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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 3 姓名_ 学号_ 班级_ 得分_一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( )31. Your new car looks wonderful! Thanks, but it cost me _ arm and a leg.A. aB. an C. theD. /( )32. Is your sister good _ sports? No, but she is talented _ music. A. at; withB. for; inC. at; inD. for; with( )33. _ of the little boys parents are doctors.A. All B. BothC. EveryD. Each( )34. Please speak _. The baby is sleeping. A. loudly B. quietlyC. friendlyD. lovely( )35. _ the bus was full of people, I tried to get on. A. AlthoughB. IfC. BecauseD. So( )36. Eating healthy food and doing exercise are good for your _.A. fact B. gradeC. healthD. program( )37. Its not _ to buy any milk. We still have some.A. terrible B. serious C. dangerousD. necessary( )38. _ is your brother? The boy in a green T-shirt.A. How B. WhichC. WhereD. What( )39. Why didnt you do your homework? Because I _ my hand.A. dislikedB. shared C. reachedD. broke ( )40. Why does Bob always get good grades in the tests? Because he is _.A. outgoing B. lazyC. hard-workingD. popular( )41. Does Jim often help you with your studies? Yes, he is my best friend and he _ me.A. looks for B. laughs at C. cares about D. shouts at( )42. Whats the weather like today? _ than yesterday. A. Cold B. Colder C. Coldest D. The coldest( )43. This bike is _ that one, but it is a little smaller.A. strict with B. worried aboutC. similar toD. different from( )44. If you dont want to be late, you should _ up earlier tomorrow.A. to getB. gettingC. gotD. get( )45. Thats Mike, isnt it? _. Mike is much taller.A. Yes, it is B. No, it isntC. Yes, it doesD. No, it doesnt三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) I am an Iranian (伊朗) man. Two years ago, I retired (退休). It 46 that I had more free time than other people, so I spent my time learning something new through the 47 . I made a friend from England just by 48 emails to each other. He often felt bored. He didnt want to talk with anyone. As his 49 , I didnt want him to be like this. Then a good idea came to my 50 . I asked him if he could 51 me spoken English! We were not in the same place, 52 we could talk with each other by Skype. He came to the 53 in surprise! “Yes! Id really like to do that! Can I do that?” After a few lessons, I could feel that he became much 54 than before! I know how important it is to feel that 55 needs you. Im happy that we are still good friends now.( )46. A. learned B. describedC. seemedD. forgot( )47. A. Internet B. magazine C. radio D. newspaper( )48. A. giving B. sharing C. taking D. writing( )49. A. teacher B. friend C. father D. classmate( )50. A. way B. mind C. eyesD. family( )51. A. read B. teachC. callD. show( )52. A. and B. because C. but D. if( )53. A. TV B. computer C. book D. phone( )54. A. healthier B. happier C. busier D. taller( )55. A. anyone B. everyone C. no one D. someone四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)A John is a student in Sunshine Middle School. He loves playing sports. Just now, his classmate Tim told him that there would be a sports meeting in a few days. John wants to join in the football game. So he went to learn more information.( )56. Tim is a _.A. primary school student B. middle school student C. member (成员) of Students Union D. middle school teacher( )57. When will they have the sports meeting?A. This Wednesday.B. This Sunday. C. Next Monday.D. Next Saturday.( )58. Which sport is John interested in?A. Football. B. The high jump. C. Volleyball. D. Running. ( )59. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The sports meeting will begin in the morning. B. All the ball games are in the school gym. C. The sports meeting will end on September 28th. D. A student can join in one or two sport games.( )60. Who is the NOTICE written for?A. Students. B. Parents. C. Teachers. D. Students Union.B Everybody has his best friend, and so do I. My name is Lily. Today I want to tell you something about my best friend Gina. I made friends with her two years ago. She is an outgoing and talented girl. She likes volleyball and plays it every day. She wins many prizes (奖品) in different games. In fact, Im quite different from her. Im not as tall as her. I like music. I dont like sports, but sometimes she asks me to go to play volleyball with her. She thinks it is good to my health. Im more serious and hard-working. I always get better grades than she does, so maybe I should help her more. Its not necessary to be the same. I like Gina because she is kind and she can make me laugh. We can share many things. Though we are not similar, we care about each other. Thats the most important thing. ( )61. Who is Gina? A. Lilys classmate. B. Lilys friend. C. Lilys cousin. D. Lilys friend. ( )62. What does Lily think of herself? A. She is serious. B. She is outgoing. C. She is talented. D. She is kind. ( )63. What does Gina like doing? A. Studying English. B. Listening to music. C. Playing volleyball. D. Talking with Lily. ( )64. How often does Lily play volleyball? A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week. D. Sometimes. ( )65. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Lily always gets better grades. B. Lily wins many prizes in different gamesC. Gina is as tall as Lily. D. Gina and Lily made friends two years ago. C Peter Franklin is a taxi driver in New York City. He thought a lot about New York City. One day, he decided to go to radio stations to let more people know New York. Now, he had over 40,000 shows. They were both on the radio and Internet.At first, he talked about things and people, but not about himself. But over the years he found that people loved to know more about him. He is still talking about his city, his world and himself. He feels that he helps others know New York City better. He wants to keep doing this, because he loves it.He isnt just a taxi driver he is an ambassador (大使) of a great city. He is a quiet person with few words, but when he talks about his city, he talks a lot. I like him and I like every one of you with the idea of making the world better!( )66. What is Peter Franklin?A. An ambassador.B. A taxi driver. C. A teacher. D. A policeman. ( )67. Why did Peter begin to talk on the radio?A. Because it was interesting.B. Because he wanted to let people know more about his city. C. Because he wanted to make friends.D. Because he thought he was wonderful. ( )68. Which of the following is NOT true about Peter? A. He didnt talk about himself much at first. B. He gives shows on the radio and Internet.C. He knows much about the USA. D. He loves talking about New York City. ( )69. What does the writer think of Peter? A. He is quiet and has few words. B. He is cute but noisy.C. He is outgoing and noisy. D. He is friendly and funny.( )70. What does the writer try to tell us according to the passage?A. Taxi drivers know a city best. B. We should make the world better.C. We can try to talk about our city on the radio. D. New York City has good taxi drivers.五、单词拼写。(每小题1分,共10分) 71. Miss Green has a kind h_. 72. Although Tom is a 7-year-old k_, he can do 73. I t_ saw Mike just now. 74. Did Peter w_ a computer in the game last week? Yes, he did. 75. C_, you should tell your parents the information. 76. Tina did very well in the English _ (竞赛) yesterday.77. In fact, I dont care whose _ (镜子) it is. 78. As the _ (谚语) goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”79. You should _ (触摸) here with your dinger (手指). 80. My father is a _ (了不起的) man. I love him very much. 六、选词填空,每词只限用一次(每小题1分,共5分) good, loud, in, reach, breakLong long ago, there was a crow (乌鸦). When he was very thirsty (口渴的), he saw a vase (花瓶) with some water 81. _ it, but he couldnt get the water. He began to cry 82. _. After some time, he stopped crying. He tried to 83. _ the vase, but he couldnt move it. At last, he had a good idea. He began putting stones (石子) into the vase. Slowly, the water 84. _ the top of the vase, and the crow could drink. “Im happy that I didnt spend all my time crying. Thinking is much 85. _ than crying!” he said to himself. 七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) My father, John Smith, was born (出生) in India in 1947. Now he still lives in India with my mom. My two brothers are in Canada, and I am in England. My father worked as a teacher in a high school for over forty years. He was a hard-working and kind man. After he retired, he went to grow fruit and vegetables on the farm. He is also a good cook (厨师) now. He often helps my mom in the kitchen to cook delicious food. During the years I stayed with my father, he was always good to me. He always helps me with my studies. When he went to the town to go shopping, he would buy something for me to eat. He always knew what I liked most. Now, I live far from my parents. When I talk with them through the phone, they always give me good advice (建议). I miss them.86. Where does John live? _87. How many brothers does the writer have? _88. Was John a teacher before he retired? _89. What does the writer think of his father? _90. How does the writer communicate (沟通) with his parents now? _八、书面表达 (共10分)你有几个好朋友?他们与你有什么共同点和不同点?假如今天外教课讨论的话题是好朋友,请你根据以下提示完成短文,在课堂上向大家介绍你的两个好朋友。提示:1. What are your friends names? 2. What do you think of your friends? 3. What do you do together? 要求:1. 语句通顺、逻辑连贯,可适当发挥;2. 不少于60词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。I have two good friends. They are _Unit 3参考答案二、31-35 BCBBA 36-40 CDBDC 41-45 CBCDB三、46-50 CADBB 51-55 BCBBD四、56-60 BDABA 61-65 BACDA 66-70 BBCAB五、71. heart 72. kid 73. truly 74. win 75. clearly 76. competition 77. mirror 78. saying 79. touch 80. fantastic 六、81. in 82. loudly 83. break 84. reached 85. better七、86. In India. 87. Two. 88. Yes, he was. 89. He is hard-working and kind. 90. By phone. 八、I have two good friends. They are Zhao Lina and He Xiaowen.Zhao Lina looks similar to me. Both of us have long straight hair, but she is a little taller. She is smarter and more outgoing, so she has more friends than me. Im quieter and more hard-working.He Xiaowen looks different from me, but we have the same hobbies. We both like reading. She works as hard as me and we often help each other with our studies. The funny thing is that when we three get together, Zhao Lina is always talking, while He Xiaowen and I are always listening.


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