustandcooperationwillbebasedongoodrelationships.Inaddition,Iwouldliketolearn atalltimesmaintainahighpassion,constantlyaddedknowledge and skills to adapt to development of thecompany.Iam at work theremay be confusionand pressure,but I believe that as long as the correct attitude tohave full confidence in the courage to go on, it willbe a success.Community development,informationisgrowing,thechallenges are increasing.I not only want to play totheirstrengths,butalsotolearnfromthe experienceof others through, to improve their own quality.Losrelaxthecompany'sdevelopmentgoalsareambitiousand long-term,thecompany's developmentis that every one of us, I believe I have the abilityto grasp theopportunityto challenge togetherwiththeLos relaxation!


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