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Unit3 Is this y our pencil 课后练习(二)题 一: 1. Look! Wha ts _ in English? It s an eraser.A. theseB. thisC. those2. Are_ your watches there?A. theseB. thatC. those3.-_ your costs?-No, _.A.Is this, it isn tB. Are thes e, they arentC. Are those, those arnt题二: _ math books. They re _ books.A. Their, theyB. They re, theirC. Them, theirD. They, them s题三: 1._ you _ your delicious food.A.Thanks, forB. Thank, toC.Thank, for翻译句子2.感谢你做的一切。3.谢 谢您把车借给我。题四: -I am sorry to h ear that your mother is ill in hospital.-_.A. That s all right.B. Don t be so sorry. She is welsoon.C. It is nothing.D. It s very kind of you.题五:A.ofTom asked me _ a photo of me.B.atC.forD.to题六:A.inPlease e-mail us _ B.at4250250qq. com.C.onD.to题七: Li Lin is a good friend of mine. Igo to1home for dinner. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong_2inhishome, too. We3a good dinner. There is(有 )4 meat, chicken, fish,milkand vegetables5the table. And there is _6_some rice, noodles, cakes, water and tea on it. We like7very much. Li Linand I like8meat, fish, vegetables, noodles and cakes. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong like to eat chicken, fishand9. They are really ( 确实地 ) nice._10are very happy.1.A. himB. heC. hisD. her2.A. areB. isC. amD. be3.A. hasB. takeC. drinkD. have4.A. lotB. manyC. someD. a5.A. inB. onC. atD.under6.A. andB. alsoC. tooD. but7.A. themB. theyC. theirD. theirs8.A. eatB. h a veC. hasD.to have9.A. riceB. ricesC. a ric eD. an rice10. A. UsB. OurC. WeD. IUnit3 Is this you r pencil课后练习参考答案题一:B C B解析:1.根据is判定用单数形式,故选择B。2.根据there 可知排除A ,又因为are,可知选择C 。3.根据coats 先排除A , are these/those 提问时,用they 回答,故排除C,选择B。题二:B解析:第一个是主语,需要主格,排除AC 。选项D 缺少谓语动词,故此题选B。第二个空填形容词性物主代词,表示“他们的”。题三: C; Thank you for everyt hing. ; Thank you for lending me your car.解析: 1.thanks 为名词 = thank you ,故排除A ; thank sb. for st h.“因 .而感谢某人” ,故选择C。2.thank sb. for sth. “因 .而感谢某人” 。3.thank sb. for sth. “因 .而感谢某人” 。 lend sb. Sth.“借给某人某物” 。题四: D解析: 根据上文,“很难过听说你母亲生病住院了” Thats all right “没关系” ,回答别人的感谢和道歉;,下文应该对对方的关心表示感谢,选择D ,“你真好”;B 不符合英语习惯;it is nothing “小事”,不合语境。题五 :C解析:ask sb. for sth.“向某人索要某物” 。题六:B解析:email sb. at +电邮地址。题七:CADCBBADAC解析:1.根据下文in his home, too ,可知选择C。2. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong 作主语, be 动词用 are。3.have a din ner“吃饭”,主语为we,用 have。4.meat 不可数,所以排除BD , a lot of=lots of 修饰可数名词和不可数名词,所以排除A ,选择 some。5.在桌子上用on。6.根据句意,空处缺少副词“也”,先排除AD ; too“也”,放在句末,逗号隔开;also“也”,放在句中,故选择 B。7.空处缺少宾语,指代上文食物,用宾格形式them。8.like to do “喜欢做某事” ,故选择D 。9.rice“米饭”为不可数名词,故选择A 。10.空处作主语,故先排除AB ,又因为空后are 可知排除D ,选 C。


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