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牛津六年级下学期英语填空题专项攻坚习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。选项中有两项为多余的。A. interesting B. take C. Fridays D. couldnt E. strict F. often G. like1What do you have on _ ?(_)2That sounds _ a lot of fun.(_)3People _ use the Internet before.(_)4What an _ film!(_)5Please _ the No.57 bus over there.(_)2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1They like_(drink)_(tomato) juice.2To keep_(safe) on the road, we must not_(play) football in the street.3There_(be) a football match on TV this evening.4_(no be) late for school again.5My mother_(buy) me a nice skirt yesterday. I am very happy.6Listen, Who_(shout) loudly in the next room?7I want to learn about_(cook). Could you help me?8He with his friends_(visit) Changzhou next month.3. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1Tomorrow she_(visit) her uncle.2I often_(play) sports with my friends.3I_(swim) in the swimming pool(游泳池) last summer holiday.4In winter, I like_(make) a snowman.5Li Ming sometimes_(teach) Danny_(skate).4. 看图,写单词。1This is a f_.2B_is my favourite sport.3My brother is a p_.4Look! Those children are playing a g_.5Its e_for my brother to play basketball. He is good at it.5. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1What do you want_(be) in the future?I want to be a teacher.2That boy is a football_(play).3Everyone_(have) a dream.4My aunt is a_. She likes_(write) stories for children.5My sister likes_(play) the piano. She wants to be a_(piano) in the future.6He wants to take care of_(children) teeth.7Music_(make) me happy.8Dancing makes people_(health) and beautiful.6. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,补全句子。1How are you_(feel)?2We_(begin) to learn English two years ago.3There_(be) a lot of flowers in the garden.4We are_(go) to visit Beijing.5It is one of the_(tall) towers in the world.7. 根据首字母提示写出所缺单词,补全句子。1Dont_here!2Which season do you like best?I like_best. Because I can_.3What can you see on the desk?A_.4_(欢迎) to my home.5In s_, its h_. Its not cold. The s_shines and shines. We can stay at h_. We can e_ice cream. We can swim i_the river.6Whats this?Its a_.8. 根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1C_Day is on June1stin China.2That_(小丑) is very funny.3Linda b_some snacks and drinks from home.4A bus_(出现) around the corner.5These colourful_(气球) are beautiful.6The class_(开始).7There is a p_at Wang Bings house.8Su Hai is going to bring some toys and play with her f_at the party.9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Do you have a_(health) diet?Yes, I do.2She has a lot of_(rice).3I want_(eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for_(I)?4There_(be not) any meat on my plate.5My brother had a lot of_(apple) juice last night.6I like_(sweet) food, but Helen_(do not).7Yang Ling only_(have) a little rice.8Yang Ling and I_(make) a salad now.10. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1My grandparents_(go) to Shanghai last week.2We are playing_(happy).3Danny never_(go) to school late.4Sam_(not brush) his teeth every day.5You should close the window and the door to_(keep) your room warm.6Wang Bing_(not) always put books on the desk.7Mike is brushing his_(tooth) in the bathroom.8Lets_(be) friends.9Mike is brushing his_(tooth) in the bathroom.10The little girl never_(brush) her teeth before bedtime.11. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1My parents_(go) to the park yesterday.2Please eat more vegetables. You need to_(be) strong and healthy.3 How often does Tom_(read) books? He reads books every day.4What are they doing on the playground?They_(play) a football game.5There_(be) many oranges in the bag this morning, but now the bag is empty(空的).12. 填空题。1There are many_(child) in the park.2What_(do) he do on the Spring Festival?3It is a_(cloud) day.4What do you want_(eat)?5She_(do not) like to eat noodles.13. 按要求写单词。they(宾格) that(复数)come(动名词) brother(对应词)good(比较级) meet(同音词)sheep(复数) small(反义词)you(形容词性物主代词) tomato(复数)14. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Do you have_(some) water?2_(do) you have fun yesterday?3Li Ming is_(hit) the ball to Danny.4Lets_(go) to the library to read books.5“Who is the first?” the teacher_(ask).15. 根据中文提示,在横线上填上恰当的单词。1We_(骑)horsesthis morning.2Lilywashappybecauseherfather_(买)heranewbag.3Johnis37kilograms. Tomis35kilograms. SoJohnis_(重)thanTom.4Whichis_(更快的),thesnakeorthesnail?5Ireceived(收到)many_(礼物)onmyholiday.16. 词汇运用。1You can ask_(they) some questions.2There are two_(man) teachers in the room.3The_(child) are watching TV now.4My clothes_(be) on the bed.5Look!_(this) are his books.17. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We can use water_(wash) clothes.2Lucy_(try) on the shoes. They fit well.3Whats wrong with_(she)?She has a cough.4We should_(brush) our teeth every day.5There_(be) not much coal and oil on Earth.6We Chinese welcome_(visit) from all over the world.5 / 5


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