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DEUTSCHE NORMOctober 1994ICS 87.040Paints and varnishesCross-cut test(ISO 2409:1992)English version of DIN EN ISO 2409DINEN ISO 2409This standard incorporates the English version ofISO 2409Descriptors: Paint, coating, vamisht crosscut test, testing.Lacke und Anstrichstoffe: Grtterschnittprufung (ISO 2409:1992)Supersedes DIN 53151, May 1981 edition.European Standard EN ISO 2409:1994 has the status of a DIN Standard.A comma is used as the decimal marker.National forewordThis standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/TC 139 to adopt, without alteration. International Standard ISO 2409 as a European StandardThe responsible German body involved in its preparation was the NormnausschuB Anstrichstoffe und dhnfiche Beschichtungss to fie (Paints and Varnishes Standards Committee).The DIN Standards corresponding to International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as follows:ISO 1512 DIN EN 21512ISO 1513 DIN EN ISO 1513ISO 1514 DIN EN 605ISO 2808 DIN 509811 DIN 50982 Parts 1 to 3t DiN 50983. DIN 50984 and DIN 50986 ISO 3270 DINEN 23270IEC 454-2 DIN VDE 0340-200*)AmendmentsDIN 53151, May 1981 edition, has been superseded by the specrfications of EN ISO 2409, which is identical to ISO 2409:1992Previous editionsDIN 53151:1955-05, 1965-10,1970*12, 1981-05.)At present at the stage of draft.Continued nvioirleaf EN comprises 12 pages.Beuth Verlttg GmbH. Berlin, has the exclusive right of for German Staodards (DIN-Normen). 03.95DIN EN /SO 2409 Engk Price group 8Sales No. 1108Page 2 DIN hN ISO 2409:1994Standards referred toand not included h Normative references and Annex ZA)DIN 50981Coati ng thickness measurement; magnetic method of measuring the thickness of non-ferromagnetic coatings on ferromagnetic materialDIN 50982-1Principles of coating thickness measurement; terminolog/ associated with coating thickness and measuring areasDIN 50982-2DIN 50982-3DIN 50983DIN 50984Principles of coating thickness measurement; review of commonly used methods of measurement Principles of coati ng thickness measurement; setection criteria and basic measurement procedures Coating thickness measurement; beta backscatter methodMeasuring the thickness of non-conductive coatings on ron-magnetic base metals by the eddy current methodDIN 50986DIN EN 605DIN EN 21 512DIN EN 23270Wedge-cut method for the measurement of the thickness of paints, varnishes and similar coatingsPaints and varnishes; standard panels lor testingPaints and varnishes; sampling of products in liquid or paste form (IS01512:1991)Paints and varnishes and their raw materials; temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testing (1803270:1984)DIN EN ISO 1513DIN IEC 454-2 At present at the stage of draft.)Paints and varnishes; examination and preparation of samples (ISO 1513:1992) Specifications for adhesive tapes for electrical applications; test methods (VDE 0340-200)EUROPEAN STANDARD NORIVIE EUAOPENNE EUROPAISCHE NORMEN ISO 2409August 1994UDC 667.613:620.1Descriptors: Paint, coating, varnish, cross-cut test, testing.English versionPaints and varnishesCross-cut test(ISO 2409:1992)Peintures et vemis; essais de quadrillage Lacke und Anstrichstoffe; Gitterschnitt- (ISO 2409:1992)prGfung (ISO 2409:1992)This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1994-08-22 and is identical to the ISO Standard as referred to.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibilrty of a CEN member into Its own language 2nd notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria. Belgwm, Denmark. Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, ltalyt Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal. Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.CENEuropean Committee for StandardizationComrte European de NormalisationEuropaisches Komrtee fur NormungCentral Secretariat rue de Stassart 36t B1050 BrusselsG 1994. Copyright reserved to all CEN members.Ref. No. EN ISO 2409:1 120 pm) or hard coatings or where the coating is applied over $oft substrates,4.1.2 The tools specified in 4.1.1 are suitable for manual use and, although this is the more usual method of uset the tool may be mounted on a motor-driven apparatus which gives more uniform cutting. The application of the latter procedure shall be subject to agreement between the interested parties.4.2 Guiding and spacing edges.In order to space the cuts correctly, a series of guiding and spacing edges is necessary when using a single-blade cutting tool. A suitable apparatus is shown in figure 2.4.3 Soft brush.4.4 Transparent pmsursMKive adhesive tape.25 mm wide, with an adhesion strength of (10 1) N per 25 mtn width when tested in accordance with IEC 45424.5 Viewing lefts. hand-heldt with a magnification of x 2 or x 3.6 Test panels6J SubstrateUnless otherwise agreed, select the substrate from one of those described in ISO 1514.The panels shall be plane and free from distortion. The dimensions shall be such as to allow the (est to be carried out at three different positions being not less than 5 mm from each other and from an edge of the panelWhere panels consist of a relatively soft material such as wood, the minimum thickness shall be 10 mm. Where panels consist of a hard material, the minimum thickness shall be 0.25 mm.NOTES4 Rectangular panels, measuring approximately 150 mm x 100 mm. have been found to be convenient.5 In cases where the panel is made of wood, the direction and the structure of the grain may influence the te6tt and a pronounced grain will render the evaluation im possible.6.2 Preparation and coatingUnless otherwise aoreed, prepare each test panel in accordance with ISO 1514 and then coat it by the specified method with the product or system under test.6.3 DryingDry (or stove) and age (if applicable) each coated test panel for the specified time and under the specified conditions64 Thickness of coatingDetermine the thickness1 in micrometres, of the dried coating by one of the procedures specified in ISO 2808. Make the measurement at, or as near as possible to, the positions at which the cross-cut is to be made. The number of thickness determinatrons is deoendent on the method used7 Procedure7.1 General7.1.1 Test conditions and number of testsCarry out the test at a temperature of 23 士 2) C and a relative humidity of (50 士 5) %, unless otherwise agreed (see also ISO 3270).NOTE 6 In fidd tests, the ambient conditions will have to be accepted.Carry out the test in at least three different places (see 6.1) on the panel (see also 8,1). If the results do not agree. Ihe differences being more than one classification unit, repeat the test at three more places, if necessary using different panels, and & cord all the results、7A .2 Conditioning of the test panelsUnless otherwise specified, condition the test panels immediately prior to the test at a temperature of (23 士 2) C and a relative humidity of 50 5) % for a minimum of 16 h.M.3 Number of cutsThe number of cuts in each direction of the lattice pattern shall be six.7.14 Spacing of cutsThe spacing of the cuts in each direction shall be equal and shall depend on the thickness of the coating and on the type of substrate as follows:0 pm to 60 pm:1 mm spacing, strates;forhardsub0 pm to 60 jim:2 mm spacing, strates;forsoftsub-61 jim to 120 pm:2 mm spacing.forbothhardand soft substrates;121 jim Io 250 pm:3 mm spacing,forbothhardand soft substrates.7.2 Cutting and removing the coating using the manual procedure7.2.1 Place the test panel on a rigid, flat surface to prevent any deformation of the panel during the test.7.2J Perform the cutting manually following the specified procedure.Before the test, inspect the cutting edge of the blade and maintain its condition by sharpening or replacement.If the panel is of wood or similar material, make the cuts at approximately 45 to the direction of the grain.7.2.3 Hold the cutting tool (4.1) with the blade normal to the test panel surface With uniform pressure on the cutting tool and using the appropriate spacing guide (4.2), make the agreed number of cuts in the coating at a uniform cutting rate. All the cuts shall penetrate to the substrate surfaceIf il is not possible, due to the hardness of the coat ing, to penetrate to the substrate, the test shall be declared invalid and so reported.724 Repeat this operation, making further parallel cuts of equal number, crossing the original cuts at 90 to them so that a lattice pattern is formed.725 Brush the panel lightly with the soft brush (4.3) several times backwards and several times forwards along each of the di合gonals of the lattice pattern.726 For hard substrates only, apply additionally adhesive iape (4.4). If beginning a new series of tests, remove two complete laps from a reel of the adhesive tape and discard. Remove an additional length at a steady rate and cut a piece approximately 75 mm long.Place the centre of the tape over the lattice in a di rection parallel to one set of cuts as shown in figure 3 and smooth the tape into place over the area of the lattice and for a distance of at least 20 mm beyond with a finger.To ensure good contact with the coating, rub the tape firmly with a fingertip. The colour of the coating seen through the tape is a useful indication of overall contact.Within 5 min of applying the tape, remove the tape by grasping the free end and pulling it off steadily in 0,5 s to 1,0 s at an angle which is as close as possible to 60 (see figure 3)7.2.7 Retain the tape for reference purposes, for example by attaching it to a sheet of transparent film.7.3 Cutting the coating using a motor-driven toolIf the cutting tool is used with a motor-driven apparatus, take care that the points described in the manual procedure are observed, particularly with respect to the number and spacing of the cuts and the number of testsPage?ENISO 2409:1994Page 6EN ISO 2409:1994Page?ENISO 2409:1994Page?ENISO 2409:19948 Expression of results8.1 Carry out the evaluation of the results as follows: soft substrates: immediately following brushing;hard substrates: immediately following removal of adhesive tape.8.2 Carefully examine the cut area of the test coating in good fighting using normal or corrected vision or, if agreed between the interested parties, using a viewing lens (4.5). During the viewing pro- cess, rotate the panel so that the viewing and light, ing of the test area are noi confined to one direction. It may be useful to examine the tape in a similar manner.8.3 Classify the test area according to table t by comparison with the illustrations.NOTE 7 Additional guidance is given by the descriptions given in table 1.In table 1, a sixstep classification is given. The first three steps are satisfactory for general purposes and are to be used when a pass/fail assessment is required. Special circumstances may arise, in which case the complete six-step classification will be necessary 84 For a multi-coat system, report the interface al which any flaking occurs8,5 If test results differ, report each test result. In the case of a multi-coat system. report the site of separation (between coats or between coats and substrates).9 Test reportThe test report shall contain at least the following informationa) all details necessary to identify the product tested;b) a reference to this International Standard (ISO 2409);c) the items of supplementary information referred to in annex A. in particular the type of cutting tool used;d) a reference to the international or national stan dard, product specificatk)n or other document supplying the information referred to in c);e) the results of the test, as indicated in clause 8;f) any deviation from the test method specified;the date of the test.Page?ENISO 2409:1994Page?ENISO 2409:1994Table 1 - Classlflation of test resultsDestrlplionThe edges ol the cuts are completely smooth; none ol the squares ollhe lattice is detached.Detachment of $rbH flakes ollhe coating at the mlersectioos of the cuts. A cross-cul area not significantly greater than 5 % is affeded.The coating has flaked along the edges and/or at the inte” sections of the cuts, A cross-cut area signilicantly greater than 5 %, but not significantly greater lhan 15 %, is allected.The coating has Raked along the edges of the cuts partly or wholly in large ribbons, arxljor il has flaked partly or wholly on different parts oflhe squares. A cross-cut area signili cantly greater than 15 %tbirt not significantly greater than 35 % .is affected The coating has flaked along the edges of the cuts in large ribbons and/or some squares have detached partly or wholly. A cross-cut area signiMy greater than 35 掘 but not 帥 nilicantly greater than 65 %, is affected.Any degree ol flaking that cannot even be classified by classification 4.Appearance of surface of cross-cut area fromwNchflakinS has occurred(Example for six parallel cuts)ftm*l!T!lPage?ENISO 2409:1994Page 8ENISO 2409:1994Dimensions in miliinetres, except where indicated otherwise(When the cutting edge has ran to 0,1 It Is necessary to re jrind)Spacing of cuttlns edgesa15210a)_SingtLblage cutting togIt is essential thatDirection of cut 一b) Multi-blade cutting toolCutting edgeswttinQ edgesiieonthe same diQmetGrFigure 1 - Suitable cutting toolsPage #EN 1502409:1994Figure 2 - Series of spacing edges时曲伽of加妙沱典t b gridjj Position M嚥俪肌以“血M咖恻tr刑NdFigure 3 - Positioning M adhesive tapePage 11ENISO2409:1994Annex A(normative)Required supplemental inlomiationPage #ENISO2409:1994Page #ENISO2409:1994The items of supplemenlary informalion listed in this annex shall be supplied as appropriate to enable the method to be carried out


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