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2020学年人教版英语精品资料新目标英语八年级上学期复习提要(Units1-10)Review of Units 1-10 for Grade 8(A)I. Synonyms(近义词)1.have fun - have a great time- enjoy oneselfIhad great funlast week. (had a great time/enjoyed myself)2. be good at - do well in3. have to - must be able to-can/could 4. begin startbeginning 5. improve - make better 6.send -post 7. say yes to -agree with say no to -refuse/turn down8. be free/available - have time 9. would like - want -need10. go to the movies - see films 11. go to the doctor - see a doctor12.grow up - be older 13. make it - be successful14. discuss - talk about - have a discussion about 15. enjoy - like 16. play a part in - take part in - join in17. prepare for - get ready for 18. take place - happen19. hope to do sth. - wish to do sth. expect - look forward to20. hang out - spend time 21. invite - ask22. look after - take care of - care for 23. reply to - answer24. trust believe 25. feed - keep believe in 26. wonder - want to know27. get to - arrive in/at - reach 28. give sb. a hand - help sb.29. care - mind 30. have a word with sb. - talk with sb.31. take sbs place - take the place of sb. 32. be similar to - be the same as will - be going to33. performer - actor/actress 34. tomorrow - future35. film - movie autumn - fall holiday -vacation36. bike -bicycle TV -television37. morning meal - breakfast evening meal - dinner38. 数词+more + n. - another + 数词 + n.10 more minutes - _ _ minutes39. wonderful - great - excellent - fantastic40. enjoyable - interesting - fun41. wet - humid - rainy 42. simple - easy 43. free - available pretty - very - quite paying nothing for 免费的 beautiful44. famous - well-known main - the most important45. glad - happy 46. quite a few - many - a lot of - lots of47. everyone - everybody someone - somebody no one - nobody48. none - nothing/ not anything no one /not anyone49. once - one time twice - two times50. more than - over less than - under51. almost - nearly almost not - hardly 52. probably - maybe - possibly 53. next to - close to - near54. finally - at last - in the end during - in55. Sure. - Of course. - Certainly -No problem. - OK56. unless - if not as long as - if such as - like57. again - a second time 58. what else - what other things59. at the age of +数词 - when sb. be +数词David started playing soccer at the age of seven.(when he was seven.)60. so +adj./adv. +that 句子(否定)- too +adj/adv. + to +动词原形Shes so short that she cant join the club. -Shes too short to join the club.61. How come? - Why? on the Internet - onlineII. Antonyms1. teach - learn 2. get up - go to bed 3. stay - leave4. bring - take 5. wake - sleep 6. ask - answer/reply7. remember - forget 8. finish - start 9. read - write10. like - dislike agree - disagree possible - impossible11. left - right on the left - on the right12.stand - sit stand up - sit down13. lose - find 14. accept - refuse15. turn on - turn off turn up - turn down16. different - same be different from - be the same as17. day - night in the daytime- at night18. beginning - end at the beginning of - at the end of19. many - few much - little more - less least - most20. first - last at first - at last21. everything - nothing everybody - nobody22. both - neither all - none23. free - busy/full full - hungry 24.pretty -ugly25. interesting - boring interested - bored26. careful - careless carefully - carelessly27. meaningful - meaningless 28. sad - glad29. dangerous - safe 30. simple - difficulthard31. good - bad better - worse best - worst32. lazy - hard-working 33. poor - rich34. wet - dry 35. never - always36. quiet - loud quietly - loudly 37. below - above 38. with - withoutIII. phrases1.of course 2. on vacation summer camp 3.make friends make mistakes make money make soup/zongzi/ a wish 交朋友 犯错误 挣钱 做汤/包粽子/许愿make the soccer team make promises to sb. 向某人承诺 make a fire keep a promise break a promise4.help (sb.) with sth. agree with sb.5.be good with be good at be good for be good to6.seem to be tired seem impossible7. quite a few 8.nothing special somewhere wonderful9.on weenends on weekdays on school days/nights 10.after schoolafter classafter lunch before dinner11.dress up get up get dressed get lostget popular get a surpriseget to get an education get enough exercise12.take a shower take a walk take photos by subway/train/bus/taxi take the subway/train/bus/taxi take acting lessons 13. ride a bicycle 14. feel like15. half an hour a quarter to ten a quarter past sixhalf past seven16. wait for cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 17. because of 18. hardly ever19.enough money hungry enough carefully enough 20. tastes goodsounds good 21. such as for example22. at least 23. more than24. Long time no see. 25. swing dance 26. junk food27 once a week twice a month three or four times a yearfour to six times a week three meals a day一日三餐28. come true29.one 11-year-old boy five - hour bus ride30. go online go shopping/swimming/.fishing/bike riding/boating31. go to the doctor go to the dentist 去看牙医 go to the movies32. how farhow long how many how much how old33. Thanks for your invitation/asking.34. the same as be different from 35. fifteenpercent of the students36. truly talented pretty bad 37. bring out使显现;使表现出 find out hang out help out go out eat out blow out 38.have .in common 39. be up to welcome to 40. touchones heart reach for ones hand 伸手帮助某人be there for sb. 41. play a role 发挥作用;有影响 play a part参与;发挥作用42. be strict with sb. be angry with 43. befamous for be famous as 44. make up grow up wake up put up45. take seriously认真对待. take a message take a trip46. in the past in the future in the sky in the end 47. all kinds of a kind of kind of 48. be sure about make sure49. be ready to be able to be interested in50. soap opera action movie talk show game show talent show sports show a cartoon character51. in the 1930s in the coming year52. read a newspaper/bookwatch TV/ a video / the running races/a soccer game/news 53. take sbs place 54. do a good job55. the old peoples home childrens hospital the Dragon Boat FestivalThai Elephant DayChildrens DayWomens Day Teachers Day 56. talk on the phone watch the boat races on computers57. try ones best try to do sth.尽力做某事 58. get back from school call (sb. )back59. become rich /famous become an engineer60. at the beginning of as long as61. havea great time 62. study hard study medicine at a university63. have to do with have problems with64. write down write to sb.65. keep to oneself keep on doing sth 66. another time another foreign language another ten minutes another thing/one more thing67. fall down 68. look for look after look at look like look forward to 69. live to be 200 years old live in an apartment70. move to other planets on the right/left71. a piece of paper/news/music/bread一张纸/一则新闻/一首音乐/一块面包 72. enjoy reading see/hear sb. doing sth.73. in fact in half in life in spacein danger out of danger74. on a space station on paper 75. computer programmer a race car driver 一个赛车手76. rice noodles potato chips milk shake egg and tomato noodlesone large bowl of dumplings a small cup of yogurt the main dish主菜 traditional food Chinese medicine77. put into pour into add. to add some salt to the soup 往汤里加些盐 78. cut them up切碎 cut down 砍到 cut the meat into pieces 把肉切成碎片79. leave early run away from stay up late 熬夜 80. prepare for an exam study for a test 81. dig a hole peel three bananas feed sheep/chickens82. have the flu 患流感 have a surprise party举办惊喜的聚会83. one by one 逐个;依次;一个接一个84. by this Friday 截至本周五;本周五以前86. not until 直到才 not . at all一点.也不 85. hear from hear of 86. travel around the world 87. fly rockets to the moon -go to the moon _ rockets乘火箭飞往月球88.the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday89. ask sb. to do sth. teach sb. how to make a model plane90. space station subway station police station TV stationradio station fire station 91. as a special gift as a guide92. the best movie theater the worst service the biggest screen the most comfortable seats sing the most beautifully93. go on a school trip参加学校旅游 come true 实现 get good grades 取得好成绩94. call for more information 打电话询问更多信息95. high school middle school primary school a second languageinging competitionIV. Grammar Focusi. Nouns -s(一般情况)名词的数可数名词复数 -es(以s, x, ch, sh,辅O结尾) yi+es(以辅音字母+y结尾)名词 特殊变化:woman women, tooth teeth, foot feet ( a/o e) sheep, fish, Chinese, Japanese单复数一样 childchildren 不可数名词(rice, bread, chicken, beef, mutton, milk, porridge, meat, paper, news.)没有复数形式,在句中作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。e.g.There _ some news on the paper.(be)提问可数名词的量要用How many;提问不可数名词的量要用How much.数词、a/an、many, few, a few修饰可数名词;much, little, a little 修饰不可数名词。当百分数/half 修饰可数名词并作主语时, 其谓语v. 用复数;若修饰不可数名词时,其谓语v. 则用单数。如:35% of our teachers _ men.(be) Half of the food _bad.(go)ii. Pronouns1.人称代词和物主代词人称(主格)代词(宾格)Iweyouhesheittheymeusyouhimheritthem物adj.性主代词n.性myouryourhisheritstheirmineoursyourshishersitstheirs反身代词 myselfour-selvesyourselfhimselfherselfitselfthemselvesyourselves当句子中的主语与宾语是同一人时,宾语要用反身代词。 如:I teach myself English. They want to keep this to _. (they)2.不定代词(something,anything,nothing, everything,someone,anyone,no one, everyone )在句中作主语时,其谓语v.要用单数,修饰不定代词或不定副词的形容词要后置。如:_ Everyone here today?(be)I have _ to say now. A. important nothing B. nothing important3. all 用于三者(以上) 都 both 两者,作主语时,其谓语v.用复数 neither 表示“两者都不”,作主语时,其谓语V. 用单数iii. Numbers基数词数词 + thA week has seven days, and Saturday is序数词the seventh day of a week.(onefirst; twosecond; threethird;fivefifth; eight eighth; nine ninth; twelve twelfth; twenty twentieth )另外基数词one, two 还可变成次数once, twiceiv. Verbs1.实义动词do在一般现在时中,除第三人称单数外,谓语动词用原形。主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要加-s/-es。(have的单三形式是has)变疑问句时,只需借助动词do/does置句首,句中的实义动词要还原,变否定,更容易,在实义动词前加dont/doesnt,句中的实义动词要还原。用所给动词的适当形式填空:(1)I_ a pencil, and Lucy _ a pencil, too. (have)(2)_ you _ basketball? (play)(3)- _ your brother _ TV everyday?- No. He only _ TV on Saturday evening. (watch)(4) My mother _(not like)hamburgers.2.情态动词(can, may, must, have to, be able to, might, should)情态动词没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形。变疑问句、否定句与be动词雷同(但是have to不一样,而且be able to 有人称、数、时态的变化)。如:I can help you. Can I help you? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.He must go now. Must he go now? Yes, he must. /No, he neednt.He has to wear a uniform at school.Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.She is able to swim. Is she able to swim? Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.You may sit here. May I sit here? Yes, you may(can)./No, you cant(mustnt.)以may开头的一般疑问句,其否定回答要以cant/mustnt结尾;以must 开头一般疑问句,其否定回答要以neednt 结尾。-Must we finish our homework now? - No, you _. A. mustnt B. cant C. dont D. neednt- May I go home now? - Sorry,you _.A. may B. maynt C. cant D., neednt 3. 动词的时态动词的时态用法及标志构成一般现在时表示一般性、通常性、习惯性的动作或状态。常与often,usually, sometimes,every.,on Sunday, in the morning连用。动词原型或第三人称单数(动原或三单)一般过去时表示在过去时间里发生的动作或状态。标志:last year/,yesterday, two days ago, in 2002.过去式现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。标志:Look!/ Listen!;Its +时刻.; Be quiet! Now;上下文am/is/are +-ing一般将来时表示在将来时间里发生的动作或状态。标志:next year/,tomorrow, in two days, in 2022.will +动词原形be going to +动原4.动词的非谓语形式:动词不定式,动名词,分词使用动词要担心,分析成分看清谓,填谓注意用时态,非谓动词用不定,忙(be busy)完(finish)之后(for,about,at, in, to,with/without)去(go)忍受(stand) 保持(keep)实践(practice)享受(enjoy)在乎(mind) feel like 的-ing。助(do, does, did)使(make, let)感(hear, see)情(can, may, must)固(祈使句句首,please后)原形用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.Lucy _ (dance) on weekends.2.Listen! Who _ (talk) with your parents?3.Let me _ (have) a look.4.He wants _(make ) friends with you.5.Please _ at her.(look)6.Its time _ (play) badminton now.7.I _(like) koalas because they _(be) very cute.8.What _ you _ last weekend?(do)9.Tom is good at _. (swim)10. You _ fun if you go to the party.(have)v. Adjective &adverb1. 位置adj. 修饰n. 放在其前,修饰不定代词(不定副词)放在其后,常跟在连系V.(be, look, sound, smell)后作表语(sounds good),还可在n./pron. 后作宾补(make him angry); adv. 修饰v. 放在其后(eat well, run quickly,choose carefully),修饰adj.adv,放在其前(really talented)2. 比较等级(原级、比较级、最高级)1)形容词和副词的比较级的构成 -er/est(直) 单音节 -r/st(省)adj. & adv. 规则变化 部分双音节 -双写最后一个辅音字母再加er/est(双)的比较级/最高级 -辅字+y ier/iest(改) 多音节/少数双音节:在词前加more/most 不规则变化good(well)-better- best bad(badly)-worse-worst many(much)-more-most little-less-least far- farther- farthest A joke: big, hot, fat, thin, red, wet, sad 一个大热天,一个胖子和一个瘦子穿着红衣服,汗湿了,很伤心。 里面的adj.都要双写。以-ed, -ing, -ous, -able,-ly(除early外)结尾的派生adj./adv.一律在前面加more/most以构成比较级或最高级。 2)比较等级的用法及标志 原级用于一者之比,标志:very,quite, pretty, as as, not so as 比较级用于两者之比, 标志:than, much/far/a lot, the +比较级,the + 比较级, 比较级 +and + 比较级 比较时,主语必须和对比成分保持一致:Her hair is longer than yours.( your hair)常用the one 代替可数名词,the ones/those 代替复数名词,that 代替不可数名词。e.g.The book here is newer than the one on the desk. The apples on the tree are fresher than the ones/those in the box.The weather in Wuhan is hotter than that in Xian.最高级用于三者之比,标志:of/in +范围, one of +the +最高级 +复数, the +序数词+最高级 + 单数vi. Prepositions介词一般用于名词或代词前,表示该词与句子其他成分的关系。介词后面的代词要用宾格。after(在.以后) after class, after dinnerbefore(在.之前) before classbehind(在.的后面) behind the libraryin front of(在.前面) in front of themas(担任;作为) as a guide, as a boyat(在,根据,以) at three, at the House of Dumpling, at the library,call me at 8766065, at good pricesfor(为,对,达,计,以作交易) thank you for your help, for us, for 2 hours, buy the sweater for $ 20.from(从.开始) from A.M. to P.M.from Beijing to xianof(属于,.的) a photo of my familythe name of his dogon (在,在.上) on March 2ndon the tablein(用,以,在.里) in English, in purple, in the schoolbag, in China, in May, in 2014, in the afternoonunder(在.下) under the bedwith(和.在一起,带有,使用) play with our friendsbetween(介于.和.之间)between.and.在.和.之间between the restaurant and the post officeacross from在.的对面across from the hospitalnear(靠近;在.附近) near your housenext to(在.旁边) next to the police stationalong(沿着) go along Long Streetby(乘;坐;到.时;)by bike, by this Saturdayuntil(到.时;直到为止) I wont leave until 2 oclock pm.vii. Articles冠词是置于名词前,说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词。冠词包括定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a/an)和零冠词(不用冠词)一般复数名词、不可数名词、专用名词或名词前已经有指示代词或物主代词时;星期、月份、科目、三餐饭,球类名词前不用冠词。(1)- Do you have _ eraser?- No, I dont. But I have _ useful book.(2) _ woman is Mrs. Brown. She is _our math teacher.(3)After lunch, we have _art lesson for _ hour.(4)-Lets play _ tennis now.-That sounds good, but I must eat _ dinner.(5) - Is your favorite subject _ geography?V. Key drills and communicative languages(重点句型和交际用语)1.谈论过去的经历- How was your weekend?- It was great.- What did you do last weekend?- I went to the farm.- Where did you go on vacation? - I went to New York City.- Did you buy anything special? - No, I bought nothing.-Did you go with anyone? - No, no one was here. Everyone was on vacation.2.问频率- How often do you exercise? - Every day. / Once a week./Twice a week./I hardly ever exercise.- _ does he use the Internet? - At least three or four times a week.3.作比较(1)-Does Tara work as hard as Tina? - No, she doesnt. She works harder than Tina.(2)- Whats the best movie theater to go to in town?- Town Cinema. Its the closest to home. And you can buy tickets the most quickly there.4.谈计划-What do you plan to watch tonight? - I plan to watch Days of Our Past.- What can you expert to learn from sitcoms?- We can learn some jokes.5.谈看法(1)-What do you think of talk shows?- I dont mind them./ I cant stand them./I love watching them./ They are boring.(2) -


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