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轮机英语大证考试关联题集(甲类大管轮班)江苏海事职业技术学院2013.12一、真题篇2005年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第36期) 第一组: The main purpose of the new chapter is to make the International Safety Management (ISM) Code mandatory. By adding the ISM Code to SOLAS it is intended to provide an international standard for the safe management of ships and for pollution prevention. The ISM Code establishes safety management objectives which are: to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment; to establish safeguards against all identified risks; to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel, including preparing for emergencies. The Code requires a safety management system (SMS) to be established by the Company, which is defined as the ship-owner or any person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer, who has assumed responsibility for operating the ship. This system should be designed to ensure compliance with all mandatory regulations and that codes, guidelines and standards recommended by IMO and others are taken into account. The SMS in turn should include a number of functional requirements: a safety and environmental protection policy; instructions and procedures to ensure safety and environmental protection; defined levels of authority and lines of communication between and amongst shore and shipboard personnel; procedures for reporting accidents, etc.; procedures for responding to emergencies; procedures for internal audits and management review. The Company is then required to establish and implement a policy for achieving these objectives. This includes providing the necessary resources and shore-based support. Every company is expected to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management.69. The new chapter of the SOLAS is mainly on _. A. the watch-keeping standards for seafarers B. the certification standards for seafarers C. the ISM Code D. the training standards for seafarers70. The safety management objectives of the ISM Code are _. A. to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment B. to establish safeguards against all identified risks C. to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel, including preparing for emergencies D. all the above71. The term the Company in the ISM Code is defined as _.A. the ship-owner B. any person who has assumed responsibility for operating the shipC. either A or B D. neither A nor B 72. The “person” in the phrase to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management refers to _.A. the manager of the shipping company B. the master of the ship C. the designated person on board ship D. the designated person ashore第二组: The electrical remote control system is commonly used in modern steering installations since it uses a small control unit as transmitter on the bridge and is simple and reliable in operation. The control box assembly is mounted on the steering gear. Movement of the bridge transmitter results in electrical imbalance and current flow to the motor in the control box. The motor drives, through a flexible coupling, a screw shaft, causing it to turn. A screw block on the shaft is moved and in turn moves the floating lever to which a control rod is attached. The control rod operates the slipper ring or swash plate of the variable delivery pump. A cut-off lever connected to the moving tiller will bring the floating lever pivot and the lever into line at right angles to the screw shaft axis. At this point the rudder angle will match the bridge lever angle and the pumping action will stop. For local manual control, the electrical control is switched off and a small hand-wheel is connected to the screw shaft. Rotation of the hand-wheel will move the floating lever and bring about rudder movement as desired.73. This passage is mainly on _.A. the electrical remote control of main engines B. the electrical control equipment of steering gears C. the bridge remote control of main engines D. the control box assembly in steering gear compartment 74. The advantage of the control equipment is _.A. that the transmitter is on the bridge B. that local manual control can be achieved. C. that remote control cab be achieved.D. simple in construction and reliable in operation.75. The function of the cut-off lever is _.A. to provide electrical signal B. to provide feed-back C. to provide local manual control D. to provide right rudder angle76. Another name for the “swash plate” in the variable delivery pump is _.A. tiltable disc B. gravity disc C. distributing disc D. catch plate 2005年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第38期) 第一组:Beck Smith, a PSCO from Port Hamburger, is carrying out an inspection in the machinery space of M/V SUN. Here is a dialogue between the PSCO and the Chief engineer.PSCO: Chief engineer, your escape route marked in arrows at stairs, or corridors to emergency exit should be clearly sighted in dark. These marks should be smeared in fluorescence in order to evacuate when lighting is cut off.Chief Engineer: OK, I will rectify this as quickly as possible.PSCO: One more, your pumping line may slightly leak oilChief Engineer: No. Our pumping line has no trouble at all.PSCO: Trust me. I have served Chief Engineer for many years. There is somewhere leaking oil.Chief Engineer: How do you know?PSCO: Oil tank bottom is very clean but with oily brightness. Significantly, you prepared forPSC inspection for quite a long time. As leaking oil, you cleaned second time just now.Chief Engineer: You are very smart! Yes, one small place leaked oil and I planned to fix it after PSC inspection because time is limited.PSCO: Let me check the leaking oil place and assist you to find out a solution.Chief Engineer: Thanks.PSCO: According to your record, you have used oily water separator to handle oily water. I found your inlet valve of the machine is dry and rusty. I suspected that your record is untrue. Where is your 50 tons oily water? Did you pump out in high seas?Chief Engineer: We pumped into another ship.PSCO: What is the ships name/call sign or another identification?Chief Engineer: I forgot.PSCO: You cant tell the ships name, call sign. And 50 tons of oily water were missing. But your engine log book was recorded to pump out water with handling of oil purifier. Obviously, your record is not right. And you pump out oily water in high seas. In compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Convention you must pay a fine.1. What about the evacuation route in the engine room of M/V SUN?A. There is no evacuation route in the engine room.B. The escape route is not marked in arrows at stairs or corridors to emergency exit.C. The escape route can be clearly sighted in dark.D. The escape marks are not smeared in fluorescence.(荧光)2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?A. There is no trouble with the pumping line.B. The oil tank bottom is very clean without any oily brightness.C. The engine room officers and ratings do not care for the PSC at all.D. The PSCO used to be a Chief Engineer.3. How did the PSCO determine the ship pumped out the oily water overboard?A. The oily water separator has not been used for a long time.B. The inlet valve of the oily water separator is dirty.C. The oily water separator is inoperativeD. There is not any record in the engine room log book4. The word “fine” in the last sentence means _.A. happiness B. kindness C. small piece D. money 第二组:The diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine similar to that used in a bus. Its power is expressed as brake horsepower. This is the power put out by the engine. Effective horsepower is the power developed by the piston in the cylinder, but some of this is lost by friction within the engine. Large diesel engines, which have cylinders nearly 3 ft in diameter, turn at the relatively slow speed of about 108 rpm. These are known as slow speed diesel engines. They can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing. Although higher power could be produced by higher revolutions, this would reduce the efficiency of the propeller, because a propeller is more efficient the larger it is and the slower it turns. These large slow running engines are used in the larger merchant ships, particularly in tankers and bulk carriers. The main reason is their low fuel consumption. More and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines. These operate between 150 and 450 rpm, therefore they are connected to the propeller by gearing. This type of engine was once restricted to smaller cargo ships, but now they are used in fast cargo liners as well as in tankers and bulk carriers. They are cheaper than slow speed diesel engines, and their smaller size and weight can result in a smaller, cheaper ship.5. The diesel engine is similar to the gasoline engine in that _.A. both of them are ignited by compressed air B. both of them are the forms of external combustion enginesC. both of them have spark plugs D. the power is developed by the piston in the cylinder6. Which of the following statements is FALSE?A. The slow speed diesel engines can be connected to the propeller without reduction gearing B. Higher power of the engine could be produced by higher rpm C. Higher power of the engine would increase the efficiency of the propeller D. The slower the propeller turns, the higher its efficiency will be7. The reason why more and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is _.A. they operate between 150 and 450 rpm B. they are connected to the propeller by gearingC. their smaller size and weight D. they can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing8. The brake horsepower is _.A. effective horsepower B. the power put out by the engineC. the power developed by the piston in the cylinderD. the power developed by the propeller2006年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第39期)二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:The great majority of large CPP have their hydraulic servomotor in the hub to operate the blade palms via push rods or a crankpin-sliding block mechanism. The hydraulic servomotor is actuated by a hydraulic circuit and controlled by control valves.CPP in large vessels are usually fitted with combinatory controls on the bridge. These are single-lever controls, the single lever controlling both propeller pitch and engine speed, either through pneumatic circuits operated by cams driven by a common shaft, or by electronic means. In either case closed loop circuits are employed, so that feedback, of propeller position and of engine speed, balances off the control signal. Additional control stands are often fitted on the bridge wings. These are commonly “slaves” to the main central bridge control stand.It is usual practice to take control of both engine and CPP by separate levers in the MCR after starting machinery, switching to bridge control from the MCR before leaving harbour. It follows that the consoles housing power supplies etc. for the CPP controls are generally fitted in the MCR.1. The blade palms of a large CPP are operated by_.A. the hub B. a hydraulic servomotorC. push rods D. a crankpin-sliding block mechanism2. Which statement is NOT correct regarding to the single-lever controls?A. One single lever controls both propeller pitch and engine speedB. Shaft driven cams are used in pneumatic circuits for single lever controlsC. Electronic means can not be used in combinatory controlsD. Combinatory controls are single lever controls3. In the single-lever control system, _.A. open loop circuits are employedB. propeller position and of engine speed are fed back to balance off the control signalC. shaft driven cams used in electronic circuits D. engine speed will not control by the lever 4. As a general rule, before leaving harbour, the CPP will be controlled from (by) _.A. bridge B. MCR C. duty officer D. the master第二组:Under the terms of the ISPS Code, shipping companies are required to designate a Company Security Officer (CSO) for the company and a Ship Security Officer (SSO) for each of its ships. The CSOs responsibilities include ensuring that a Ship Security Assessment (SSA) is properly carried out, that Ship Security Plans (SSPs) are prepared and submitted for approval by the Administration and thereafter that the plan is implemented on board each ship. The Ship Security Plan should indicate the minimum operational and physical security measures that the ship itself should implement at all times (i.e. security level 1) unless required to operate at a higher security level. The plan should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the ship can take to move to and operate at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should indicate the possible preparatory actions the ship could take to allow prompt response to instructions that may be issued to the ship at security level 3.5. Under the terms of the ISPS code, a shipping company is required to designate _.A. SCO B. SSO C. CSO and SSO D. SSP and SSA6. Which one of CSO responsibilities is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. ensuring that the SSA is properly carried out B. ensuring that SSPs are prepared and submitted for approval C. ensuring that the SSA is implemented on board each ship D. performing regular security inspections of the ship7. The SSP should contain all of the following items except_.A. minimum operational and physical security measures to be taken at security level 1B. additional security measures to be taken at security level 2C. intensified security measures to be taken at security level 3D. procedures for SSA8. In order to respond quickly to instructions that may be issued to the ship at security level 3, besides additional intensified security measures _should be included in the ships SSP.A. minimum security measures B. preparatory actions that could be taken C. orders from SSO D. orders from CSO2006年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第41期)第一组:Once detected the presence of a fire, it must be made known quickly to as many people as possible. It is essential therefore that the bridge is informed of the location and extent of the fire. A small fire might reasonably be immediately tackled by the finder but attempts should be made whilst fighting the fire to attract attention. Shouting Fire, banging on bulkheads, deliberately setting off equipment alarms in the vicinity, all are possible means of attracting attention. Anyone finding a fire must decide whether to fight it immediately or whether to leave it and inform others first. The more people who know of a fire the greater the efforts that can be brought to bear upon it. If in doubtinform!Ships are built to contain fires in the space where they begin. Fire resisting bulkheads and decks are positioned at appropriate distances in order to limit the spread of fire, and it remains for fire fighting personnel to ensure that these barriers are secure whilst attempting to fight the fire. All doors and openings should be closed, all ventilation and exhaust fans stopped, and flammable material isolated from the space. It should be remembered that a fire exists in three dimensions and therefore has six sides, so it must be contained on six sides.1. According to the passage, once a large fire detected, _should be informed immediately.A. chief engineer B. bridge C. master D. deck officer2. All of the following methods that may possibly be used to give alarms to others in case of a fire are mentioned in the passage except _.A. shoutin B. banging on bulkheadsC. setting off equipment alarms D. phoning 3. Fire resisting bulkheads and decks provide barriers to_.A. control the spread of fire B. form a room for fire fighting personnelC. secure fire fighting personnel D. isolate fire fighting personnel4. Which one is NOT right for fire fighting?A. doors and openings to be closedB. exhaust fans to be stoppedC. fire to be controlled best in one directionD. flammable material to be isolated第二组:The introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by ships ballast water, attached to ships hulls and via other vectors has been identified by the GEF as one of the four greatest threats to the worlds oceans. The other three are land-based sources of marine pollution, over exploitation of living marine resources and physical alteration/destruction of marine habitat. The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments was adopted at an IMO Diplomatic Conference held 9-13 February 2004. Australia signed the Convention, subject to ratification, on 29 May 2005. The Convention will enter in force 12 months after 30 States with combined merchant fleets constituting 35% of the gross tonnage of the worlds merchant shipping have signed the Convention. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and other responsible agencies have commenced detailed discussions with a view to reaching agreement on how each provision of the new Convention is to be implemented. Work will then commence on the formal consultation process and development of a Regulatory Impact Statement. It is likely that AMSA will play a key role in implementing the Convention, primarily through port State control and survey requirements.5. The introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by ships ballast water was identified as one of the four greatest threats to the worlds oceans. Because _. A. Ships ballast water causes serious problems in ecosystem(生态系统) B. Ships ballast water pollute the ocean C. Ships ballast water is very harmful to human health. D. The reason was not given in the passage 6. The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water will enter into force in Australia _. A. in February 2004 B. on 29 May 2005 C. 12 months after 30 States with combined merchant fleets constituting 35% of the gross tonnage of the worlds merchant shipping have signed the Convention D. after the signed documents approved by IMO 7. The AMSA begin _. A. to discuss on how to implement the new Convention B. to ask other agencies to meet the requirements C. to make Regulatory rules D. to carry out Port State Control according to the new Convention 8. The author implies that_. A. The AMSA will play a more important role than the Port State Control Officer in implementing the new Convention B. The AMSA will undertake the task to implement the new Convention via port State control and ship survey C. Other responsible agencies will implement the new Convention D. It is not mentioned that who will implement the new convention 2007年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第42期)第一组:Spark erosion is caused by a voltage discharge between the main bearing and journal surface. The cause of the potential is the development of a galvanic element between the ships hull, sea water, and the propeller shaft/crankshaft.The oil film acts as a dielectric. The puncture voltage in the bearing depends on the thickness of the oil film. With increasing engine ratings, the specific load in the main bearing is


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