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(8) information(9) making sense of world劝说 (10) self-expression(1) survival(2) cooperation(3) personal needs(4) relationships(5) persuasion(6) power(7) social needs用 P4 P6 Survival、Co-operation 、Personal needs. 回答,不要求全部都写出来,但是至少要答四到五个,理解读懂还要有对这个词的解释 P6掌握交际的概念(Defi nition )? Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.? Eg: buy computer via Internet? Communication someone perceives behavior or its residue and attributes meaning to it. Communication has taken place regardless of whether that behavior is conscious or unconscious. Intentional or unintentional. P10 (很重要)交际的过程(the process )1. the components of communication? Message? Sender? Receiver? Channel? Noise? Feedback? Encoding/Decoding2. Models of communication?(1) the linear model?(2) the circular model?(3) the contextualized model)里的黑体标题要看懂动态符号性复杂性 P14 交际的特征(Characteristics1. communication is dynamic2. communication is irreversible3. communication is symbolic4. communication is systemic5. communication is self-reflectiveis interactive 交互性7. communication is complex P22里的最后一段中影响跨文化交际的主要三个因素Lan guage barriers , differe nt values, differe nt cultural patter ns of behavior ICC与ICBC的概念1. i ntercultural com mun icati on (ICC)?-i nterpers onal com muni cati on betwee n members of differe nt cultures.2. in tercultural bus in ess com mun icati on (ICBC)?-com muni cati onwithin and betwee n bus in esses that in volve people from moretha n one culture P31 课后练习中的 Discussio n Questio ns P41关于文化的概念在这页的第五段? Culture is the total accumulati onbehaviors,in stituti ons(习俗)的前三个问题(积累)of beliefs, customs, values,and com mun icati on patter ns (样式)that areshared, learned and passed down through the generationsin an identifiablegroup of people. P42文化的特点还要解释四个到五个?1. culture is not inn ate; it is lear ned . sn eez ing)?2. culture is tran smitted from gen erati on to gen erati on?3. culture is selectives moveme nt)?4. the facets of culture are in terrelated . wome n?5. culture is eth nocen tric?6. culture is subject to cha nge P46 价值观的概念(definition of value )?One s principles or standards, one s judgment of what is valuable orimportant in life? A broad tendency to prefer certainstates of affairs over others. (HofstedeP46)? A con cepti on, explicit or implicit, disti nctive of an in dividualorcharacteristic of a group, of the desirable which in flue ncesthe select ionfrom available modes, mea ns, and ends of acti on.(11) P45 (重点)values from the core of culture? form the core of culture?2. values are the deepest mani festati ons of culture and most difficult toun dersta nd by an outsider. (symbols-heroes-rituals-values, by Hofstede)(12) P48价值观的分类? values ., happy life)? values . modesty for Chin ese culture)?3. peculiar expressi on or deviati onsof in dividuals with in cultures(subjective culture)(13)P49价值观是怎样形成的?how to get one s value ?1. from one s family?school educatio n teachers?3. from one s peers?4. from society at large(1A)P59 (很重要)hofstede-Bonds Value Dimensions? In dividualism vs. Collectivism? Power Dista nee? Un certa inty Avoida nee? Masculi nity vs. Fem inin ity回答这个题目时要说这个理论是谁写的,叫什么名字,理论是什么(从P60-64答)还要解释,还要给例子,比如P62的图表。这样才能得高分(15) P80课后练习第一大题的前三个问题(16) P222商务礼仪的重要性从这页的第二段前四句回答?1. to in crease the quality of life in the workplace?2. to con tribute to optimum employee moral? establish the compa ny image? play a major role in gen erati ng profit(17) P223Defi ning Busi ness Etiquette and Protocol(礼仪指的是什么。做)具体分析? Etiquette refers to manners and behavior con sidered acceptable in social and bus in ess situati ons.? Protocol: customs and regulati ons deali ng with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official deali ng with pers ons in various cultures. Cha ney and Marti n(2002) Difference betwee n etiquette and protocol? Protocol is what to do in a given situation.? Etiquette is how to do it and how to do it gracefully.(18) P225 (很重要)Cultural differe nces in bus in ess etiquette and protocol这两者中的不一样?会解释,举例子说明?1. in itial bus in ess relati on ship?2. Social en terta inment?3. Gift givi ng etiquette四个角度回礼节指怎样文化在? dressschedule use of humor(19) P254课后练习第一大题的1 2 3 5(20)写作注意格式,格式占一半分January月July七月February二月August 八月March 三月September 九月April四月October 十月May五月November 十一月June 六月December 十二月


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