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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 6错题练习试题一、 单词题。1、I dont like _ (梨).2、Do you like _(草莓).3、Dale wants _(吃)lunch with us.4、Tomatoes and milk are _ food.5、The books are are interesting .I like _ (他们)6、We eat _ (good) every day.7、My sister _ (like) bread and milk for dinner.8、An apple is a kind of _ (水果).9、My parents_ (not like)hamburgers for dinner.10、Jenny_(have)bread for dinner.11、The food _(be) very delicious.12、My father wants me _(help)him.二、单选题。1、Some _ is in the cup.A milk B bread C apples D pears2、-What do you _ the book? - Its great.A think on B think about C think of D think for3、Lets _ some pears.A have B has C to have D havingA these; the B these; those C that; these D those; these6、Fruit is good for our health. I eat _ every day.A that B them C it7、Lets have some ice-cream after lunch. -_A That sounds great.B I dont know.C Yes, youre right.8、I like _ oranges. I dont like _orange.A these ;the B these; those C that; these D those; these9、He plays soccer _.A good B well C great D better10、What about _basketball after school?A play B playing C plays D to play三、连词成句。1、does, Jenny, not, black, like2、eat, we, school, well, at_ 3、do, for, what, you, breakfast, like_ 4、James, basketball, my, is, star, favorite5、want, be, everyone, healthy, to_ 四、句型转换。 3、Li Lin likes bananas for dinner.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Li Lin _ for dinner?4、Peter likes sports.(改为否定句)Peter_ _ sports.5、The apples are in the bag.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the apples?五、写出下列名词的复数形式。1、apple_ 2、tomato_3、pencil_ 4、watch_ 5、key_ 6、photo_ 7、box_ 8、strawberry_9、pear_10、boy_ 11、hamburger_12、dictionary_六、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1、Some _(orange)is in the cup.2、I want two _(tomato) for breakfast.3、Some vegetables_(be) on the table.2 / 2


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