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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 My names Gina第五课时Section B (3aSelf Check) A基础起航 .根据句意和首字母提示填写单词。1Hello, Gina. Is this your_ruler?Yes, it is.2Hello, Im Jenny. Nice to meet_you.3I am Jenny and this is my friend_ Anna. We often play together after class.4Thats Alan. His last_ name is White.5Whats her phone_ number? Its 057467854210.6We are studying Unit(单元) One, the first_ unit.7Are you Helen?Yes, I am_8The baby can count(数数) from zero_ to ten.9Alice is a student in PEP primary school_Her phone number is 9513397.单项选择。(A)1._is your name?My name is Mike.AWhatBHowCWho DWhy (D)2.Good morning, Mr. Smith! My name_ Jack.Abe BareCam Dis(B)3.Thats a girl. Her name is _ALi Xiao Qin BLi XiaoqinCLi xiaoqin Dli xiao qin(C)4.My mother is Alice Johnson. _ phone number is 2546809.AHis BYourCHer DIts(B)5.Whats your _?Jim Green. Acolor BnameCnumber Dfriend (A)6.This is _ cup. Thats _ orange.Aa; an Ba; aCan; an Dan; a(C)7.This is a pen. _ white.AIt BIsCIts DHes(B)8.My name is Linda Smith. Linda is my _name.Alast BfirstCfamily Dfull(A)9._ name is Peter Brown.AHis BHerCIts DHers(D)10.Nice to meet you. _AGood morning.BHello.CHow are you?DNice to meet you, too.B语法扬帆 .完形填空。Hello, my dear friends. My _1_ is Judie. Im a _2_. Im from Beijing, _3_. And I am thirteen. Im at school now. So you see I am a _4_. My teacher is a beautiful lady. _5_ name is Chen Ting. She is a(n) _6_ teacher. Bob is my good friend. He is American. He is thirteen, too. Bob and I _7_ in Class 5, Grade 1. His English is very _8_. We like sports. We play basketball _9_ the afternoon. He has a nice book. Its name is “Go, Go to the Forest”. _10_ likes reading it very much.(B)1.A.numberBnameCclass Dschool(C)2.A.father BmotherCgirl Dboy(B)3.A.Australia BChinaCEngland DAmerica(D)4.A.doctor BworkerCteacherDstudent(A)5.A.Her BSheCHe DHis(B)6.A.JapaneseBEnglishCChineseDFrench(A)7.A.are BamCis Dbe(C)8.A.much BwellCgood Dglad(C)9.A.with BatCin Don(A)10.A.He BSheCIt DI.阅读理解。Hello! Im Bill Smith. Im twelve. This is my sister, Jenny. Shes ten. We are from the USA. But now we are in China. My father is an English teacher in a school. My mother is a doctor. They work hard. My mothers phone number is 13067809124. My fathers phone number is 15955667292. And my phone number is 76548900.At school I have a friend. His name is Ben Jones. Hes twelve, too. Hes from England. We both like China. (B)1.Whats my friends name?ABill.BBen.CJohn. DJenny.(A)2.Where is Ben now?AIn China. BIn England.CIn the USA. DIn Canada.(C)3.Whats Jennys last name?AJones. BBill.CSmith. DBen.(C)4.Whats the telephone number of Bills mother? A76548900. B15876645086.C13067809124. D15955667292.(D)5.Wheres Jenny from?AChina. BEngland.CJapan. DThe USA.单元写作指导。写前品读Hello, everyone. My name is Ma Wei. Im a middle school student in Hangzhou. Im 13 years old. Now Im in Class 4, Grade 7. My telephone number is 28739482. At school my good friend is Wang Feiyang. His QQ number is 937387203. We are in the same class. 任务一:根据短文内容填写下表。Name1._Ma_Wei_Age2._13_(years_old)_Phone number3._28739482_Class4._Class_4_Friend5._Wang_Feiyang_任务二:介绍人物基本信息可以用哪些句型?1名字_My_name_is./I_am._2年龄_Im._years_old._3号码_My_telephone_number_is._4班级Im in Class., Grade.5朋友_My_friend_is._写作实践假如这是你的学生证,请根据上面的信息介绍一下你自己的基本情况。词数不少于40。School: No.4 Middle SchoolFirst name: HelenLast name: ChenClass: Class 5, Grade 7Friend: JollinTelephone number: 84676678QQ number: 33405897Hello, I am Helen Chen. Helen is my first name and Chen is my last name. Now I am a student of No.4 Middle School. Im in Class 5, Grade 7. I have a good friend. Her name is Jollin. My telephone number is 84676678. My QQ number is 33405897. 猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。1lady _n._女士_2both _pron.两者都_


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