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经销合同(路伟国际律师事务所合同模板)ACLA-Lovells Contract Template Distribution Contract 经销合同 This contract template has been prepared as part of the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) - Lovells Legal Skills Training Series (Training Series), which have covered skills. PRODUCT NAME DISTRIBUTION CONTRACT 产品名称 经销合同- by and between - 由SUPPLIER NAME (供应商名称)SUPPLIER 供应商- and - - 与 -DISTRIBUTOR NAME (经销商名称)DISTRIBUTOR 经销商签订TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 1 前言1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1 1. 定义 12. SCOPE OF CONTRACT 1 2. 合同范围 13. CONDITIONS OF SALE 2 3. 销售条件 24. ORDERING 2 4. 订货 25. PROMOTION 2 5. 营销 26. STORAGE AND PRODUCT RETRIEVAL 3 6. 库存和产品召回 37. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE 3 7. 维修和保养服务 38. REPORTING 4 8. 报告 39. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL LAWS 4 9. 遵守当地法律 310. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 4 10. 知识产权 411. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT 5 11. 先决条件 412. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 5 12. 陈述及担保 413. TERM 5 13. 合同期限 514. TERMINATION 6 14. 合同终止 515. CONFIDENTIALITY 8 15. 保密义务 716. BREACH OF CONTRACT 9 16. 违约 817. FORCE MAJEURE 9 17. 不可抗力 818. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 10 18. 争议的解决 919. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 12 19. 其他规定 11SCHEDULE A 16 附录一-定义 14ANNEX 1 19 产品名称经销合同附件一 16ANNEX 2 20 产品名称经销合同附件二 17ANNEX 3 21 产品名称经销合同附件三 18CAVEATS AND DRAFTING NOTES 22 注意事项与说明 20PRODUCT NAME DISTRIBUTION CONTRACT 产品名称经销合同THIS CONTRACT (Contract) is made in city and province, China on this day of , 200 by and between Supplier name, Supplier entity form organized and existing under the laws of Supplier jurisdiction of incorporation with its registered addressprinciple place of business at address (hereinafter referred to as Supplier), and Distributor name, Distributor entity form established and existing under the laws of China, with its registered addressprinciple place of business at address (hereinafter referred to as Distributor). Distributor and Supplier shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a Party and collectively as the Parties. 本合同(“本合同”)于200年月日由以下双方在中国省市签订:供应商名称,一家根据供应商组建地法律组建及存续的供应商组织形式,注册地址 ,主要营业地点 (以下简称“供应商”)与经销商名称,一家根据中国法律组建及存续的 经销商组织形式,注册地址 ,主要营业地点 (以下简称“经销商”)。供应商和经销商以下各称“一方”,合称“双方”。PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to enter into a distributorship relationship in accordance with Applicable Laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照有关法律,同意按照本合同的条款,建立经销关系。Now the Parties Hereby Agree as Follows: 双方现协议如下:1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1. 定义与解释Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, this Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with, and each of the terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Schedule A. 除本合同条款另有约定或上下文另有所指,本合同的解释规则及本合同中所有相关用语的定义见附录一。2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT 2. 合同范围2.1 Appointment 2.1 经销权的授予(a) The Supplier hereby appoints Distributor as its non-exclusive distributor in the Territory for the Products listed in Annex 1 to this Contract as may be amended by written agreement between Supplier and Distributor from time to time. (a) 供应商特此指定经销商为区域内本合同附件一所列经销产品的非独家经销商,本合同附件一可经供应商和经销商不时书面同意随时修改。(b) The Distributor shall purchase all its requirements of the Products from Supplier or its Affiliates during the Term. (b) 经销商应在合同期限内向供应商或其关联机构购买其所需的全部经销产品的所有必要组件。2.2 Restriction on Sales by Supplier 2.2 供应商销售的限制The Supplier shall not supply the Products in the Territory to any other person during the Term for resale but Supplier reserves the right to sell the Products direct to end users in the Territory. 在合同期限内,供应商不应在区域内向任何第三方供应经销产品用以转售,但供应商保留向区域内最终用户直接销售经销产品的权利。2.3 Competing Products 2.3 竞争产品The Distributor shall not (and shall procure that none of its Affiliates shall) manufacture or sell in the Territory any products that compete with the Products during the Term. 在合同期限内,经销商不得且应促使其任何关联机构不在区域内生产或销售与经销产品构成竞争的任何产品。2.4 Restrictions on Resale 2.4 限制转售The Distributor shall not sell the Products to any person outside the Territory or to any person who has the intention to transport the Products outside the Territory. 经销商不应向区域外任何个人或向任何有意将产品转运到区域外的个人销售经销产品。2.5 Minimum Purchases and Stocks 2.5 最低购买量和库存量(a) The Distributor shall purchase from Supplier at least the minimum quantities of the Products specified in Annex 1 to this Contract. (a) 经销商向供应商购买的经销产品数量应至少为本合同附件一中规定的最低购买量。(b) The Distributor shall at all times during the Term carry the full range of Products and shall maintain at least three (3) months stocks of the Products. (b) 经销商应在合同期限内一直确保经销产品的种类齐全,且应保证至少三个月的经销产品库存。2.6 Training 2.6 培训At least two (2) representatives of Distributor shall attend a training course in the service and repair of the Products at Suppliers place of business, all expenses in connection therewith to be met by the Supplier except travelling and subsistence expenses Distributor. 经销商应至少派出两名代表参加在供应商营业地点召开的就经销产品服务和维修举办的培训课程,一切相关费用应由供应商承担(但差旅费和生活费除外)经销商承担。3. CONDITIONS OF SALE 3. 销售条件3.1 Sale and Purchase of Products 3.1 经销产品的销售与购买The Supplier shall sell and Distributor shall purchase the Products subject to the conditions of sale set out in Annex 2 to this Contract, which shall be deemed to be incorporated into and form part of this Contract. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of Annex 2 and the rest of this Contract, the latter shall prevail. 供应商将根据本合同附件二规定的销售条件销售产品,经销商应按照这些条件购买产品,本合同附件二规定的销售条件应视作构成本合同的一部分。如果附件二的规定和本合同的其他部分相冲突或抵触,应以本合同为准。3.2 Distributors Terms Not Applicable 3.2 不适用经销商的相关条款Neither Distributors standard conditions of purchase nor any terms or conditions in any order forms or other documents prepared by Distributor shall apply to the sale of the Products by Supplier to Distributor. 经销商自己的标准购货条件,或由经销商起草的任何订单或其他文件中的任何条款或条件,都不适用于供应商向经销商销售经销产品。4. ORDERING 4. 订货4.1 Written Order 4.1 书面订单The Distributor shall during the Term submit in writing to Supplier on a monthly basis: 在合同有效期内,经销商应每月以书面形式向供应商提供:(a) firm orders for Products to be supplied within the two (2) months following the month in which the order is submitted; and (a) 订单发出当月之后两个月以内的拟购买经销产品的有约束力的订单;并且(b) detailed estimates of its requirements for Products to be supplied in the four (4) months thereafter. (b) 此后四个月以内对拟购买经销产品数量的详细预测。4.2 Acceptance of Order 4.2 订单的接受This Contract establishes the framework under which the sale and purchase of Products between Supplier and Distributor will be conducted. However, no rights and obligations for the supply of the Products shall arise between Supplier and Distributor unless and until a firm order has been accepted in writing by Supplier. 本合同确定了供应商和经销商之间就经销产品销售和购买应遵循的基本框架。但是,只有在供应商已经书面接受一份有约束力的订单,供应商和经销商之间才就经销产品的供应产生权利和义务关系。5. PROMOTION 5. 营销5.1 Distributors Best Endeavours 5.1 经销商尽其最大的努力The Distributor shall, at all times during the term of this Contract, actively promote and use its best endeavours to increase sales of the Products in the Territory and shall not do anything that may prevent sales or interfere with the development of sales of the Products in the Territory. 经销商应在本合同的合同期限内积极推广经销产品并尽其最大努力在区域内提高产品销售量,且不得实施任何可能在区域内阻止产品销售或干扰经销产品推广的行为。5.2 Distributors Promotion Obligations 5.2 经销商的营销义务In particular (but without limiting the generality of Article 5.1) Distributor shall: 在不限制第5.1 条的普遍适用性的前提下,经销商具体应当:(a) employ a sufficient number of adequately trained salesmen, demonstrators and other necessary sales personnel; (a) 雇用充足数量的训练有素的销售人员、演示人员和其他必要的销售员工;(b) establish and maintain adequate sales systems, including, by way of example, demonstrations, exhibitions and lectures to interested groups, to deal with the requirements of its customers and potential customers within the Territory; (b) 建立并维持适当的销售系统,包括(例如)向有关方进行演示、展览和讲解,在区域内处理客户和潜在客户的要求;(c) distribute promotional literature about the Products; and (c) 发放有关经销产品的推广印刷品;(d) exhibit at relevant trade exhibitions. (d) 在相关行业展览会上展览。5.3 Consultation with Supplier 5.3 就营销事项征求供应商意见The Distributor shall consult with and obtain the approval of Supplier before advertising or publishing promotional material for the Products save that nothing in this Article or elsewhere in this Contract shall limit Distributors freedom to set its own resale prices for the Products. 经销商应在为经销产品进行广告宣传或发布营销材料之前征求供应商的意见,并获得供应商的批准。但是本条款或本合同不限制经销商自行设定产品转售价格的自由。6. STORAGE AND PRODUCT RECALL 6. 库存和产品召回6.1 Storage and Transport of Products 6.1 经销产品的库存和运输The Distributor shall store and transport the Products in conditions that will preserve the Products in good condition and will comply with any reasonable requests made by Supplier concerning the conditions in which the Products are to be stored or transported. The Distributor shall permit Supplier or its representatives to inspect Products in its possession from time to time on reasonable prior written notice. 经销商储存并运输经销产品的设施应保证经销产品处于良好状态,并应符合供应商关于产品储存和运输条件的合理要求。经销商应允许供应商或其代表在合理的事先书面通知后,随时检查由经销商储存的产品。6.2 Product Recall 6.2 经销产品的召回If requested by Supplier, Distributor shall give all reasonable assistance in locating and recovering any defective Products and preventing their sale to third parties and, in particular, shall comply with any product recall procedures adopted by Supplier and shall use its best endeavours to ensure that its customers co-operate in a similar manner. 应供应商的要求,经销商应给予所有合理的协助查找并召回任何有缺陷的经销产品,防止有缺陷的产品售与第三方,并应特别遵循供应商规定的经销产品召回程序,并应尽全力确保经销商的客户以类似方式予以合作。7. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE 7. 维修和保养服务7.1 Provision of Services 7.1 服务条款Distributor shall provide repair and maintenance services for the Products to owners and users in the Territory, and Supplier shall provide appropriate support services to Distributor, all in accordance with the terms of support services of Supplier in effect at the time. The current terms of support services of Supplier is attached hereto as Annex 3. 经销商应为区域内经销产品的拥有人和使用人提供维修和保养服务,供应商应向经销商提供适当的支持服务,上述所有活动应遵循供应商届时有效的支持服务条款。现行的供应商支持服务条款作为附件三附于本合同。7.2 Repairs and Maintenance to Products 7.2 经销产品的维修和保养In order to carry out repairs and maintenance to the Products, Distributor shall employ qualified engineers and shall maintain such repair and service equipment as may reasonably be required by Supplier from time to time. 为了便于对经销产品进行维修和保养,经销商应雇用合格的工程师,并应随时按照供应商的合理要求,对相关维修和服务设备给予保养维护。7.3 Sale and Use of Spare Parts 7.3 备件的销售与适用Supplier shall sell to Distributor spare parts for the Products in accordance with the conditions of sale set out in Annex 2 hereto. In order to maintain design and quality standards Distributor shall use only spare parts for the Products which are supplied by Supplier or its Affiliates. 供应商应按照本合同附件二中规定的销售条件向经销商出售经销产品备件。为保证设计和质量标准,经销商应仅使用由供应商或其关联机构提供的经销产品备件。8. REPORTING 8. 报告The Distributor shall at its own expense provide Supplier by the end of the first week in each month with a written report containing such information as Supplier may reasonably require including a report on the quality and performance of goods contained in each shipment and a stock and sales return. 经销商应根据供应商的合理要求,自付费用在每月第一周结束时向供应商出具书面报告,其中应包含每次运抵货物的质量和性能,以及库存和销售营业额。9. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL LAWS 9. 遵守当地法律The Distributor shall comply with all Applicable Laws existing in the Territory from time to time concerning the Products and shall keep Supplier informed of any relevant changes therein. In particular but without limitation Distributor (i) shall at its own expense obtain all necessary permissions, consents and licences to enable Distributor to market and sell the Products in the Territory; 经销商应随时遵守区域内与经销产品相关的所有现行有关法律,并应就相关变化通知供应商,经销商特别应当做到以下各点(但不仅限于此):(i)自付费用获得所有必要的批文、同意和许可,使经销商可以在区域内营销和销售经销产品;(ii) shall obtain any other governmental or other permission, consent or licence or make any registration necessary for the full and legal operation and performance of this Contract; (ii)应获得其他所有政府的或其他性质的批文、同意或许可,或完成使本合同完全合法生效和履行所必须的登记;(iii) shall be responsible for the management of the importation of the Products into the Territory in compliance with Applicable Laws and the payment of all applicable import duties, taxes and other charges, and shall promptly upon Suppliers request provide to Supplier copies of all documents evidencing the same. (iii)应按照有关法律负责经销产品进口到区域内的手续,支付所有适用的进口关税、税费和其他收费,应供应商的随时要求,立即向其提供所有证明支付上述税费的文件的复印件。10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 10. 知识产权10.1 No Distributor Entitlement 10.1 未授予经销商的权利Nothing in this Contract shall entitle the Distributor to any Intellectual Property Rights owned or used by Supplier or any of its Affiliates (the Suppliers Intellectual Property Rights) or to any goodwill attaching thereto. 本合同未授予经销商任何由供应商或其关联机构拥有或使用的知识产权(“供应商的知识产权”)或与其相关的商誉。10.2 Notification of Infringement 10.2 侵权的通知The Distributor shall inform Supplier promptly of any potential, threatened, alleged or actual infringement of any of Suppliers Intellectual Property Rights and shall provide all assistance and information required by Supplier in connection with any such infringement and shall, if Supplier so requests, at the expense of Supplier, join in any court or other proceedings relating to such infringement. 经销商应就任何针对供应商的知识产权的潜在的、威胁的、指控的、或实际的侵权,及时通知供应商,并应按照供应商的要求提供所有与处理该侵权相关的协助和信息,如果供应商就该侵权提起任何诉讼或其他程序,经销商应参与,但费用由供应商支付。10.3 No Alteration 10.3 禁止更改The Distributor shall not sell the Products under any other name or mark other than the names or marks used by Supplier in relation to the Products nor remove or obliterate those names or marks from the Products nor make any other alteration to the Products or their labelling. 经销商不得以供应商所使用的与产品相关的名称或标识之外的其他名称或标识出售经销产品,不得去除或涂抹经销产品标识,也不得更改经销产品或其标签。11. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT 11.先决条件insert conditions precedent as appropriate 根据实际情况,列出合同生效或一方履行某项义务的先决条件12. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 12. 陈述及担保12.1 Distributors Representations and Warranties 12.1 经销商的陈述及担保Distributor represents and warrants to Supplier that on the date hereof and as of the Effective Date: 经销商向供应商陈述并担保,在本合同签订日和生效日:(a) it is an independent legal person duly organized, validly existing in good standing under the laws of the place of its establishment or incorporation; (a) 根据其成立地的法律,经销商为独立法人,依法定程序设立、有效存续、且相关手续完备;(b) it has full authority to enter into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder; (b) 经销商有全权订立本合同以及履行本合同项下义务;(c) it has authorized its representative to sign this Contract and from and after the Effective Date the provisions of this Contract shall be legally binding upon it; (c) 经销商已授予其授权代表签署本合同的权利,从生效日开始,本合同的条款对其具有法律约束力;(d) its execution of this Contract and its performance of its obligations hereunder: (i) will not violate any provision of its business license, articles of incorporation, articles of association or similar organizational documents; (ii) will not violate any Applicable Laws or any governmental authorization or approval; and (iii) will not violate or result in a default under any contract to which it is a party or to which it is subject; (d) 经销商签署本合同以及履行本合同项下义务:(i)不违反其营业执照、成立协议、章程或类似组织文件的任何规定;(ii)不违反相关法律或任何政府的授权或批准;并且(iii)不违反其作为当事人一方(或受之约束)的其他任何协议,也不会导致其被认定在该协议项下违约;(e) no lawsuit, arbitration or other legal or governmental proceeding is pending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it that would affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Contract; and (e) 不存在将影响该方本合同项下履约能力的、未结的诉讼、仲裁或其他司法或行政程序,或者据其所知无人威胁将采取上述行动;并且(f) it has disclosed to Supplier all documents issued by any governmental department that may have a material adverse effect on its ability to fully perform its obligations under this Contract, and the documents previously provided by it to Supplier do not contain any misstatements or omissions of material facts. (f) 经销商已经向供应商提供可能对其全面履行其在本合同项下义务的能力造成重大不利影响的相关政府机构颁发的所有文件,并且经销商此前提供给另一方的文件中没有对任何重要事实的不实陈述或者漏述。12.2 Consequences of Inaccuracy in Representations and Warranties 12.2 陈述及担保不实的结果If any of the above representations and warranties of Distributor are not accurate in all material respects on the date hereof or the Effective Date, then Distributor shall be in material breach of this Contract. 如果在本合同签订日或生效日经销商的上述陈述及担保的任何一项与实际情况有实质性不符,则构成经销商重大违约。13. TERM 13. 合同期限13.1 Initial Term 13.1 初始合同期限Subject to the provisions of Articles 13.2 and 14.1(b), (c) and (d), the initial term of the Contract shall be years, commencing on the Effective Date. 本合同的初始期限为年,于生效日开始,但可根据第13.2 条续展、及根据第 14.1(b)、(c)和(d)条终止。13.2 Extension 13.2 合同期限的续展Choose one of the following alternatives: 选择下面一种方式:Option (1): Automatic Expiration 选择 (1):自动终止The Term shall expire automatically on the Expiration Date, unless extended for an additional term of years through a written agreement signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties at least sixty (60) days prior to the Expiration Date. 本合同于合同期满日自动终止,除非双方授权代表在合同期满日之前至少六十(60)天签署书面协议续展本合同期限。Option (2): Automatic Renewal 选择 (2):自动续展On the Expiration Date, the Term shall automatically renew for an additional term of years, unless either Party notifies the other Party of its decision not to renew this Contract through a written notice signed by its authorized representative and delivered to the other Party at least sixty (60) days prior to the Expiration Date. 于本合同的期满日,本合同期限将自动续展年,除非一方在合同期满日之前至少六十(60)天向另一方递交经其授权代表签署的书面通知,通知另一方该方决定不再续约。Option (3): Client with Option to Renew 选择 (3):客户有权选择续展Client shall have the option to renew this Contract through a written notice signed by its authorized representative and delivered to the other Party at least sixty (60) days prior to the Expiration Date. If Client fails to exercise its option to renew the Contract, then the Term shall expire automatically on the Expiration Date. 客户有权选择在期满日之前至少六十(60)天向另一方递交经其授权代表签署的书面通知,通知另一方该方决定续展合同,续展期限与本合同原期限相同。如果客户未行使其续约选择权,则本合同于合同期满日自动终止。14. TERMINATION 14. 合同终止14.1 Termination of Contract 14.1 合同终止(a) This Contract shall terminate upon the Expiration Date unless extended pursuant to Article 13.2. (a) 本合同于合同期满日终止,除非双方按照第13.2 条续约。(b) This Contract may be terminated at any time prior to Expiration Date by the mutual written agreement of the Parties. (b) 合同期满日之前,双方可通过书面协议随时终止本合同。(c) At any time prior to the Expiration Date, a Party (“Notifying Party”) may terminate this Contract through notice to the other Party in writing if: (c) 合同期满日之前,如果发生以下情形之一,一方(“通知方”)可随时向另一方发出书面通知后终止本合同:(i) the other Party materially breaches this Contract, and such breach is not cured within the Cure Period granted pursuant to Article 16.1(a); or (i) 另一方违反本合同某一重要义务,且未在通知方根据第16.1(a)条规定发出的书面通知中规定的补救期限内对违约予以补救;或(ii) the other Party becomes bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings for liquidation or dissolution, or ceases to carry on business or becomes unable to pay its debts as they come due; or (ii) 另一方破产,或者成为解散或清算程序的对象,或者歇业,或者无力偿还到期债务;或(iii) the conditions or consequences of Force Majeure which have a material adverse effect on the affected Partys ability to perform continue for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Parties have been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant to Article 17.2(c) hereof; or (iii) 不可抗力事件或其影响持续超过六(6)个月,且双方无法按照第17.2(c)条的规定达成一项公平的解决方案;或(iv) insert other conditions triggering termination as appropriate (iv) 根据具体情况,加入其他导致合同终止的条款(d) At any time prior to the Expiration Date, in addition to other remedies available to it under Applicable Laws and other provisions of this Contract, Supplier may terminate this Contract immediately through notice to Distributor in writing if: (d) 如果在合同期满日之前发生下列情形之一,供应商除根据相关法律和本合同其他条款的规定行使救济权之外,可随时通知经销商立即终止本合同:(i) Distributor fails to observe Articles 2.3 (Competing Products), 2.4 (Restrictions on Resale) and 2.5 (Minimum Purchases and Stocks); (i) 经销商未能遵守第2.3 条(竞争产品)、第2.4 条(转售限制)和第2.5 条(最低购买量和库存量);(ii) ownership or control of Distributor is acquired


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