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L跟骨外侧入路l 1 literal approach to the calcaneusl N - 1 - 1切口起J 外制缘近止点处怡后弧行向远下止外WHii F 2.5- 3cm处 沒术人路吋用来完成At It紳灶淸除术。Fig. H - I - ithe kin irwiMon on the klcra) maq;in of the tendon cakancun nearih insertion and rune it liMallv and inferiorly to a point 2. 5 - 3 cin oitferior and inferior l iIm* mjlltx!iix. Dii* jppniach is usiul for the removal of foru% on I hr calcaneus.图II -I -2切开皮狀、皮下fll织及深筋枳显HiWIt肌U*及刃支持带丿Fig. 11-1-2 Divide the dciix the ubcutancou* tkaues and ihr deep fascia to levcai the pcrofical tendons and ii vrtinaculum.图ii -i -3切开器骨肌支W.KNN1T肌肌8!并将其向上牵开切开犍FM1T 并向斷侧测离Pig. 11 - I - 3 IfUiM* llw |rf(NW*al rrlinuculuin Io ihlr I Im* |m*hmm*jiI trixkn? then wlra 1 llw*m Mi|M*rirly. ibrn in iM- ami rlratr the |wri*lrum lrlm the Irndon* to斗xz tlw calc amm* Immm*.2.跟骨内侧入路2. hrcl ihr calranru*. B*pn if am the mrlial “kirpn f theralrarw-u* nriir ih “Yilion and puz il inkriorly to lhe medialmallr4u and end il al th( dr na% iculur Immw. This* apprYiach fit% I hr (ollouing oprruliora*: rrmovid (beuw ni the iil jm-u* o|m*ii rrdu Ikmi aixl Gxtflion of I hr calanral fnMlurr.ra ii”j开皮我皮下组织及深筋諛earn展駅Fi. I I -2-2 Incix* tlw、kin. llw zbcukmmu、lizixf aixl llw Trp GiMia rx|MKing thr uImIui Iot h.illuc1*.图II -2-3显缶树展讥的F绿.将并向什鶴金开曲期竹体的内*1和卜内駕。Hg. 11-2-3叭 g Ihcmfcnnr margin of llw aMucM hallum型下 lh- oium k ixllyand retract it donmlly to cxpottc the medial and inferomwiia! aspect* ( w bo 1*A *jrM us131m 11-2-4 在蹲腿Ul F缘沿切II方向切开竹脱并祸肉显舛级1T内侧Fig. 11 -2-4 Incise llw* periMcum in line with thr de in inci 如 m and Mrip il from thr lone to rxpw thea*|wcl of llw calcanru*3.第一跖趾关节内侧入路3. Milial approach to the first inUatars4)phalangt-al jointW 11 -3-1金第帥IM关以叢跖“英“何助为中心作七约3-5m的 皮联纵行切【1诙手术人路町用来完成蹟竇炎M竇切除术、第Hi-Jtl内侧什赞切除术、蹲 外辭形术JGJ部純灶濟除术第 W1t头及近WMTtn折切开复位内01定术Fig. I I -3-1 Make a 3 - 5 rti lng iix iMon rrnlrrr over ihr joint %pa|luilangral pint. This uppnNich cuii lr u*cd fur buniM*cln)y. rxi4i!. (XNrmlMMi of hallux valgum. rrnMnul |N*n reduclicn and (ixalion of fracture of the head of lhe fiml mctalanud and proximal plmlaiuc of the p*ul lw.图11-3-2切开皮肤及皮呵I纽、筋换将氏向艸対牵开狐第一跖趾关节豪的内 !*1结构切开皮IK时注盘保护畅綁的-根皮神经-hg. II - 3 - 2 Incise the、kin I hr Mibcu 口 nrx 卜 I issues anl the fasciae. Krlra l ImHIirx|MK4- llw miNiialnf I hr joint capsule dn(l take irt to pnMrt the ru-nrnr.m 11-3-3切开关节竇时作一血&位于近肖址什的舌形超向远WMff.第一KatWohg. 1133 Inez Ihr join!呵皿brn、i叩an叫誉-、血网晋P:;MW 31 (he Imm- of Ihr oxmuil plwlan. and n-lnx ihr 伽p dlMy Io E * inriatarsopluilaiigral joint.133


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