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Lesson 45-46教案(两课时)一教学目的1复习、巩固第十一单元的There be句型。2掌握四会单词和词组child/ children, man/ men, woman/ women, at work/ at home/ at school要掌握读音,写法和用法。3教学There be的疑问形式:Is there a cat in the bee?及其肯定、否定回答。4巩固There be句型及其特殊形式How manyare there?二重难点1名词复数的不规则变化,如:man men woman women child children 要求学生读准、写准、用准。2How many?句型中How many接可数名词复数的用法。3掌握、运用There be句型的肯定形式与疑问形式的转换,并会作肯定与否定回答。三学法引导1教师教法:利用实物、挂图复习句型Whats? There is a/ There are some利用幻灯片、图画教学名词的复数形式。围绕教室的实物教学Is there?句型,提问Is there a book on the desk?帮助学生做出肯定回答:Yes,there is再举几个应用肯定回答的实物,然后让学生两人一组一问一答进行练习。待到学生熟练,再教学Is there a book in the desk?帮助学生做出否定回答:No,there isnt再举出几个应用否定回答的实物,帮助学生做出否定回答,然后成组练习。2学生学法:仔细研究第一部分的词组,可以看出名词复数的变化规律,一般的名词在词后加-s,但有些名词是特殊情况,像child, man, woman这些词需要单独记忆。生活中可以为我们提供很多关于数量问答的情景,例如在你们班上有多少同学,在你的铅笔盒中有几支笔,等等,可以拿出这些东西,在同学之间做问答练习,巩固所学句型。为了练习句型There be的一般疑问句,请大家按照提示就教室里的东西进行问答。四教具录音机、挂图、投影片、(微机)书、笔、尺等实物。1 / 14五教学过程Step 1 Revision利用教室里的实物复习句型Whats? There is a/ There are someWhere is it/ Where are they?如:T:Whats in the picture? S:There is areT:Where is it?Where are they? S:ItsThey areStep2 Presentation教师指着一个男孩提问:T:Whos he? S:Hes a boy再指多个男孩提问:T:Who are they? S:They are some boysShow some pictures to the students. Include a boy, some boys, a girl, some girls, a man, some men, a woman, some women. Teacher: What is in this picture?Students: There is a boy./girl/man/woman/childTeacher: What is in that picture?Students: There are some boys/girls/men/women/children.Step3 Look, read and sayPage 56, Part 1. Play the tape twice. Ask the students listen and repeat. Pay attention to the students pronounce men and women correctly. At last, explain in Chinese that most words in English are made plural by adding? -s or -es, but that there are some exceptions.a child- four children a man- five men a woman-six women a Chinese- seven Chinese an American- ten AmericansStep 4 PresentationShow the pictures again.T: How many boys/girls/men/women/children are there?Ss: There are two children. Or: There is only one.T: Where is he/she? Or: Where are they?Is he/she at work/at home? Or: Are they at school?Ss: Yes, he/she is. Or: No, they arent. They are Step 5 Ask and answer Have the Ss ask and answer similar questions in pairs.Step 6 CountLook at the picture: Part 3, but before listening to the tape, ask them to count the kites and birds, and the teacher asks: How many kites are there in the sky? How many birds are there in the sky? The Ss answer: There are thirteen kites and two birds in the sky.Then read and say in pairs. At last, ask some groups to act it out in front of the class.Step 7 Teach the new words, using the flashcards.Step 8 DrawingDivide the class into some groups, ask them to draw some pictures in pairs.Then they describe the pictures using: There is a There are someStep 9 Ask and answerUsing the pictures ( they have drawn , Step 7) One group asks:Is there/ Are there any? And the other group answers: Yes, there is. No, there arent, etc.Step 10 Read and sayPage 57 Part 1. Listen to the tape twice. Ss listen and repeat.Step 11 Look any sayPage 57. Part 2.Step 12 In pairsAsk and answer similar questions about the classroom, the bedroom, their school, the teachers office, their family in pairs.Step 13 Consolidation1写出下列单词的复数形式:boy_ girl_ man_ baby_ sheep_child_woman_kite_ bird_ house_2句型转换1)There is a light near the window(改为一般疑问句)2)There is a map on the wall(改为否定句)3)There is a map on the wall(与a Kite构成选择疑问句)4)Is there a for in the picture?(否定回答)Step 14 Homework1根据课文内容,编排新对话。用There + be句型描述教室。2抄写课本上的句型、句子并翻译。同时指出语言点。3完成练习册。六板书Lesson 45,46How manyare there? There is only one/ There areTheyre at school. Is there a?Yes, there is. No, there isnt.教案点评:本设计体现了学生的自主学习,主要通过图片或实物,同时配以媒体展开教学活动。各个活动都考虑了学生的参与,整体上以学生的活动为教学的主体,教师进行必要的指导,本节课气氛会非常活跃Lesson 47教学Teaching aims:Grasp:1.New words: any, animal, people2.There be 句型Use the following phrases freely1.Is there a . Yes, there any .2.Are there any .Yes, there are/No, there arent.3.How many kites are there in the sky?There are fifteen./There is only one.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision(制成课件, 通过大屏幕展示)(Showing a picture one pointing to the picture and asking the Ss)T: Is there a river in the picture?S: Yes, there is.T: Is there a boat in the river?S: Yes, there is.T: Is there a house in the picture?S: Yes, there is.T: Is there is a cat under the tree?S: Yes, there is.Step 2 Presentation呈现不同的图画,问学生不同的问题T: Is there a cat on the blackblard? (a picture of a cat)S: Yes, there is.T: Is there a dog? (a picture of a dog)S: Yes, there is. T: What are these?(point to all of the pictures)S: They are animals.教单词animal。T: Is a cat an animal?S: Yes, it is.T: Is a dog an animal? (问学生A)S: Yes, it is.T: Is a coat an animal? (问学生B)S: No, it isnt.T: Are cats and dogs animals? (问学生C)S: Yes, they are.T: Are they any computers on the blackboard?S: No, they arent.Step 3 Drill1.T: Look at the picture. Its very nice.教学nice单词2.T: Are there any animals in the picture?S: Yes.3. Play the tape and get Ss to listen4.让他们同桌练习对话 (practise in pairs)5.看着第2部分,一个学生合上书,另一个学生问:S1: Are there any birds in the picture?S2:Yes, there is one./Yes, there are/No, there arent.S3: Are there any .After 5 questions, they can change roles.6.看着第三部分,让两三个学生大声问问题,让另一个学生利用图画2问问题.S1: How many flowers are there in the picture?S2: There are three. Step 4 PracticeGet the students to work in pairs to continue to ask questions.1.Using the model in past3 and the picture in part 2.The student who is answering should not look at the picture. for example:S1: How many flowers are there in the picture?S2:I think there are three.S1: Yes. How many boats are there in the picture?S2: Are there too?S1: No. There is only one. etc让每一个学生问五个问题,每做对一个得1分,然后变换不同的地方问问题,最后看谁是最好的?2.让学生自制一些不同的卡片问同位:用上学过的句型: Are there any ? How many ?Step 5 Exercises排列句子顺序,并且把他们译成汉语,并变成一般疑问句.1.there a in boy boat the is2.two are eggs there the in bowl3.is an in picture the animal there4.many on table there caps the are5.people there in house some that are6.an there teacher English is room the inStep 6 HomeworkDo Exx1.and 2 in the exercises book.The design of the blackboardLesson 47animalDrills: Are there any? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.How many + plural form? There are/ is教案点评:本设计主要是语言的操练,教学手段主要是图片,通过图片教学词汇,本课目标语言点的教学主要通过学生的大量活动来实践的。Lesson 48教案Teaching aims:Grasp:1.New words: little sheep come on. 2.phrases: come on, at the home, at work, at school. 3.There be 句型及其肯定,否定回答.There is ./Is there./There isnt,.Use: 用There be 句型造句,并且能够变换句式.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionRevise Are there any ? by showing some pictures or talk about the objects in the classroom.Are there any desks in the classroom?Yes, there are.Step 2 Listen, read and say1出示一组单词卡片让学生朗读,然后板书no, go, so, old, home, those-o 再出示下组单词卡片让学生朗读,然后板书:box, fox, not, pot, clock, sorry-o 引导学生总结两组单词读音规则,然后写出音标 讲解字母。在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则。打乱卡片次序,让学生读准单词。2幻灯显示下列两组单词,用对比的方法教学字母f,v的发音fv,并指出发育要领。打乱单词顺序,出示卡片,让学生朗读,并纠正错误发音。fffine,five,four,four:family,fare,floor,friendvvvery,seven,have,love,glove,over,eleven3. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Get them practise individually the sounds. Showing flashcards with more words to get the students to practise.Step 3 Listen and answerPlay the tape for the students to listen. Then answer the questions of Ex 5. Check the answer with the whole class.Step 4 PresentationT: Look. Are those animals?S: Yes, they are. 展示一些画有动物的图片,问What are they?S:I dont know.Oh, you dont know? Theyre sheep.教学sheep,.sheep的复数还是sheep,强调一点sheep的单复数同形.Pointing the big sheep. Ask Is this sheep big?Pointing a small sheep and say This sheep is little.In Chinese ask if the students can think of another English word that means little (small)And Explain that small and little very similar in meaning.Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask:T: How many sheep are there?S: There are two sheep.T: Are there any cats in the picture?S: No, there arent any.Step 5 drillLook at the picture (Part 3). Ask:Are there any animals in the pictures?Are the animals big or little?Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Ask Whose cat is it?Step 6 practiseLook at Page 60 part 4.1. Ask: Can you find any words in the picture?(read aloud the directions and help the students to write one or two examples on the Bb) such as: door bag让学生快速从图画中找出,并且记在练习本上.开展一个竞赛,看谁猜得又快又对,同时学习come in加油。The answers are: door, bag, chair, football, hat, clock, window, desk, watch, animal, bed.Step 7 Exercises in class完成下列句子。1. _ (有) some animals under the tree.2. _ (有) any flowers in the picture?3. I_ (有) a very nice picture.4. She _ (有) two girls.5. How many lights _ (有) in the house?Step 8 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises. Write Ex6.in the exercise book.The design of the blackboard 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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