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中华学子模拟试题词汇与语法(112) 1.Well have a lot of delicious food for _lunch. -What_ big lunch! A /,/ B a, a C /,a D a, / 2,Nowadays,our country is becoming_. A more beautiful and more beautiful B more and more beautiful C Baeutifuler and beautufuler D more and more beautiful 3.Unluckily,our car_ on the way. We had to walk home. A breaks down B breaks up C broke down D broke up 4._fire,please call 119 at once. A In case of B In case C Though D Because of 5.Houses in Wen chuan _ badly in the earthquake A is , damaged B are , damaged C / , damaged D were , damaged 6.How long will it take me _ the airport?-About half an hour.A to arrive in B to arrive at C arriving in D arriving 7._people are involved in Ma Yuns business.A Thousand of B Thousand C Thousands of D Thousands 8.He_ in the army since I met him three years ago. A is B was C has joined D has been 9.He_ you the truth as soon as you come back. A tells B will say C will tell D told 10.The present I am looking forward to_ tonight. A being delivered B will be delivered C delivering D be delivered 11.Becaues of our mistake ,well reduce the price_10%.A. With B. by C. to D. for 12.Its_film that I have ever seen。A. More interesting B. most interestingC the most interesting D. an interesting. 13 Its important that we_ friendly to others wherever we are。 A. are B. should be C. were D. have 14. The teacher came in,_ by a group of students .A. Followed B. was followed C. following D. was following 15. He often works at home and he_ goes out .A. Hard B. hardly C. always D. usually 16. He seldom takes exercises, _ ?A. Does he B. doesnt C. is he D. isnt he 17. Ill never forget those days_ we spent together .A. Where B. what C. when D. which18. Long long ago, on the top of the mountain_ A. An old man lived B. Lived an old man C. Lived he D. lived in an old man 19. Their company needs three_ and two_ with a good command of GermanyA. Man drivers, German B. men drivers, GermenB. Men drivers, Germans D. man drivers, Germans 20. Would you please show_ passport? Yes, here_ are.A. Me, you, you B. me, your, youC. I your, you D. I, you, your 21. _ terrible mistakes he has made!A. What B. How C. what a D. How a22.Youd better not_ at school . Its bad for your health.A. Smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked23.He told me that he_ over to have dinner the next day.A. Will come B. came C. would come D. had come 24.My uncle ran his own company_.A. On his twenty B. in his twenties C. in his twenty D. at his twenties25. _ he is , he often helps others in need.A. Poor as B. As poor C. Though poor D. Rich as 26.In our life , we have a/an _ to challenge ourselves at any time.A. Change B. charge C. chance D. choice 27. He has a collection of English novels, some of _ were written by a famous author.A. Who B. that C. whose D. which 28. The students_ loudly when the teacher came in.A. Are reading B. were reading C. was reading D. read 29. Hardly_ to the railway station _ the train left A.I had got, when B. had I got ,than C. had I got, when D.I had got ,than 30._ he said is not important.A. Which B. What C. That D. Whether 31. _have I kept the book? -About one week. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often 32.Chairs and desks are usually made _ wood.A. With B. of C. from D. by 33.She decided to_ a club to keep fit.A. Join B. join in C. take part in D. attend 34.My father_ stay at home, but now he_ walking after supper.A. Is used to, used to B. used to , was used toC. used to , used to D. used to , is used to 35.They will stay in Hainan for _ seven days because of storm. A. other B. another C. any other D. others 36.Its raining outside. Youd better_ an umbrella with you. A. to take B. not to take C. take D. not take 37.I dont take any money with me, they dont take money,_.A. either B. also C. too D. yet 38.The book sounds_ and sells _.A. good, good B. well , well C. well , good D. good , well 39.The boss_ in the office. He has gone to London.A. must be B. cant be C. mustnt be D. can be 40.Either you nor he _ going to the teachers office after classA. am B. are C. be D. is41.My birthday is coming up, Daniel will send me_ e-dog as my birthday present.A. a B. an C. / D. the 42.Mary will arrive _Nanjing _ the morning of July 5 by plane.A. to; on B. in; on C. in; in D. at; in43.This is the history museum_ I worked ten years ago.A. that B. which C. where D. what 44. Oh, theres someone knocking at the door. -_must be that naughty boy.A. He B. This C. It D. That 45.Happy Teachers Day! Here are some flowers for you. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 46.-what do you think of the new bridge ? A. so a long one B. so long one C. such a long one D. a such long one 47.I think Mr Zhang may be in his office. A. neednt; left B. mustnt; leaving C. cant; leave D. shouldnt; leave 48.He is so careless that he often_ his school things at home A. puts B. forgets C. takes D. leave 49.Would you mind _ me how_ this physics problem? A. telling; to solve B. telling; solve C. to tell; solving D. to tell; to solve 50.-Could you tell me _the Sports Center? -The day after tomorrow ,I think. A. when will you visit B. when you will visit C. when would you visit D. when you would visit. 51. He was elected _ President of our country for the second time in_ year 2004. A. /;a B. a; the c. /; the D. the; the. 52.The speech ,_ by a famous university professor, moved us very deeply.A. given B. give C. been given D. gave 53.Why didnt you come to the party, Bill?-Sorry, dear. But I really forgot where I was _ to meet you.A. demanded B. imagined C. supposed D. guessed 54.I was doing my homework _ my mother called the phone. A. when B. which C. before D. that 55.-Must I hand in my exercise book now? -Yes, you_ Youd better do it right now. A. must B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont 56.When we got to the cinema, the film_ for 20 minutes.A. had begun B. has been on C. had been on D. has begun 57. III never forget the hours_ we spent together A. When B. What C. which D. who58.he got up very early that day _ he caught the first train. A. in order that B. so that C. in order to D. so as to 59. My parents_ me to know more information about my company. A. hope B. wish C. hopes D. wishes 60. _ he often exercises, he doesnt lose weight. A. Though B. If C. Because D. Until61.It_by people for _ water from a river or a lake. A. uses, getting B. is using, to get C. is used, to get D. is used getting 62._atudenareworking on the farm. A. A few hundreds B. A little hundreds C. A few hundred D. A little hundred 63.I want _ milk. A. to half a kilo B. half a kilo of C. a half kilo D. half kilo of 64.Is the river_ to swim in? A. deep enough B. enough deeply C. deeply enough D. enough deep 65.Im sure the book is very_ and children are _ it. A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interested in C. interested in, interesting D. i9nteresting, interested 66.Is there_ interesting in todays newspaper? No,_ interesting in todays new3spaper A. something, interesting B. anything, nothing C. anything, anything D. nothing, something 67.How many_ can you see? Sorry, I cant see_. A. water, any B. bread, some C. bananas, any D. glasses of water, some 68._ rice and water at home. A. There are B. There is C. I have D. He has69.lets have something to eat. _some cakes? A. what B. what are about C. whats D. what about 70._ she have ruler? -No, she_? A. Does, does B. Do, dont C. does, doesnt D. Is, isnt 71.His parents went out last night, so he was_ at home. A. alone B. lonely C. careful D. patient72.When _again? When he_ , Ill let you know. A. he comes, comes B. will he come, will come C. he comes, will come D. will he come, comes73.Dont go there by bike, _? A. will you B. wont you C. do you D. do we 74.I will go with you as soon as I_ my work. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finised 75.-_ will you finish the work? -In a few months.A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 76.This_ be a womans handbag. It must be a mans. A. may not B. cannot C. shall not D. must not 77.Can you tell me_? A. how I can get the supermarket. B. how I can get to the supermarket.C. how can I get the supermarket. D. how can I get to the supermarket.78.Mary cant find the key _ her room?A. to B. of C. for D. in 79. Must I take a bus? -No, you _. You can walk from here. A. must not B. dont C. dont have to D. wont 80. -I dont know what to do about it/- Lets ask him his opinion about it, _ ?A. dont we B. shall we C. will we D. can we 81.He is very _ with his patients.A. alone B. kind C. patient D. interested82.Lets go shopping,_ ?A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. dont you 83.The temperature had_ hot all this summer.A. looked B. stayed C. gone D. stopped 84. _ of the window, and you will see what you want. A. To look B. stayed C. gone D. stopped 85. She was heard_ in the next room. A. sing B. to sing C. sang D. sung 86. You learn skills and values that might _ to you in your life.A. be in use B. be with useful C. be of useful D. be useful 87.Zhang Fei, _ of their class, is good at English.A. the monitor B. a monitor C. monitor D. monitors 88. Its two years since he_ the club.A. took part in B. joined in C. attended D. joined 89.Lucy, be careful next time. You_ such a mistake. A. dont make B. have not made C. cant have made D. shouldnt have made 90.Xiao Ming, its not easy _ you climb up this tall tree. A. which b. whether C. for D. that91. If it _ tomorrow, well go outing.A. not rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. isnt rain 92. -_ do you go online? - Twice a week. A. How often B. How long C. how soon D. How far 93. If you dont go there,_.A. so do I B. neither do I C. so will I D. nor will I 94. It was in 1914 _ World War I broke out. A. that B. when C. which D. where95. I meant that you would soon get used to _ poor and to _ no friends. A. be; have B. being; have C. be; having D. being; having 96. The film reminded me _ I had seen in Shanghai. A. of that B. about that C. of what D. what97. _ . Youll pass the exam.A. Take it easy b. Make it C. Whats more D. Right now. 98. Your_ car cant be_, Im afraid.A. broke; fixed B. breaking; fixing C. broken; fixed D. breaks fixes 99. In 2009, she left China _ America.A. for B. of C. to D. with 100.My mother still regards me_ a child. A. in B. as C. with D. of 101.The new building is beautiful but empty._ lives there. A. Nobody B. Anybody C. Somebody D. everybody102.Stop making too much_. The children are sleeping. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. song 103.He is going to spend his holiday_ his parents in Beijing. A. to B. on C. with D. for 104.lisa, is there_ in todays newspaper? -No, there is nothing. A. anything, new B. new anything C. something new D. new something105.The company can _ lunch for you work there.A. feed B. provide C. have D. eat106.This New years party made me_ about Chinese culture.A. curious B. ready C. fond D. surprised 107.No matter what happens, I will be always_ to my goal.A. loyal B. brave C. patient D. relaxed 108.Its too cold today. Would you mind_ the window?A. to close B. closing C. close D. closed 109.Susan will not be at the railway station on time_ she hurries up. A. once B. if C. when D. unless110.Ill never forget the day_ the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech. A. that B. which C. when D. where 111.You are lucky enough to live there.-Maybe, but Im getting _ of the mosquitoes and the polluted water there. A. used B. crazy C. unhappy D. tired 112.Shall I get one more cake for you, daddy?-Thanks, but you _, Ive had enough.A. may not B. must not C. cant D. neednt113. Oh, Jerry, its you? I didnt recognize you. -I _my hair cut and I _ new glasses. A. have; wear B. have had ; am wearing C. had; wore D. have had ; was wearing 114.Do you like this story?- It is perfect. Ive never heard a_ one before.A. Bad B. worse C. better D. good115.To the office staff ,it is really_ to do sports frequently.A. unable B. unfair C. worthy D. expensive 116.-what can I do for you , Maam? -Can you tell me _ it will take to get to the Summer palace?A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how much 117.They went to the park_ Bob. He had to look after his sister at home. A. except B. with C. beside D. besides.118. It took me two weeks _ reading the novels written by Lu Xun.A. finish B. to finish C. finished D. finishing 119. Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _ his family lived ten years ago.A. when B. which C. where D. that 120. The price of these clothes is _ than that of those.A. lowest B. higher C. more expensive D. cheaper.答案:1-5 CBCAD 6-10 BCDCB 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 ADBCB 21-25 AACBA26-30 CDBCB 31-35 ABADB 36-40 CADBD 41-45 BBCCC 46-50 CCDAD51-55 CACAA 56-60 CCBBA 61-65 DCBAB 66-70 BCBDC 71-75 ADACA76-80 BBACB 81-85 CBBCB 86-90 DCDDD 91-95 CADAD 96-100 CACAB101-105 ABCAB 106-110 AABDC 111-115 DDBCC 116-120 AABCB


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