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第九届中国艺术节(小平手写体) THE NINTH CHINA ARTS FESTIVAL 第十三届文华奖参演剧目 河北省邯郸市平调落子剧团演出 大型魔幻舞台剧黄粱梦主办单位:中华人民共和国文化部 广东省人民政府承办单位:广州市人民政府二一年五月 广州内容一:河北省邯郸市平调落子剧团简介A Brief Introduction to the Pingdiao and Laozi Opera Troupe of Handan, Hebei province该团成立于1942年,它的前身是八路军129师在太行山区为配合抗日宣传成立的演技队,已有近70年的历史。在抗战时期该团为发动群众、宣传抗日做出了突出贡献,十几位演职员献出了宝贵生命。平调和落子是邯郸独有的两个地方剧种,距今已有五百多年的历史,两个剧种在2006年同时被列为国家首批非物质文化遗产保护名录。This opera troupe was founded in 1942, its predecessor was the performance team organized by the 129 division of The Eighth Route Army to cooperate with the anti-Japanese propaganda in the Taihang mountain area, which has been nearly 70 years.During the anti-Japanese war period, this opera troupe made outstanding contribution in order to mobilize the masses and publicize the anti-Japanese war, more than ten actors sacrificed their lives. Pingdiao and laozi are two local operas, particular of Handan, which has a history of more than five hundred years. These two operas were listed in the first national intangible cultural heritage in 2006. 该团自成立以来,在各级党委、政府正确领导下,取得了一系列辉煌成就。早在五十年代初著名音乐家马可到平调落子剧团采风,而后他采用了平调主旋律创作出唱红全国的小二黑结婚“清凌凌的水来,蓝莹莹的天”脍炙人口的唱段。1959年毛泽东视察邯郸时观看落子剧端花时,曾两次开怀大笑并说:“打破了戏曲舞台上的清规戒律,是一台好戏”。建团60多年来,多次在全国及河北省专业比赛中取得优异成绩。近几年来,平调落子剧团围绕弘扬民族文化、保护繁荣地方剧种的中心任务做了大量工作。2003年、2006年分别创排了两组邯郸成语典故短剧(黄粱美梦邯郸学步胡服骑射负荆请罪、奉公守法、河伯娶妻);2005年参与拍摄了8集反映政府帮助下岗职工再就业的平调戏曲电视连续剧桃花红了;2006年参与拍摄了反映平调落子剧团在抗日战争中发挥文艺宣传优势,宣传群众、鼓舞士气、打击敌人的20集电视剧大舞台,2009年初创排了大型魔幻舞台剧黄粱梦。Under the great leading of the party committees and governments at all levels, this opera troupe has made a series of brilliant achievements. In the early 50s, famous musician Ma Ke came to this opera troupe to collect folk songs, and later he composed the immensely popular aria of “clean clean water, blue blue sky” in Xiao Erheis Marriage with the main melody of pingdiao. In 1959, Mao Zedong came to inspect Handan and watched laozi opera of Duan Hua, he laughed twice and praised that the opera broke the common rules in the opera stage and was a real good one.Within its 60 years, this opera troupe made excellent achievements in the national and provincial professional competitions. In recent years, this opera troupe also did a lot of work by concentrating on carrying forward national culture, protecting and promoting local operas. In 2003 and 2006, this oprea troupe made two series of short plays of Handans idioms and allusions, such as: Golden Millet Dream, Handan Xuebu (imitate others and thus lose ones own individuality), Hufu Qishe (to ride and shoot of Hufu), Fujing Qingzui (to offer a humble apology), Fenggong Shoufa (to abide by the law and social morality), Hebo Quqi (Hebos marriage). In 2005, the troupe participated in shooting the 8 sets TV play series of Taohua Hongle (the peach blossom) in pingdiao opera, which stated a story of how the government helped the layoffs to be reemployed. In 2006, this opera troupe also participated in shooting the 20 sets TV play series of Da Wutai (the big stage), which stated how the troupe took its art propaganda advantage, called on the mass, inspired the morale and hit the enemy. In the beginning of 2009, the troupe made the large magical stage drama of Golden Millet Dream.该团在平调落子老一代艺术家武鸿凤、李魁元、房志彬等言传身教下,年轻一代演员王红、温巧云、魏玉娟、赵艳洁、李志广等茁壮成长,多次在全国及省级专业比赛中夺魁。目前,平调落子剧团乘保护发展民族优秀传统文化的强劲东风,以崭新的精神面貌和昂扬奋进的斗志迎接平调落子剧种发展繁荣的美好未来。With the exemplary teaching of the senior generation pingdiao and laozi artists of Wu Hongfeng, Li Kuiyuan, Fang Zhibin,etc, the younger actors like Wang Hong, Wen Qiaoyun, Wei Yujuan, Zhao Yanjie, Li Zhiguang developed themselves and won champions in many national and provincial professional competitions. At present, the troupe is taking the great stream of protecting and developing the national excellent traditional culture and creating the operas prosperous and nice future with a brand new mental outlook and a high spirited fighting will.内容二: 黄粱梦故事梗概:据说故事发生在唐代。青年卢生进京赶考,路过邯郸道旁的一个小店。神仙吕翁正好也路过这里,看到卢生求取功名心切,便有意点化。当卢生想睡觉时,吕翁给他一个枕头,卢生便做开了好梦。卢生在梦里考中了状元,被皇帝招了驸马,出将入相,享尽富贵荣华,实现了自己的所有志向,同时,在不知不觉中他变成了一个无恶不作的权贵。突然有一天,卢生被皇帝治罪,荣华尽失,命断法场,灵魂被打入地狱受审。卢生此时追悔莫及,感慨良多。卢生梦醒,店婆煮饭刚熟。卢生由此悟得人生真谛,或去或留,皆有余味。Abstract of Golden Millet Dream:The story happened in the Tang dynasty. Young man Lu Sheng went to the capital city to take examination and passed a shop by the side of a road of Handan. Meanwhile, immortal Lv Weng also passed here, when he saw the young man was so eager to gain the fame, he decided to hint him with some tricks. When Lu Sheng fell asleep, Lv Weng gave him a pillow, and the young man began to have good dreams. He dreamed that he won the championship (foremost person), became the son-in-law of the emperor, ranked high, lived a rich life and accomplished all his ambitions, and meanwhile, he became an evil dignitary. Someday, he was punished by the emperor and lost his wealth and life, his soul was sent into hell. He regretted and signed. And then the young man woke up, the shopkeepers meal was ready. Lu Sheng thought out of the true meaning of life, and would make a decision between go and stay. 内容三:联合制作单位单位:中共邯郸市委 邯郸市人民政府、河北省文化厅 总监制:崔江水 郭大建 冯韶慧 总策划:贾永清 侯华梅 内容四:出品人、总导演简介内容五: 主创人员简介内容六: 剧照 内容七: 演员表内容八: 职员表内容九: 邯郸欢迎您(中英文对照)邯 郸 -欢 迎 您邯郸市位于河北省南部,地处晋、冀、鲁、豫四省交界地带,全市总面积1,2万平方公里,辖19个县、区(市),总人口930万,是国家历史文化名城、全国双拥模范城、中国优秀旅游城市,中国成语典故之都、国家园林城市和中国太极拳之乡。邯郸历史悠久,文化源远流长。有着8000年文明史,3000年建城史和 158年建都史。这里曾孕育了新石器时代早期的磁山文化;这里是神话传说中女娲“炼石补天、抟土造人”的地方;这里有世界上最大的摩崖刻群北齐石窟;这里是唐代小说枕中记中讲述的黄粱美梦的发生地;这里是“战国七雄”之一赵国的都城,是赵武灵王胡服骑射之地;这里是“千年一帝”秦始皇的出生地;这里有曹魏政权大本营邺城,孕育出中国文学史上璀璨的“建安文学”;这里有与景德镇齐名的磁州窑,独树一帜的烧造技术传承千年。这里是“邯郸学步”、“完璧归赵”、“负荆请罪”、“黄粱美梦”等1500多条成语典故发生地;这里是一座有着光荣革命传统的红色之城,是抗战时期著名的一二九师司令部和晋冀鲁豫边区政府的所在地,刘邓大军曾在这里战斗生活6年之久。几千年的文明史为邯郸积累了丰厚的文化遗存,在邯郸境内有不可移动文物保护点5000处,其中国家级重点文物保护单位18处,省级135处。新中国成立后,毛泽东主席先后26次来到邯郸,他满怀深情地说:“邯郸是要复兴的”。如今的邯郸已经成为一座新兴的现代化城市,正在大步走在复兴之路上,成为晋冀鲁豫四省交界区域最具活力的中心城市。今日的邯郸秉承“平和安静、谦和大度、博爱真诚 、感恩包容”新时期邯郸人文精神,发展邯郸,建设邯郸。笑迎八方宾客-魅力邯郸欢迎您!文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!8 / 8


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