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安徽理工大学毕业设计中英文翻译 10Classification of control systems there are three ways: by automatic classification methods in order to participate in the control mode classification, to adjust the law category. One way to control category 1, the open-loop control system if the computer output of open loop control system to exercise control of the production process, but the control results - the state of the production process does not affect the computer control systems, computer controller production and other sectors does not constitute a closed loop, is called open-loop control system computer. the production process of the state is no feedback to the computer, but by the operator to monitor the status of the production process, decision control program, and tell the computer to control the role of exercising control. 2, closed loop control system computer to the production of an object or process control, the state can directly influence the production process computer control system, called the closed-loop control system computer. Control of the computer monitor in the operator, the automatic acceptance of the production process state test results, calculate and determine the control scheme, the direct command and control units (devices) of action, the role of exercising control of the production process. In such systems, aircraft control components under control of control information sent to control device operation, the other running equipment condition as the output, measured by the detection part, the feedback as input to the control computer; to make control Computer Control Components production test components form a closed loop. We will call this form of control computer control closed-loop control. Closed loop control system computer, using a mathematical model to set the value of the production process and test results of the best value of the deviation between the feedback and control the production process to run at their best. 3, line control system as long as the computer controlled production of the controlled object or process, to exercise direct control, without human intervention are called the control computer on-line control, or on-line control system. 4, offline control system control computer does not directly participate in the control object or the controlled production process. It only managed to complete the process of the controlled object or the status of testing, and testing of data processing; and then develop control programs, the output control instruction, operator reference control instructions manually controlled operation to control parts of the object or subject control process control. This control form is called off-line computer control system. 5, real-time control system control computer real-time control system is controlled by the control of the object or process, or request when the request processing control, the control function in a timely manner to address and control systems, commonly used in the production process is interrupted for the occasion. Such as steel, each one refining furnace steel is a process; and if the process rolling, rolling out each piece of steel considered a process, each process is repeated. Only enter the process only requires a computer control. Once control of the computer, it requires a computer from the production process information in the required time to respond to or control. Such systems often use sophisticated interrupt system and interrupt handling procedures to achieve. In summary, an online system is not necessarily a real-time system. But a real-time system must be an online system. Second, in order to participate in the control mode to Category 1, direct digital control system by the control computer to replace conventional analog instruments and direct regulation to control the production process, as the computer as digital signals, so named after the DDC control. Actually controlled the production process control components, control signals received by the process controller input / output channels of D / (D / A) converter output of the digital control computer volume to be converted into analog; analog input control machine to go through the process of input / output channels of analog / digital (A / D) converter into a digital number into the computer. DDC control systems often use a small computer or microprocessor, the time-sharing system to achieve multiple points of control. Is in fact a discrete sampling with the controller, to achieve discrete multi-point control. DDC computer control system that has become the main control computer control system forms. DDC control of the advantage of flexibility, large, focused on high reliability and low cost. Can use several forms of digital computing circuits, or even dozens of loop production process, integral to proportional - - differential (PID) control to maintain the industrial state of the controlled object at a given value, the deviation small and stable. And as long as the change of control algorithms and applications can achieve more complex control. Such as feedforward control and the best control. Under normal circumstances, DDC-level control often more complex as the implementation of advanced control level. 2, supervisory computer control system supervisory computer control system for a particular production process, according to the production process of various states, according to the production process of the mathematical model to calculate the best production equipment should be running a given value, and the best value automatically or manually on the DDC Executive-level computer or analog meter to align the regulation or control of the target set. By a DDC or adjust the instrument at various points on the production process (running equipment) to exercise control. SCC system is that it can guarantee the production process is always controlled the situation in the best condition to run, so get the most benefit. SCC results directly affect the merits of the first of its mathematical model, this should always improve the operation process model, and modify the control algorithm, and application control procedures. 3, multi-level control systems in modern manufacturing enterprises in the production process not only the need to address the problem of online control, and Huan Zhi Li called for a solution of production problems, the daily product line, the number of arrangements for planning and scheduling, and Rose plans develop a long term planning, notice Xiaoshou prospects, there was multi-level control system. DDC class is mainly used for direct control of the production process, for PID, or feedforward control; SCC level is mainly used for optimal control or adaptive control or learning control calculation, and command and control the same DDC class report back to the MIS class. DDC level usually microcomputers, SCC-level general use of small computers or high-end microcomputers. MIS Workshop main function of governance is based on plant-level production of varieties issued, the number of orders and collect up the production process of the state of information, at any time reasonable schedule to achieve optimal control, command and SCC-level supervisory control. Factory management level MIS main function is to accept the company and factory production tasks assigned by the actual situation of optimized computing, Zhi Ding factory production plans and short-term (ten days or weeks or days) arrangements, and then issued to the plant-level production tasks. Corporate governance level MIS main function is to guess the market demand computing to develop strategic long-term development planning, and contract orders, raw material supply situation and the production conditions, comparison of the optimal production program selection and calculation, work out the entire company business a long time (months or ten days) of the production plan, sales plan, assigned to the task of the factory management level. MIS-level main function is to achieve real-time information processing, decision-makers at all levels to provide useful information, make on the production planning scheduling and management programs to plan the coordination and management control in the optimal state. This one can control the size and scope of enterprise size divided into several levels. Each level has to be addressed according to the size of the amount of information to determine the type of computer used. MIS generally use small computer shop class or high-grade micro-computer, the factory management level of the MIS with a medium-sized computer, and corporate governance level MIS is to use large-scale computer, or use super computer. 4, distributed control or distributed control system distributed control or distributed control, the control system is divided into a number of independent local control subsystems to complete the controlled production process control task. Since the emergence of micro-computers and rapid development of distributed control to provide for the realization of the material and technical basis, in recent years, decentralized control can be different almost normal development, and has become an important trend in the development of computer control. Since the 70s, appeared focused on distributed control system, called DCS. It is a decentralized local control of the new computer control system. Three, classified according to the law regulating 1, program control if the computer control system the division of a predetermined time function control, such control is called program control. Such as the furnace temperature-time curves Anzhao some control on the process control. Here the procedure is time-varying changes have to determine the corresponding value, rather than the computer running. 2, sequence control in the process control based on the generated sequence control, computer, over time, as can be determined according to the corresponding control value and previous results at the moment both to exercise on the production process control system, called the order of the computer control . 3, proportional - integral - differential analog PID control regulation of conventional PID control instrument can be completed. Micro-computer can also be achieved with PID control. 4, feedforward control is usually the feedback control system, have certain effects on the interference in order to generate feedback over the role of inhibitory control of interference, and thus delay the control of undesirable consequences. In order to overcome the negative lag control, with the computer accepts the interference signal after the, did not produce effects in the Huan insert a feedforward control Zuoyong, it Ganghao interference point in the interference of the control to completely offset the effect on the variable, it was Ming Wei Yin Er disturbance compensation control. 5, optimal control (optimal control) system control computer, such as to have controlled object is best known as the best run of the control system control system. Such as computer control system is limited in the existing conditions, select appropriate control law (mathematical model), the controlled object indicators in optimal running condition. Such as the largest output, consumption of the largest, highest quality standards, such as the least scrap rate. Best is determined by a set of mathematical models, sometimes several in a limited range of the best indicators of the pursuit of individual, sometimes the best indicators of comprehensive requirements. 6, the adaptive control system, optimal control, when the working conditions or qualifications change, we can not get the best control effects. If the situation changes in working conditions, the control system can still be controlled in the best state of the objects control, such control system called the adaptive system. This requires mathematical model reflects the change in the conditions, how to achieve the best state. Control computer to detect changes in terms of the information given by the laws of mathematical models to calculate, to change the control variables, the controlled objects still in the best condition. 7, self-learning control system if the computer can keep the results under the controlled object gain experience running their own change and improve the control law so that more and better control effect, this control system is called self-learning control system. Above mentioned optimal control, adaptive control and self-learning control are related to multi-parameter, multi-variable complex control systems, are all problems of modern control theory. Determine the stability of the system, many factors affect the control of complex mathematical models, have to be a production control, production technology, automation, instrumentation, programming, computer hardware, each with various personnel to be realized. Controlled object by the length of reaction time required to control the number of points and mathematical models to determine the complexity of the computer use scale. Generally speaking, a strong need to functionality (speed and computing power) of the computer can be achieved. The Zhuzhong control, can be a single type also is not single, you can combine several forms to achieve control of the production process. This should address the actual situation of the controlled object, the system analysis, system design determined at the time. Keywords :open the control,closed loop control控制系统的分类有三种方法:以自动控制方式分类、以参于控制方式分类、以调节规律分类。 一、以自动控制方式分类 1、开环控制系统 若计算机开环控制系统的输出对生产过程能行使控制,但控制结果-生产过程的状态没有影响计算机控制的系统,计算机控制器生产过程等环节没有构成闭合环路,则称之为计算机开环控制系统.生产过程的状态没有反馈给计算机,而是由操作人员监视生产过程的状态,决定控制方案,并告诉控制计算机使其行使控制作用。 2、闭环控制系统 计算机对生产对象或过程进行控制时,生产过程状态能直接影响计算机控制的系统,称之为计算机闭环控制系统。控制计算机在操作人员监视下,自动接受生产过程状态检测结果,计算并确定控制方案,直接指挥控制部件(器)的动作,行使控制生产过程作用。 在这样的系统中,控制部件按控制机发来的控制信息对运行设备进行控制,另一方面运行设备的运行状态作为输出,由检测部件测出后,作为输入反馈给控制计算机;从而使控制计算机控制部件生产过程检测部件构成一个闭环回路。我们将这种控制形式称之为控制计算机闭环控制。计算机闭环控制系统,利用数学模型设置生产过程最佳值与检测结果反馈值之间的偏差,控制达到生产过程运行在最佳状态。3、在线控制系统 只要计算机对受控对象或受控生产过程,能够行使直接控制,不需要人工干预的都称之为控制计算机在线控制或称联机控制系统。4、离线控制系统 控制计算机没有直接参于控制对象或受控生产过程。它只完成受控对象或受控过程的状态检测,并对检测的数据进行处理;而后制定出控制方案,输出控制指示,操作人员参考控制指示,人工手动操作使控制部件对受控对象或受控过程进行控制。这种控制形式称之为计算机离线控制系统。5、实时控制系统 控制计算机实时控制系统是指受控制的对象或受控过程,每当请求处理或请求控制时,控制机能及时处理并进行控制的系统,常用在生产过程是间断进行的场合。如炼钢,每炼一炉钢是一个过程;又如轧钢过程,每轧出一块钢算一个过程,每个过程都重复进行。只有进入过程才要求计算机进行控制。在计算机一旦进行控制时,就要求计算机对来自生产过程的信息在规定的时间内作出反应或控制。这种系统常使用完善的中断系统和中断处理程序来实现。综上所述,一个在线系统并不一定是实时系统。但是一个实时系统必是一个在线系统。二、以参于控制方式来分类 1、直接数字控制系统 由控制计算机取代常规的模拟调节仪表而直接对生产过程进行控制,由于计算机发出的信号为数字量,故得名DDC控制。实际上受控的生产过程的控制部件,接受的控制信号可以通过控制机的过程输入/输出通道中的数/模(D/A)转换器将计算机输出的数字控制量中转换成模拟量;输入的模拟量也要经控制机的过程输入/输出通道的模/数(A/D)转换器转换成数字量进入计算机。DDC控制系统中常使用小型计算机或微型机的分时系统来实现多个点的控制功能。实际上是属于用控制机离散采样,实现离散多点控制。这种DDC计算机控制系统已成为当前计算机控制系统中主要控制形式之一。 DDC控制的优点是灵活性大,集中可靠性高和价格便宜。能用数字运算形式对若干个回路,甚至数十个回路的生产过程,进行比例- 积分-微分(PID)控制,使工业受控对象的状态保持在给定值上,偏差小且稳定。而且只要改变控制算法和应用程序便可实现较复杂的控制。如前馈控制和最佳控制等。一般情况下,DDC级控制常作为更复杂的高级控制的执行级。2、计算机监督控制系统 计算机监督控制系统是针对某一种生产过程,依据生产过程的各种状态,按生产过程的数学模型计算出生产设备应运行的最佳给定值,并将最佳值自动地或人工对DDC执行级的计算机或对模拟调节仪表进行调正或设定控制的目标值。由DDC或调节仪表对生产过程各个点(运行设备)行使控制。SCC系统的特点是能保证受控的生产过程始终处于最佳状态情况下运行,因而获得最大效益。直接影响SCC效果优劣的首先是它的数学模型,为此要经常在运行过程中改进数学模型,并相应修改控制算法和应用控制程序。3、多级控制系统 在现代生产企业中,不仅需要解决生产过程的在线控制问题,而且还要求解决生产治理问题,每日生产品种、数量的计划调度以及月季计划安排,制定长远规划、预告销售前景等, 于是出现了多级控制系统。DDC级主要用于直接控制生产过程,进行PID或前馈控制;SCC级主要用于进行最佳控制或自适应控制或自学习控制计算,并指挥DDC级控制同时向MIS级汇报情况。DDC级通常用微型计算机,SCC级一般用小型计算机或高档微型计算机。 车间治理的MIS主要功能是根据工厂级下达的生产品种、数量命令和搜集上来的生产过程的状态的信息,随时进行合理调度,实现最优控制,指挥SCC级监督控制。工厂治理级的MIS主要功能是接受公司下达的生产任务和本厂的实际情况,进行最优化计算,制订本厂生产计划和短期(旬或周或日)安排,然后给车间级下达生产任务。公司治理级的MIS主要功能是对市场需求猜测计算,制订战略上的长期发展规划,并对订货合同,原料供给情况和企业的生产状况,进行最优生产方案的比较选择计算,制订出整个公司企业较长时间(月或旬)的生产计划、销售计划,并向各工厂治理级下达任务。MIS级主要功能是实现信息实时处理,为各级决策者提供有用的信息,作出关于生产计划调度和治理方案,使计划协调和经营治理处于最优状态。这一级可根据企业的规模和治理范围的大小分成若干级。每级又依据要处理的信息量的大小确定采用的计算机的类型。一般情况车间级MIS用小型计算机或高档微型计算机,工厂治理级的MIS用中型计算机,而公司治理级的MIS则用大型计算机,或者用超大型计算机。4、分布式控制或分散控制系统 分散控制或分布控制,是将控制系统分成若干个独立的局部控制子系统,用以完成受控生产过程自动控制任务。由于微型计算机的出现与迅速发展,为实现分散控制提供了物质和技术基础,近年来分散控制得以异乎平常的发展,且已成为计算机控制发展的重要趋势。 自70年代起,又出现集中分散式的控制系统,简称集散系统。它是采用分散局部控制的新型的计算机控制系统。三、按调节规律分类 1、程序控制 假如计算机控制系统是按着预先规定的时间函数进行控制,这种控制称之为程序控制。如炉温按着一定的时间曲线进行控制就为程序控制。这里的程序是指随时间变化就有确定对应变化值,而不是计算机所运行的程序。2、顺序控制 在程序控制的基础上产生了顺序控制,计算机如能根据随时间推移所确定对应值和此刻以前的控制结果两方面情况行使对生产过程控制的系统,称之为计算机的顺序控制。3、比例-积分-微分PID控制 常规的模拟调节仪表可以完成PID控制。用微型计算机也可以实现PID控制。4、前馈控制 通常的反馈控制系统中,对干扰造成一定后果,才能反馈过来产生抑制干扰的控制作用,因而产生滞后控制的不良后果。为了克服这种滞后的不良控制,用计算机接受干扰信号后,在还没有产生后果之前插入一个前馈控制作用,使其刚好在干扰点上完全抵消干扰对控制变量的影响,因而又得名为扰动补偿控制。5、最优控制(最佳控制)系统 控制计算机如能有受控对象处于最佳状态运行的控制系统称之为最佳控制系统。如用计算机控制系统就是在现有的限定条件下,恰当选择控制规律(数学模型),使受控对象运行指标处于最优状态。如产量最大、消耗最大、质量合格率最高、废品率最少等。最佳状态是由定出的数学模型确定的,有时是在限定的某几种范围内追求单项最好指标,有时是要求综合性最优指标。 6、自适应控制系统 上述的最佳控制,当工作条件或限定条件改变时,就不能获得最佳的控制效果了。假如在工作条件改变的情况下,仍然能的控制系统对受控对象的控制处于最佳状态,这样的控制系统称之为自适应系统。这就要求数学模型体现出在条件改变的情况下,如何达到最佳状态。控制计算机检测到条件改变的信息,按数学模型给出的规律进行计算,用以改变控制变量,使受控对象仍能处在最好状态。7、自学习控制系统 假如用计算机能够不断地根据受控对象运行结果积累经验,自行改变和完善控制规律,使控制效果愈来愈好,这样的控制系统被称为自学习控制系统。以上讲到的最优控制、自适应控制和自学习控制都涉及到多参数、多变量的复杂控制系统,都属于近代控制理论研究的问题。系统的稳定性的判定,多种因素影响控制的复杂数学模型研究等,都必须有生产治理、生产工艺、自动控制、检测仪表、程序设计、计算机硬件各方面人员相互配合才能得以实现。由受控对象要求反应时间的长短、控制点数多少和数学模型复杂程度来决定选用计算机规模。一般来说需要功能很强(速度与计算功能)的计算机才能实现。 上述诸种控制,可以是单一种也可不是单一的,可以几种形式结合对生产过程实现控制。这要针对受控对象的实际情况,在系统分析、系统设计时确定。关键词:开环控制,闭环控制


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