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2016版鲁教版五四制英语篇一:2016年鲁教版五四制七下单词 Unit 1sitcom (=situation comedy) n.情景喜剧news n.新闻节目;新闻 Soap n.肥皂剧educational adj.教育的;有教育意义的 Plan v.&n.打算;计划hope v.&n.希望find out查明;弄清下 discussion n.讨论;商量 stand v.忍受;站立happen v.发生;出现may modal v.也许;可能;可以 Expect v.预料;期待joke n.笑话;玩笑comedy n.喜剧;喜剧片 Meaningless adj.毫无意义的;意思不明确的action n.行动action movie动作影片cartoon n.动画片;卡通片culture n.文化;文明 famous adj.著名的;出名的 Appear v.出现become (became) 开始变得;变成rich adj.富有的 Successful adj.获得成功的;有成就的might modal v.可能;可以下 main adj.主要的;最重要的reason n.原因;理由common adj.普通的;常见的 film (=movie) n.电影 Unlucky adj.不幸的;不吉利的 lose (lost)v.失去;丢失girlfriend n.女朋友ready adj.愿意的;准备好的be ready to愿意迅速做某事character n.人物;角色 Simple adj.简单的;易做的 dress up装扮;乔装打扮take sb.s place代替;替换 army n.陆军;陆军部队do a good job干得好 Unit 2 grow up长大;成熟;成长computer programmer计算机程序;设计员;编程人员 Cook n.&v.厨师;烹饪;煮doctor n.医生engineer n.工程师violinist n.小提琴手 driver n.驾驶员;司机pilot n.飞行员pianist n.钢琴家scientist n.科学家be sure about确信;对?有把握 make sure确保;查明 college学院;大学;高等专科学校 Education n.教育medicine n.药;医学university n.(综合性)大学;高等学府London伦敦article n.文章;论文send v.邮寄;发送resolution n.决心;决定team n.队;组 foreign adj.外国的able adj.能够 be able to能够做某事 Question v.表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询meaning n.意义;意思discuss v.讨论;商量 promise n.&v.承诺;诺言;许诺beginning n.开头;开端 at the beginning of 在?开始 improve v.改进;改善write down写下;记录下physical adj.身体的themselves pron.他(她、它)们自己 have to do with关于;与?有关系 self-improvement n.自我改进;自我提高 take up(尤其为消遣)学着做;开始做 Hobby n.业余爱好 weekly adj.&adv.每周的(地)schoolwork n.学校作业;功课 agree v.同意;赞成;应允 agree with同意;赞成 own adj.&pron.自己的;本人的 Personal adj.个人的;私人的relationship n.关系;联系 Unit 3 Paper n.纸;纸张pollution n.污染;污染物prediction n.预言;预测 future n.将来;未来pollute v.污染environment n.环境planet n.行星earth n.地球;世界plant v.&n.种植;植物part n.参加;参与;部分play a part参与(某事) peace n.和平sea n.海;海洋sky n.天空astronaut n.宇航员;航天员apartment n.公寓套房rocket n.火箭space n.太空;空间space station 太空站;宇宙空间站human n.人的;人servant n.仆人dangerous adj.有危险的;不安全的 already adv.已经;早已 factory n.工厂 over and over again多次;反复地believe v.相信;认为有可能disagree v.不同意;持不同意见;有分歧 Even adv.甚至;连;愈加 hundreds of许多;大量shape n.形状;外形fall (fell)v.倒塌;跌倒;掉落fall down突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌inside adv.&prep.在?里面 look for寻找;寻求possible adj.可能存在或发生的;可能的下impossible不可能存在的或发生的;不可side n.一方(的意见、态度、立场) probably adv.很可能;大概during prep.在?期间holiday n.假期;假日word n.单词;词 Unit 4 shaken.&v.摇动;抖动 milk shake奶昔blender n.食物搅拌器 turn on接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开peel v.剥皮;去皮pour v.倒出;倾倒yogurt (=yoghurt) n.酸奶honey n.蜂蜜watermelon n.西瓜 Spoon n.勺;调羹pot n.锅add v.增加;添加finally adv.最后;最终Salt n.食盐sugar n.食糖cheese n.干酪;奶酪popcorn n.爆米花corn n.玉米;谷物machine n.机器;机械装置dig v.掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土) hole n.洞;孔;坑sandwich n.夹心面包片;三明治 Butter n.黄油;奶油turkey n.火鸡lettuce n.莴苣;生菜piece n.片;块;段Thanksgiving n.感恩节traditional adj.传统的;惯例的autumn n.秋天;秋季traveler (=traveller)n.漂泊者;旅行者;游客 England英格兰celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺mix v.(使)混合;融合pepper n.甜椒;柿子椒fill v.(使)充满;装满 oven n.烤箱;烤炉platen.盘子;碟子cover v.&n.遮盖;覆盖;覆盖物;盖子gravy n.(调味)肉汁serve v.接待;服务;提供temperature n.温度;气温;体温 Unit 5 prepare v.使做好准备;把?准备好prepare for为?做准备exam (=examination) n.考试Flu n.流行性感冒;流感 available adj.有空的;可获得的another time其他时间;别的时间until conj.&prep.到?时;直到?为止 hang (hung)v.悬挂;垂下hang out闲逛;常去某处catch v.及时赶上;接住;抓住 Invite v.邀请accept v.接受refuse v.拒绝the day before yesterday前天the day after tomorrow后天weekday作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天look after照料;照顾invitation n.邀请;请柬turn down拒绝reply v.回答;答复forward v.转寄;发送;向前;前进delete v.删除print v.打印;印刷sad adj.(令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过goodbye int.&n.再见take a trip去旅行glad adj.高兴,愿意preparation n.准备;准备工作glue n.胶水 Without prep.没有;不(做某事)surprised adj.惊奇的;感到意外的 look forward to期盼;期待 hear from接到(某人的)信、电话等housewarming n.乔迁聚会opening n.开幕式;落成典礼concert n.音乐会;演奏会 Headmaster n.校长event n.大事;公开活动;比赛项目guest n.客人;宾客calendar n.日历;日程表daytime n.白天;日间 Unit 6 Meeting n.会议;集会;会面video n.录像带;录像organize (=organise)v.组织;筹备potato chips炸土豆片;炸薯条chocolate n.巧克力upset adj.难过;失望;沮丧taxi n.出租汽车;的士advice n.劝告;建议travel v.&n.旅游;游历agent n.代理人;经纪人Expert n.专家keep.to oneself保守秘密teenager n.(13-19岁的)青少年normal adj.正常的;一般的unless conj.除非;如果不certainly adv.无疑;肯定;当然;行 wallet n.钱包mile n.英里angry adj.发怒的;生气的understanding adj.善解人意的;体谅人的careless adj.粗心的;不小心的 mistaken.错误;失误himself pron.他自己 careful.小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重 Advise v.劝告;建议solve v.解决;解答step n.步;步骤trust v.相信;信任experience n.经验;经历in half分成两半halfway n.&adv.在中途;部分地做(或达到) else adv.别的;其他的 Unit7 matter n.问题;事情Whats the matter?怎么了?出什么事了?sore adj.疼痛的;酸痛的 have a cold感冒stomachache n.胃痛;腹痛 have a stomachache胃痛foot n.脚;足neck n.颈;脖子stomach n.胃;腹部throat n.咽喉;喉咙fever n.发烧 Lie v.(lay )躺;平躺lie down躺下rest v.&n.放松;休息cough n.& v.咳嗽X-ray n. X射线;X光toothache n. 牙痛take ones temperature 量体温headache n.头痛have a fever发烧break n. 间歇;休息 take breaks (take a break)休息hurt (使)疼痛; 受伤passenger n. 乘客; 旅客 off. 离开(某处); 不工作; get off下车to ones surprise.惊讶的; 出乎.意料onto prep. 向; 朝trouble n. 问题; 苦恼hit(用手或器具)击; 打right away立即; 马上get into陷入; 参与herself pron.(she的反身代词) 她自己bandage n. 绷带 v. 用绷带包扎sick adj. 生病的; 有病的knee n. 膝; 膝盖nosebleed n. 鼻出血breathe v. 呼吸sunburned adj. 晒伤的ourselves pron. (we的反身代词) 我们自己climber n. 登山者; 攀登者be used to习惯. 适应.risk n. & v. 危险; 风险; 冒险take risks (take a risk)冒险 accident n.(交通)事故; 意外遭遇 Situation n. 情况; 状况kilo (=kilogram)n. 千克; 公斤 Rock n. 岩石run out (of) 用尽; 耗尽knife n.(pl. Knives) 刀 cut off切除blood n. 血 mean/meant 意思是; 打算; get out of离开; 从.出来importance n. 重要性; 重要decision n. 决定; 抉择control n.&v. 限制; 约束; 管理 be in control of掌管; 管理spirit n. 勇气; 意志death n. 死; 死亡 give up放弃nurse n. 护士Judy朱迪 (女名)Nancy南希 (女名)Mandy曼迪 (女名) Aron Ralston阿伦罗尔斯顿 Utah 犹他州(美国) Unit 8 clean up打扫(或清除)干净cheer v. 欢呼; 喝彩cheer up(使)变得更高兴; 振奋起来 give out分发; 散发volunteer. 义务做; 自愿做 n. 志愿者come up with出; 提出(主意、计划、回答等)put off推迟sign n. 标志; 信号notice知; 通告; 注意 v. 注意到; hand out分发call up打电话给(某人); 征召used to曾经.; 过去.lonely adj. 孤独的; 寂寞的care for照顾; 非常喜欢several pron. 几个; 数个; 一些下 strong adj. 强烈的; 强壮的feeling n. 感觉; 感触satisfaction n. 满足; 满意joy n. 高兴; 愉快owner n. 物主; 主人try out参加.选拔; 试用journey n.(尤指长途)旅行; 行程 Raise v. 募集; 征集alone adv. 独自; 单独repair v. 修理; 修补fix v. 修理; 安装fix up修理; 装饰give away赠送; 捐赠take after(外貌或行为)broken adj. 破损的; 残缺的 Wheel n. 车轮; 轮子letter n. 信; 函Miss n. 女士; 小姐set up建起; 设立disabled adj. 丧失能力的; 有残疾的make a difference影响; 有作用blind adj. 瞎的; 失明的deaf adj. 聋的imagine v. 想象; 设想difficulty n. 困难; 难题open v. 开; 打开door n. 门carry v. 拿; 提; 扛 train v. 训练; 培训 excited adj. 激动的; 兴奋的Training n. 训练; 培训kindness n. 仁慈; 善良clever adj. 聪明的; 聪颖的understand 理解; 领会change v. &n. 变化; 改变interest兴趣; 关注 v. 使感兴趣; 使sir/madam信函中对不知名的男/女性收信人Mario马里奥 (男名)Jimmy吉米 (男名)篇二:2016年鲁教版英语中考试卷 (2) 1 二一六年初中学业考试英语模拟试题 第I卷 第一部分、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 () 1. Who is calling Steve? A. MaryB. Hey C. Barry () 2. Where are the two speakers? A. In a restaurant B. In a post office C. In a hospital () 3. How long does it take the man to walk to the station? A. Five minutes B. Ten minutesC. Fifteen minutes. () 4. What happened to the woman? A. She was sick. B. She lost a book.C. She had a bad dream () 5. Whats the man doing? A. Having a field trip. B. Booking a plane ticket. C. Saying goodbye to his friend. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面第一段对话,回答第6至7两个小题。 () 6. Which floor will the man live on? A. The second floor B. The third floor C. The fourth floor () 7. How much should the man pay? A. $45 B. $60 C. $90 听下面一段对话,回答第8至9两个小题。 () 8. What time is it when they are talking? A. It s about 9:00 B. It s about 10:00 C. Its about 11:00 () 9. What does the woman like to do? A. Play the piano B. Do some drawings C. Watch some television 下面一段独白,回答第10至12三个小题。 () 10. How long does Frank spend on English movies every week? A. Half an hour B. About one hour C. A听t least two hours ()11. Where does Frank go every Saturday? A. To a park B. To a cinema C. To a bookstore ()12. What does Frank mainly talk about? 2 A. TravellingB. Learning English C. Having a party. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至15三个小题 ()13. How did they get to the lake? A. By bike B. By car C. On foot ()14. What is the weather like today? A. RainyB. Sunny C. Cloudy ()15. What will they buy? A. Some flowersB. Some drinks C. Some ice cream 第三节 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,按照你听听到的先后顺序将下列图片排序,并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。短文读两遍。 第二部分, 语法和词汇 第一节,单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 21.Every year_ Mother's Day is on _second Sunday in May. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /, / ( ) 22. _ sad news it is! We must try our best to help them out of trouble.A. What aB. What C. How a D. How ( ) 23. You won't follow his example, will you? _, I don't think he is right. A No, I won't B Yes, I will C No, I willD Yes, I won't Is Mrs. Black really badly ill? - _, she( )24.s in hospital. A. I don't think so B. No, he isn'tC. I don't hope so D. I'm afraid so ( )25.Did you have anyone _the trees?Yes, I had the trees_. A. to water; water B. to water; watered C. water; to be wateredD. water; watered () 26.This pair of sunglasses _ out of fashion. Id like to buy a new _. Aare, one Bis, pairCare, pair Dis, one ( ) 27.The computer_ last week has not been fixed. A. which we bought it B. that we bought it 3 C. we bought D. what we bought ( )28. He didnt know how long the Greens _ China? A. have come toB. have been in C. had gone toD. had been in ( ) 29. _ of people work in the factory. But only two _ of them are fromShandong. A. Thousands; hundreds篇三:山东省威海经济技术开发区2015-2016学年六年级英语下学期期中试题 鲁教版五四制 山东省威海经济技术开发区2015-2016学年六年级英语下学期期中试题 注意事项: 1. 本卷共80分,时间90分钟。 2. 用2b铅笔将1-30单选题答案涂在答题纸相应位置,用0.5mm碳素笔将其它题目答案写在答题纸相应位置上。检测结束,只交答题纸,将其他的保管好。 一、单项选择(共20小题,计20分) A. 从每组单词中找出划线部分的读音与其他音标读音不同的选项。 ()1. A. July B. happy C. partyD. January ()2. A. today B playC. saysD. subway ()3. A. showerB. now C. how D. show ()4. A. hourB. homework C. history D. half .( ) 5. A. speak B. leave C. liveD. dream B. 根据句意,选择最佳答案。 () 6.There is _river, _ river runs quickly. A. the, a B. a, the C. the, the D. a, a () 7.- When is your birthday? - Its _. A. at April nineB. in April ninthC. on April nineth D. on April ninth ( )8. -Can your sister _ English? - No, _she can draw pictures. A. talk; butB. speak; and C. speak; butD. say; and () 9.There are _ months in a year, the _ month is December. A. twenty, twelfth B. twelve, twelfth C. twelfth twelve D. twentieth, twenty ( )10 .Can you help me _my English? A. to B. forC. onD. with () 11. Are you good _your parents? A. with B. at C. forD in () 12. When does Lisa play tennis ? She plays tennis _ seven _ Saturday morning. A. In; at B. on; on C. at; in D. at; on () 13. _ is the fifth day of a week. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Wednesday D. Sunday () 14. -_? -I can do Kungfu. A. Can you drawB. What can you do C. What can she do D. What club do you want to join () 15. -I want to join the_. -Can you draw? -Yes, I can. A. swimming club B. English clubC. art club D. music club () 16. My mother _ at 5 oclock p.m. A. go homeB. come homeC. gets homeD. gets to home () 17. What club do you want_? A. joinB . joins C . joining D . to join () 18. He _the bus _the library every day. ,A. makes, to B. takes, toC. has, for D. take for () 19.She can play _ piano and her brother can play _ soccer. A. the, the B. /, /C. the, / D. /, the () 20.My brother likes _to people. A. to talkB. talks to C. talk D. to take 二阅读理解(10分) A Today is Lindas mothers birthday. It is also Teachers Day. Lindas mother is a math teacher. So today is her birthday and also her festival. Linda and her brothers buy presents (礼物) for their mother. Linda buys a good skirt for Mother. Her two brothers buy Mother a big birthday cake. Lindas father also has a present. He prepares (准备) a ring for his wife. Lindas mother is very happy. The family love her so much. It is a great birthday for her. ( ) 21. How many kids does Lindas mother have? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5. ( ) 22. Lindas mother teaches _. A. English B. Chinese C. artD. math ( )23. What does the word “wife” mean? A. 母亲B. 父亲C. 丈夫 D. 妻子 ( ) 24. What is Lindas present? A. A big cake B. A ring. C. A skirt. D. We dont know. ( ) 25. When is Lindas mothers birthday? A. October 1st. B. September 10th. C. November 8th. D. We dont know. B 看表格回答问题 ( ) 26. Whats Anns favorite subject? A. musicB. artC. P.E. ( ) 27. Why does Scott like art? Its _. A. relaxing B. interesting C. exciting ( ) 28. When does Dave have music? A. On Friday B. On Thursday C. On Monday and Thursday ( ) 29. Does Scott like P.E.? A. Yes, she doesnt. B. No, she does. C. Sorry, I dont know. ( ) 30. What subject do they have on Thursday? A. Music B. Music and P.E.C.P.E. B Everyone(每个人) in Mr. Browns family is busy this weekend. Mr. Brown goes to the chess club in the morning. Mrs. Brown wants to buy some food. Their daughter Ann finishes her homework. Anns brother Tom plays baseball with friends. He likes playing sports and he is in the schoolbaseball club. He plays baseball from half past seven to nine thirty. And then, they go to grandparents house in the afternoon. They go there by subway because their grandparents house is far from theirs. 31. Is everyone busy on the weekend? 32. What does Mr. Brown do in the morning?3 33. Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown have three children(孩子)? 34. How long does Tom play baseball ? 35. How do they go to Anns grandparents house? 三、语音拼盘:(有2个多余的词)(共10小题,计5分)37. /a: / 38. / ? / 39. / e/ 40. / ? / 41./ a?/ 42. / ? / 四、词性判断:请判断划线部分单词的词性(共5小题,计5分) 43. This is a really interesting story._ 44. Do you know his family name? _ 45. My mother always gets up early. _ 46. There is a river between the school and the village. _ 47. My father usually exercises first. _ 五、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分;每小题1分) 48. Please _/ ra?t/ an e-mail to me when you get to Beijing. 49. After school we have sports for an _/?/ 50. Today I have lots of _ _ (作业) to do. 51. What time do you usually get _ / drest /? 52. Toms uncle is _ (四十) years old this year. 53. The ice cream_ / te?sts / very good. 54. Jill lives about two _(百) meters from the bus stop? 55. His sister is a _/bju?/ girl. 56. Tom _ /f?n?z / his homework at 8 every day. 57. The villager never _ /l?vz/ his village . 六:词汇 用所给词的适当形式填空(6分,每小题1分) 58. How long does it take your mother _(drive) a car to work? 59. The _ (student)dream is to have a bridge in their village. 60. It is easy _(ride) a bike to school. 61. Is Mary good at _(speak) English? 62. I ride my bike, how about _( he )? 63. My mother usually tells _(story) to us at night. 七、翻译句子 (共10小题,计9分;每小题1.5分)64.你表姐的生日是在什么时候? 65.你弟弟为什么喜欢数学?因为它是有用的。 66.他最喜欢的老师是谁? 67.你爸爸通常开车去上班吗? 68. 从车站到图书馆多远? 69. 我每天到校花半小时。 八、书面表达(10分) 假设你叫Mary,给你在英国的笔友Lucy发一封邮件,向她介绍一下你晚上的活动,不少于8个活动。(如到家,吃晚饭,做作业,弹吉他,看电视,刷牙,淋浴,上床睡觉等)可自由发挥。字数在60字左右。 _.20152016学年第二学期期中质量检测 初一英语答案 1-5 ACDAC 6-10 BDCBD 11-15 ADABC 16-20 CDBCA 二、21-25 BDDCB 26-30 CBCCB 31. Yes, they are. 32. He goes to the chess club in the morning. 33. No, they dont. 34. For two hours. 35. By subway. 三、语音拼盘 1. /? / Chinese 2. / a: / half3. / ? / walk also 4. / e/ then test 5. / ? / Tuesday6./ a?/ right7. / ? / quickly live 四、词性判断 1. 形容词 2. 动词3. 副词 4. 介词 5.动词 五、单词拼写 1.write2. hour 3.homework 4.dressed 5.forty 6.tastes 7.hundred 8.beautiful 9.finishes 10.leaves 六、词形填空 1.to drive 2.students 3.to ride 4.speaking 5.him 6. stories 七、翻译句子 1. When is your cousins birthday? 2. Why does your brother like math? Because its useful. 3. Who is his favorite teacher? 4. Does your father usually go to work by car?/drive to work? 5. How far is it from the station to the library? 6. It takes me half an hour to get to school every day. 2016版鲁教版五四制英语


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