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如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!高中英语2016年备考题库一、单选题 (共125题)1. “What are those women?” “They are_.”A. policewomans B. policewomen C. women policeman D. woman policewomen 2. In Britain the _ are all painted red.A. letter boxes B. letters boxes C. letters boxes D. letters boxes 3. I have _ for you, Mary.A. a good newsB. many good newsC. some good newsD. a few good news4. He is a friend of _.A. my sisters B. I sister C. me sister D. me sisters 5. Its only _ walk from here to the cinema.A. half an hoursB. half a hoursC. half an hoursD. half a hours6. Who _ the picture? Its upside-down.A. hung B. hang C. hanged D. hanging 7. There is going to _ a film tonight.A. are B. is C. have D. be 8. Look at the clouds. It _ rain.A. will B. shall C. is going to D. is 9. This time yesterday we _ trees.A. were planting B. are planting C. planted D. plant 10. “Have you finished your work?” “No, _.”A. havent B. not yet C. already not D. dont yet 11. Its hot today. The temperature _ to 35.A. has raisedB. has been risenC. has been raisedD. has risen12. All the desks in the classroom _ dust.A. are covered withB. are cover withC. are covering withD. covered with13. This story _ in a small village in European.A. was taken placeB. took placeC. took the placeD. took the place of14. “_ the letter _ to Mr. Black ” “No. Its still on my desk.”A. Isbeing given B. Hasbeen given C. Will.be given D. Wasgiven 如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!15. Im sorry you cant go in now. The room _ yet.A. hasnt been cleanedB. hasnt cleanedC. isnt been cleanedD. hasnt being cleaned16. “_ I go out and play now?” “No, you mustnt.”A. Need B. May C. Shall D. Will 17. I havent brought my pen with me. _ I use yours?A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall 18. You _ water in the garden. It looks like rain.A. must B. may not C. dont need D. neednt 19. Paul is working hard these days. He _ pass the exam this time.A. has to B. shall C. may D. need 20. Its snowing now. Youd better _ at home.A. stayed B. to stay C. stay D. staying 21. The boy has to look after himself, because his parents _ abroad.A. are both B. both are C. are all D. all are 22. Merry Christmas, George! Here is a card for _, with _ best withes.A. youyour B. youour C. usour D. usyour 23. Last night Li Gang kept doing the maths exercises _ after _.A. oneanother B. onethe other C. onethe others D. someothers 24. “Does she speak English or Russian?” “She doesnt speak _.”A. neither B. none C. either D. all 25. _teacher has gone to America. _ of them are still in Shanghai.A. BothBoth B. BothNeither C. NeitherBoth D. Neither.neither 26. Everybody looked _ at the sick boy.A. sadly B. sad C. unhappy D. worried 27. If you like the fish, please have as _ as you can.A. many B. more C. much D. a lot 28. Alice isnt the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than _.A. any of the girlsB. any other girlC. some the other girlsD. some of the other girls29. “If I spend _ on it now, I can save your leg.” said the doctor.A. a few more minutesB. few more minutesC. a little more minutesD. little much minutes30. She looked _ today and smiled _ all the time.如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!A. happyhappy B. happilyhappily C. happyhappily D. happilyhappy 31. Flight nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at _.A. Gate Two B. the gate two C. the two gate D. Second Gate 32. Mr. Smith will stay in China for _.A. one and a half yearsB. one and a half yearC. one and half yearD. half and one year33. In _ many people in _ thirties went to university for further education.A. 1980sthe B. the 1980s/ C. 1980stheir D. the 1980stheir 34. A child goes to primary school when he is about _.A. six-years-old B. six years old C. six year old D. six-year-old 35. “Do you have enough chairs in your classroom?”“No, I think we need _.”A. three other B. more three C. three another D. three more 36. _ was the population in China by the end of last year?A. How much B. What C. How many D. Which 37. Everything is ready for the test, _?A. arent they B. are they C. isnt it D. is it 38. Its still early. How about _ the piano for a while?A. to play B. play C. do you play D. playing 39. “Alice couldnt answer the question, could she?” “_.”A. No, she couldntB. No, she couldC. Yes, she couldntD. Yes, she answers40. “_ is your house form the factory?” “Its about twenty minutes walk.”A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How often 41. _ human beings _ animals can live without air.A. Not onlybut alsoB. BothandC. EitherorD. Neithernor42. Ben had a broken arm _ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.A. for B. so C. and D. but 43. Dont stand there in the doorway. Please _ come in _ go out.A. eitheror B. neithernor C. sothat D. andor 44. The days are short, _ it is now December.A. for B. so C. and D. but 45. Study still harder, _ you wont be able to pass the exam next week.如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!A. and B. then C. or D. / 46. It was raining _ I got off the bus.A. when B. while C. though D. because 47. Although its raining, _ we are going to see him this afternoon.A. but B. and C. then D. / 48. It is five days _ we came here.A. when B. before C. as D. since 49. I wont go home _ I finish doing my work.A. after B. until C. when D. while 50. I dont know when he will come, but as soon as he _, Ill let you know.A. will come B. comes C. has come D. is coming 51. When we found an old man _ on the ground, we sent him to a hospital nearby.A. lie B. lay C. lying D. lain 52. Its too expensive _ by plane. Ill go by train instead.A. travel B. travelling C. travels D. to travel 53. The teacher told him _ late again.A. not to be B. is not C. dont be D. not be 54. The Greens have been in China for almost five years. They _ eating Chinese food.A. used to B. are used to C. used not to D. dont use to 55. The thermos is used for _ water hot.A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept 56. I dont think the news you told me _ true.A. are B. is C. being D. am 57. John said that he _ having lunch when Paul called him.A. was B. is C. will D. would 58. There _ a tall tree and some flowers behind our house.A. have B. has C. are D. is 59. The trousers _ too short for me.A. was B. are C. being D. is 60. Three hundred miles _ a long way.A. is B. are C. were D. am 如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!61. The plane arrived at London airport _ Wednesday.A. on B. at C. in D. for 62. He came to see you _ the evening of May 10thA. in B. at C. on D. for 63. My house is _ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day.A. between B. among C. in D. at 64. Is there anything interesting _ todays newspaper?A. / B. on C. at D. in 65. Can you tell me who spoke _ the meeting?A. at B. on C. in D. for 66. I didnt hear what he_ at the meeting.A. spoke B. told C. talked D. said 67. When did you_ from Beijing tomorrow?A. leave B. begin C. start D. leave for 68. My mother wont allow me to travel _.A. alone B. lonely C. one man D. along 69. The man_ himself before the police came.A. was hanged B. hung C. had hung D. hanged 70. The visitor _ a message and went away.A. took B. brought C. left D. gave 71. The machine made a terrible_ so we couldnt_ each other.A. noisehear B. voicehear C. soundlisten D. shoutlisten 72. If you dont hurry, youll_ the train.A. lost B. miss C. lose D. missed 73. Tom _ to Chinese food now.A. is used B. used to C. is using D. uses 74. Will you please try to_ for me what time that train arrives?A. find B. find out C. discover D. ask 75. You must keep_ in the reading-room.A. still B. quiet C. quite D. quietly 如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!76. They _ every minute of it at the party yesterday.A. enjoyed B. pleased C. played D. wanted 77. Robots cant completely_ humans though they are very clever.A. take the place ofB. take placeC. insteadD. instead of78. My son_ a cup of milk and sat at the table.A. wanted B. asked for C. asked D. required 79. Knock at the door, before you_ the room.A. enter into B. come in C. go to D. enter 80. As a student we should _ manners.A. do B. take C. make D. have 81. There are_ no trees in this poor area.A. hardly B. nearly C. mostly D. almost 82. He _ the same mistake again and again.A. did B. made C. had D. tried 83. I dont know what to do next, and she doesnt,_A. either B. too C. also D. as well 84. We will speak to her about it_ next week.A. sometimes B. sometime C. some times D. some time 85. She_ a cold for three weeks.A. has caught B. has got C. has taken D. has had 86. I could_ believe that he worked so_ there.A. hardlyhardly B. hardhard C. hardlyhard D. hardhardly 87. “Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?” “Sorry, I cant. He doesnt work here_.”A. any longer B. any long C. no long D. no longer 88. The Chinese people first_ paper in the world.A. invented B. discovered C. made D. did 89. Every student in our class is _ good progress.A. getting B. making C. doing D. taking 90. Nothing can make me_ it is a_ story.A. to believerealB. believe intrueC. to believe intrueD. believereal91. “Was the park _ yesterday?” “Yes, It _ at nine in the morning”如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!A. openedopen B. openwas open C. openopened D. openedopened 92. She _ a bag of sweets on the floor.A. dropped B. fall C. fell D. felt 93. I want this car, but I cant afford to buy _.A. one B. another C. it D. this 94. I hope that I can hear from you _A. quickly B. fast C. fastly D. soon 95. Its not good manners to _ the queue when you are waiting for a bus.A. stand in B. jump C. jump on D. walk over 96. Rising costs make it hard to _ the business.A. carry on B. go on C. hold on D. put on 97. He was born in the north, but _in the south.A. brought up B. grew up C. picked up D. came up 98. Grandma is ill. I have to_ her at home.A. take hold ofB. take care ofC. pay attention toD. put my heart into99. The baby often_ in the middle of the night.A. wakes up B. brings up C. gets up D. picks up 100. Dont lose heart. Ill help you_ the others.A. go over B. catch up with C. go up D. run with 101. I_ and saw a plane in the sky.A. looked at B. looked for C. look about D. looked up 102. The student_ his hand to ask the teacher a question.A. question B. rose C. help up D. got up 103. I know that the accident_ in a small village.A. took placeB. was taken placeC. took the placeD. was taken the place of104. When Edisons mother was ill, he_ a doctor. The doctor operated_ her at once.A. sent foron B. sent outin C. sent upon D. sendsin 105. When did you_ from your trip last year?A. arrive at B. get back C. go ahead D. returned back 106. A monument to the brave fighter_ in the middle of the town after the war.A. was put on B. was put up C. was put down D. was brought up 如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!.107. “Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”“No, I dont you.”A. agree to B. agree with C. get on with D. go on with 108. Mr. White is teaching us how to_ information_ a computer.A. putinto B. putdown C. puton D. put up 109. If you have any questions, please_ your hands.A. put out B. put up C. put on D. put down 110. “What do you_ the film?” “Oh, its very interesting.”A. think about B. think of C. get ready for D. ring up 111. She is so kind that everyone here_ her_ their sister.A. looks afteras B. looks foras C. looks onas D. look upas 112. I cant go to the cinema with you. I must_ the lessons first.A. go on B. go over C. go down D. go into 113. Its not right to_ people when they are in trouble.A. laugh B. laugh on C. laugh at D. laugh for 114. Dr Bethune didnt take a rest and he_ working throughout the night.A. got on B. put on C. went on D. turned on 115. Its not a good present for Grandpa. Lets_ something better.A. search B. find out C. look at D. look for 116. Youd better_ the name of the book before you forget it.A. write down B. put on C. work out D. turn down 117. Which hobby group do you_ ?A. join in B. take part in C. belong to D. take place 118. Paul was_ by his uncle after his father died.A. brought up B. grown up C. held up D. put up 119. I dont think television will ever_ books.A. take placeB. take place ofC. take the placeD. take the place of120. The mouse_ as soon as it could when it saw the cat.A. gave back B. rang up C. went ahead D. ran away 121. Do your best and Im sure you will_ your classmates.A. keep off B. keep away from C. keep up with D. keep on 如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!122. When the parents were at work, they_ to look after the baby.A. took turnsB. wont onC. worried aboutD. took interest in123. Mrs. Black is a kind woman. She_ others easily.A. gets on well withB. gets toC. gets intoD. get in124. Her son is ill. She has to_ him at home.A. look at B. look after C. look for D. see off 125. Chemical energy can_ heat energy.A. become intoB. grow upC. be changed intoD. be covered with二、阅读理解 (共8篇)1. There was a famous French writer. He was a man of great achievements (成就). He said that one of his main achievements was his study of handwriting. He had spent much time on it and he often told his friends that he could tell a persons character (性格) from that persons handwriting.One day, a woman brought him a page of a boys handwriting. She said that she wanted to know what he thought of the boys character.He studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. Then he looked at the woman strangely. The woman told him that the boy was not in her family and that he did not have to worry.“Good!” said the writer, “Then I can tell you.” He went on to say that he thought the boy was stupid and lazy. He added that the boy should be watched carefully, if not, he would bring harm to his family when he grew up.“Isnt that strange?” said the woman, smiling. “Because this is a page from your own exercise book. You wrote it yourself when you were a boy.”(1) It took the writer a lot of time _ .A. to read booksB. to make friendsC. to write booksD. to study handwriting(2) From a persons _ , the writer could tell a persons character.A. pronunciation B. handwriting C. smiling face D. speech (3) The woman wanted to _ .A. know the writerB. help the writerC. visit the writerD. test the writer(4) The French writer was sure that the boy _ .A. was not worth teachingB. would do good deeds for his familyC. would do wrong to his familyD. would work hard(5) From the story we know _ .A. the woman knew the writer very wellB. the writer knew the woman wellC. neither of them knew each otherD. both of them knew each other well2. Dear Mrs. Huggett,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!You may remember that we have discussed the noise your children make while practicing their musical instruments(乐器). You agreed to make sure that they would stop practicing in the evenings.You can imagine my astonishment, then, when I realized that nothing had changed and the situation was continuing as before. I find it difficult to stay in the house and invent any excuse to go out for the evening to be away from the terrible noise. Much as I like music, I have had enough. And to be frank, I am not prepared to put up with the situation any more.I think it high time you realized your duty as a member of the community(社区), and I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation I will be forced to take legal(法律)action.I have sent a copy of this letter to my lawyer.Yours sincerely,R. G. Barge(1) In their discussion, Mr. Barge _ .A. expressed his astonishmentB. showed his anger to Mrs. HuggettC. made Mrs. Huggetts children not practise their musical instruments in the eveningsD. was told that he wouldnt be troubled by the noise in the evenings any more(2) Mr. Barge feels angry because _ .A. Mrs. Huggetts children play their musical instruments so badlyB. Mrs. Huggett refused to talk about the noise problem with Mr BargeC. Mrs. Huggett does not allow her children to play their musical instruments in the eveningD. Mrs. Huggett has broken her promise(3) Which of the following statements is correct according to this passage?A. Mr. Barge is not fond of the music.B. Mr. Barge likes music, but he doesnt like the noise.C. Mr. Barge often goes out in the evenings to give music lessons.D. Mr. Barge expects a reply from Mrs. Huggett.(4) Mr. Barge is prepared to _ .A. help Mrs. Huggett to persuade her children not to play their musical instruments any moreB. take his duty as a member of the communityC. sue(诉讼Mrs. Huggett for the noise made by her childrenD. force Mrs. Huggett to send a copy of his letter to her lawyer(5) A member of the community should _ .A. take care of other peoples interests without thinking of himselfB. know what to do and what not to doC. not play musical instruments in the eveningsD. not fail to carry out his promises3. One afternoon, Kate and her brother Bob went out to play. Kate was eight, and Bob was ten. “Lets go to the bridge and we can see fish in the river.” said Kate. “I dont know,” Bob said. “Mum told us, Dont go on the bridge. She said it is dangerous.”如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Kate said, “I am not afraid. Are you?”They walked onto the bridge and began looking for fish in the river. The bridge was a train bridge. Trains went over the bridge three times a day.The children were standing in the middle of the bridge when they heard a loud noise. “A train is coming!” Bob shouted. “Run!” He ran to the end of the bridge. He was safe.Kate ran, too, but she fell. The train was coming fast. Kate ran towards Bob. She fell again right on the train tracks. There was no time to leave. She had to lie down between the tracks. A few seconds later, the train went over the girl, but she was not hurt at all. She stood up and said to Bob, “Dont tell Mum! Dont tell Mum!”At last their mother found out about the story. She was angry because they went onto the bridge. But she was happy that Kate was all right.(1) Bob and Kate were _ .A. twinsB. brothersC. sistersD. brother and sister(2) One afternoon they went to the bridge t


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