高考英语总复习(考点整合+语法专题+写作导航)Unit 21 Human Biology精讲课件 北师大版选修7

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高考英语总复习(考点整合+语法专题+写作导航)Unit 21 Human Biology精讲课件 北师大版选修7_第1页
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高考英语总复习(考点整合+语法专题+写作导航)Unit 21 Human Biology精讲课件 北师大版选修7_第3页
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Unit 21Human Biology模模 块块 7.重点单词1tolerate vt.容忍,宽恕;忍受归纳拓展tolerateput up withbearstandtolerate通常用于否定句和疑问句,常与can, wont连用,表示容忍人或行为。近义词有stand,bear和endure。完成或翻译下列句子。(1)我们不容许在图书馆里抽烟。We dont _. (2)我不能容忍你的粗鲁。_答案:答案:(1)tolerate smoking in the library(2)I cannot tolerate your rudeness.2seek v(sought, sought)寻求,探索,试图归纳拓展了解由seek构成的短语的意思:seek to do sth.试图做某事seek out找出,挑出seek sth.from sb.向某人征求某事seek ones fortune寻找财富完成下列句子。(1)He understands nothing,nor does he _ (弄懂)(2)We _ (费力多时) and hard but found no answer.(3)You should _ (请教你的律师) on this matter.(4)They are _ (设法达到) the most advanced technological levels in the world.答案:答案:(1)seek to understand(2)sought long(3)seek advice from your lawyer(4)seeking to attain3prohibit vt.(法令等)禁止;阻止,使不可能同义词 forbid,ban归纳拓展prohibit sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事be prohibited from doing sth.(某人)被禁止做某事完成下列句子。(1)他的身高使他不能成为一名警察。His height _ being a policeman.(2)哈利波特被禁止进入那间房子。Harry Potter _ that house.(3)雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。Rainy weather and fog _.答案:答案:(1)prohibited him from(2)was prohibited from entering (3)prohibited flying4fundamental adj.基本的;基础的;根本的;十分重要的;主要的;首要的 n(通常作复数) 基本规则; 基本原则; 基本原理; 基本部分归纳拓展be fundamental to 对必不可少;对十分重要完成下列句子。(1)他的根本错误是过分依赖他人。His _was to rely too much on others.(2)水对于生存来说必不可少。Water is _ survival.(3)这对加强中国国防非常重要。This is _ to the building up of Chinas national defense.(4)他最关心的是她的幸福。 His _ was for her welfare.(5)首要的问题是政治问题。The _ is a political one.答案:答案:(1)fundamental mistake(2)fundamental to(3)fundamental(4)fundamental concern(5)fundamental problem5oppose vt.反对;反抗;(与某人)较量归纳拓展后接名词、代词或动词ing作宾语。opposed adj. 强烈反对的opposing adj.对立的;对抗的opponent n对手,敌手,反对者be opposed to 反对as opposed to (表对比)而;相对于完成下列句子。(1)他反对修建新礼堂的建议。He _ the proposal to build a new hall. (2)国会继续反对总统的医疗预算。Congress is continuing to _ the Presidents health care budget. (3)另外两名候选人反对他。He _ two other candidates. (4)你和谁比赛?Who _ you in the match? 答案:答案:(1)opposed(2)oppose(3)is opposed by(4)is opposing6cater v满足;迎合归纳拓展cater for sth./sb.迎合cater to sth.满足某种需要完成下列句子。(1)电视需要迎合各种不同的口味。TV must_ many different tastes.(2)我们必须满足客户的需求。_ the needs of customers. 答案:答案: (1)cater for(2)We must cater to7postpone vt.推迟;延迟归纳拓展postponedelay=put off了解由postpone构成的短语的意思:postpone sth.(to sth.)推迟某事物;使某事物推迟be postponed for an hour推迟1个小时postpone doing sth.推迟做某事postpone sth.until/to/for.推迟;耽搁;使延期汉译英。(1)由于下雨我们推迟了比赛。_(2)咱们在获取更多信息之后再做决定也不迟。_(3)由于双方队员的冲突,比赛被迫推迟半个小时。_(4)会议延迟到下星期举行。_ 答案:答案: (1)We postponed the match because of the rain.(2)Lets postpone making a decision until we have more information.(3)The match was postponed for half an hour because of the conflict of players of the two sides.(4)The meeting is postponed until next week.8decline vi.减少;降低;下降;拒绝;谢绝 vt.拒绝;谢绝 n减少;下降;衰退归纳拓展常跟名词、代词或不定式作宾语。常用的短语搭配有:in decline衰退,下降fall/go into a decline失去力量、影响完成下列句子。(1)他谢绝了他们的邀请。He _.(2)墙壁因地震而倾斜。The wall _ on account of the earthquake.(3)我们城市对体育的兴趣急剧下降。There is _ in interest in sports in our city.(4)我们在研究古罗马的衰落。We are studying _. 答案:答案: (1)declined their invitation(2)declined slightly(3)a sharp decline(4)the decline of ancient Rome(5)in decline(6)declined(7)declined(8)fell/went into a decline(5)Industry in Britain has been_since the 1970s.(6)I offered to give them a lift but they_.(7)The number of tourists to the resort_by 10% last year.(8)The town_after the mine near it closed two years ago.重点短语1in vain 徒然;枉费心机;徒劳无益;白费力气归纳拓展类似用法还有:in place在合适的地方in sight 在视野内;被看到in effect 有效地y完成下列句子。(1)警察试图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。The police tried _ to break up the protest crowds.(2)我们所有的工作都白做了。All our work was _.(3)我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。We tried _.答案:答案:(1)in vain(2)in vain(3) in vain to make him change his mind2at random 随便地;任意地;胡乱地归纳拓展guess at random瞎猜open a book at random随便翻开一本书 read at random无目的地浏览完成下列句子。(1)图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。The librarian took a book _ from the shelf.(2)老师一走进来他就随便翻开一本书。_ as soon as the teacher came in. (3)请不要随地吐痰。Please dont _.答案:答案:(1)at random(2)He opened a book at random(3)spit at random3at all costs 不惜任何代价;无论如何归纳拓展同义短语:at any cost完成下列句子。(1)我们将不惜任何代价挽救他的生命。We will save his life _.(2)她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。She would like to_.答案:答案:(1)at all costs(2)finish her plan at all costs4at any rate 无论如何归纳拓展阅读下面的句子,了解由rate构成的短语的含义和用法。(1)I will come at_any_rate.无论如何我都会来。(at any rate“无论如何”)(2)At_any_rate we shall have enough.不管怎样我们还是够的。(at any rate“无论如何”)(3)Ill do nothing until I hear from you,at_any_rate.无论如何,我在收到你的信以前,不采取任何措施。(at any rate“无论如何”)(4)Were working so slowly that,at_this_rate,well never finish the job.我们干得太慢了,照这样下去,永远也干不完这个活儿。(at this rate“照这样下去”)(5)At_this_rate,we shall soon be bankrupt.这样下去的话,我们很快就要破产了。(at this rate“照这样下去”)用at any rate,at this rate完成下列句子。(1)If we spend money_,well be broken in six months.(2)Thats one part of the job done_.(3)_we will not be able to afford a holiday.(4)_we must go on Tuesday.(5)_ there will be no wedding presents in heaven.答案:答案:(1)at this rate(2)at any rate(3)At this rate(4)At any rate(5)At any rate5wipe out 擦拭的内部;彻底摧毁;消灭;除去;取消归纳拓展wipe away from 把从上擦掉wipe up(用布)擦净,擦掉完成下列句子。(1)使用浴盆前先把里面擦洗干净。_ the bath before you use it.(2)医生们正在寻找治愈癌症的医疗方法。Doctors are searching for a cure that will _ _ cancer.(3)地震把整个城市夷为平地。The whole city _ by the earthquake.答案:答案:(1)Wipe out(2)wipe out(3)was wiped out.重点句型1It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested at random.获胜者要强制性地进行检查,而其他参与者只是随便地检查。归纳拓展It is adj. for sb. to do sth.结构,it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式结构,sb.是不定式的逻辑主语。汉译英。(1)教师在人数多的班上很难对各个学生都照顾到。_(2)我们参加体力劳动是十分必要的。_答案:答案:(1)It is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to everyone in a large class. (2)It is necessary for us to take part in physical labor.2It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide.它开始于第一次世界大战末期,结果使世界各地的许多家庭承受丧亲之痛。归纳拓展句中的leave意为“使某人/某物处于某种状态”,常用于“leave宾语宾补” 结构中。宾补常由形容词、动词的ing形式、不定式、过去分词、介词短语等充当。完成或翻译下列句子。(1)不要让她在外面雨中等着。Dont leave her _ outside in the rain. (2)男孩留下没动过的蛋糕,因为不好吃。The boy left the cake _, because it didnt taste nice.(3)他们匆匆离去,留下许多问题需要解决。They left in a hurry, leaving many problems _ _.(4)那场大地震使数以万计的人们无家可归。_答案:答案:(1)waiting(2)untouched(3)to be settled(4)That big earthquake left thousands of people homeless.3With all the international effort being made, we have to have faith that there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks.随着国际间的共同努力,我们应该相信人们会及时找到解决方案来彻底消灭禽流感。归纳拓展with all the international effort being made 是with的复合结构,即“with 宾语宾补”,此处的宾补是being made。完成下列句子。(1)随着时光的流逝,我们的友谊越来越深厚。_, our friendship gets deeper and deeper.(2)作业做完后,同学们就可以回家了。_, the students could go home.(3)因为有一份文件要打印,我要五分钟后才离开。_, I cant leave in five minutes.答案:答案:(1)With time going by(2)With the homework finished(3)With a document to print比较等级与词形变换专项训练.单句填空,用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空1We can have the most dedicated teachers, the most_(support) parents and the best schools in the world.2In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with_(condition) love and kisses from our children, family,friends and God.3The boy finished by saying, “Before the trip I thought we were rich but today I learnt who is _(true) rich.”4But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to; he is _(repeat) being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has done.5He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow”_(high)6Fine snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck and whitened the road.But that wasnt the_(bad) part.7Their tips include using the stairs and public transport_(frequent) than elevators and cars.8And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my_(good) friend for the last 16 years,the rock of our family,the love of my wife, the nations next first lady Michelle Obama.9But a mother in North Carolina said she thought the_(speak) could have a positive impact.10Volunteering is becoming_(increase) popular in China. Yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.1解析:形容词作定语修饰名词parents。答案:supportive2解析:修饰名词love, 用形容词形式,故把名词condition转换成形容词conditional; 再根据句意及生活常识,来自孩子的爱是“无条件的”,故加否定un。答案:unconditional3解析:修饰形容词rich,用副词作状语。答案:truly4解析:修饰动词told,用副词作状语。答案:repeatedly5解析:和他拔苗之前相比,现在的苗“长得更高”,这里省略了than before,是隐性比较级。答案:higher6解析:但是这还不是最糟糕的。根据句意及空格前的the判断,用形容词最高级作定语。答案:worst7解析:修饰动词using,用副词作状语;再根据句意与than判断,应该用比较级more frequently。答案:more frequently8解析:16年来,如果没有我最好的朋友的坚定支持,没有我们家庭成员的强力支撑,没有我妻子即国家的下一任第一夫人Michelle Obama的无私(unyielding)的爱,我今天夜晚就不会站在这里。根据空格前的my以及句意和常识,应填形容词最高级作定语。答案:best9解析:根据空前的the与其后的谓语动词could have判断,该空格应填名词作宾语从句的主语。答案:speech10解析:“志愿活动现在在中国变得越来越受欢迎了。” “是的,人们现在开始意识到帮助别人就是帮助他们自己。” increasingly逐渐地,慢慢地。答案:increasingly.语篇仿真,使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(以比较级与词语变形为主) At that moment, many buildings were unusual.Perhaps the most _1_(ordinary) building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great _2_(exhibit) of 1851.The Crystal Palace was _3_( differ ) from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass.It was one of the _4_(big) buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great manygoods were sent to the exhibition from _5_(variety) parts of the world.There was also a great deal of _6_(machine) on display.Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of _7_(visit) across the Channel from _8_(European)On _9_(arrive ) in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train.Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London.It remained one of the most _10_(fame) buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.1解析:修饰名词,用形容词作定语;根据句意及unusual,应加前缀extra。答案:extraordinary2解析:great是形容词,the great作定语,后必定填名词,又因是专有名词,故首字母应大写。答案:Exhibition3解析:形容词作表语。 答案:different4解析:根据one of the,应用形容词最高级作定语。答案:biggest5解析:形容词作定语修饰名词。答案:various6解析:根据was,这里用另一名词machinery表示机器的总称,作主语。答案:machinery7解析:thousands of暗示填另一名词visitors作宾语。答案:visitors8解析:名词作介词宾语。答案:Europe9解析:名词作介词宾语。答案:arrival10解析:形容词作定语。答案:famous读写任务(4)如何写议论文的摘要议论文概要的写法:议论文的概括先要弄清文章的观点、论据和结论,注意文章的首句或首段以及文章的末句和末段,文章有多个段落的,几个段落的中心就是主旨。文中有一分为二的观点的,两种概括都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。同时注意使用合理的过渡词语或句子,把概要和发表议论的段落有机地联系起来,使文章连贯和流畅。范例:Is Failure a Bad Thing?Failure is what often happens in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in competitions.Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. Some people dont think their failure is a very important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the same failure many times later. They spend their time and energy on useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought. Other people are quite different from the people mentioned above. Instead of being distressed and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure andbecome more experienced. After hard work, they will be successful in the end. It is said that failure is the mother of success. Success will be gained after times of failure so long as we are good at drawing a lesson from our failure. In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing; the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even losing heart after failure.概括写作技巧:原文是一篇议论文,在概括时只要将每一段的主题句找出来进行改写就可以了。Para.1:Failure is what happens in our life.Failure is a common thing in life. People can not avoid failure in life.Failure is unavoidable in life.Para.2:Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various.But there are different attitudes towards failure.But people have different attitudes towards failure.But people deal with failure differently.第三段是作者的意见,且只有两句,不好确定主题句,可将第二段的主题句延伸:Whoever draws a lesson from every failure becomes experienced and successful.Those who ignore failure will fail again while whoever draws a lesson from failure becomes successful.合起来的概括应是:People can not avoid failure in life. But people have different attitudes towards failure. Those who ignore failure will fail again while whoever draws a lesson from failure becomes successful.(30 words) The Importance of a Good Education Getting a good education may be the most important price you can pay, because, perhaps more than anything else, what you do with that huge gray material between your ears will determine your future. These words actually describe millions of people worldwide who choose to limit their potential ability by not widening their education. A person is much more likely to have better job offers,more successful career, and a higher yearly salary with a better education. This, in turn, would allow for much better life style. For example, compare two people. The first person is a high school dropout(退学学生). The second has a law degree. The high school dropout will be fortunate to get a job in food services, making less than twenty thousand dollars a year, barely surviving each week. To contrast this , the person with the law degree will certainly have a successful career as a lawyer, making over 70,000 annually. The lawyer will, of course , have a very wealthy lifestyle. Statistics show that high school dropouts make 42% less money than college graduates. Our generation will become the doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of tomorrow. To do this successfully, a higher level of education is very important! A higher education will mean a better life style, a better ability to adjust to new technologies, and a various life. Our world cannot afford any unused potential.We must crave learning. This, in turn, will pay for not only our future but also will help to insure success for those who follow. _概括提示: 原文是一篇议论文,在概括时只要将每一段的主题句找出来进行改写就可以了。Para.1: Getting a good education may be the most important price you can pay.Para.2: A person is much more likely to have better job offers,more successful career, and a higher yearly salary with a better education.Para.3: To do this successfully, a higher level of education is very important!Para.4: We must crave learning. 合起来的概括应是:A good education may have an essential part of ones life, which can release our potential and help us gain better paid jobs. Therefore, everyone is supposed to receive higher education.


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