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Section B 2a-2eUnit 6 Im going to study computer science. -2- Lead-in Next year, Im goingto exercise at least 20 Minutes every day. But I didnt keep it. -3- Lead-in Did you make any resolutions last year?Were you able to keep them? Why or why not?-4- Read the passage. Put the sentences A-D in the correct places.SkimmingA: These are about making yourself a better person.B: For example, a student may have to find more time to study.C. There are good reasons for this.D. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.-5- Read the passage. Put the sentences A-D in the correct places.Skimming方法指导:方法指导: 1.首先,阅读这四个句子,掌握其意思。首先,阅读这四个句子,掌握其意思。2.然后,再次阅读每个段落,重点阅读然后,再次阅读每个段落,重点阅读 每个空格前后句子的意思。每个空格前后句子的意思。3.根据上下文意来确定空格处应填的句子。根据上下文意来确定空格处应填的句子。-6- Read the passage. Put the sentences A-D in the correct places.SkimmingA: These are about making yourself a better person.B: For example, a student may have to find more time to study.C. There are good reasons for this.D. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.Answers: D A B C-7- Read the passage again and match each paragraph 1-3 with its main purpose. ReadingPara 1: To question the idea of making resolutionsPara 2: To give the meaning of resolutionPara 3: To discuss the different kinds of resolutions-8- Read the passage again and match each paragraph 1-3 with its main purpose. Reading方法指导:方法指导: 1.先读这三个主题的意思,带着问题去读短文。先读这三个主题的意思,带着问题去读短文。 2.通读每个段落,理解这个段落所讲的主要意思。通读每个段落,理解这个段落所讲的主要意思。 3.在相关段落中划出相关的依据,根据依据确定在相关段落中划出相关的依据,根据依据确定 每个段落主要意思。每个段落主要意思。-9- Read the passage again and match each paragraph 1-3 with its main purpose. ReadingPara 1: To question the idea of making resolutionsPara 2: To give the meaning of resolutionPara 3: To discuss the different kinds of resolutions-10- Read the passage again. Then answer the questions with short sentences. Careful readingresolution What When How WhyHow many-11- Read the passage again. Then answer the questions with short sentences. Careful reading1. What is a resolution?2. When do people usually make resolutions?3. How can people remember their resolutions? 4. Why do people usually make resolutions?5. How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about?-12- Read the passage again. Then answer the questions with short sentences. Careful readingresolutionWhat When How WhyHow manypromises you make to yourselfat the beginning of the year w r i t e down improve their lives three-13- Retell the passage, looking at he mind-map. RetellingresolutionWhat When How WhyHow manypromises you make to yourselfat the beginning of the year w r i t e down improve their lives three-14-2eFind these phrases in the passage. Then write their own sentences with them.have to do withmake promiseshave in commonwrite downFor this reasontake up-15-Write about the resolutions you made this year and hoe well it goes.


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