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地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化探析7300字 摘 要法令行则国治,法令弛则国乱。;法治是一个国家发展的重要保障,是治国理政的基本方式。厉行法治是现代社会的一项普遍的政治原则和社会行为准则,也是中国社会政治发展的必然归宿。重大行政决策因其广泛性、全局性、综合性的特征使其成为行政管理中的关键环节,越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注。在政府行政权日益扩大化的今天,重大行政决策所面临的决策环境日益复杂,决策难度也随之增加,这就对地方政府做出重大行政决策提出了更高的要求。然而在实际的行政决策活动中,拍脑袋决策,拍胸脯执行,拍屁股走人;的现象屡见不鲜。为了实现行政决策的科学化、民主化和法治化,减少决策失误造成的损失,保证国家行政管理的秩序,必须要有完善、统一的重大行政决策程序法律法规,以此为依据,依照法定程序制定重大行政决策、并严格依法执行,从而实现重大行政决策程序的法治化。因此,对于地方政府来说,实现依法决策,推进重大行政决策程序法治化,不论是营造稳固的政府决策民意基础,还是保证政府各项工作的顺利完成,或是推进法治政府建设都具有非常重要的意义。通过对现有重大行政决策程序法规、规章以及行政规范性文件的梳理,明晰了重大行政决策程序立法层面的现状,并结合重大行政决策程序的执行状况,进一步分析了重大行政决策程序法治化过程中存在的问题,从而提出了推动地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化建设的对策建议。论文分为以下几部分:第一部分是绪论,主要是文章的研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法等。第二部分是理论支撑及概念界定。在阐述文章理论支撑的基础上,对论文中的相关概念做了界定。第三部分是我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化现状。主要从重大行政决策程序的立法与执行两方面论述。立法方面主要基于对目前我国重大行政决策程序规范性法律文本的梳理;执行方面主要通过对兰州市建立城镇居民生活用水阶梯价格制度听证会的实证考察。第四部分是重大行政决策程序法治化过程中存在的问题。针对重大行政决策程序法治化现状,总结出了立法缺位、执法不严、公民参与决策的渠道不畅以及决策信息公开不全面,政府缺乏与公众的信息互动等几方面的问题。第五部分是推动我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化建设的对策建议。包括推进重大行政决策程序的法制体系建设、增强重大行政决策程序的法治观念、强化对重大行政决策程序的监督以及保障公众有效参与重大行政决策等几方面的建议。关键词:重大行政决策程序;法治化;地方政府;程序规范ABSTRACTEnforce the law to make peace and stability of a country, lax laws make a countrybecome chaotic.Law is an important guarantee for the development of a country is thebasic way of managing state affairs. Rigorously enforce the rule of law is a universalprinciple of political and social behavior norms of modern society, and also a finaldestination of the social and political development of China. Unlike major administrativedecision-making of general administrative decision-making, because of its broad, globaland comprehensive features make it a key link in the administration, more and moreattention in the community. Increasingly expansion in the government executive powertoday, major administrative decisions facing increasingly complex decision-makingenvironment, also increases the difficulty of the decision, which the local government tomake major administrative decisions put forward higher requirements. However, In thecase of actual decision-making activities, patting his head to make decisions, boldlyexecuted decision, but decision-making is a problem that no one is responsible for thecommon. In order to achieve scientific, democratization and the rule of law ofadministrative decision-making, reduce the losses caused by wrong decisions, and ensureorderly administration of the State, there must be a sound major administrativedecision-making process as a guarantee, and let this program in the form of law finalized,only the formation of major administrative decision-making process to improve the rulesand regulations in order on this basis, according to the law to protect major administrativedecision-making, implementation of law, rule of law in order to achieve majoradministrative decision-making process. Therefore, for the local government,implementation decisions according to the law, to promote the legalization of majoradministrative decision-making process, whether it is for the Government to ensure thesuccessful completion of the work, or to create a solid basis for governmentdecision-making of public opinion, promote the rule of law or a government building has avery Significance.By combing the major administrative decision-making process on the existing laws,regulations and administrative normative documents, clear the status of majoradministrative decision-making process of the legislative level, combined with the status ofimplementation of major administrative decision-making process on major administrativedecisions of local government law program of the overall status have a more clearunderstanding. At the same time summarizes the major administrative decision-makingprocess of the legalization process problems and analyzes the reasons for this, and thenproposed to promote local major administrative decision-making process of building therule of law countermeasures. This paper is divided into the following parts: The first part isthe introduction, it is to study the significance of the article, current research, researchmethods and innovations and deficiencies. The second part is the theoretical support andrelated concepts. It describes the theoretical support of the article,and defines the majoradministrative decision-making process related to the concept of the rule of law. The thirdpart is about the status of our local government major administrative decision-makingprocess of the rule of law.Mainly from the implementation of major legislative andadministrative decision-making process both paper. Legislation is mainly based on thecurrent major administrative decision-making process of normative legal texts comb;implementation mainly through the establishment of Lanzhou urban household water priceladder system hearings empirical study combining these two aspects drawn majoradministrative of Local Government decision-making process of the overall status of therule of law. The fourth part is the major administrative decision-making process of thelegalization process problems and cause analysis. According to current situation of majoradministrative decision-making procedures under the rule of law,summed up the absenceof legislation, lax enforcement, poor decision-making information channels and citizenparticipation in public decision-making is not comprehensive, the lack of governmentinteract with information and other aspects of the public and so on, and analyzes thereasons.The fifth part is some suggestions to promote the major administrativedecision-making process under the rule of law and Legal Construction of LocalGovernment. Including the legal system to promote the construction of majoradministrative decision-making process, enhance the rule of law major administrativedecision-making process, strengthen the supervision of major administrativedecision-making process and to guarantee effective public participation in the majoradministrative decision-making and so on.Key Words:Major administrative decision-making Processes; Under the rule of law; Localgovernment; Program specification目 录摘 要ABSTRACT第一章 绪论一、研究背景及意义(一)研究背景(二)研究意义二、研究现状(一)国外的研究现状(二)国内的研究现状(三)国内外研究简评三、研究方法(一)文献研究(二)实地研究四、研究的思路和主要内容(一)研究思路(二)主要内容五、创新点与不足(一)创新之处(二)不足之处第二章 理论支撑及概念界定一、理论支撑(一)程序正当原理(二)有限政府理论(三)依法治国理论二、概念界定(一)重大行政决策的概念及范围的界定(二)重大行政决策程序的含义(三)地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化概念的内涵及基本要求(四)地方政府的内涵及其研究意义第三章 我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化现状一、立法现状(一)规范性法律文本的梳理(二)立法状况分析二、执行现状(一)听证会的实施概况(二)无结构访谈(三)执行状况的实证研究结论及分析第四章 我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化的主要问题一、全国没有统一的重大行政决策程序法律规范二、地方规章及规范性法律文件效力低三、重大行政决策程序法治观念不强四、重大行政决策程序执行不力五、公民参与重大行政决策的渠道不畅六、决策信息公开不全面,政府缺乏与公众的信息互动七、重大行政决策程序监督力量薄弱第五章 推动地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化建设的对策建议一、推进重大行政决策程序的法制体系建设(一)强化对重大行政决策程序的理论研究(二)推进重大行政决策程序专门法规的出台二、增强重大行政决策程序的法治观念(一)加强重大行政决策程序法治观念的宣传引导(二)防止传统官本位思想对重大行政决策程序的影响三、以严格执法为重点全面推进重大行政决策程序的执行(一)严格捍卫宪法和法律的尊严(二)行政机关带头严格执法是关键四、扩大公众参与,保障重大行政决策的民主性(一)扩大听证制度的范围(二)强化利益团体表达五、扩大重大行政决策程序信息公开程度(一)推行决策信息公开,提高决策透明度(二)将信息公开贯穿于重大行政决策全过程六、强化对重大行政决策程序的监督(一)加强重大行政决策程序行政机关内部监督(二)加强重大行政决策程序外部监督第六章 结语参考文献致 谢 雷冰. 我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化研究D.甘肃农业大学,2016.


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