Unit 1 Our School 第六课时教案

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Unit 1 Our School第六课时教案教学内容与分析 教学内容:Part B Read and write C Lets check Story time教学目标:1、 能听、说、认读Read and write部分的内容2、 掌握四会单词teachers desk, picture, floor, wall和句子Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is. 3、 完成的听力作业,培养学生良好的听力习惯。4、 了解的内容,鼓励学生扩展故事,表演故事。教学重点、难点: Read and write中的四会单词和句子的掌握。教具准备:CAI, pictures, word cards教学过程:Step1 Warm-up1、 Lets do. Go to the garden. Water the flowers. 2、 RiddleT: Now we have a game. Riddle! There are four groups in our class. Lets name the group. Apple group, Orange group, Peach group, Grape group. Are you ready? No1: Jack is in room.There are many books in it.He can see many students. They are reading books.They are quiet. Where is Jack? 各组竟猜,对者在该队加星,依次竟猜:gym, canteen, teachers office等Gym: There are many boys and girls in this room. They are doing some sports. Playing pingpong and badminton. Where are they?Canteen: If you are hungry. You can go there and eat something. Maybe there are some noodles, rice, fish, beef and so on. Whats this?Teachers office: There are six people in this room. Many books on the desk. The students hand in their homework in this room? Guess, whats this?Step2 Presentation 1、Jigsaw Puzzle(智力拼图) T:Please listen to the tape. Then lets group a picture by this dialogue. Can you?学生听Read and write 的录音,教师在黑板上帖上各种图片,让学生根据对话内容组合Read and write教学图片。录音最好能分句重复放。2、跟读,并根据组合的图回忆对话内容T:Read after the tape ,then look at this picture and recall the dialogue.3、 破译密码T: There is a word in these sentences. Can you find it out.(1)The ears are cool. Hair, eyes read story-book. Dont eat snake ,kids! (teachers desk)(2) Pig is cheap. The uncle (is) ready (to) eat. (picture)(3) Flowers light (is) on our room. (floor)(4) Lion likes apple (and) watermelon. (wall)小组竟猜,猜对者加星,教师可适当提醒其中的规律。4、Spell and writeT: Lets spell them.( teachers desk, picture, floor and wall.)当学生破译密码后,对这些单词和句子Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is.进行拼写。Step 3 Practice1、Game : arrange排序 将四会单词字母写在卡片上顺序打乱,四小组比一比谁在最短时间内排好单词,第一名的小组加4星,第二名的加3星,第三、第四各加2星。2、Whats wrong? 四人小组合作,对教师发给的句子进行观察并讨论:Whats wrong with it? 句子:is this a teachers desk ? yes , it is. Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is. Is this a teachers desk_ Yes, it is_ Is this a teachers desk? Yes_ it is.3、Story timeT:You are so clever. So Miss Hu will praise you. Tell a story about funny Zoom for you .Do you like? Today Zoom, Zip and Monkey will visit a school. Lets go with them. Whats happening? Wheres Zoom? 教师要绘声绘色引领学生进入Story time,根据学生掌握情况,安排分组、分角色表演,并为小组加星。统计五星,评出优胜小组。4、Lets check. Step4 Extension and Consolidation1、单元B部分Read and write 的活动手册配套练习。2、师为学生准备一张图,让学生用英文进行注释。(可参照主景图)


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