人教版七年级上期 Unit 2 This is my sister 单元导学案

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人教版七年级上期 Unit 2 This is my sister 单元导学案_第1页
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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2 This is my sister.学习目标:1.掌握一些表示人物关系的单词。 2.学会介绍他人,辨认人物。重点:句型:Whos she?She is my sister.These are my parents.难点:this,that,these,those.第1课时(Section A 1a2c)【温故互查】 一、 请在课前会拼读下面的单词,并熟记。sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these读写生词并熟记,看谁记得快。1.妈妈_ 2.爸爸 _ 3.父母 _ 4.奶奶,外婆 _ 5.爷爷,外公_ 6.姐;妹_7.朋友_ 8.祖父(母);外祖父(母)_ 9.兄;弟_ 10.谁_ 11.这些_12.那些_ 13.家庭_设问导读请在课本第7页找出下列词组,并熟记。1.我的妈妈_ 2.我的爸爸_ 3.我的朋友_ 4.这是_通过预习SectionA1a-1c之后,请快速翻译下列句子。他是我的哥哥_.她是谁?_?她是我的姐姐。_.那是我的家人。_那些是我的父母。_这些是我的兄弟们。_他是谁_?写出反义词1.this_ 2.those_拓展探究三、翻译下列句子。1. 这是我的妈妈. 2. 这是我的姐姐.3. 这是我的朋友 4. 这是我的哥哥5. 这是我的爸爸 6. 这是我的外祖父7.对比出真知,你能说出下列两组句子的区别吗?1)This is my friend. These are my friends._思考:前一句用的是is,表示的是几个人?后面一句用的是are.表示的还是一个人吗?前后在构造上有什么区别?总结反思 _第2课时(Section A 1a2c)教学目标:1.知识目标:重点词汇:she he aunt重点句型:Is she your sister? Yes,she isNo,she isnt. Are these your parents? Yes.,they are./No, they.arent.2.能力目标:(1)学会确认人物。(2)掌握使用含有be动词的一般疑问句来询问。 3.情感目标:了解和熟悉家人和朋友。重点: 句型:Whos she?Is she my sister? Are these my parent?难点: 一般疑问句。【温故互查】 一、请在课本第7页找出下列词组,并熟记。1.我的姐姐们_ 2.我的哥哥们_ 3.我的朋友们_ 4.这些是_设问导读二、翻译下列句子。1. 这些我的朋友们. 2. 这些是我的父母.拓展探究四、预习课本77-78页可数名词单数变复数的规则,写出下列名次的复数形式。 friend_ brother _ sister_ pen_ box_ watch _ dish _ class _ family_ dictionary_ strawberry _ boy_ key_ leaf _ knife_【课堂检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Hi, Tom. This is_ (I) good friend. 2. This is _ (he) father.3. _ (This) are your dictionaries. 4. This _ (be) my mother5. These are _ (she) brothers. 二单项题 1. Hello, Mary! These_ my parents. A. is B. are C. am2. This is_ friend, Jin Fang. A. his B. he C. she3. _ are his parents. A. this B. these C. it 4. These are his _. A. brother B. parent C. parents5. This is her_. A. sister B. grandparents C. friends总结反思 _第3课时(Section A 1a2c)学习目标:1.知识目标: 重点词汇:son cousin daughter uncle picture photo 重点句型:This / That is These / Those are Is he / she ?2.能力目标:1)能够综合运用所学语言介绍他人和确认人物。2)能够在句子的人称和数上正确的使用一致关系。3.情感目标:加强同伴之间交流,增进友谊。重点:This / That is These / Those are Is he / she ? 难点:this,that,these,those. 【温故互查】 一、请在课本第7页找出下列词组,并熟记。1.那是_ 2.那些是_ 设问导读二、翻译下列句子。1. 那是我的朋友 2. 那些是我的父母.【课堂检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Hi, Tom. Thats_ (I) sister. 2. Thats _ (he) brother.3. _ (That) are her friends. 4. Those _ (be) my sisters.5. Those are _ (she) friends.总结反思 _第4课时(Section A 2a-3c)【温故互查】一、 请在课前拼读并熟记以下单词, 并熟记。They, well, have, day, Have a good day! Bye= goodbye, Sally, Kate, Paul设问导读二、请在课本第8页找出下列词组并熟记并预习2d的对话。1. 她的爸爸_ 2. 你的父母_3. 他们是_ 4. thats=_5. whore = _ 6. whos = _ 7. theyre=_ 8. parents=_补全单词1.s_st_ _ 2. p_r_nt 3.br_th_ _ 4.gr_ndp_r_nt 5.c_ _s_n 6. d_ _ght_ _ 7. u_ _le 8. _ _nt 9 .m_th_ _ 10 .s_n 11.th_s 12.f_th_ _ 13._h_s_ 14.p_ct_r_ 15.fr_ _nd拓展探究单数句和复数句。单数:只有一个,be 动词一般用is. I 后用am ,you 后用are.复数:大于一个。一般在名词词尾后加-s. be动词用are.例如:It is a pen. (单数)They are pens.(复数)He is my friend.They are my friends.This is a ruler.(变成复数句)_That is my sister. (变成复数句)_Are these your brothers?(变成单句)_三、翻译下列句子。1. 他是谁? 2. 她是谁?3. 他们是谁? 4. 那些是你的父母吗?四、补全第9页3a的对话。【课堂检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Who_ (be) Jenny? She is my sister. 2. Who_ (be) they? 3. They are my _ (parent) 4. Who_ (be) you? 5. _ (this) are his friends. 6. Tom and I _ (be) good friends. 二选择题.( )1. They _ my_. A. are; parents B. is; parent C. are; parent D. is; parents( )2. _ is Lucy. I am _ brother. A. She; she B. She; her C. Her; her D. Her; she( )3. My father and mother are my _. A. parent B. parents C. mother D. father( )4. _ are her good friends. A. These B. that C. this D. it( )5. - Are these your sisters? - _.A. Yes, they arent B. Yes, they are C. No, they are D. Yes, theyre( )6. Hi, _ is my mother and _ are my friends.A. this; that B. these; these C. this; these D. that; that 总结反思 _第5课时(Section B 1a1f)【温故互查】请在课前会拼读下面的单词,并熟记。Son, cousin, grandpa, mom, aunt, grandma, dad, uncle, daughter设问导读一、连词成句: father mother those his and are _ is here my the of photo family _ your letters for thanks _ her an mother teacher English is (?) _ my this brother is _3)选择填空: Here is _ your family. A.a photo B .a photo of C.a photo for D. photo of _ am Helen . _ phone number is 56699896. A. I My B.Your My C.She Her D.I You Thanks _ the photo _ your family. A. to of B.at of C. for at D.for of Tom and Jack _ brothers. A. am B. is C. are D. isnt Mike and Helen are his father and mother. Mike and Hellen are his _. A. parent B. parents C. grandparents D.son二、翻译下列词组,并熟记。 1.我的姑母_ 2.他的姨父_ 3.她的堂姐_ 4.一个叔叔_拓展探究三、翻译句子1. 那些是我的堂表姐们。 2. 这些是我的伯父么们。 四完成下列句子1. Father and mother are _. 2. Fathers father is_.3. Mothers mother is _. 4. Mothers sister is_.5. Fathers brother is _. 6. Aunts son is _.【课堂检测】一用am,is,are填空1. This _ his father. 2. What _ those? They_ quilt? 3. This _ his ruler. That_ my ruler? 4. I _ Gina. _ you Mary? 5. These _ her English books. 6. These _ their apples. Those _ his apples? 7. She _ 11. I _12. You _ 12, too.8. He _ my friend. 9. Alan and I _ cousins.10. _ these maps? No, they _ not. They _ pictures(图片). 11. These _ your pens. Here you _. 给你 二、单选题1. _ are his aunts. A. This B. That C. Those D. It2. I have _ aunt and _ good uncle. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. a; an3. -.Hello, Mr. Smith! _ my father. A. It is B. This is C. This D. That4. .My fathers brother is my _. A. aunt B. uncle C. brother D. grandfather5. .Are those _? Ateacher Ba teacher Can teacher Dyour teachers总结反思 _第6课时(Section B 2aself check)学习目标:1.知识目标:重点词汇:here ,for ,photo ,here 重点句型:This is These are Here is .2.能力目标:1)学会写短信。2)学会用短介绍别人。3.情感目标:树立家庭意识,增强社会观念和责任。重点:Here is . Here are难点:Be 动词的用法。【温故互查】一、 请在课前拼读并熟记以下单词。here, photo, of, next, picture, girl, dog设问导读二、阅读课本第11页2d,然后完成2c,填在课本上。拓展探究1)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使句意完整。 She is my s_, Mary. Her mother is my aunt ,she is my c_. Is that a p_ of your family? She is my f_ , Emma. T_ for your letter. S_ is my sister ,Jill. Is Lucy your d_? Yes, she is. These three are your _(兄弟). Those are _ (我) parents. Is that your _ (叔叔) ?三、预习课本12页的3a, Self Check 1、2填在课本上。【课堂检测】1. These are my _ (photo) 2. Those _Gina and Jenny. (be)3. These are his _(pen) 4. _ are her aunts. (this)5. _ are my cousins. (that)二 单选题( )1. Here is _ my family. A. a photo of B. photo of C. a photo ( )2. My uncles _ is my cousin. A. son B. daughter C. A and B ( )3. Are _ her parents? A. this B. these C. that ( )4. _ is Alice. Its _ cup . A. These; her B. This; his C. This; her( )5. This is Jenny, _ that is Jim. They are my good friends. A. or B. and C. too C Is this; it D This is; it ( ) 10 Please call Gina _ 834-8911.A in B of C at D on( ) 11 Is that your watch? - Yes, its _ watch.A her B my C his D me( )12 Please call _ in the evening.A I B me C my D mine( ) 13 Is this _ pencil sharpener? - No, its _ pencil sharpener.A your; my B her; his C you; I D your; I ( )14 Your pen is very nice. - _.A Thank you B No C Yes D OK( )15 Whats five and four? - _.A Its mine B This is one C Its eight D This is eight IV 从B栏中选出A栏的相应答语。(每小题4分,共20分)A( )1 Whats his sisters name?( )2 Whats this in English?( )3 Is this a pen?( )4 Is it your backpack?( )5 How do you spell it, please?B A No, its his.B B-I-K-EC Its a book.D JennyE Yes, it is.V 看图,完成下列句子(每小题2.5分,共10分)(略图)1. Is this a clock? - No, its _.2. Is that _? - Yes, its hers(她的).3. Whats this in English? - _.4. Whats Toms phone number? - _.VI 书面表达(20分)请根据提示,写一则招领启示。提示:捡到的物品:请打电话找Bob, 号码是834-7542. 总结反思 _


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