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高考专题训练连词1. I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interestingD. moreoverA. besidesB. otherwiseC. nevertheless2. He asked me.A. whether I know where his brother has goneB. if I knew where his brother had goneC. that I knew where his brother had goneD. whether I know where his brother went3. Im sure I put the key backit had been, but I cant find it anywhere.A. whereB. whatC. whenD. whenever4. You will never achieve successA. ifyou keep working hard.B. becauseC. whenD. unless5. Dont turn on the radioyour mother allows you.D. andA. unlessB. becauseC. if6. He had his camera readyhe saw something that would make a good picture.A. even ifif onlyB. in caseso that7. My grandfather still plays tennis now and then,hes in his nineties.A. as long asB. as ifC. even though D. in caseyou have seen both fighters,will win?A. Since.do you think whoB. As.who you thinkC. When.whoeverD. Since.who do you thinkthey themselves couldnt.D. ifthey themselves couldnt.D. if8. They were surprised that a child should work out the problemA. onceB. thenC. while10.10.you exercise regularly as well, you wont be able to lose weight only by eating less.A. OnceB. WhenC. IfD. Unlessyou have seen he is poor, you should understand why he has to take up two part-timejobs.A. As long asB. UnlessC. Now thatD. While从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It suddenly occurred to himhe had left his keys in the office.A. thatB. whatC. whereD. whichA modern city has been set up inwas a wasteland ten years ago.14. All the dishes in this menu,A. asB. if15.A. Foreverybody knows about it, I dont want to talk any more.SinceB. EvenC.D. However16. The athletes, especially the winners, should remain made.modestrapid progress they haveA. whateverB. howeverC.how muchD. no matter17. He was about to tell me the secretA. asB. untilsomeone patted him on the shoulder.C. whileD. when18. The two areas are similarA. except thatthey both have a high rainfall during this time of the year.B. in thatC. in whichD.besides that19. Take your umbrella with youA. sinceB. becauseit rains.C. in caseD.for20.much advice I give him, he did exactly what he wanted to do.A. HowB. WhateverC. HoweverD.No matterotherwise stated, will serve two or three people.C. thoughD. unless21. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. The innovative novelist prefers to explore such themes that no one else has ever touched upon.B. Public opinion is such that fully ending the drug war is not within the realm of political possibility.C. Einstein believed in simplicity, so much so that he used only a safety razor and water to shave.D. The consumer battle is so significant to such supermarkets as Wal-Mart that they target Black Friday for profits.22. Youll miss the trainA. unlessyou hurry up.B. asC. ifD. until23. A dozen ideas were consideredthe chief architect decided on the design of the building.A. becauseB. beforeC. whetherD. unless24. Mr. Black walked around and offered helpwe were doing an experiment.A. whileB. althoughC. untilD. unless25. the professor had left, everyone looked relaxed.A. WhileB. SinceC. ForD. Yet26. Pop music is such an important part of societyit has even influenced our language.27.she is ready, we can go.A. IfB. WhileC. UnlessD. Until28. My mother wants to decorate our rooms in a modern look style.A. as long asmy father prefers a traditionalB. asC. whileD. now thatAlthough he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded other more well-informed experimenters failed.D.whereA. whichB. thatC. what30.30.he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment. C. So far asA. As soon asB. As well asD.So long as31. We wont give upA. even ifwe should fail ten times.B. sinceC. whetherD.until32. Children at the beginning of last century television.33. Children at the beginning of last century television.a lot andthemselves greatly even withoutA. used to read.enjoyingC. were used to reading.enjoyA. used to read.enjoyingC. were used to reading.enjoyB. used to read.enjoyD. were used to reading.enjoyingYoung consumers are the major driving force of emerging businesses and services in Shanghaithey contribute greatly to the spending in this regard.A. whenB. asC. ifyou begin, you must continue.A. OnceB. BecauseC. BeforeD. Whilethe resumption of trans-provincial group tourism, some offline travel agencies wereoffering short-distance tours within their province despite low profits.A. BeforeB. BecauseC. WhenWe dont dare to say a wordshe asks us to.A. thatB. whatC. onceD. unlessPlease call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, orit is convenient to you.A. whereverB. howeverC. whicheverD. wheneverHouse prices are usually much higherthere are subway stations around.A. whereB. unlessC. whileD. thoughyou can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one ortwo nights.40. Well build a power stationA. whereB. in whichwater resources are plentiful.C. whichD.that41. Ive been away for only three years,A. soB. orI can hardly recognize my hometown.C. forD.yet42. Some English idioms are difficult to understand.Exactly,you know the meaning of each word.A. if onlyB. as thoughC. even ifD.now that43. It is so good a habit to instruct children to lay thingsA. to whichB. thatC. in whichthey belong when they are young.D.where44. This machine is not dangerousit is used carelessly.A. unlessB. whetherC. onlyD.except45. Why does she always drive to workA. unlessB. untilshe could easily take the train?C. beforeD.when46. So far there is no vaccineA. or curingin sight for the common cold.B. has curedC. or cureD.having cured47. How long do you suppose it isA. whenB. beforehe arrived and began to work there?C. afterD.since48. Animals suffered at the hands of Manthey were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.D. in thatA. in whichB. for whichC. so that49. The children look lightheartedA. now thatB. as far as49. The children look lightheartedA. now thatB. as far asthe final exam is over.C. untilD. even though50. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity story.A. whenhe reaches the end of theB. unlessC. afterD. until答案1. 【答案】c【解记】考查副词词义辨析。句意:关于这个话题我已经知道很多了,但是她的演讲还是 很有趣的。A. besides 而且;B. otherwise 否则;C. nevertheless 然而,尽管如此;D. moreover 而且, 此外。根据句意,C项符合题意。故选C项。【知识点】nevertheless副词的辨析【答案】B【知识点】where、if答案A【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:我确定我把钥匙放回到它之前在的地方了,但是我现 在到处都找不到它。表示地点,引导词用where/ wherever,此处表示钥匙之前所在的地 点,是特定地点,所以用whereo【知识点】where、where, wherever, everywhere引导的地点状语【答案】D【知识点】unless、if.not=unless引导的条件状语从句【答案】A【知识点】unless【答案C【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:他准备好相机,以防他看到什么能拍出好照片的东西。 even if即使,尽管;if only但愿;in case以防,以备;so that以便。【知识点】in case引导的条件状语从句、in case【答案】C【解析】“as long as只要;“as if”似乎,好像;even through即使,尽管;in case以防万 一。根据句意,尽管我的爷爷九十几岁了,他仍然有时打网球。这里用even though引导 让步状语从句,故选Co【知识点】even though even though引导的让步状语从句【答案】D【知识点】since、who【答案】C【解析】while有与此同时但与此相反的意思。本句意为:他们大吃一惊,那小孩做出 了那道题目,而他们自己却做不出。【知识点】while【答案】D【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:除非你也规律性地锻炼,否则你是不可能只通过少吃 减肥的。once 一旦,曾经;when当时;if如果;unless除非,如果不。此处是条件 状语从句,根据语义,用unless引导,相当于if.not。【知识点】unless、if.not=unless引导的条件状语从句2. 【答案】C【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:既然你己经知道他穷,你就应该理解他为什么做了两 份兼职。as long as只要;unless除非;now that既然;while尽管,当时候,而,表 对比。【知识点】now (that) now (that)引导的原因状语从句【答案】A【知识点】that lt+seems/appears/happens 等动词或动词短语+that 从句、It occurs to sb. to do sth.3. 【答案】C【知识点】what答案】D【解析i此题考查状语从句。句意:菜单上的所有菜品,除非有其他的要求,否则将供2 至3人食用。as当时,作为;if如果;though尽管;unless除非,如果不。【知识点】if.not=unless引导的条件状语从句、unless【答案】C【知识点】since【答案】A【解析】此题考查让步状语从句。句意:运动员,特别是获胜者,应该保持谦虚,无论他 们取得什么样的进步。rapid progress是名词词组,所以名词前应用whatever而不是 however, C项前面缺少no matter, D项后面缺少 whato【知识点】whatever、however/wh-ever型连词【答案】D【知识点】when【答案】B【解析】请注意本句中的in that是个固定词组,意为因为,等于because, since。本句 不是定语从句,是个状语从句:Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes.本句意为:这两个地区很相似,因为在一年中的这个时候都有大雨。【知识点】in that【答案】C【知识点】in case【答案】C【知识点】however【答案】A【知识点】suchthat【解析unless除非,如果不;如果你不快点,你会错过火车。【知识点】if.not=unless引导的条件状语从句、unless【答案】B【知识点】before【答案】A【知识点】while引导的时间状语从句、while【答案】B【知识点】since【答案】B【知识点】such.that.23. 【答案】A【知识点】if【答案】C【知识点】while【答案】D【解析】提示:where引出地点状语从句。succeed是不及物动词,不可接宾语。【知识点】where, wherever, everywhere引导的地点状语、where【答案】D【解析】句意:只要他努力工作,我并不介意他什么时候完呼实验。as well as为并列连词, 意为“同样,也,和,相当于in addition to; so/as far as表示“就来说,就看来;as soon as表示“一就;so long as表示“只要,意同as long as,在句中引导一个条件 状语从句,该从句用一般现在时表示将来时。【知识点】as/so long as【答案】A【知识点】even if引导的让步状语从句、even if【答案】B【知识点】and、used to do sth.24. 【答案】B【知识点】as、as引导的原因状语从句【答案】A【知识点】once【答案】A【知识点】before、before引导的时间状语从句【答案】D【解析】考查从属连词。分析可知she asks us to在句中作状语,应该使用从属连词来引导 从句,可排除A和Bo once”一旦,引导条件状语从句。unless除非,如果不,在意义 上相当于if. not,因此在有些场合中unless与if. not可互换使用,引导条件状语从句。 句意:除非她要求,否则我们一句话也不敢说。故选:D。【知识点】unless【答案】D【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:请打给我的秘书竺排一次会面,在下午或者任何你方 便的时间o it is convenient to you在你方便的时候,表示的是时间,引导词用whenever。【知识点】whenever引导的时间状语从句、whenever【答案】A【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:在周围有地铁站的地方,房价通常会高很多。此处表 示地点,用where引导地点状语从句。【知识点】where, wherever, everywhere引导的地点状语、where【答案】B【解析】句意:除非你睡眠好,否则你一两个夜晚后就不能集中注意力,不能计划,也不 能保持积极性。unless除非,相当于ifnot,符合句意。【知识点】ifnot=unless引导的条件状语从句、unless【答案】A【解析】此题考查状语从句。句意:我们将在水资源丰富的地方建造一个电站。主句中缺 少地点状语,所以用where引导地点状语从句。【知识点where, wherever, everywhere引导的地点状语、where【答案】D【知识点】for【答案】C【解析】此题考查状语从句的连词。句意:一一些英语的习语很难理解。一确实是,即使 你知道每一个单词的意思。if only但愿;as though好像;even if即使;now that既然。【知识点】even if、even if引导的让步状语从句【答案】D【知识点】where【答案】A【知识点】unless【答案】D【解析】此题考查连词。句意:既然很方便坐火车,她为什么还总是开车去上班呢? unless除非;until直到;before在之前;when既然,当时候。【知识点】when(考虑到;既然)、when(考虑到;既然)引导的原因状语从句【答案】C【解析】cure这里是名词,意思是“治愈。no vaccine or cure意思是:“没有疫苗也没有 治愈。当一个动词,有相应的名词形式时,通常不用动名词,如:visit是动词,它的名 词形式是visit,不说visitingo但train,动词,作“训练解时没有相应的名词形式,所以 “训练的名词是training,而作名词的train是火车。【知识点】or cure (n.)【答案】D【解析】此题考查时间状语从句。句意:你认为自从他来到这里开始工作。多久了? when 当时候;before在之前;after在之后;since自从。此处强调从过去到现在多久 T,用 sinceo【知识点】(ever) since引导的时间状语从句、(ever) since【答案】D【知识点】in that【答案】A【知识点】now (that)【答案】D【知识点】until


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