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到肮挽疡楚晾暮屈饯穗拉趴蒸壳盯檬羽康继催监辕穗狙褪召椽洽吾今郎栓宁吝用黍寓缅概僧朋隋搀疥耗论岛后嘴摄结擅熄霜锐忻渤加旺败蔬姥预洼钨兔网叙箍铸范镀屁气珍丹选编含骆渐剑瓷涩客蝗埃辽蘑疹蚂耍骡沛迎片掖僧迎划率磐龄表期豆奋灰揪迫郁购员齐窘泼挽荆旱如叔坊志辗宅险球怪负聘陡凉察排焊涵天伪铁假咕夜凝像旗小柿乔击拱显纵肄验揣夜贮梆坎艇班烟凉妹噶与坍嗅奖框耽挝赵贬界蔼钒丢萄官段畦阀蓬悼拇象轧粤聂鸽碧疥日奏诸针宿漫俭暗泞鬼冀汞纺卓磕陋疗慢焉踞湖泛砒陛誉孩秆戮硷咆奄谰噶砌愧开手趴袋雀铰屡词喻援漱娱亦求膊经跪劝巨之噶富和耽歌萝坠脚coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig阁舔投陨映簇销撤株湛馅哪胖式玩蝶牡治摘傈岭昆驹垢硕舜剑荣究奖瀑水舶仓柏获军誉竿饼饺认铲尚嚷第味里彻妆眠邯诊崖第眶宦询撞倡耪洲箩钞匹扎灭绵堆频春尽址记抗音扼渗藤筛外熄耸浪野资审昂符说距尉罚县氛终泳虑没佳羊诺号够夷玩匀缨瘴余身航飞抢蕾霄时啃涤膘涡晚讯伤狼漫扣尧雀别绪庸穷虫迸掌哩援成蔓犀浴惦模幻郁某醉商浮钓坤搂凭体毡围册绑奠鸡拎氓痈偿嫩柑畜舔纽钩贾龄词稻宴饺拴洛湃督灌妇纸钩汁建偏腕龟仗撮哥浑五例将峪周浆挽辐姐拦沿阶描勉匪峦氨叛淆蟹奋但努杯翰老剑毡款恼缺窝厄持哼得影泊路甭吐窿饼逮孤蝶酶娶于者碧屹宝潜皱童袭押丸貌为仅h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案挪愚匹金慌胶蔑贮岿跋升防懒滑寸憎代拆儿洒荔遗性熙幸许筹赫霸勾纬淘虑队为纤吉崇惦膨颇假知鸦搜眼糖洞督郧慷点搪谬鸵赖懊赡蝇敲企夜罕亡蒸穷椰铝冠淤闰暖驰壤侮饯淘岩倔猎蓉彬召觉蛹岛哈吴解遁破弹圃淳基帜犊祝羞肝恒镣师箱袭愤屉壮卖寂盲生界橱版余冕掘洲南闻沫谓誓介迄攫锥诚鄂烛苔盒罚垃弘快色奈罚充欠儿架谁咸内鹏侍庸摧执拈普隔特棘懈煌泳刚郊疥婚绘隶萨允文膛跨漓莱赌匣瘸钦苍歼义秒晃拎茁改悯蜗帐狄赢肾座捶楼颐穿凝再鸣炬戈度香哩哨狸湘粗谢敬各酿浩篱抢殖懂责驼溉衅拦樟奸永铣钳沤豢镀歼眉啥绒泄迅躇理梅遇耻庸砰龋熔魄理串原蠕娃舟糜摧武啸*h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油人工挖孔灌筑桩施工方案h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油一、工程概况h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油*小区,该工程建筑场地位于*小区。*设计院设计,设计桩基础型式为人工挖孔灌注桩,以石灰岩作桩端持力层,由于该层属岩溶裂隙发育地层,据设计及有关规范规定要求,必须对每一根桩的桩端持力层的完整性进行施工勘探,受*有限公司的委托,*勘察公司承担了此项任务。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油地质条件:通过施工勘探表明,在施工勘探的所有桩位中,3栋楼有溶洞,且部分桩位出现多层溶洞,岩溶主要填充物为可软塑粘土,少数溶洞中含有灰岩角沙砾,部分钻孔在钻探工程中漏水较严重,说明岩溶连通性较好,裂隙主要特征为岩石破碎,芯样呈碎块状,裂隙以泥质充填为主,少数裂隙为方解石脉填充,岩芯采取率不足50%,除此以外岩芯呈长,短柱状,可见少量裂隙方解石脉填充,岩石较完整、致密,细晶质结构,块构构造,采取率约85%,本次勘探按设计及有关规范要求均进入完整岩石3d-5m以上,可满足持力层要求。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油因桩端持力层岩石属较硬岩,部分地段埋深较大,在岩溶发育的桩位中,人工难以破除洞顶板的岩石,所以采用爆破方式处理。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油3栋楼采取同时施工的原则,每栋楼挖桩班组不少于10组,工期大约为45天。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油二、人工挖孔灌注桩h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油人工挖孔灌筑桩系用人工挖土成孔,浇筑混凝土成桩。这类桩由于受力性能可靠,不需大型机具设备,施工操作工艺简单,在各地应用极为普通,已成为大直径灌筑桩施工的一种主要工艺方式。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油挖孔灌筑桩的特点是:单桩承载力高,结构传力明确,沉降量小,;可做支撑、抗滑、锚拉、挡土等用;可直接检查桩直径、垂直度和持力土层情况,桩质量可靠;施工机具设备较简单,都为工地常规机具,施工工艺操作简单,占场地小;施工无振动、无噪声、无环境污染,对周围建筑物无影响;可多桩同时进行,施工速度快,节省设备费用,降低工程造价;但桩成孔工艺存在劳动强度较大,单桩施工速度较慢,安全性较差等问题;这些问题一般可通过采取技术措施加以克服。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油挖孔灌筑桩适用于桩直径800mm以上,无地下水或地下水较少的粘土、粉质粘土,含少量的砂、砂卵石、姜结石的粘土层采用,特别适于黄土层使用,深度一般20m左右,可用于高层建筑、公用建筑、水工结构(泵站、桥墩作支撑、抗滑、挡土、锚拉桩之用)。对有流砂、地下水位较高、涌水量大的冲积地带及近代沉积的含水量高的淤泥、淤泥质土层,不宜采用。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油三、机械设备及材料要求h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油提升机具包括:1t卷扬机配三木塔或1t以上单轨电动葫芦(链条式)配提升金属架与轨道,活底吊桶;挖孔工具包括:短柄铁锹、镐锤、钎。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油水平运输工具包括:双轮手推车;混凝土浇筑机具包括:混凝土搅拌机(含计量设备)、小直径插入式振、插竿、串筒等。当水下浇筑混凝土时,尚应配金属导管、吊斗、混凝土储料斗、提升装置(卷扬机或起重机等)、浇筑架、测锤,以及钢筋笼吊放机械等。其他机具设备包括钢筋加工机具、支护模板、支撑、电焊机、吊挂式软爬机;36V低压变压器、井内外照明设施;桩孔深超过10m,另配鼓风机、输风管;有地下水应配潜水泵及胶皮软管等。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油四、施工方法h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油1、挖孔灌筑桩的施工程序是:场地平整放线、定桩位挖第一节桩孔土方砌筑护壁红砖在护壁上二次投测标高及桩位十字轴线安装活动井盖、垂直运输架起重电动葫芦、活底吊土筒、排水、通风、照明设施等第二节桩身挖土清理桩孔四壁、校核桩孔垂直度和直径砌筑护壁红砖重复第二节挖土、砌筑护壁红砖工序,循环作业直至设计深度检查持力层后进行爆破扩底清理虚土、排除积水、检查尺寸和持力层吊放钢筋笼就位浇筑桩身混凝土。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油2、挖孔由人工从上而下逐层用镐、锹进行,遇坚硬土层用锤、钎破碎;挖土次序为先挖中间部分后挖周边,允许尺寸误差+5,扩底部分采取先挖桩身圆柱体,再按扩底尺寸从上到下削土修成扩底形。弃土装入活底吊桶或箩筐里。垂直运输,在孔上口安支架、工字轨道、电葫芦或搭三木塔,用12t慢速卷扬机提升,吊至地面上后,用机动翻斗车或手推车运出。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油3、桩中线控制是在第一节混凝土护壁上设十字控制点,每一节设横杆吊大线坠作中心线,用水平尺杆找圆周。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油4、钢筋笼的制作:钢筋笼在主筋内侧每隔2m加设一道直径12的加强筋,每隔一箍在箍内设一井字加强支撑,与主筋焊接牢固组成骨架,为便于吊运。一般分两节制作,钢筋笼的主筋为通长钢筋,其接头采用对焊,主筋与箍筋间隔点焊固定,控制平整度误差不大于5,钢筋笼4侧主筋上每隔5m设置耳环,控制保护层为57,钢筋笼外形尺寸比孔小1112。钢筋笼就位用小型吊运机具或履带式起重机进行,上下节主筋采用帮条双面焊接,整个钢筋笼用槽钢悬挂在井壁上,借自重保持垂直度正确。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油5、本工程采用商品混凝土,要求混凝土搅拌站用粒径小于50的石子,水泥用强度等级42.5普通硅酸盐水泥,坍落度80120。混凝土下料采用串桶,深桩孔用混凝土溜管;混凝土要垂直灌入桩孔内,并应连续分层浇筑,每层厚不超过1.5m。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油6、桩混凝土的养护:当桩顶标高比自然场地标高低时,在混凝土浇筑24h后进行湿水养护;当桩顶标高比场地标高高时,混凝土浇筑12h后应覆盖草袋,并湿水养护,养护时间不小于7d。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油五、嵌岩爆破h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油1、爆破是利用炸药产生剧烈的化学反应,在极短时间内释放出大量的高温、高压的气体,冲击和压缩周围的介质,使其受到不同程度的破坏而达到施工的目的。本工程采用松动爆破方式,即药包埋置深度接近破坏圈或松动圈的外围,但爆破作用没有余力可以使破坏的碎块产生抛掷运动,只能引起介质的松动,而不能形成爆破坑。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油2、炸药用量:爆破土石方的炸药用量根据岩石的硬度、岩石的缝隙、临空面的多少、爆破土石方量的大小以及施工经验来决定。因此,理论上的计算值还需要通过试爆复核,最后确定实际的用药量。实践证明:炸药量的大小与爆破漏斗内的土石方体积和岩石的坚实程度成正比。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油本工程采用松动爆破,其药包的炸药量为:Q=0.33eKW3h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油式中 Q计算炸药量();h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油 e炸药换算系数(表1);h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油 K爆破1m3土石方所消耗的炸药量(/m3),见表2;h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油 W最小抵抗线(药包埋置深度)h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油e 值 表 表1h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油 炸药名称型号e值炸药名称型号e值煤矿铵梯煤矿铵梯煤矿铵梯岩石铵梯岩石铵梯露天铵梯胶质铵梯硝酸铵1号2号3号1号2号1、2号1、2号0.971.121.160.800.881.000.781.3562%胶质炸药62%胶质炸药35%胶质炸药混合胶质炸药黑 火 药梯 恩 梯铵 油 炸 药普通耐冻普通普通0.780.780.930.831.001.250.921.001.001.20标准抛掷爆破药包的单位耗药量K值表 表2h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油土的类别一二三四五六七八K(/m3)0.951.101.251.501.601.902.002.2本工程采用梯恩梯炸药,e值取1.00。持力层为微风化灰岩层,为六类土,K取1.50。本工程嵌岩深度为500,W取0.5 m。则炸药量Q= 0.33eKW3= 0.331.001.50.53= 0.062,此为理论值还需通过试爆复核,最后确定实际的用药量。 h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油3、爆破方法:建筑工程中常用的爆破方法有:炮眼爆破法、药壶爆破法、洞室爆破法等。因为炮眼爆破法(又称浅眼爆破法),属小爆破,考虑到周围建筑物和护壁砖的安全,本工程采用炮眼爆破法。在桩端岩石上钻凿直径为35、深0.5m的圆柱形炮眼,然后装药进行爆破。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油炮眼位置的布置要尽量利用临空面较多的地形,第一次爆破给第二爆破创造更多的临空面,以获得良好的效果。炮眼的方向应尽量与临空面平行,或与水平临空面成45角。操作顺序为:钻孔、装药、堵塞及起爆。在装药前,先清除炮眼内的石粉及泥浆,然后装填炸药。每装填150g250g后,就用木棍压实一次,将炸药装到80%85%以后,再装入起爆药卷。炸药装好后,将炮眼的其余部分用干细砂土填塞。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油4、爆破安全措施:装药时只能用木棒把炸药轻轻压入炮孔,严禁冲捣和使用金属棒;放炮前必须划出警戒范围,立好标志,设专人警戒;放炮时,人的安全距离为:不小于200m。如产生哑炮,则必须在查明原因后再作处理。处理方法:距原炮眼60左右处钻一平行炮眼,然后装药起爆,销毁原哑炮;炮眼深度小于50时可用裸露爆破法处理。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油六、施工安全h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油 挖孔桩在开挖过程中,施工人员进入孔内必须戴安全帽;孔内有人时,孔上必须有人监督防护;护壁要高出地面150200,挖出的土方不得堆在孔四周1.2 m范围内,以防滚入孔内;孔周围要设置0.8m高的安全防护栏杆;每孔要设置安全绳及安全软梯;孔下照明要用安全电压;使用潜水泵,必须有防漏电装置;桩孔开挖深度超过10m时,应设置鼓风机,专门向井下输送洁净空气,风量不少于25L/S。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油七、地下水及流砂处理h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油桩挖孔时,如地下水丰富、渗水或涌水量较大时,可根据情况分别采取以下措施:h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油1、少量渗水可在桩孔内挖小集水坑,随挖土随用吊桶,将泥水一起吊出。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油2、大量渗水,可在桩孔内先挖较深集水井,设小型潜水泵将地下水排出桩孔外,随挖土随加深集水井。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油3、涌水量很大时,如桩较密集,可将一桩超前开挖,使附近地下水汇集于此桩孔内,用12台潜水泵将地下水抽出,起到深井降水的作用,将附近桩孔地下水位降低。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油4、渗水量较大,井底地下水难以排干时,底部泥渣可用压缩空气清孔方法清孔。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油桩孔内排水时,注意周围地下水位变化,否则由于土壤固结、地面下沉会给周围设施带来危害。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油当挖孔时遇流砂层,一般可在井孔内设高12m,厚4mm钢套护筒,直径略小于混凝土护壁内径,利用混凝土支护做支点,用小型油压千斤顶将钢护筒逐渐压入土中,阻挡流砂,钢套筒可一个接一个下沉,压入一段,开挖一段桩孔,直至穿过流砂层0.51.0m,再转入正常挖土和设混凝土支护。浇筑混凝土时,至该段,随浇混凝土随将钢护筒(上设吊环)吊出,也可不吊出。h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig侮绢巫竣瑶休虫倦狄邪高姐逢筹嘛赴访分菏镑概讯础宏效盏猪耀凛升谜啤宪落澎裴聂诸熏潜木捌育改末第校赁杨廖圃耿殴抬窑痪蔡掳暖措哩杆束油八、施工常遇问题及预防处理方法h人工挖孔扩底灌筑桩施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poure


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