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词汇巩固和检测(Module One Unit 1)一Book1 Unit 1 复习之重点单词。1. v. 不理睬;忽视 2. v./n. 担忧;涉及;关系到3. adj. 松的,松开的 4. n. 连续;系列5. adv. 完全地;全然地 6. v. 遭受;忍受;经历7. v. 痊愈;恢复 8. 确实如此;正是;确切地9. adj. 感激的 10. n. 提示;技巧;消费二Book1 Unit 1 复习之短语。1. 合计2. 不得不,必须3. 关心,挂念4. 经历,经受5. 记下,放下,登记6. 一系列,一连串的,一套7. 故意8. 为了9. 在黄昏时刻10. 面对面地11. 不再12. 遭受,患病13. 对厌烦14. 将(东西)装箱打包15. 与相处,进展16. 相爱,爱上17. 参加,加入三Book1 Unit 1 复习之变形及搭配。n 1. add v. 另外 n 2. concern v./n. - 涉及;与有关n 3. loose adj. - v. 松开,放松n 4. German adj. - n. 德国n 5.on purpose反义 偶然地n 6.power n. - adj. 强大的n 7.dusty adj. - n. 尘土;灰尘- n. 垃圾箱n 8.suffer v. - n. 苦楚n 9.recover v. - n.恢复n 10.teenager n. - n./adj. 青少年时期;青少年的;十几岁的n 11.fall- - n 12. disagree sb. disagree do sth. n 13. be grateful sb. sth. 因某事对某人心存感激四必修一unit 1 词汇专项巩固。1. He (upset) by his failure in the exam.2. Sad and angry, Peter started aiming the stones into the lake, trying to (平静下来).3. He remained about what happened.(calm,quiet,still,silent)4. Please stand when I take your photo. (calm,quiet,still,silent)5. Soldiers all kept though they were faced with the danger of the earthquake. (calm,quiet,still,silent)6. Please be . The baby is sleeping. (calm,quiet,still,silent)7. Parents are always (关心) childrens studies.8. The story (涉及;关于) an English family in the 18th century.9. (在我看来concern), you can choose what you like best.10. He told them not to (关心) him.11. To (定居) in this country you need to find a permanent job.12. He (安下心来)to his studies after he came back home.13. Many provinces in our country (suffering) in the storm in 2008.14. She (suffering) from loss of memory right now.15. Many small victories (合计) to a big one. 16. When he was a child, he (经历)one hardship after another.17. The Customs officials (检查) our luggage at the Customs.18. How long will it take (浏览) the book?19. Guidelines (写下来) to prevent problems from arising.20. We watch CCTV news every day (为了) get information at home and abroad.21. We watch CCTV news every day (为了) we can get information at home and abroad.22. The street lights go on (在黄昏).23. Did your son (相处融洽) other kids?24. We like doing exercise (outdoor).词汇巩固和检测(Module One Unit 1)一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:crazy, loose, calm, entirely, reason, thunder, share, German, habit, teenager, upset, communicate, outdoors, situation, advice 1 A group of Frenchmen and _ are visiting Window to the World.2 Please wait in line. Everyone will get his _.3 The doorknob (门把手) has come _. Who will fix it?4 Dont always stay indoors. Youd better go _ for fun time.5 I once studied some Japanese at college, but Im afraid that Ive _ forgotten it now.6 Dont scold him. After all, he is only a _.7 _ often follows lightning.8 People say that _ is second nature.9 China is going through good economic _ these years.10 Since you have question, why not turn to him for some _?11 My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really _ me.12 _ well with others is considered a kind of ability.13 Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt _ on the stage.14 No one knew the _ why he was absent from class a second time.15 Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became _.第二组:list, power, point, suffer, ignore, editor, cheat, questionnaire, trust, dare 16 Do you know when President George Bush came into _ ?17 I _ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it.18 Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief _ with China Daily.19 Can you design a _ to find out what kinds of friends your classmates like to make?20 He is your father. How _ you say to him like that?21 Little Peter always lies to others. His classmates wont _ him anymore.22 Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No _ in exams!23 Mary got very unhappy, for other friends _ her at the party.24 I got 90 _ in the final English exam.25 Before going shopping youd better make a _of what you are going to buy.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series ofon purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love (with) join in have got to hide away face to face 1 Weve chatted online for some time but we have never met _.2 It is nearly 11 oclock yet he is not back. His mother _ him.3 The Lius _ hard times before liberation.4 _ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam.5 I think the window was broken _ by someone.6 You should _ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful.7 They met at Toms party and later on _ with each other.8 You can find _ English reading materials in the school library.9 I am easy to be with and _my classmates pretty well.10 They _ in a small village so that they might not be found.11 Which of the following statements is not right _ the above passage?12 Its getting dark. I _ be off now.13 More than 1,000 workers _ the general strike last week.14 All her earnings _ about 3,000 yuan per month.词汇巩固和检测一、 二题自己看课本词汇表三、1. in addition 2. be concerned about 3. loosen 4. Germany 5. by accident/by chance 6. powerful 7. dust; dustbin 8. suffering 9. recovery 10. teenaged 11. fell, fallen 12. withto 13. tofor四、 1. was upset 2. calm himself down 3. silent 4. still 5. calm 6. quiet 7. concerned about 8. is concerned with 9. As far as Im concerned 10. be concerned about 11. settle 12. settled down 13. suffered 14. is suffering 15. add up16. went through 17. go through 18. to go through 19. are set down20. in order to 21. in order that 22. at dusk 23. get along well with24. outdoorsUnit 1 一 第一组: 1 Germans 2 share 3 loose 4 outdoors 5 entirely 6 teenager 7 Thunder 8 habit 9 situation 10 advice 11 upsets 12 To communicate 13 calm 14 reason 15 crazy 第二组:16 power 17 suffered 18 editor 19 questionnaire20 dare 21 trust 22 cheating 23 ignored 24 points 25 list 二 1 face to face 2 is concerned about 3 went through 4 In order to 5 on purpose 6 set down 7 fell in love 8 a series of 9 am getting along with 10 hid away 11 according to 12 have got to 13 joined in 14 adds up to词汇巩固和检测一、 二题自己看课本词汇表三、1. in addition 2. be concerned about 3. loosen 4. Germany 5. by accident/by chance 6. powerful 7. dust; dustbin 8. suffering 9. recovery 10. teenaged 11. fell, fallen 12. withto 13. tofor四、 1. was upset 2. calm himself down 3. silent 4. still 5. calm 6. quiet 7. concerned about 8. is concerned with 9. As far as Im concerned 10. be concerned about 11. settle 12. settled down 13. suffered 14. is suffering 15. add up16. went through 17. go through 18. to go through 19. are set down20. in order to 21. in order that 22. at dusk 23. get along well with24. outdoorsUnit 1 一 第一组: 1 Germans 2 share 3 loose 4 outdoors 5 entirely 6 teenager 7 Thunder 8 habit 9 situation 10 advice 11 upsets 12 To communicate 13 calm 14 reason 15 crazy 第二组:16 power 17 suffered 18 editor 19 questionnaire20 dare 21 trust 22 cheating 23 ignored 24 points 25 list 二 1 face to face 2 is concerned about 3 went through 4 In order to 5 on purpose 6 set down 7 fell in love 8 a series of 9 am getting along with 10 hid away 11 according to 12 have got to 13 joined in 14 adds up toUnit 2一 第一组:1 Lightning 2 directions 3 blocks 4 accent 5 recognize 6 northwestern 7 standard 8 retell 9 requested 10 command 第二组:11 rapidly 12 government 13 identity 14 vocabulary 15 present 16 Actually 17 Native 18 including19 international 20 subway 21 apartment 22 ruled 二 1 playing a part 2 came up 3 such as 4 even if 5 play arole 6 Because of Unit 3一 第一组:1 cycle 2 insisted 3 stubborn 4 fare 5 Camp 6 familiar 7 brave 8 record 9 transport 10 properly 第二组:11 topic 12 persuade 13 journal 14 altitude 15 shorts 16 attitude 17 Plain 18 determining二 1 have dreamed about 2 For one thing; for another 3 am determined to4 give in 5 is familiar to 6 changed her mind/gave upUnit 4 一 第一组:1 fresh 2 electricity 3 injured 4 shaking 5 speech 6 disaster 7 were destroyed 8 rise 9 judge 10 organized 11 bricks 12 pond 第二组: 13 smelly 14 honoured 15 was buried 16 Dam 17 burst 18 preparing 19 mine 20 shocked 21 Canal 22 shelter 23 rescue 24 Steam 25 ruined二 1 gave out 2 A number of/ Thousands of 3 right away 4 were dug out5 at an end 6 A number of/ Thousands ofUnit 5 一 第一组:1 Cruelty 2 blanket 3 stage 4 fighting 5 hero 6 reward 7 degree 8 vote 9 prison 10 quality 第二组:11 criminal 12 guard 13 position 14 period 15 willing 16 president 17 educated 18 accept 19 advises 20 active 第三组:21 sincerely 22 terror 23 violence 24 continued 25 Republic 26 fear 27 peaceful 28 youth 29 league 30 principles 二 1 was blown up 2 lose heart 3 out of work 4 in trouble 5 as a matter of fact 6 put in prison 7 worying about 8 was set up 9 was sentenced to 10 came to power 6


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