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外研版英语精品资料(精修版)Module 4Period One (时间:60分钟).介副词填空1When black people moved from the southern states of the USA _ the northern industrial cities, they took their music with them.2The words of early blues songs often consisted _ a single line repeated two or three times before changing.3Rapping is also known _ MCing.4They noticed that people preferred to percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to dance _.5Herc and other DJs made them longer by using two records on two turntables, side _ side.6. Later, they experimented _ different vocal and rhythmic approaches, using rhyming words.7People were bored _ the pop music of the day.8Disco and rock music were both _ decline in the mid1970s.9Hip hop took advantage _ that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco.10There were a lot of West Coast rappers based _ California.答案1.to2.of3.as4.to5.by6.with7.with8.in9.of10.in.单词拼写1Hip hop is an American cultural m_ which started in the 1970s at block parties in New York.2Our class c_ of 48 students.3The sun e_ from behind the clouds.4The d_ of the quality made the manager embarrassed.5I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in h_.6Its not a hotel in the _ (传统的) sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.7This is a _ (技巧) used by DJs in Jamaica.8“Patience is a _ (美德)” is an old saying.9See that you are careful with money and work to a_(预算)10After hard work, the two parties have reached a_ (共识)答案1.movement2.consists3.emerged4.decline5.harmony6.conventional7.technique8.virtue9budget10.consensus.翻译与仿写1. The words of early blues songs often consisted of a single line repeated two or three times before changing.翻译:_仿写:众所周知,水由氢气和氧合成。_2“The moment I heard it,” he said, “I knew it was a completely new kind of music.”翻译:_仿写: 他头一碰枕头就睡着了。_3So the style of music known as rap was born.翻译:_仿写:今天我见到了这个称之为 “芙蓉姐姐”的人。_4Later, they experimented with different vocal and rhythmic approaches.翻译:_仿写: 许多人急切希望试用这种新型计算机。_5The first time that rap artists recorded their music, musicians recorded the backing tracks in the studio and the rappers added their vocals later.翻译:_仿写:我第一次见Jones时,她正在打扫老房子。_答案1.早期的布鲁斯歌曲通常包含一句要反复唱两三遍。As we all know, water is said to consist of oxygen and hydrogen.2“我一听,”他说,“就知道这是一种全新的音乐。”He was asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.3这样,称之为“说唱乐”的音乐风格就诞生了。Today I met the lady known as Fu Rong jiejie.4后来,他们尝试用不同的发声和奏乐方法。Many people were anxious to experiment with this kind of new computers.5说唱艺术家初次录制音乐时, 演奏师先在录音室里录制背景音乐,说唱歌手过后在加进歌声。The first time I saw Jones she was busy cleaning her old house.语篇填词Hip hop is an American cultural movement which consists of four main aspects:_1_ and graffiti art, DJing and _2_.When people noticed that people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs, they started repeating them.DJ Herc started playing other kinds of music, including _3_ and disco music.Herc and other DJs made _4_ breaks longer by using two records on two turntables, side by side.Shouting DJs became known as _5_.So the style of music known as _6_ was born.At the beginning, MCs often performed for hours. Later, they experimented with different vocal and _7_ approaches.There are two main reasons for the success of _8_.Firstly, its cheap and easy.Secondly, people were bored with the pop music of the day.The first time that rap artists recorded the backing tracks in the studio and them added their _9_ later.Now they can do it at the same time.In the late 1980s, hip hop spread across the world,later a new music form _10_ emerges, including jazz, hip hop and electronic music.答案1.breakdance2.rapping3.rock4.percussion5.MCs6.Rap7.rhythmic8.hip hop9.vocals10trip hop.单项填空1.Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a Tshirt,_ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.(2011全国)Athis Bthat Cwhat Dwhich答案D考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该句为定语从句,首先排除A和C;根据空前的逗号可知,该句为非限制性定语扶句,排除B。该从句应用which引导,which在从句中作主语,代指前面的整个句子。2_ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.(2010上海)AApproaching BApproachedCTo approach DTo be approached答案A考察现在分词作状语,表示正在进行或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。3The moment I got home, I found I _ my jacket on the playground.(2008陕西)Ahad left BleftChave left Dwas leaving答案A考察时态。 got home发生在过去,而leave my jacket 已经发生,所以用had left。4In this experiment, the famous professor showed three different _ to the study of physics.(2012河北保定中学月考)Amethods BwaysCapproaches Dmeans答案C考查名词辨析。句意:在这个实验中,这位著名教授展示了三种不同的学习物理的方法。四个选项都有“方式、方法”之意,但只有approach可以和介词to搭配。5. Every morning, he was running _ with his father.Aside in side Bside by sideCside to side Dside with side答案B考查短语辨析。句意:每天早晨他都和爸爸肩并肩跑步。side by side 是固定短语,意为“肩并肩地”,符合句意。6I thought her to be nice and honest _ we met.Afirst time Bfor the first timeCthe first time Dfor the last time答案C考查状语从句的引导词。the first time 是连词,引导时间状语从句。7Uncle Tom _ an interesting story for the children.Amade from Bmade outCmade up Dmade of答案C考查动词词组辨析。make up 是“编造”的意思。8The professor combines different _ in the same speech.Atechniques BtechniqueCtechnical Dtechnology答案A考查名词辨析。technique作“技巧,技术”讲时,是可数名词。9Let us fight against the trouble _.Aface to face Bshoulder to shoulderCside by side DB and C答案D考查短语辨析。本句表示并肩战斗,所以选D。10I think Tom will _ a good leader, so Im going to vote and support him.Amake Bremain Cget Dgrow答案A考查动词辨析。make指 “有条件成为”。11After she lost the election, her influence on the public was in _.Adeclined Bdecline Cdecorate Ddeclare答案Bin decline “在衰退,减弱”。12Since you are going to America, do _ the chance to improve your spoken English.Atake the advantage ofBtake an advantage ofCtake advantage ofDtake advantages of答案C考查短语辨析。take advantage of是固定短语,意为“利用”的含义。13He came all the way to China for knowing its culture and history _ for making money.Aless than Bother thanCbetter than Drather than答案Drather than连接两个并列成分。本句中引导for doing 短语。14What is the Group G8?Oh, it is a group _ the eight of the richest countries or areas of the world.Aconsisting of Bconsists ofCconsisted of Dis consisted of答案A考查非谓语动词。consist of 无被动语态。15After the long discussion, possible solutions_.Aexisted BdisappearedCemerged Dattained答案C考查动词辨析。emerge“出现”。.完形填空What a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed into their nightclothes.Mary had _1_ them a story and finally they were asleep.“Babysitting(照看)the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely _2_,” she thought.“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could!” But she had difficult homework to complete.Leaning back, she _3_ her feet onto the sofa to get comfortable.Whoever said babysitting was a(an) _4_ way to make money obviously hadnt met the three boys, she thought.The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim.Marys _5_ felt heavier and heavier.I mustnt sleep, she thought which was _6_ what she did, of course.Strangely enough, she soon _7_ that she was a worldfamous chef(主厨)She made a _8_ and wore diamonds and designer clothes.Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or _9_ her favorite hobby.She _10_ took the leading role in her own TV show.That is, until she became too _11_.“I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish.But _12_ seemed to go right.She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger.Despite all the troubles, she _13_ to get the chicken into the dove.Soon, smoke blanketed the room.The chicken was on fire._14_ set in, but Mary could not run she was _15_ to the spot.She tried hard to move, but could not, _16_ a sharp sound awoke her.She got shocked and confused _17_ was pouring from the kitchen.Rushing to investigate, she was met by three _18_ little faces and some very burnt bread.“Sorry, we were hungry and you were _19_, so we tried to make some bread,” explained a boy.Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed.She_20_ them never to fall asleep on the job again!(2011江西)1A.given Bwritten Ctold Dtaught答案C考查固定搭配,tell sb a story给某人讲故事。2A.successful BhelpfulCtiring Dsurprising答案C根据下文文意得知主人公作为保姆带三个不同年龄段得孩子,感觉非常累非常辛苦。3A.shook Bput Cbent Dkept答案BA摇晃,B放置, C弯, D保持。根据意思,Mary在忙完工作后将脚架在沙发上休息。4A.difficult BboringCimportant Deasy答案DA困难,B厌烦,C重要,D简单。根据本句意思“无论是谁说过照看孩子是很容易赚钱的方式,这个人对三个孩子明显没有尽心。”5A.eyes Bmind Cheart Dlegs答案A根据前文,Mary因为很累眼皮越来越沉重,睁不开。6A.nicely Bexactly Ccuriously Dcarelessly答案BA很好地,B正是,就是,C好奇地,D大意地。“我不能睡着,她想。她当然也的确是这样做的。”7A.realized Breminded Clearnt Ddreamt答案D根据下一段得知Mary做了一个梦。下文正是对这个梦的内容展开叙述。8A.decision Bfortune Cbusiness Dplan答案B make a fortune make much money,赚了大钱,很富。9A.cooking Breading Crunning Dbabysitting答案B根据本句句意,“大多数的日子里她都在游泳池边休闲,和有钱人聚会或者是做着她最喜爱的事读书。这些都是比较悠闲的活动。很多同学误选A.cooking,但文章中并没有体现主人公很喜爱做饭,而是强调她变有钱人后所过的生活多么丰富多彩。10A.just Bever Ceven Donly答案C对前文的递进增补,“甚至还做了自己电视节目的主演。”11A.selfish Bproud Cstubborn Dsensitive答案B根据下一句。Im definitely the best in the world.我一定是世界上最棒的,体现Mary骄傲的心情。12A everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing答案D“Nothing seemed to go right.什么都不对劲。”13A.tried Barranged Cmanaged Dprepared答案CA努力去做,尽力去做,B计划去做, C设法做成某事,D准备去做。14A.Panic BPain CNoise DStress答案A根据文意Mary 此时非常焦急,焦虑。 15A.frozen Bdragged Cpushed Dbrought答案Abe frozen to the spot站在一个地方动不了。A冻住, B拖,拉,拽,C推,D带来。16A.because Buntil Cas Dunless答案B根据句意,她努力想移动但是没有做到,直到一道尖锐的声音惊醒了她。A因为,B直到,C因为,正如,D除非。17A.smoke Blight Cwater Dfire答案A根据后文very burnt bread可知厨房因为烤焦面包在冒烟。18A.cheerful Bstrange Cguilty Dconfident答案C根据后文,孩子说抱歉,说明他们在厨房烤焦面包感到内疚,不好意思。A振奋,B奇怪, C内疚,D自信。19A.busy Bhungry Cworried Dasleep答案D根据前文,得知Mary当时正在熟睡。20A.promised Ballowed Cexpected Dpersuaded答案AA承诺, B允许, C期待,D 劝说。promise sb never to do sth向某人承诺不在做某事了。


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