英语人教版必修3练习:Unit 4 Exercise 4 Writing Word版含解析

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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 4Exercise 4(建议用时:25分钟).完形填空 Big things were happening in my life the summer after I turned 13.In the middle of that summer,my parents _1_ my entire world and turned it upside down _2_ they told me they were getting a divorce.I couldnt believe that our family was going to _3_.Though I always knew my parents werent very happy and they often _4_,I still wanted my family to stay the same.My life changed completely _5_ the divorce.My mother and I moved into a small apartment across town,_6_ my father and brother,Bill,stayed in our house.I now became a _7_ whenever I went to see my dad and Bill on the weekends.And immediately I had my soontobe stepfather, Dan, whom I showed no _8_ in.I was depressed,especially after Dan and my mother married and I realized that there was no _9_ that things could change back to the way they were.Even though I _10_ all Dans attempts to get to know me and wasnt very _11_ to him,he never gave up on me._12_,I began to trust him.I realized that we actually had something in _13_, especially when it came to movies and TV shows.We _14_ a lot of time together hanging out watching TV.That gave us a chance to talk and get to know each other.Better still,Dan showed an interest in me that I had never experienced from my own father.Dan was always around when I needed _15_ on school or friends.Once I began to warm up to Dan,the three of us began spending a lot of time together.We often went out to eat and took short trips._16_,I discovered that I had the happy family that I had always wanted.I now realize my parents were _17_ about getting the divorce.Their divorce was the best thing to happen for all of us.My father also found happinesshe _18_ and had another child,my halfsister,Michelle.At 13,I learned an important _19_ change is not always the worst thing that can _20_.Sometimes,it is just what we need the most.语篇解读父母离婚对作者来说是晴天霹雳,但后来证明父母离婚是正确的。所以作者悟出生活中的道理:改变并不总是坏事情1.A.createdB.shookC.enteredD.occupied解析:由后文信息“they were getting a divorce”可推断:他们搅乱了我整个的世界。答案:B2.A.unless B.ifC.whenD.until解析:当他们告诉我他们要离婚的时候。答案:C3.A.break up B.hold upC.keep upD.show up解析:break up固定词组,指“分裂,解体”。答案:A4.A.whispered B.foughtC.talkedD.competed解析:从werent very happy及getting a divorce可推断:父母经常打架。答案:B5.A.throughout B.beyondC.beforeD.after解析:父母离婚后,我的生活彻底改变了。答案:D6.A.where B.althoughC.whileD.that解析:while表示对比。答案:C7.A.visitor B.relativeC.neighborD.stranger解析:既然离婚各自成家,我再次看望父亲及弟弟时,身份自然变成visitor。答案:A8.A.confidence B.interestC.fearD.anger解析:由后文I was depressed可知我对继父不感兴趣。答案:B9.A.doubt B.differenceC.pointD.chance解析:句式there was no chance that.指“没有的可能了;没有的机会了”。答案:D10.A.forgot B.supportedC.resistedD.valued解析:句意:即使我拒绝继父接近我,而且对他很冷淡。但他从未放弃。答案:C11.A.serious B.niceC.badD.generous解析:“not nice”表明作者对继父不好、冷淡。答案:B12.A.Gradually B.ImmediatelyC.UsuallyD.Regularly解析:Gradually说明我信任他是一个渐进的过程,与语境相符。答案:A13.A.mind B.troubleC.commonD.order解析:have something in common固定句式,指“有一些共同之处”。答案:C14.A.spent B.wastedC.lostD.saved解析:句意:我们一起度过很多时间看电视。答案:A15.A.experience B.informationC.impressionD.advice解析:此处指当我需要关于学校或朋友的建议时,Dan总是待在我身边。答案:D16.A.However B.BesidesC.EventuallyD.Occasionally解析:Eventually指“最终”。此处指我终于有了自己一直盼望的幸福家庭。答案:C17.A.wrong B.confidentC.guiltyD.right解析:从最后愉快的结局判断:我领悟到父母离婚是正确的选择。答案:D18.A.remarried B.returnedC.changedD.left解析:由后文had another child可知父亲再婚,而且又有了一个小孩。答案:A19.A.method B.truthC.skillD.word解析:truth指“真理”。从后文的解释可以推断。答案:B20.A.exist B.remainC.continueD.happen解析:句意:改变并不总是发生的最坏的事情。有时,改变恰恰是我们最需要的。答案:D.短文改错During the summer vacation this year,I thought I should do everything meaningful instead of stay at home,so I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there like a cleaner.I worked eight hours a day for three week.The job was hard and bored,and it seemed endless,what made me so tired that I nearly gave it up halfway.And I stuck to it with great determination.Every day I start off for work early in the morning and got to home late in the evening.Finally I finished the job before the new term began.Now,I understand what labor means.I think it is great experience.答案:During the summer vacation this year,I thought I should do meaningful instead of at home,so I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there a cleaner.I worked eight hours a day for three .The job was hard and ,and it seemed endless, made me so tired that I nearly gave it up halfway. I stuck to it with great determination.Every day I off for work early in the morning and got to home late in the evening.Finally I finished the job before the new term began.Now,I understand what labor means.I think it is great experience.


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