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第1页共 95 页1.Unit 1测试A卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二二三四-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)、听录音,按正确的顺序给下列句子排序。(5分)()A. Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.()B. The prince visits every house with the shoe.)C. There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella()D. Finally. Cinderella tries the shoe on.()E. She is very happy at the party.三、根据所听到的内容选择正确的应答语言。(10分)()1. A. Its OK. B. Its four. C. Its red.()2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am.C. No, she isnt.()3. A. Nice to meetyou. B. How areyou? C. Morni ng.()4. A. Yes, please. B. I like pan das.C. She is nice.()5. A. Come and help me.B. Because I cant go to school.C. She likes read ing.四、根据所听到的内容完成以下内容。(10分)1dont have_ .2. You can see_un der the tree.3. Why are you_ ?4. What time do you_ ?cannot go.听录音,判断,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(,5分)() ( )()() ( )第2页共 95 页5. They have some_in the bedroom.笔试部分(70 分)辨音,相同(S),不同(D)。(10 分)()1. drink drive()2. try dress()3. fine like()4. old doctor()5. can n ame()6. there three()7.do not()8. why yes()9. picture please()10.tea_ pear二、英汉互译。(10分1.穿上新衣服_2.脱掉外套_3.来帮我_4.如此高兴_5.回来_6.it fits well_7. go to the party_8. visit every house_9. draw a dress_10. have to_三、选择题。(10分)()1. Where_ my gloves?A.are B. is C. arent()2.We don t have _new friends here.A. some B. a C.any()3. Let _go and help Nancy.A. she B. her C. him()4. I dance_ the prince at the party.A.with B. and C. to()5.You can try _the black skirt, its nice .A. on B. in C. at第 3 页 共 95 页四、将下列字母组合成单词,并写出中文。 (10分)1.itf _ _ ()2. yhw _( )3.eobrfe _ ()4. tlae _ ( )5.cpik _ _ ()6.lveae _ _ ()7. loteshc _ ()8. fiayr _ _ ()9. msusoohr _ ()10. rpniec _ ()五、连词成句。(10分)1. cant, you, why, to ,go ,party, the(.)2.the ,is, where, party(?)3.are, flowers ,there, under, the ,some, tree(.)4.forest, the ,we ,in ,are(.)5.to, have, home, before, go, I, lunch(.)第 4 页 共 95 页六、将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的话。(10分)( ) 1. Because my foot hurts.( )2. Thats great.( ) 3. We can play cards here .( )4. Why cant you go to the playground?( )5. Oh, dont be sad. Let me help you.七、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 (10 分)1.我们教室里有一个聚会。There is a _ in _ classroom.2.他们为什么如此伤心?_ are they so _?3.女孩们试穿谁的衣服?_ clothes the girls try _?4.我发现桌子里有些书。I _ _ books in the desk.5.这些食物对我们有害。_ food is _ for us.第5页共 95 页2.Unit 1测试B卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二二三四-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)()I.A.Iook at B. look for C. look out()2.A.girI B. good C.great()3.A.mother B.father C.brother()4.A.manyB. man C.any()5.A.sevenB.sixC. sister()6.A.how many B. how old C. how about()7.A.at home B. at the party C. at school()8.A. on the desk B. on the table C. on the floor()9.A.what time B.what colour C.what day()10.A.She is Nancys mother.B. She is Helens sister.C. She is Mikes brother.()1. A.I am a stude nt.B. My mother is a cook.C. He is my father.()2. A.There are some bears.B. Its a mon key.C. They are brow n.()3. A.Yes,please.B. Tha nk you.C. Not.()4. A.Four.B. Five.C. Seve n.()5. A.Yes, she can.B. Yes , I am.C. No, it isnt.三、根据所听到的内容,完成对话。(听两遍,10分)A:Hello,Liu Tao ,_ are you so _ ?、听录音,找出相应的答句。(听两遍,10分)第 6 页 共 95 页B:My birthday is coming.A:Oh,great!Do you have a party?B: _, I have the party at my _.A:What would you _?B:Id like _ new _ cars.A:OK. I will(将) buy(买) a _ car for you.B:_ _ !笔试部分( 70 分)、 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( 10 分)()1. A. clockB. on C.come()2. A. theseB.his C.kites()3. A. niceB. like C. English()4. A. haveB. nameC.and()5. A. thereB. theyC. three()6. A. duckB. uncleC. usually()7. A. sofaB. coffeeC. open()8. A. coldB. orangeC. old()9. A. cookB. roomC. good()10. A. wellB. tell C.these二、英汉互译。 (10分)1.玩的愉快 _2.喝饮料 _3.在森林里 _4.快点 _5.如此漂亮 _6.太可惜了! _7.有害的 _8.在聚会上 _9.my foot hurts_10 try it on _三、选择题。 (10分)()1. There_ seven gils on the playground.A. arent B. is C. isnt()2.My sister _ on the new shoes.A.try B. tries C. trying()3. We have _ go to school now.A./ B. do C. to()4. Its cold,your coat.A .put on B. take off C. take on第7页共 95 页()5.Theresome milk on the table .B.i s B.areC. arent()6. _are you so sad?-Because I can t go to school .A. What B. How C. Why()7. Don t be late_school, boys and girls.A. on B. for C .in()8.The stories about_are popular in the Western countries.A. fairy B. the Mon key Ki ng C. Nezha()9.The new coat doesn t_well,l don t like it.A. i s B.fit C. fits()10._ beautiful clothes!A. What B. How C. What a四、选出错误的一项,将序号写入括号中,并改正。(10分)()1. I like Chinese. What are you?_ _A B C()2. Tim come to school early.(早)_A B C()3. These are oranges trees. _A B C()4. The coat fit me well._A B C()5. Nancy is have a drink_A B C五、句型转换。(10分)1. They try on some new clothes.(用Tim代替they改写句子)Tim_some new clothes.2. We usually go to school at seven i_对划线部分提问)_ you go to school?第8页共 95 页3. Yang Lings skirt is very beautiful.(对划线部分提问)_is very beautiful?4. My mother puts on the new dress.(改为否定句)My mother_ the new dress.5. Nancy takes off her coat, because it is too hot.(_对划线部分提问)_Nancy take off her coat?六、根据首字母提示完成短文。(10分)There is a p_ 1_ at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderellacan not. She doesnt have any n_ 2_clothes or shoes. The fairy h_3_her.Cinderella has a g_4_time at the party. The prince l_ 5_hervery much.Cinderella g_ 6_ home at 12 oclock. She l_ 7_ a shoe behind.The princev_8_ every house. Many girls t_ 9_ on the shoe,but itdoesntf_ 10_.Fia nlly,Ci nderella tries it on.1._p_ 2.n_3.h_ 4.g_ 56._g_ 7.l_ 8.v_9.t_10.f七、阅读理解。(10 分)Football gameClass Two VS Class FiveTime:16:30 ,on this afternoo nPlace: School playgro undAll the stude nts are welcome to watch the game()1.What does it say about?A. a football game. B. A volleyball game. C. A basketball.()2.When does the game start?A. In the morning. B. In the after noon. C. At noon.()3.Who can watch the game?A.Students of class four. B. All the students. C. All the teachers.()4.Which class plays with Class Five第9页共 95 页A. Class Two. B. Class Four. C. Class Six.()5.Where can the students watch the game?A. In the school play gro und. B. At home. C. In the park.3.Unit 2测试A卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二二三-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍,5分):、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。(10分)()1.A.take B.bike C.like()2.A.someB.s unC.Sunday()3A pearB.dearC.where()4A au ntB.carC.art()5.A. bedB.bagC.dad()6AfitB.fly C.football()7.A.basketB.ballC.before()8.A.letB.liveC.look()9.A.helpB.heavy C.have()10.A.fatherB.farmer C.fi nd三、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)()1.A.No, leant B.Yes, I do C. I like English.()2.A. I like pears. B. Its a panda . C. Me, too.()3.A.Its six oclock.B. Its beh ind the door.C. Its in the box.第 10 页 共 95 页( )4.A.She likes reading.B.I am Sam.C.There is a nice coat.( )5.A.I am fine.B. Yes, she does.C.No, Im not.四、根据录音完成对话。 (5分)Liu Tao:Hello,Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Hello ,Liu Tao.Liu Tao: _ do you go to school every _ ?Yang Ling:I often go to school on _ .What about you?Liu Tao: I often go to school _ _ .笔试部分( 70 分)一、根据括号中的要求,写出相应的单词。(10分)1._teach(第三人称单数)2.one (序数词)_3._body(复数)4._black(反义词)5.Id (完全形式)_6._hot(反义词)7._write(同音词)8._have(第三人称单数)9._does not (缩写形式)10._piano(复数)二、英汉互译。 (10分)e to school _2. a new home _3. likevery much_4. be far from _5. by bus _6. on foot_第 11 页 共 95 页7. a taxi driver _8. by metro _第12页共 95 页()4.They usually go to school_ bus.A. on B. in C. by( )5.Liu Taos father is a taxi_.A. driver B. doctr C.by()6.We live far_ our school.A. from B. i n C. at()7.My father likes_ in the park.A.ride B. rides C. ridi ng()8.Ca n you show your new toy_ us.A. to B. for C./( )9.You can t go to school by bike, you are too_A. old B. you ng C. tall()10. - How do you go to the US?I go_A. on foot B. by bike C. by pla ne四Look and write1.I go to Beiji ng看图填词。(10分)2. Look at thelights )10. by taxi三、 单选题。(10分)()1.you like your new school?A. DoB. Does C. Is()2.-does your friend live now?A.WhatB. Where C. When()3.do you come to school?9.by train_A. How B. What C. WhereOn Moo n Street.(by train ; by bus)(traffic rules; traffic第13页共 95 页at a green light. (Go; Wait(等)4.-Go there. (by plane ; by ship)五、Read and match句子配对。(10分)()1. How do you go to school? A. Sure.()2. Can I go on foot?B. Its near a snack bar.()3. Where is your home?C. I go there by bus.()4. Look at my new skirt. D.You can get there on foot. Its not far.()5. How can I get to the park? E. How nice!六、排序。(10分)1. like,my , much ,school , I ,very (.)2.my, the,lives, n ear, gran dfather ,park(.) 3.Su Yang, show,wa nts , to , the ,bike , to ,me(.) 4.does, the, LiuTao , un der, sit, tree (?)5.dont ,we, so , think (.)七、阅读理解。(判断正确“T”,错误“F”)(10分)Su Hai:Excuse me,how do we get to the parkMan: You can go there by the bus ,or you can go on foot.Su Hai: How do I go on foot ?Man: Its easy. Turn left (左拐)at the traffic lights.5.Lets go to the park(on foot; by bike).The park is near a tall office第14页共 95 页buildi ng.Joh n: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Su Hai!Su Hai: No! The light is red. Stop!John: Thats right. We have to wait.(等)Su Hai : Now its green. Lets go!()1.Joh n and Su Hai cant go to the park by bus.()2.Joh n and Su Hai want to go to the park on foot.()3.The park is n ear the traffic lights.()4.Joh n wants to go at a red light.()5.Su Hai doesn t stop at lights.4.Unit 2测试B卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二二三-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)、听录音,给下列图片排出正确的顺序。(5 分)1.( ) (3.) ( ) ( )( )第 15 页 共 95 页二、根据录音,选择你所听到的内容。 (10分)()1.A.find B. fine C. five()2.A.many B. any C. and()3.A.come B. some C. student()4.A.what B. water C. want()5.A.Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can.()6.A.horse B. how C. help()7.A.happy B. has C. have()8.A.flowers B. fairy C. fit()9.A.at home B. go home C. at school()10.A.look at B. look for C.have a look三、根据所听到的内容,选择正确的应答句。 (10分)()1.A. At six. B.Its five. C. Thirty.( )2.A.Yes, I can . B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do.( )3.A.OK, lets go . B. Sure. C. Fine.( )4.A.Some cakes. B. No,I dont. C. Yes, you are.( )5.A.Its cool . B. Its warm. C. Its cold.四,根据录音,补全下列对话。 (5分)A:Excuse _, where is the shop?B:Its _ there.A:_ can I go there.B: You can by _ or on _ .笔试部分( 70 分)读一读,找出不同类 。( 10 分)1. A . shipB. light C. metro D. plane( ) 2. A.redB.yellow C.green D.country( ) 3. A. howB.play C.stop D.go( ) 4. A.ChinaB.Hangzhou C.AustraliaD.US( ) 5. A.sometimes B.usually C.whereD.often二、英汉互译。 (10分)1.on the street _2. like riding _第 16 页 共 95 页3.showto_4.too young_5.in the basket _6._ dont think so7.on a big ship _8. many cities_9. go to work _10.live near school_三、单选题。 (10分)1. _ do you go to school? I usually go to school on foot .A. HowB. WhoC. Where()2.We have two lessons _ the afternoon.A. on B. in C. at() 3.- _ books do you have ?-Four.A. How much B. How many C. How old( )4.Sunday is the _ of a week.A. one B. first C. third( )5.What _ are your shoes?A. colour B. day C. red( )6.This new toy tiger is _ you.A. for B. to C. in)7.Classes _ over.A.is B. do C. are)8.How _ your uncle _ to the park?A. does;goes B.do;going C. does; go)9.We dont have _ new pencils.A. some B. any C. a)10.Her hobby is _ .A. cook B. cooking C. cooks五、请将打乱顺序的对话排列正确。(10分)()Is it far from here?()Excuse me, where is the cinema?()No it isnt. you can go there on foot.()Thank you.()Its next to the school.()You re welcome.四、从A栏选出B栏的正确答语。(10分)( ( ( ( ()1.How can I go to the ZhongShan Park?A.Yes,it )2.Can I go on foot?)3.Where is the library?)4.Is it far from here?)5.Thank you.B.You can go by busC. ItD. You are welcome.E. No, it iss not far.s near the post office.nt.第17页共 95 页六、 连词成句。(10分)1.to, do, you, school, How, go2.can, you, by, go, bus, there3.to, go, school, I, foot, usually, on4.usually, bus,home, Mike, by, goes5.park, to, how, I, get, can, the?七、阅读理解。(10 分)Jim comes from the US. He lives in China. He gets up at about 6:30and has breakfast at seven. After breakfast he says goodbye to his parents and goes to school.He usually walks to school, because his homeis near the school. His first class begins at eight.He has lunch at about 11:30. After that he plays with his frien ds. He likes to play football.Schoolis over at 4:00. He usually goes home and does his homework. He watchesTV after di nner. And then he goes to bed at 10:00.( )1. Jim is from_ .A. Chi na B. US C.UK()2. Jim is a_.A. teacher B. stude nt C. doctor()3. Jim goes to school at 7:00.A. Yes B. No C./( )4. Jim s home is_ .A. n ear B. far from C./()5. Jim likes to play_.A.computer games B. chess C. football第18页共 95 页5.月考试卷(一)测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一- -二二三四-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)、根据录音,选择你所听到的内容。(10分)()I.A.bus B. but C. bad()2.A.hat B. ha nd C. here()3.A.sit B. small C. short()4.A.your B. you C. yes()5.A.white B. what C. where()6. A.ru n B. ruler C. ride()7.A.football B. basketball C. table tennis()8.A.girl B. good C. game()9.A.how about B. what about C. how old()10.A.what time B. what colour C. what about三、根据所听到的内容,选择正确的应答句。(10分)()1.A.Good. B.Black . C. White.()2.A.Yes, I can . B. Yes, she is. C. No, I dont.()3.A.By bus . B. Some books. C.In the box.()4.A.A teacher . B. A pan da. C. Tigers.( )5.A. Go swimmi ng . B. Help me. C. Sure.四,根据录音,补全下列对话。(5分)A:Hello,Liu Tao. Where is your school?B: Its on Moon Street.、听录音,给下列图片排出正确的顺序。1.2.()3.第19页共 95 页A: Is it_ your house.B: No, it isn t.A:_do you go to school_day?B:I usually by_ .笔试部分(70分)一、选出划线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)()1.A. hot_ B. on C. old _()2.A. brother B. love C二moon_()3.A. Chinese B. teacher _C. school _()4.A. has B. at C. cake _()5A. is_ B. his C.Jii_二、英汉互译。(10分)1. new clothes_2. try it on _3. pick apples_4. be good for_5. leave a shoe behind_6.远离_7.乘地铁_8.骑自行车_9.带参观_10.一座漂亮的城市 _三、单项选择。(10分)( )1.Its late, she_to go home now.A. have B. has C. hav ing()2.Let_ go to the playgro und.A. us B. they C. I()3._ colour is your new bike?A. How B.When C. What()4.The school is_ my home. I go to school by bus every day.A. n ear B. far from C. by()5.Watch ing too much TV is_ for our eyes.(眼睛)A. good B. bad C. fine第20页共 95 页四、 从II栏中选出与I栏中相对应的答句。(10分)III()1.How are you? A. Yes, she does.()2. How old are you ? B. How nice!()3. Does your sister like stickers? C.I am fine, thank you.()4.What is his mother?D.I am twelve.()5. Look at my new skirt.E. She is a worker.五、 选出错误的一项,将序号写入括号里,并改正。(10分)()1.There is an red orange on the table. _A BC()2.His mother have a lot of thi ngs to do. _A BC()3.Do you like ride bikes with me ? _A B C()4.There are some milk in the cup._A B C()5.I can see some beautiful birds on the tree. _A BC六、 连词成句。(10分)1.party, a, good, we, time, at , have, the (.)2.new, the , dont, well, fit , shoes,(.)3.girl, have, the , to, does, come, whe n, back,(?)4.does, how, brother, school, go, your, to, (?)5.his, driver, is, uncle , taxi, a,(.)第21页共 95 页七、阅读短文。(10分)Today is Bettys birthday.Somefriends go to Bettys home. They are Lucy,Tom,Maryand Jack.Betty: Hello,Lucy! How do you go to my home?Lucy: I go to your home by bike because its near.Betty: How about you ,Tom?Tom: I go there by bus .Betty: Which bus can you take ?Tom: I can take the No.18 bus.Betty:How do you go to my home,Mary?Mary: Oh, My home is far from yours. I go there by car. My father is free today.He can take me there.Betty: Do you come to my home by bike or on foot, Jack?Jack:Oh, I go there on foot.)3.Is Marys home far from Bettys)4.How does Jack go to BettyA. On foot.B.By bike.)5.How many friends go to BettyA. Two.B. One.C.Three.6. Unit 3测试A卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二二-三-一-二二-三四五六七()1. Whose birthday is it?A. Its Bettys.()2.How does Tom go to BettyA.By car.B. By bus.B. Its Marys. C. Its home?C. By bike.s Lucys.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it is nt. C.No, it isnt.s home?C.by car .s h ome on foot第 22 页 共 95 页得分听力部分(30 分)一、听录音,将序号写在括号中。(10 分)1.屈:; 咗J) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) (二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)()1. A. water B. what C. work()2. A. coffee B. clock C. cook()3. A. some B. come C. sun()4. A. morning B. metro C. man()5. A. go B. good C. great三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)()1. A. The house is beautiful.B. The flowers are beautiful.C. The girls are beautiful.()2. A. My brother has some books.B. My sister has some pens.C. My father has some pens.()3. A. I like playing football.B. I like play ing the pia no.C. I like play ing basketball.()4. A. Tom likes apples.B. Sam likes grapes.C. Hele n likes pin eapples.()5. A. Hele n is in the park .B. Hele n is in the room.C. Hele n is in the playgro und.笔试部分(70分)一、写出下列单词所缺字母,并写出中文。 (10分)1.s t r t _(_ _J_2.a l n gL_()3.c n _m a _(_)4. s t p _L )5. h s p t a l ( _ )二、根据括号中的要求,写出相应的单词。(10分)1. make (现在分词)_2.try(_第三人称单数形式)3.left (反义词)_4. can not (缩写)_第23页共 95 页5. ride (现在分词) _6. bus(复数) _7. we (宾格) _8._city (复数)9. doesnt (完全形式) _10. write (同音词) _三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (10分)1._Mike _ (like)(play) table tennis with me .2._The bag is full of(mango).3.Helen wants _ (visit) her grandpa.4._We have a lot of (friend) in the city .5._-What _ your mother like(do) ?- She likes _ .(cook)6.How _ you _ (go ) to school every day ?四、从II栏中选出与I栏中相对应的答句。 (10分)I II( ) 1. Can you help me ?A. By bus .( ) 2.Do you have any books? B. I like tigers.( )3. Does he like reading ?C. No, I cant.( ) 4.What do you like?D. Yes, I do .( ) 5. How do you go to school ? E . No, he doesnt .五、根据答句写出问句。 (10分)1. -_- Yes, I do . I like swimming .2._- He likes running.3._ - Yes, she has many new dolls.4. - _- I usually go home on foot .5._- My dress is black .六、连词成句。 (10分)1. this , along, street ,go, (.)2. bus, wait, the, we, for, (.)3. over, the, is, film , (.)4.get, at , park, the , off , bus , the , (.)5. you , do , get , how , the , to , zoo ,(?)第 24 页 共 95 页七、完成对话。(10分)A:_ do I_ to_home, Liu Tao ?B :You can_ the bus. You can get_ the bus on Park Stati on and get_at City Stati on. Then, walk_Sun Street. There is a shopthe street . My home istoit.A: All_ .7. Unit 3测试B卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分-一-二二三-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)、听录音,将序号写在括号中。(10 分)第25页共 95 页( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选择正确应答。(10分)()1. A. I am Helen . B. Yes, I am . C. No, I cant.()2. A. Its five . B. No, she does . C. Yes, we are.()3. A. Yes, she does .B.She likes readi ng in the room .C. He likes football .()4. A. They get some flowers .B. We like books.C. You like toys .()5. A. My mother likes running.B. He is my good frie nd .C. They are in the classroom .三、听录音,完成句子。(10分)1.1 like Chinese ._2. Show your around school ._3.Do yougohome by?4.Shesomefood .5. Can youafor me ?笔试部分(70分)一、辨音, 相同(S),不同(D).(10分)1.schoolafter noon () 2. music:stude nt ()3. shipshoe (_) 4. lovebrother ( _)5. any _yes (_)6. haveat (_ )7. driverdo (_ ) 8. teacherchair (丄9. her_here (_ ) 10. weeksee ()二、英汉互译。(10分)1. get on_2. take the metro _3. walk to _4. on foot_5. go along_6.在左边_7.向寻求帮助 _8.在交通灯处 _9.看一场电影_10.到达_三、单项选择。(10分)()1.Show_your new school bag .A. we B. me C. I第26页共 95 页()2.They_ two cats.A. has B. have C. havi ng()3.Where_ your father and mother?A. are B. is C. an()4.Who_a new ruler?.A. have B. havi ng C. has()5.You can see the shop_ your right .A. on B. in C. at()6.They like_ games .A. play B. plays C. play ing()7.Be n and I _ in the supermarket .A. is B. are C. do()8._ you have any hobbies?.A. Do B. Are C. Am()9._ are good friends .A. Tom and I B. I and Tom C. Tom and me()10._can I get to the zoo?- By bus.A. How B. What C. Where四、按要求该写句子。(10分)1.1 like making nice cakes .(改成一般疑问句)2.Helen likes going climbing .(对划线部分提问)3. Mike does his homework at home.(改为否定句)4. His father is a teac _对划线部分提问)第27页共 95 页5.My father go to work by bike .(五、填入所缺单词,完成句子。(10分)1. A:_does Su Hai like doi ng ?B: She_play ing the pia no.A: What_ Su Yang?B: She_flying kites with me.A:_ too .2. A:_ do you go home every day ?B: I usually go home on_. And sometimes my father_ me to school?A: Oh, thats great! But I always go to school by_ because myhome is _from the school.六、根据实际情况回答。(10分)1.What do you like doi ng ?2. Do you like playing basketball3. Can you cook for your mother and father4. How do you go to school5.How does your mother go to work every day七、看图,用英语写一篇小短文。说说图中的女孩是谁,她 怎样去,和谁一起去,心情怎样。(不少于 5 句,10 分)8. Unit 4测试A卷测试时间:80分钟 总分:100分题号听力部分笔试部分总分对划线部分提问)第28页共 95 页-一-二二三-一-二二三四五六七得分听力部分(30 分)一、听录音,将序号写在括号中。(10 分)()1. Show it to_A. his friendsB. his motherC. his class()2. Do you have_?A. any hobbiesB. any hobbyC. some hobbies()3. Does Mike like_?A. swimB. swimmi ngC. swims()4. The boy likes _A. play ing footballB. play ing basketballC. play ing table tennis()5. I can make _for your doll.A. new coatB. a new coatC. new coats笔试部分(70分)、辨音, 相同(S)不同(D)。 (10分)1. musicbus _一 ()2. roomschool ()1.( ) ( )()二、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。(10分)()1.A. should


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