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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上郑州科技学院 毕业论文(设计)文献综述 题 目 名 称 花生去壳机的设计 题 目 类 别 毕 业 设 计 系 别 机械 工 程 系 专 业 班 级 10机制本x班 学 生 姓 名 xxx 指 导 教 师 xxx 完 成 日 期 2014年3月10日 花生脱壳机的设计摘要:我国加入WTO以来,国内外关于花生脱壳机机械的开发与推广应用日益增多,针对现有花生脱壳机机械存在的优点与不足,在未来的发展的过程中,对花生脱壳机机械在生产应用中的经验进行总结,不断完善其功能,使其呈现良好的发展势头。关键词:箱体;机架;工艺; 一,花生脱壳机的发展现状 我国花生脱壳机的研制自1963年原八机部下达花生脱壳机的研制课题以来已有几十种花生脱壳机问世。只进行单一脱壳功能的花生脱壳机结构简单、价格便宜、以小型家用为主的花生脱壳机在我国一些地区广泛应用,能够完成脱壳、分离、清选和分级功能的较大型花生脱壳机在一些大批量花生加工的企业中应用较为普遍。国内现有的花生脱壳机种类很多,如6HB-6型花生剥壳机 ,6HB-20型花生剥壳机,6HB-2型花生脱壳机等,技术参数见附表,其作业效率为人工作业效率的20-60倍以上。6HB-180型花生脱壳机械采用了三轧辊混合脱壳结构,能够进行二次脱壳。而随着我国花生产业的进一步调整,花生产量逐年增加,花生的机械化脱壳程度将大幅提高,花生脱壳机械将拥有广阔的发展前景。花生剥壳的原理很多,因此产生了很多种不同的花生剥壳机械。花生剥壳部件是花生剥壳机的关键工作部件.剥壳部件的技术水平决定了机具作业刚花生仁破碎率、花生果一次剥净率及生产效率等重要的经济指标。在目前的生产销售中,花生仁破碎率是社会最为关心的主要指标。八十年代以前的花生剥壳机械,破碎率一般都大于8%有时高达15%以上。加工出的花生仁,只能用来榨油,不能作种用.也达到出口标准。为了降低破碎率而探讨新的剥壳原理,研制新式剥壳部件,便成为花生剥壳机械的重要研究课题。从六十年代初,开始在我国出现了封闭式纹杆滚筒,栅条凹板式花生剥壳机。自1983年以来,在已有的花生剥壳部件的研制基础上,我国又相继研制了多种不同结构型式的新式剥壳部件,其主要经济技术指标,特别是破壳率指标大有改善。二,花生脱壳机械研究重点我国加入WTO以来,国内外关于花生脱壳机械的开发与推广应用日益增多。针对现有花生脱壳机械存在的优点与不足,在未来的发展过程中,对花生脱壳机械在生产应用中的经验进行总结,不断完善其功能,使其呈现良好的发展势头。提高花生脱壳机械的通用性和兼容性,使研制的花生脱壳机械通过更换主要部件能够同时对其他带壳物料进行脱壳加工。研制通过变换主要工作部件即能满足不同坚果脱壳作业需要的脱壳机具。并提高制造工艺水平降低制造成本,以适应不同加工企业的需要。花生脱壳机械能否适应这种发展趋势,将直接影响到花生脱壳机械能否更好的推广应用与健康发展。提高机械脱壳率。降低破损率,对花生脱壳机械的关键技术与工作部件进行重点攻关,改革传统结构,研究新的脱壳机理,优化结构设计,同时在整体配置上进一步改进和完善,提高脱壳率,降低籽仁破损率。目前国内外的花生脱壳机械均存在脱壳率和破损率之间的矛盾,处理好这一关键技术将关系到花生脱壳机械的发展前景。向自动控制和自动化方向发展大多数机具目前仍依赖人工喂料或定位,影响了作业速度和作业质量。因此应通过机电一体化手段,开发设计自动喂料、自动定位脱壳装置,保证均匀喂料与有效定位,实现机组自动化操作。进一步提高作业精确性和作业速度,提高产品质量与生产率,满足部分大、中型加工企业的需要,以开拓国内和国外市场。新技术原理、新结构材料、新工艺将不断应用于花生机械的研制开发中,随着液压技术、电子技术、控制技术以及化工、冶金工业的发展。许多复杂的机械机构、动力传递、笨重的材料和落后的工艺将逐渐被取代。减轻重量、减少阻力、简化操作、减少辅助工作时间、延长使用寿命、降低劳动使用费用等将作为主要设计目标应用于脱壳机械的设计制造。随着国内外高新技术的进一步发展,如何将这些高新技术更好的应用到实际生产中,也是目前花生脱壳机械需要尽快解决的问题。三, 花生脱壳机械的工艺研究 在脱壳技术方面,除了在原理和设备上进行研究外,人们还在工艺上进行了研究以提高籽粒的脱壳率及脱壳质量。 分级处理 物料的粒度范围大,必须先按大小分级,再进行脱壳,才能提高脱壳率,减少破损率。 水分含量 花生荚果的含水率对脱壳效果有很大的影响,含水率大,则外壳的韧性增加;含水率小,则果仁的粉末度大。因此应使花生荚果尽量保持最适当的含水率,以保证外壳和果仁具有最大弹性变形和塑性变形的差异,即外壳含水率低到使其具有最大的脆性,脱壳时能被充分破裂,同时又要保持仁的可塑性,不能因水分太少而使果仁在外力作用下粉末度太大,可减少果仁破损率。四,花生脱壳机械应用前景展望展望花生脱壳机械应用前景。花生生产机械化是农业现代化的重要组成部分,是农业和农村经济持续快速发展的重要保证,近年来,花生机械装备总量不断稳步增长,作业水平进一步提高,社会化服务规模不断扩大,虽然目前花生脱壳机械化水平较高,但是多应用于经济发达地区与示范推广区,并且小型机械多、大型机械少,低档机械多、高性能机械少。在一些地区,用作种子和特殊用途的花生仁仍采用传统的手工剥壳,劳动生产率低,区域性发展不平衡。进入21世纪,我国花生生产机械化开始了新的发展阶段,农业结构调整发生了新的变化,也对花生机械的发展产生了积极而深远的影响,不仅拉动了新的有效需求,而且构筑了适合花生生产机械化发展的新舞台,为花生生产机械化真正成为农村经济发展的推动器提供了广阔的市场发展条件。在一些地区推进花生生产机械化的过程中,相继出台了鼓励和扶持农民购买花生机械、开展花生机械作业服务的优惠政策和措施,调动了农民购买花生机械的积极性,形成了新的市场需求。随着花生种植业的不断发展,国内外对花生深加工产品的需求不断增大,提高花生脱壳机械化作业水平成为必然。花生脱壳机在提高劳动生产率,减轻劳动强度方面起到了积极的作用,促进了花生加工业的科技进步,为花生脱壳机械的发展提供了空间。五,花生去壳机存在的问题:目前我国在花生脱壳技术研究方面一直没有大的突破,资金投入也不足,脱壳部件的研制仍在20世纪90年代初的技术水平上徘徊,所以在脱壳性能上并没有很大的提高。由于机械脱壳时对花生仁的损伤率偏高,用于种子和较长期贮存的花生仁至今仍是手工剥壳。脱壳机械在技术性能和作业环节上存在以下问题:(1)脱壳率低,脱壳后的果仁破损率高,损失大。(2)机具性能不稳定,适应性差。(3)通用性差,利用率低。(4)作业成本偏高,多数是单机制造,制造的工艺水平较低,同时能耗较高。(5) 有些产品仅进行了样机试制或少量试生产未进行大量生产性考核和示范应用,作业性能。参考文献1张龙勋机械制造工艺学课程设计指导书机械工业出版社,19992朱文坚, 刘小康机械设计方法学广州:华南理工大学出版社,20063李益民机械制造工艺设计简明手册机械工业出版社,19984机械工程手册编委会机械工程手册机械工业出版社,19995周霭明机械制图同济大学出版社,20016成大先机械设计手册北京:化学工业出版社,20027祝毓琥机械原理北京 : 高等敎育出版社, 19868黄鹤汀. 机械制造装备. 北京:机械工业出版社,2001 外文翻译Peanut shelling machine designAbstract: Since the country joined the WTO, on the development and application of domestic and foreign peanut shelling machine machinery increased, for the advantages and disadvantages of existing peanut shelling machine machinery exists, in the course of future development, peanut shelling machine mechanical experience in production applications were summarized, and constantly improve its capabilities, it showed a good momentum of development.Keywords: cabinet; rack; process;First, the status of development of peanut shelling machine Development of peanut shelling machine since 1963 the Ministry issued the original eight local research topic since peanut shelling machine has dozens of peanut shelling machine available. Only a single simple function of peanut shelling machine shelling , cheap to small home -based peanut shelling machine is widely used in some parts of China , to complete shelling , separating, sorting and clearing larger peanut grading functions sheller in some large quantities of peanut processing enterprises in more general use . Existing domestic peanut shelling machine many types, such as 6HB-6 -type peanut sheller , 6HB-20 -type peanut sheller , 6HB-2 type peanut shelling machine, technical parameters see table , its operating efficiency man 20-60 times more efficient working industry . 6HB-180 -type peanut shelling mechanical mixing using a three roll shelling structure allows the second shell . With further adjustment of the peanut industry, peanut production increased year by year , the degree of mechanization shelling peanuts will be a substantial increase in peanut shelling machinery will have broad prospects for development . Many of the principles of peanut sheller , resulting in a variety of different mechanical peanut sheller . Peanut sheller is a key component of working parts peanut sheller machine . Technological level sheller machines operating components determines the rate of just crushing peanuts , peanuts and a stripping ratio of net production efficiency and other important economic indicators. In the current production and sales , peanuts are the main indicators of social fragmentation rate of most concern. Eighties previous peanut sheller machinery , crushing rates are generally greater than 8% and sometimes as high as 15%. Processed peanuts , can be used to extract oil and not for breeding . Also meet export standards . In order to reduce the fragmentation rate and to explore new sheller principle , developed new shelling parts, has become an important research topic peanut sheller machine . From the early sixties, began in China is seeing a closed cylinder rod pattern , rack gravure peanut sheller . Since 1983 , the basis of the existing research on the peanut sheller parts , they have developed a variety of different structural types of new sheller parts , its main economic indicators , especially indicators significantly improved the rate of broken shell .Second, the research focus peanut shelling machinery Since Chinas accession to WTO, domestic development and application on peanut shelling machine is increasing. For the advantages and disadvantages of existing peanut shelling machinery exist in the future development process, the peanut shelling machinery experience in production applications were summarized, and constantly improve its capabilities, it showed a good momentum of development. Improve peanut shelling machine versatility and compatibility , making peanut shelling machinery developed by major component replacement can be carried out while the other shell materials shelling processing. Developed by converting the main working parts that can meet the needs of different jobs shelling nuts shelling machines . And to improve the manufacturing process to reduce manufacturing costs in order to meet the needs of different processing enterprises. Peanut shelling mechanical ability to adapt to this trend , will directly affect the peanut shelling machinery can better promote the application and healthy development. Improve the mechanical shelling rate. Reduce the breakage rate , the key technology and working parts peanut shelling machine to focus on research, reform traditional structures , research new shelling mechanism , optimizing the structure design , and further improve and perfect the overall configuration , improved shelling rate and reduce seed kernel breakage . Peanut shelling machinery at home and abroad are shelling rate and there is a contradiction between the breakage rate , handle this critical technology related to the development prospects of peanut shelling machine . Automatic control and automation to the direction of most equipment is still dependent on artificial feeding or positioning , affecting the operating speed and quality of operations . So should the means by mechatronics , development and design automatic feeding , automatic positioning shelling device to ensure uniform feeding and effective positioning , to achieve automation unit . Further improve operational accuracy and operating speed , improve product quality and productivity to meet the needs of some large and medium-sized processing enterprises to develop domestic and foreign markets. New technology and new structural materials, new technology research and development will continue to be applied to peanut machinery, with the hydraulic technology, electronic technology, control technology and chemical industry, metallurgical industry development. Many complex mechanical structure, power transmission, heavy materials and processes behind will gradually be replaced. Reduce weight , reduce drag , streamline operations , reduce auxiliary working hours, long life, low labor costs, etc. to use as a primary design goal will be applied to the design and manufacture of mechanical shelling . With the further development of domestic and foreign high-tech , high-tech better how these are applied to actual production, is currently the peanut shelling mechanical problems need to be resolved as soon as possible .Third, the research process peanut shelling machine In shelling technology, in addition to research on the theory and equipment, people still were studied in order to improve the quality of grain husking rate and shelling on the process . Particle size range of graded material handling large , must first size grading , and then shelling , shelling in order to improve the rate and reduce breakage . The pod moisture content with the moisture content of a large effect on the impact shelling , water rate, to increase the toughness of the housing; small water content , the powder of large nuts . The pod should therefore make it possible to maintain the proper moisture content to ensure that the housing and the nut has a maximum elastic deformation and plastic deformation of the difference , that the housing has a maximum moisture content is low to make it brittle , when the shell can be fully broken, while maintaining the plasticity of benevolence , not because of too little water in the external force leaving the nuts powder is too large , you can reduce the breakage rate nuts .Fourth, peanut shelling prospect mechanical outlook Looking peanut shelling prospect machinery. Peanut production mechanization is an important part of the modernization of agriculture is an important guarantee sustained and rapid development of agriculture and rural economy in recent years, the total amount of peanut machinery and equipment continued to grow steadily, to further improve the operating level , social services have been expanding, although peanuts shelling higher level of mechanization , but more used in economically developed areas and demonstration areas, and small machinery , less large machinery , low-grade machinery , less high-performance machinery. In some areas, special use as seed and peanuts are still using the traditional hand- sheller , low labor productivity , regional development imbalances. In the 21st century , Chinas peanut production mechanization began a new stage of development , the adjustment of agricultural structure of the new changes have taken place , but also the development of peanut machinery has had a positive and profound impact , not only stimulating new and effective demand, and build a suitable peanut production mechanization new stage of development for peanut production mechanization truly promote rural economic development provides a broad market conditions . Promoting peanut production mechanization process in some areas , have been introduced to encourage and support farmers to buy peanut machinery, preferential policies and measures to carry out mechanical operations services peanuts , peanut farmers to buy machinery to mobilize the enthusiasm, the formation of a new market demands. With the continuous development of peanut farming , domestic and international demand for peanut processing products continues to increase and improve the level of mechanization peanut shelling became inevitable. Peanut shelling machine to play in improving labor productivity , reduce labor intensity a positive role in promoting the scientific and technological progress peanut processing industry , peanut shelling machine for the development of a space.Fifth, shelled peanut machine problems: At present our research in peanut shelling technology has been no major breakthrough, but also lack of capital investment, research and shelling is still hovering on the early part of the 1990s level of technology, so the shelling did not greatly improve performance. Due to mechanical shelling peanuts for a high damage rate for longer-term storage of seeds and peanut sheller is still handmade. Mechanical shelling the following problems in the technical performance and operational aspects: (1) shelling low breakage rate shelling nuts after big losses. Unstable (2) equipment performance, poor adaptability. (3) general poor, low utilization rate. High (4) operating costs, mostly single manufacturer, the lower level of the manufacturing process, while higher energy consumption. (5) Some products were only a small amount of pre-production prototype trial or not for mass production of the assessment and application of the model, the operating performance.专心-专注-专业


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