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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 毕 业 设 计(论文) 外文文献翻译题目:股票收益和周末效 应 学 院: 数理学院 专业名称: 信息与计算科学 学 号: 201141210105 学生姓名: 翁巧梅 指导教师: 许小芳 老师 2015年2月28日 股票收益和周末效 应Kenneth R FRENCH*University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA收录于 1979 年 10 月,最终版本收录于 1980 年 2 月摘要:这篇论文检验产生股票收益过程的两种替代模型。在日历效应下,这个过程持续进行,于是周一的预期收益会是一周中其他时间的三倍。在交易时间假设下,仅仅在活跃交易期内产生收益,因而一周中每天的预期收益都是一样的。在我们研究期间的大部分时间中,1953 年到 1977 年标准普尔投资组合的日收益与这两种模型都不相符。尽管一周中其他四天的日平均收益都是正数,但值得注意的是,在这五个五年期检验结果中,周一的平均收益都呈现负值。1.介绍 自巴舍利耶 1991 年发表了具有开创性意义的论文之后,产生股票收益的过程就成了金融界最受欢迎的研究主题之一。尽管很多作者也都曾谈到过这个论题,但很多问题仍旧没有解决。其中一个问题就是这个过程是持续性进行的还是只是在活跃交易期内进行的。因为大部分股票仅从周一到周五进行交易,如果收益在日历时间下是连续产生的,那么周一的收益分布就有异于这周内其他四天的。从另一方面来说,如果股票收益是在交易期产生的,那么这周内每天的收益分布应该是一样的。很多研究人员通过研究价格变化方差来检验这个论题。譬如,法玛(Fama, 1965)通过比较周一和其他四天股票收益的方差来检验日历效应。另外,克拉克(Clark, 1973)建立并检验了交易时间假设模型,说明收益方差应该与交易量线性相关。这篇文章通过比较一周中每天的收益来检验产生股票收益的过程。不考虑节假日,从上周周五结束交易到周一结束交易,周一的收益报告代表了三个工作日的投资,而这周内其他四天的收益分别反映了一天的投资。因此,如果用日历时间来计算,预期收益在一段投资期内呈现线性相关,那么周一的平均收益就是本周其他四天平均收益的三倍。然而,如果这个产生过程是在交易时间假设下进行的, 五天的收益都各自反映一天的投资,且每天的平均收益是相同的。用 1953 年到 1977 年的标准普尔投资组合每天的收益检验出来的结果令人惊讶。这个结果跟这两个模型都不相符,值得注意的是,这五个五年期检验结果中,周一的平均收益都呈现负值,在这整段时间里也是同样的结果。第二部分阐述了日股票价格模型,这个模型中的日股票价格将用在第三部分中来检验日收益行为假设和周一反常收益假设。第四部分探索这些负值收益的市场效率所暗含的意义,第五部分讨论这些知识对于个人投资者的价值。最后一部分分析了实证检验的结果。2股票日益收益模型前面的研究已经发现股票价格可以用下面指数的随机游走模型来描述,其中 Pt 是股票在 t 期末的价格, Dt 是 t 时期的股息, E (Rt ) 是股价在 t 时期的预期收益, 其中 Rt 是观测到的时间 t 内的连续复利收益。为了检验日收益行为假说,假设对于一周内任意一天预期收益是不变的,误差项服从固定的正态分布。这个假设表明,比如说每个周二的预期回报是相同的,而且每个周四的误差项服从相同的分布。这可以被总结为: 其中下标 d 指一周中某天观察到的收益。3. 实证检验3.1 数据汇总用标准普尔的投资组合日收益来测试收益是否以日历时间或交易时间来生成。这个交易组合由纽约证券交易所的 500 支最大企业股票构成。在交易时间假设下,这个组合的预期收益每天都是一样的。然而,如果日历时间模型是正确的,那么预期收益不仅在周一比较高,而且在假期之后的时间也同样高。在日历时间假设下,为了确保周一的预期回报是一周内其他几天的三倍,收益中如果包括节日则要省略。例如,如果周二是节日,那么随后的周三的收益是不被包括在样本中的。把从 1953 年到 1977 年间观测到的总共 6024 个统计数据进行汇总,并列在表 1 中,每五年作为一个时段进行检验(19531957,19581962,19681972 和 19731977)。结果 25 年的数据显示预期收益不是整周都不变的,周一的收益也不是其他几天收益的三倍,反而是负的,而且五个时期的结果显示周一的收益低于其他几天的平均收益。除此之外,在 5%显著性假设之下的任意五年期检验中,表 1 中 t 统计量都显示周一预期收益为正的假设可以被拒绝。在均值为-0.17%时,整 25 年的收益在 5%的显著性水平之下接受此假设。 周一的收益和此周内其他几天收益的差值被图 1 中的回报直方图表示出来。第一个直方图由整个期间里的周一收益构成,虽然第一幅图中大部分主要在负区域上,但是其他几个直方图中大部分都在正区域上。表 2 显示,年平均回报率,此图进一步充实了 25 年中的 20 年的研究。周一的平均收益是负值,然而周二,是第二大数字,仅仅只有 9%的平均收益是负值。进一步地,在 25 年中的 20 年里,周一的平均收益比一周中其他几天的平均收益都要低。变量表示一周中每天被观察到的收益( d = 周二, d = 周三,等等)。 表示周一的预期3.2 交易时间假设和日历时间假设的实验与一周中其他几天相比,周一的低收益显示无论是交易时间模型还是日历时间模型都不能准确的描述收益的产生过程。如果交易时间模型是正确的,那么一周中每天的收益都是相同的。回归模型: 被用于正式检验这个模型。在这个回归中, Rt 表示标准普尔投资组合的收益率,虚拟2t 3t收益值,然而 2, 5 代表周一的预期收益和其他几天的预期收益的差值。如果一周里的每天的预期收益都是一样的,那么估计值 2 , 5 将会近似于 0,而且 F 统计量测量的虚拟变量的联合意义就不大。表 3 中的 A 部分代表等式(1)的估计,表明观测到的收益值在 19531977 年这段检验时间里的多数的时候都不支持交易时间模型。事实上,检验假设 2, 5 为 0 时,在前四个时期和整 25 年中,0.5%的显著性水平下 F 统计量是显著的。从 19731977 的这段时间里, F 统计量为 1.265,这是是唯一的交易时间假设不被拒绝的时期。 2, 5等于 0 将是没有意义的。 如果日历时间假设是正确的,那么周一的预期收益将是其他几天预期收益的 3 倍。这个假设的检验方法和交易时间模型很相似,使用的回归模型是 (2)在这个回归中, 表示周一预期收益的三分之一,而且 2, 5 估计周一收益分数和周内其他几天收益的差值。如果周一的预期收益是其他几天预期收益的三倍,那么 F 统计量证明假设等式(2)的估计表示在表 3 中的 B 部分, F 统计量显示日历时间假设可以被拒绝,在头四个时期和整个时期里。然而在最后一个时期里无论是交易时间假设还是日历时间假设都不能被拒绝,在 19531972 之间被观察到的收益既不符合交易时间模型也不符合日历时间模型。3.3 一个假期之后收益的测试尽管上面的实验允许拒绝收益产生过程的日历时间模型和交易时间模型,但是它们很少提供有关负预期收益性质的资料。例如,是否系统性的负收益只是发生在周一或者他们是否会在市场封闭之后的任意一天上升?如果负收益反映某种“封闭市场”效应,那么假期后的预期收益将会和周末一样比较低。为了测试这种封闭市场假设,把假期之后的标准普尔投资组合收益和上面检验中使用的“非假期”收益进行比较。一方面,如果封闭市场假设是正确的,那么假期收益的均值将会比一周里其他几天非假期收益均值要低。另一方面,如果周一的负收益只是证明“周末”效应的证据的话,那么情况将不会是这样的。换言之,投资者可以预期周一,周三,周四或周五的收益比正常的要高,因为假期包括一个额外的正预期收益。只有周二的预期收益要低是因为,在周一的假期之后,它还包括周末的负预期收益值。表 4 中所示,每周的平均日收益是完全符合周末假说的含义的。在假期之后的周一,周三,周四和周五的收益比较高,然而周四的收益要低一些。这表明周一的连续负收益是由某种周末相应引起的,而不是由一般的封闭市场效应引起的。3.4 周一负收益的贝叶斯分析表 1 中的 t 检验量显示如果周一后的收益分布均值为正,那么周一出现连续负收益的情况将基本不会发生。然而与此同时,大多数人都认为周一预期回报均为正,这似乎是合理的。那么这些预期是如何被 19531977 间的数据影响的呢? 处理这个问题的正式方法是基于贝叶斯法则进行的。在分析数据之前,一个普遍观点是假。设周一预期收益可以通过概率密度函数数据之后,进一步假设周一的预期收益为,则观察到预期的收益均值的可能性为,然后根据贝叶斯法则,在检验数据后投资者对周一预期收益的信心可以通过分布的密度函数与这两个密度函数乘积的比来进行描述,也就是 由于周一收益的生成过程被假设是正常的,所以给出过程方式的均值收益密度函数(似然函数)也是正常的。如果人们的事先信念所可以被正常分布描述,那么验证后分布也是正常的。在描述后验分布参数时,可以很方便的定义估计或是分布的精度 h ,作为其逆差额。运用定义,后验分布是先验均值和观测到的均值和的平均,其精度加权是 其中,是后验分布均值,是先验分布均值,x 是观察到的收益均值。权 h0,hx 分别代表先验分布精度和观察到的均值的精度。后验分布精度 h1 由 h1 = h0 + hx 表出,给出了先验和可能性精度的总和。例如,假设普遍的关于周一收益的生成过程的个人信念可以使用均值为 0.02%,标准差为 0.01%的正态分布进行概述。这表明周一预期收益为正的先验概率为 97.5%。1953 年到 1977 年间的周一收益率均值是-0.17%,此估计的标准差是 0.025%。运用贝叶斯法则更新先验分布,后验分布在均值为-0.006%,标准差为 0.009%时是正常的。对于此观点,在25 年间观察的数据使得周一预期收益率为正的概率从 97.5%降低到近乎 25%。 检验后验胜算比是数据检验之后的比较有效且普遍使用的方法,此后验比是对于预期收益为负的后验胜算为正。在先验分布为正态的假设下,图 2 表示了不同的初始参数的后验胜算比。例如,如果先验均值是 0.02%,关于此均值的标准差为 0.01%,后验胜算比接近3 : 1 。尽管每种观点都一定形成各自的有关周一预期收益的先验分布,但是似乎大多数人的观点(至少一部分人)是以股票月收益或年收益为基础的,而这似乎是合理的。假设有一种观点已经检验了从 19531977 年间的股票,而且其也运用这些消息形成了自己的先验分布。进一步,在研究日收益之前,假设他相信收益是由交易时间生成的。那么每个交易日都将有相同的预期收益,而且此人先验分布的的周一收益将会等价于月收益均值除于20.9,这是每个月交易日的均值。先验变量等价于月估计收益除于 20.9 的变量。 由于 19531977 年间的月平均收益率是 0.741%,而且此估计的标准差是 0.227%,那么观点的先验均值和标准差分别是 0.227%和 0.059%。运用上面描述的步骤更新先验分布,后验分布的均值和标准差分别为-0.128%和 0.022%。这个后验分布表明胜算比大于1000:1。换句话说,以先验分布和 19531977 年间的月收益为基础的交易时间模型,可以解释为:周一的预期收益为负的概率是其为正的概率的 1000 倍以上。相似的结论可以用于日历时间模型或者是 19261952 年间的月收益。4.市场效率的含意前面讨论到的基于观察和实验的检验显示,对于大量的优先分配,周五到周一的预期股票市场收益在 1953 年到 1977 年这段时间内很可能是负值。也许对于这最明显的解释就是在周末发布的信息不可靠。譬如,要是坏消息传出公司都害怕恐慌性抛售,他们就会将消息的发布推迟到周末,留出更多的时间来让人们消化这些坏消息。然而这些行为显然是可能的,这也就不会导致有效市场上的系统性负值股票收益。相反,投资者可能会期待在周末有不好的消息发布,然后他们会一周内都适当低估股票价格。要是有人断定周一的预期收益是负值,这也倾向于推断市场无效。然而,任何有效市场假设的检验同时也是效率检验和市场均衡本质假说的检验。正因为这样,所以没有人能毫不含糊地否定市场效率。不过,很难想象,任何合理的均衡模型都与市场效率相符的同时,也和像标准普尔复合资产组合一样大型的资产组合的消极预期收益相符合。5.来自周一负值收益的潜在利润即便有人断定周一的负值收益是市场无效的证据,但相比它所表现出来的利润,任何个人从负值收益知识中获得的利润更加有限。基于这些信息的简单交易策略为个人每周一下午买入标准普尔复合资产组合,在周五下午卖出这些投资组合,在周末持有现金在手提供参考。忽略交易成本,从 1953 年到 1977 年,这种交易规则会产生 13.4%的平均年收益,然后买后持有的策略将会有 5.5%的年收益。然而,没有哪个投资者会忽略交易成本。如果这些成本仅仅是成交额的 0.25%,买入后持有策略在我们所研究的 25 年的每一年里,都将会有更高收益。这并不是说市场无效的认识毫无价值。如果周五到周一的预期收益是负值,个人投资者为提高投资的预期收益,他们会通过任何可能的方式改变交易时间的计算方式,以至于延迟周二或周五买入计划到周一再买入;同时,把原计划周一卖出的金融资产提前到上个周五卖出。6.结论这篇文章检验了产生股票收益的两种替代模型。在日历效应下,这个过程持续进行;同时,因为周一的收益反映了三个日历日的投资,周一的预期收益也将会是这周其他四天预期收益的三倍。在交易时间假设下,收益仅在活跃交易期内产生。由于每天的收益仅代表一个交易日,如果这个模型是正确的,这周内每天的预期收益也将会是相同的。在 1953 年到 1977 年我们所研究的大部分时段内,标准普尔复合资产组合的日收益与交易时间假设和日历效应不相符。令人惊讶的是,在我们研究的五个五年期检验结果中,尽管一周内其他四天的平均收益都是正值,周一的平均收益却都是负值。为了检验系统性负值收益是否仅发生在周一或是任何市场停市后的一天,我们把节假日之后那些天的收益和没有节假日时段的收益进行了比较。只有周二的平均假日收益低于无节假日平均收益,这表示,负值预期收益由周末效应引起而非由普遍的封闭市场效应引起。预期收益中每周模式可能导致对基于观察日股票数据的检验的偏见。在很多这些检验中,无限制的预期收益在这周内保持不变。华德(Waud,1970)对于 1953 年到 1977 年联邦储蓄贴现率变化的研究证明了这种偏见地可能性。华德发现,对于一个有 16 利率提高的样本,标准普尔复合资产组合的平均收益在公布日是-0.245 个百分点,然后,对于有 9个利率提高的样本,平均收益是 0.520 个百分点。为了断定这些结果的重要性,华德把它们与所研究时期内的平均日收益 0.034 个百分点进行了比较。然而,25 个利率中仅有一个变化的发生在周一。因为周一的预期收益比这周其他四天的预期收益都低,信息发布当天的无限制预期收益实际上比平均日收益高。信息公布日是收益与这个高无限制预期收益的比较是对股票收益中贴现率变化效应更准确的检验。周一持续的负值收益看似是市场无效的证据。虽然基于正值预期收益的活跃交易期策略可能由于交易成本而无法产生利益,但投资者可能通过任何可能的方式改变交易时间计算方式,以至于延迟周二或周五买入计划到周一再买入;同时,把原计划周一卖出的金融资产提前到上个周五卖出。 STOCK RETURNS AND THE WEEKEND EFFECT Kenneth R FRENCH* Unwersrty of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA(Received October 1979, final version received February 1980) 1. Introduction The process generatmg stock returns has been one of the most popular topics of research in finance since Bachehers ploneermg article, pubhshed in 19001.Although many authors have addressed this issue2,several questlons have not been resolved . One of these is whether the process operates contmuously or only during active tradmg. Since most stocks are traded only from Monday through Fnday.If returns are generated contmuously in calendar time,the dlstrlbutlon of returns for Monday will be different from the dlstrlbutlon of returns for other days of the week On the other hand,if stock returns are generated in tradmg time,the dlstrlbutlon of returns will be the same for all five days of the week 。 Several researchers have examined this issue by studymg the variance of price changes.For example,Fama(1965)tests the hypothesis that returns are generated in calendar time by comparmg the variance.of stock retuins for Monday with the variance for other days of the week On the other hand, Clark (1973) develops a model in which returns are generated in trading tim and tests the lmphcatlon that the variance of the returns shoul be hnearly related to the volume of trading3. This paper examines the process generatmg stock returns by comparing the returns for different days of the week ignoring hohdays, the returns reported for Monday represent a three-calendar-day investment, from the close of trading Fnday to the close of tradmg Monday, while the returns for other days reflect a one-day investment Therefore,if the expected return is a linear function of the period of mvestment, measured in calendar time, the mean return for Monday will be three times the mean for the other days of the week However, if the generating process operates in trading time, the returns for all five days represent one-day investments and the mean return will be the same for each day。 The results of tests using the dally returns to the Standard and Poors composite portfolio from 1953 to 1977 are surprising inconsistent with both the calendar and trading time models, the mean return for Monday was slgmficantly negatlue in each of five five-year subperiods, as well as over the full period 4. Sectlon 2 develops a model of dall stoc prices which is used in the third sectlon to test the hypotheses about dally return behavior and to examme the anomalous returns for Monday Section 4 explores the lmphcatlons of these negative returns for market efficiency,and sectlon 5 discusses the value of knowledge about them for any mdlvldual investor Some imphcatlons of the results for empirical tests using dally stock prices are analyzed in the final section. 2. Model of daily stuck returns Previous studies have shown that the behavior of stock prices can be described by a multlphcatlve random walk5. where Pt is the price at the end of period t, Dt is the dlvldend paid during period r,E(Rt)is the expected return in period t,and is a serially independent random variable whose expected value is zero this model is equivalent to where ,is the contmuously compounded return observed in period t To test the hypotheses about dally return behavior,it isassumed that, for any particular day of the week,the expected return is constant and the error term is drawn from stationary normal dlstrlbutlon This assumption implies,for example,that the expected return for every Tuesday is the same and that every Tuesdays error term is drawn from the same dlstrlbutlon .This is summarized by where the subscript d indicates the day of the week on which the return is observed 。3.Empirical tests 3 .1 Summary of the data The dally returns to the Standard and Poors composite portfolio are used to examme whether returns are generated in calendar time or trading time .This portfolio consists of 500 of the largest firms on the NewYork Stock Exchange 6Under the trading time hypothesis, the expected return to this portfolio is the same for each trading day However, if the calendar time model is correct, the expected return is higher not only for Mondays, but also for days followmg holidays .To msure that, under the calendar time hypothesis, the expected return for Monday is always three times the expected return for the other days of the week, any return for a period which includes a holiday is omitted For example, if Tuesday is a holiday, the return for the succeeding Wednesday is not included in the sample. The summary statlstrcs for the remaining 6024 observations, from 1953 to 1977, are presented in table 1 Inspection of the means for each of the five subperlods (1953-1957, 1958-1962, 1963-1967, 1968-1972,and 1973-1977) and for the ful 25 years indicates that the expected return was not constant through the week nor was the return for Monday three times the return for the other days of the week Rather, the return for Monday was negative and lower than the average return for any other day for each of the five subperiods in addition,the t-statistics shown in table 1 indicate that the hypothesis that Mondays expected return was positive can be rejected during any five-year period at a 5 percent slgmficance level The returns for the full 25 years, with a mean of -0. 17 percent, allow rejection of this hypothesis at the 0 .5 percent level . The difference between the returns for Monday and the returns for the other days of the week is illustrated by the histograms of these returns shown in fig 1 .While the mass of the first histogram, comprised of the returns for Monday over the full period, is mostly in the negative region, the mass for the other histograms is centered in the positive region. The annual mean returns, shown in table 2, further enrich this picture in20 of the 25 years studied, the mean return for Monday was negative, while Tuesday, with the next largest number, had only nine average returns which were negative In addition, Mondays mean was lower than the mean for any other day of the week during 20 of the 25 years 。3.2 Tests of the trading trme and the calendar tune hypotheses The low returns for Monday, relative to the other days of the week, suggest that neither the trading time nor the calendar time model is an accurate description of the return generating process If the trading time model were correct,the expected return would be the same for each day of the week .The regression, (1)is used to formally test this proposition In this regression, is the return to the standard and Poorsportfolio and the dummy variables indlcate the day of the week on which the return is observed (=Tuesday, = Wednesday,etc) The expected return for Monday is measured by ,while through represent the difference between the expected return for Monday and the expected return for each of the other days of the week ,if the expected return is the same for each day of the week, the estimates of through will be close to zero and an F-statistic measurmg the Joint slgmficance of the dummy variables should be mslgmficant .The estimates of eq (l), presented in part A of table 3, mdlcate that the observed returns are mconslstent with the trading time model during most of the period exammed, from 1953 through 1977 in fact, the F-statlstlc, testing the hypothesis that through are zero, is significant at the 0.5 percent level durmg the first four subperlods and over the full 25 years .The period from 1973 through 1977, with an F-statlstlc of 1265, is the only period In which the trading time model is not rejected If the calendar time hypothesis is correct, the expected return for Monday is three times the expected return for the other days of the week. The test of this hypothesis is very slmllar to the test of the tradmg time model .The regression used is (2) where the dummy vanable, equals 1 if the return is for a Monday and the other variables are the same as above in this regression, O( measures one- third of the expected return for Monday and through estimatethe difference between this fraction of Mondays return and the expected return for each of the other days of the week if the expected return for Monday is three times the expected return for each of the other days, an F-statlstlc testmg the hypothesis that through equal zero should not be slgmficant. The estimates of eq (2) are presented in part B of table 3 Again,the F- statlstlcs mdlcate that the calendar time hypothesis can be rejected durmg the first four subperiods and over the full period. While neither the tradmg time nor the calendar time hypothesis can be rejected during the last subpenod, the returns observed from 1953 through 1972 are mconslstent with both the tradmg time and the calendar time models 3.3 An examrnatzon of the returns followmg holzdays While the tests described above allow rejection of both the calendar time and the tradmg time models of the return generatmg process, they provide very httle mformatlon about the nature of th negative expected returns For example, do the systematlcally negative returns occur only on Mondays or do they arise after any day that the market is closed7 If the negative returns reflect some closed-market effect,the expected return will be lower followmg hohdays as well as weekends To examme this closed-market hypothesis, the returns to the standard and Poors portfolio for days followmg hohdays are compared with thenon- holidayreturns used in the tests above. If the closed-market hypothesis is correct, the average holiday return should be lower than the average non- holiday return for each day of the week .On the other hand, If the negative returns for Monday are only evidence of aweekendeffect, this will not be the case instead, one could expect the return for Monday,Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday to be higher than normal because it Includes an addition posltlve expected return for the holiday itself. Only the return for Tuesday should be lower because, after a holiday on Monday, it includes the negative expected return for the weekend .The average dally returns,presented in table 4, are completely consistent with the lmphcatlons of the weekend hypothesis .The average return is higher for Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays followmg hohdays, while the average return for Tuesdays is lower. This indicates that the persistently negative returns for Monday are caused by some weekend effect,rather than by a general closed-market effect7 3 4 A Bayeszan analyszs of the negatzve returns for Monday The t-tests presented in table 1 indicate that it is very unlikely that the persistently negative returns for Monday would have occurred if the mean of the underlying dlstrlbutlon were positive . At the same time, however it seems reasonable that most peoples expectations of the return for Monday were positive .How are these expectations affected by the evidence from 1953 through 1977? One formal approach to this problem is based on Bayesrule Suppose that, before examining the data, an mdlvlduals opmlon about the expected return to Monday can be described by a probabdlty density function, Further,suppose that,given the expected return for Monday the probability of observing an average return of x is Then, by Bayes ule, ones beliefs about the expected return for Monday, after examining the data, can be described by a dlstrlbutlon whose density function 1s proportional to the product of these two density functions That is, Since the process generating the returns for Monday is assumedto be normal, the density function of the average return given the mean of the process (thehkehhood function), ,is also normal. If ones prior beliefs , are summarized by a normal dlstnbutlon, then the posterior distnbutlonwill also be normal.In describing the parameters of the posterior dlstnbutlon, it is convenient to define the precision of an estimate or distnbutlon, h, as the inverse of its variance .Using this defimtlon, the mean o


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