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人教新起点六年级下学期英语语法填空过关专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 填空题。1A: Is the man_than the woman?B: Yes, he is stronger than her.2A: How_are you, Tom?B: I am 75 kilograms.3A: What_are your shoes?B: My shoes are size 38.2. 写出下列规则动词三单形式,现在分词和过去式。1laugh 2try 3point 4plan 5hope 3. 填空题。1My grandma_(watch) TV every day .2Ann often_(watch) TV at home. She_(watch) again last night.3He wears shorts_Australia.4Danny_(buy) three balls.5Swimming is_(easy) for me. I cant swim.4. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1There_(be) a_(little) juice in the glass.2Look! The baby_(bite) the corn hard. But it doesnt help.3Please show us how_(draw) the elephant.4There are_months in a year in China. December is the_one. (twelve)5_(make) your dream come true, you must work hard.5. 读一读,按要求写单词。1young(比较级)_ 2thin(比较级)_3big(比较级)_ 4have(过去式)_5go(过去式)_ 6hurt(过去式)_7buy(过去式)_ 8fish(动名词)_9active(反义词)_ 10metre(另一种形式)_6. 读句子,找出正确的一项写在横线上。1Im hungry. Id like_(any / some) bread.2These balls_(is / are) five dollars.3This basketball is_(heavy / light). I cant throw it.4Danny always_(think / thinks) he can hit the ball.5Yesterday they_(watched / watch) Bob play basketball.7. 按要求写单词。1won(同音词) 2wish(复数)3speak(过去式) 4one(序数词)5cry(第三人称单数形式)8. 写出下列形容词的副词。1quiet 2beautiful3happy 4angry5good 6excited7fast 8early9. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Dont climb the tree._2We can read books and borrow (借)books in a l_.3This is the biggest_in our city.4What do you know about Xu Beihong?He was Chinese. He was an_(画家). He was good at_(用颜料画) horses.10. 根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1C_Day is on June1stin China.2That_(小丑) is very funny.3Linda b_some snacks and drinks from home.4A bus_(出现) around the corner.5These colourful_(气球) are beautiful.6The class_(开始).7There is a p_at Wang Bings house.8Su Hai is going to bring some toys and play with her f_at the party.11. 填空题。1We have English class_10:00.2I miss_(they) very much.3Its cool in autumn. I_my bike.4Itsdifficultto learn English well._(画线部分反义词)5I often make mistakes_English words.12. 选词填空。(只填字母序号)A. did B. Where C. hurt D. weekend E. gifts1What_you do last weekend?2_did you go?3I went camping last_.4Mum bought some_for me last weekend.5I_my foot.13. 根据提示词或图示,填空完成句子,一空一词。1Our classroom is on the_floor. (two)2_quietly.3Lily is 0.13 m_ than Lisa. (tall)4_your weekend? It was fun. (how)5The girl likes_.14. 用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。1There are four_(season)in a year.2She can_(run)very fast.3Do you like_(swim)in Dameisha in summer?4I dont like_(rain)days.5Be quiet. Please dont disturb_(he).15. 看图片,把句子补充完整。1What did you do yesterday?I_.2What happened to you?I_yesterday.3My shoes are_.4Did you_?5The giraffe is_than the elephant.16. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1_(keep) safe, we must look out of the car.2Bobby_(ask) Sam some questions about the traffic lights now.3We can cross the road with other_(people).4_(keep) safe. we must wait for a moment.5The driver must_(look) at the traffic lights.6The driver sees the red light. He_(stop) the bus again.7Sam sings_(bad). I cant stay here.8I_(cant / mustnt) see any birds in the tree.9Look, the children_(cross) the road with their teachers.10Nancy_(see) a film tomorrow afternoon.17. 根据首字母提示写出所缺单词,补全句子。1Dont_here!2Which season do you like best?I like_best. Because I can_.3What can you see on the desk?A_.4_(欢迎) to my home.5In s_, its h_. Its not cold. The s_shines and shines. We can stay at h_. We can e_ice cream. We can swim i_the river.6Whats this?Its a_.18. 根据句意,首字母,汉语或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1I am going to visit the Art Museum,_Museum(科学博物馆),_Museum(历史博物馆),_Museum(机器人博物馆), and_Museum(汽车博物馆)this summer holiday.2Is Qiqi_the box?Yes.3There is a sofa, a_(桌子), a_(电视), and a_(台灯)in the sitting room.4Its not a desk. Its a t_5Now Danny is_(put) on his winter coat.6What_(happen) to you? I_(lose) my keys.7Everyone wants to be_(health) and strong.19. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Wang Bing and I_(be not) going to the party tomorrow.2Miss Li_(tell) a story tomorrow afternoon.3What_they_(bring) tomorrow?4I_(watch) TV with my mother last Sunday.5Here_(be) some toys cars for_(he).6Lets_(go) there by bus.OK.7My mother_(go) to Shanghai next week.8Helen is going to_(play) the guitar.6 / 6


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