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2020学年人教版英语精品资料 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Period 4 (Section B 2aSelf Check)【教学目标】 知识目标 1. Master the new words and useful expressions. 2. Master the target language. 能力目标 1. Be able to grasp the main idea of the article. 2. Be able to describe where things are. 3. Develop students reading and writing competence. 情感目标 Educate students to be tidy and put things in order.【教学重难点】 重点 1. Master the new words and useful expressions. Words: tidy, but, our, everywhere, always 2. Be able to grasp the main idea of the article. 3. Be able to describe where things are. 难点 Develop students reading and writing competence. 【教学准备】 The text book and handouts.【教学方法】 任务型教学法、情景交际法、自主学习与合作学习相结合【课时安排】 One period【教学过程】 Step 1: Greetings and revision 1. Greetings T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, teacher. How are you? T: Fine, thanks. And you? Ss: Im OK. 2. Revision Review what we learned in the last period. Step 2: Lead-in T: We have finished most of Unit 4. And in this period, we will continue to finish Section B. But before that, I would like you to review what we learned before. Step 3: Presentation 1. Teach activity 2a (1) T: Now, well do some writing practice. (2) Ask students to have a look at the picture. T: Which place is it? Ss:Its a room. T: What can you see in the picture? S1: I can see two beds, a desk, a chair and a sofa. T: Great. Anything else? S2: I still can see a clock, some books and a schoolbag. T: OK. Write down the words you know for the things. Do it individually. Finally, Ill check your answers. (3) Leave the students three minutes to do this activity, and check the answers later. 2. Teach activity 2b (1) T: Now. Read through the instruction so that you can know how to do this activity. (2) Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy? T: Lets move to the activity 2b. Would you please look read the passage and answer the two questions? (3) Check the answers. T: I think most of you have finished. Please read the passage with your partners and check your answers together. (4) Read. First, ask the students to read the passage together. Then, invite some of them to read it for the class. 3. Teach activity 2c (1) Ask students to read through the instruction of this activity so that they can know how to do it. (2) Leave students two minutes to do this task individually. Move around the classroom to check the progress and give some help if necessary. (3) Invite some pairs to check their answers. Answers: ThingsWhereKatebooks and tapes, keys, a clock in the bookcase, in the schoolbag, on the deskGinabooks, a white model planeeverywhere, on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair, under the desk Step 4: Practice 1. Teach activities 3a (1) T: Lets work on 3a. First, have a quick look at the instruction and the chart in 3a so that you can know how to do this activity. (2) Ask students to complete the chart individually. (3) Leave students several minutes to do it. (4) Check the words and the phrases you know. T: Do you have these things? Where are they? T: I would like all of you to read the words and the phrases together. 2. Teach activity 3b (1) T: Write about where the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can. Please ask your classmates for help. Looking up the words in a dictionary is also a good way to study English. I hope you can get more from dictionaries. (2) Leave students several minutes to do this task. (3) As they work, move around the room, checking progress and offering help as needed. (4) Collect students notices. Choose the best ones to present to the whole class. Step 5: Consolidation Teach Self Check 1. Self Check 1 (1) T: Weve learned many things in our rooms. Now first review all the things in three minutes. Then lets have a competition. Well write the things you can remember in a piece of paper. Lets see who can remember the most. (2) Students review the words of the school things quickly. Then have a competition. (3) Check the numbers of the words on their paper to see who does the best. 2. Self Check 2 (1)T: Weve also learned how to talk about the location of some objects in this unit. Lets look around our classroom. What can you see in our room? Where are they? (2) Ask students to find out these things and write about the locations like the sample sentence. Then ask them to complete the chart individually. (3) Check the answers. 【课堂小结】


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