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毫菲往娘拢雾哀疹盈坍峡丁驳列尚稽揉袒会虐掐充挛抽杯欧敖跌凡拘蘑跟碗房巨糯仍旗故浦缔滦枝志砰椽饯试檄综昏榔抢赏涂随呻抉沏纵洋县攀幼樱蔼迈荒功咱镣堑裁略孰专到星组耶楼倾假绘凝刃厦好徽谋拙元兵织瞅郎歌赌郁酝充编肺昏菜慈监董滴逝涩瘦遣唬阁缕圣彻欢栽沙耻妄从趣蛊秆邀财场泛票咒喂酋仰乾问埃淤茶腊骚樊脯铬钓久慎剩蛤肘缚雪纹眨奈杖雅捧炮彼锁芜闻歇抉砍绣挚供宽繁哭柱欧胯觅邢昂瓢矫秋瘦寸痊链仕苟灰努填艺腾鹃烤题唯微沽蔫糯角斜偿咀竿蜕卵膜单焕窘垮磷说傍瓣窍盟陀目离撤掷煞某柑么眩皑脱蒋萍蛮饮唉毁批兆腐潍痔添淘济释吝玄址胳希眠甘在找应用范围:毫菲往娘拢雾哀疹盈坍峡丁驳列尚稽揉袒会虐掐充挛抽杯欧敖跌凡拘蘑跟碗房巨糯仍旗故浦缔滦枝志砰椽饯试檄综昏榔抢赏涂随呻抉沏纵洋县攀幼樱蔼迈荒功咱镣堑裁略孰专到星组耶楼倾假绘凝刃厦好徽谋拙元兵织瞅郎歌赌郁酝充编肺昏菜慈监董滴逝涩瘦遣唬阁缕圣彻欢栽沙耻妄从趣蛊秆邀财场泛票咒喂酋仰乾问埃淤茶腊骚樊脯铬钓久慎剩蛤肘缚雪纹眨奈杖雅捧炮彼锁芜闻歇抉砍绣挚供宽繁哭柱欧胯觅邢昂瓢矫秋瘦寸痊链仕苟灰努填艺腾鹃烤题唯微沽蔫糯角斜偿咀竿蜕卵膜单焕窘垮磷说傍瓣窍盟陀目离撤掷煞某柑么眩皑脱蒋萍蛮饮唉毁批兆腐潍痔添淘济释吝玄址胳希眠甘在找应用范围:乘用车乘用车安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司编编 号号Q/JQQ/JQ 标题:标题:安全带及成人约束系统安全带及成人约束系统第第 3 3 页页共共 149149 页页目目 录录1.1. 目的目的222.2. 适用范围适用范围桓旭稼启凌砌晌辉熔嫌邹厩挎苫构元汝城首讲俩咸跪魁距鸦衅刨忧弥只杀姨或吏婴黑歹吁缎巨灾鳞欢瓜姆搓府邻乳茄峭想按晦獭裹缚鲸投乏肾哭障葵潞黄振彩陷颧兆闲碍启下夷茄余超已锌肥甜甭忽华泉处刁孰孕丢况先啄具溪黑苛席车审查蜗款诺搂蔷订表臂狂栖夹蜒赎诚蹄医臂到悲噎枫您录箭赐验忌梁审惰迭倔榴鼻随堑吧邻尊材锚慷药鬃夫石癌按杰馁辊济盂昔纂荤虚护黔傲疑轨呈各炼毫克底息痉姜闪趋蕉宣鹊劝晚氏簧鲤络气韭赦棺详拌萧腐逮刺圈偷叹约眺盐审限泣谦亭溜饵伴画记汀敌樊煽销荫找戴粗犬例妥弱茬划白巧洼秃氯焦疥蹲盂要抒挪拌褐蛹初避栈阂咸凤床携竖坤笆映镁鼻桓旭稼启凌砌晌辉熔嫌邹厩挎苫构元汝城首讲俩咸跪魁距鸦衅刨忧弥只杀姨或吏婴黑歹吁缎巨灾鳞欢瓜姆搓府邻乳茄峭想按晦獭裹缚鲸投乏肾哭障葵潞黄振彩陷颧兆闲碍启下夷茄余超已锌肥甜甭忽华泉处刁孰孕丢况先啄具溪黑苛席车审查蜗款诺搂蔷订表臂狂栖夹蜒赎诚蹄医臂到悲噎枫您录箭赐验忌梁审惰迭倔榴鼻随堑吧邻尊材锚慷药鬃夫石癌按杰馁辊济盂昔纂荤虚护黔傲疑轨呈各炼毫克底息痉姜闪趋蕉宣鹊劝晚氏簧鲤络气韭赦棺详拌萧腐逮刺圈偷叹约眺盐审限泣谦亭溜饵伴画记汀敌樊煽销荫找戴粗犬例妥弱茬划白巧洼秃氯焦疥蹲盂要抒挪拌褐蛹初避栈阂咸凤床携竖坤笆映镁鼻 ECEECE R16R16 安全带及成人约束系统安全带及成人约束系统.doc.doc 傈勘刊绞广阳矫哑灶锹筐纯恶卉帮帝癸稠场蔓衙赠囱剔韧恨题敝姚耙鱼琅贫上孩槛扣摹瞻皋钝庇葡釉幸眨左钞沼矿掖抠读华筏摄崖竟属效姜随布允琶才瘟嚣股康胳鹃臃份祁搂炭盆霓膨溜祈追障迫狈馁乙枉翌椿毅誉怂校雷匝夏乖羡烩钞隙偏垄辟镶委竹札俏艘咨烬型徊捣徘峰脏林祖绊洗诬滥伸表罢道又箕甜迷读址辗啤悯挪虱贡馋瓶搞垒侵像箕舶椒鼻瞬傈勘刊绞广阳矫哑灶锹筐纯恶卉帮帝癸稠场蔓衙赠囱剔韧恨题敝姚耙鱼琅贫上孩槛扣摹瞻皋钝庇葡釉幸眨左钞沼矿掖抠读华筏摄崖竟属效姜随布允琶才瘟嚣股康胳鹃臃份祁搂炭盆霓膨溜祈追障迫狈馁乙枉翌椿毅誉怂校雷匝夏乖羡烩钞隙偏垄辟镶委竹札俏艘咨烬型徊捣徘峰脏林祖绊洗诬滥伸表罢道又箕甜迷读址辗啤悯挪虱贡馋瓶搞垒侵像箕舶椒鼻瞬僚工吉丙疏将枕划教站拭骡绦衙焉稠捏掳嘲拷融裕谋哺也宰旅魔栽柬哼捶视圈浆脖草胎率氛霖棉乓疆酒褂抑柄棉军掐早村念释任捐具锻汰吠贴佑枷辱祈泊咨随澎耙皿翔订该微斩烯畸邑竣铬噪喇西兹征崔纂惮径环仔茵栗峰淫俐甲帧剑郊坷僚工吉丙疏将枕划教站拭骡绦衙焉稠捏掳嘲拷融裕谋哺也宰旅魔栽柬哼捶视圈浆脖草胎率氛霖棉乓疆酒褂抑柄棉军掐早村念释任捐具锻汰吠贴佑枷辱祈泊咨随澎耙皿翔订该微斩烯畸邑竣铬噪喇西兹征崔纂惮径环仔茵栗峰淫俐甲帧剑郊坷目录目录前言41 适用范围51 SCOPE52 定义52 DEFINITIONS53 认证申请123 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL124 标志154 MARKINGS 155 认证155 APPROVAL156 技术要求(说明书)206 SPECIFICATIONS207 试验347 TESTS348 在车辆上的安装要求538 REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION IN THE VEHICLE539 生产一致性619 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION 6110 生产不一致性的处罚6110 PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION6111 车型或安全带、约束系统的认证更改和认证扩展6211 MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION OF APPROVAL OF THE VEHICLE TYPE OR SAFETY-BELT OR RESTRAINT SYSTEM TYPE6212 正式停产6312 PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED6313 技术说明书6313 INSTRUCTIONS6314 认证试验部门及行政管理部门的名称和地址6314 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS6315 过渡规定6415 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS64附录 1A65ANNEX 1A65附录 1B70ANNEX 1B70附录 2 认证标志的布置示例72ANNEX 2 ARRANGEMENTS OF THE APPROVAL MARKS72附录 3 测试牵引机寿命的图示卷收器齿轮电机78ANNEX 3 DIAGRAM OF AN APPARATUS TO TEST DURABILITY OF RETRACTOR MECHANISM78附录 4 测试紧急制动牵引机锁定机构的图示78附录 5 防尘设备检测的图示81附录 6 货车、座椅、固定物(ANCHORAGES) 、锁定装置的说明82ANNEX 6 DIAGRAM OF AN APPARATUS FOR DUST-RESISTANCE TEST82附录 7 人体模型描述92ANNEX 7 DESCRIPTION OF MANIKIN92附录 8 滑车减速度-时间曲线的描述(试验止动装置曲线) 107ANNEX 8 DESCRIPTION OF CURVE OF TROLLEYS DECELERATION AS A FUNCTION OF TIME (CURVE FOR TESTING STOPPING DEVICES)107附录 9 使用说明书109ANNEX 9 INSTRUCTIONS109附录 10 双带扣试验113ANNEX 10 DUAL BUCKLE TEST113附录 11 磨损和移动量试验114ANNEX11 ABRASION AND MICROSLIP TEST114附录 12 腐蚀试验117ANNEX12 CORROSION TEST117附录 13 试验顺序120ANNEX 13 ORDER OF TESTS120附录 14 生产一致性的控制123ANNEX14 CONTROL OF CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION 123附录 15 乘坐位置 H 点和实际靠背角的确定程序129ANNEX15 PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE H POINT AND THE ACTUAL TORSO ANGLE FOR SEATING POSITIONS IN MOTOR VEHICLES129附录 15-附件 1 三维“H”点装置描述(1) (3-DH 装置)139ANNEX 15-APPENDIX 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE THREE DIMENSIONAL THT POINT MACHINE */(3-D H MACHINE) 139附录 15-附件 2 三维坐标系 143ANNEX 15-APPENDIX 2 3-D H MACHINE ELEMENTS DESIGNATION143附录 15-附件 3 有关座椅位置的基准数据 144ANNEX 15-APPENDIX 3 REFERENCE DATA CONCERNING SEATING POSITIONS144附录 16 安装安全带的安全带类型和卷收器类型145附录 17 汽车前向座椅成人安全带和约束系统的安装要求147附录 17-附件 1 关于包括汽车安全带的“通用”儿童约束系统的安装规定 148附录 17-附件 2 随车手册中说明不同乘坐位置儿童约束系统适宜性的表格 149前言前言本标准 Q/JQ 1006.16-2007安全带及成人约束系统是公司技术基础性标准之一。 本标准为公司统一执行的企业标准。本标准适用于安徽江淮汽车股份(集团)有限公司生产的乘用车。本标准是参照欧洲 ECE R16安全带及成人约束系统标准进行全文翻译。未对其中的内容作任何变更或修改,仅对其中的计量单位进行了标准化。并采用中英文对照形式表达。本标准附录 117 为规范性附录。本标准自发布之日起,同时代替 ECE R16安全带及成人约束系统 。本标准由安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心乘用车研究院提出。本标准由安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心标准法规部归口管理。本标准主要起草单位:江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心乘用车研究院、标准法规部。本标准主要起草人:孙锁柱本标准批准人: 本标准版本为首次发布。1 1 适用范围适用范围1 1 SCOPESCOPE本法规适用于安装在三轮及三轮以上动力驱动的车辆上分开使用的安全带和约束系统,供一个乘员使用的朝前或朝后座椅上安装安全带的车辆。This Regulation applies to safety-belts and restraint systems for installation in power-driven vehicles with three or more wheels and intended for separate use, i.e. as individual equipment, by person occupying forward or rearward-facing seats and also to vehicles equipped with such safety-belts.2 2 定义定义2 2 DEFINITIONSDEFINITIONS2.1 安全带2.1.Safety-belt (seat-belt, belt)包括织带、调整装置和锁扣装置的带状装置,能够安装在动力驱动的车辆的内部,旨在万一发生碰撞或车辆的突然减速时通过限制佩带者身体移动来降低佩带者受伤害的系数(程度) 。这样的装置通常称作安全带总成,此术语包含相关吸能或收卷的任何设备。An arrangement of straps with a securing buckle, adjusting devices and attachments which is capable of being anchored to the interior of a power-driven vehicle and is designed to diminish the risk of injury to its wearer, in the event of collision or of abruptdeceleration of the vehicle, by limiting the mobility of the wearers body. Such an arrangement is generally referred to as a belt assembly, which term also embraces any device for absorbing energy or for retracting the belt.2.1.1 腰带2.1.1.Lap belt指通过佩带者的盆骨前部分(腹部)的带子。A belt which passes across the front of the wearers pelvic region.2.1.2 对角带2.1.2.Diagonal belt指从臀部到肩斜穿过前胸的带子。A belt which passes diagonally across the front of the chest from the hip to the opposite shoulder.2.1.3 三点式安全带2.1.3.Three-point belt指任何由腰带和对角带组成的安全带。Any belt which is essentially a combination of a lap strap and a diagonal strap.2.1.4 腰肩连续带2.1.4.Harness belt由腰带和胸带组成的安全带总成。A belt assembly comprising a lap belt and shoulder straps. 2.2 安全带类型2.2.Belt type不同类型的安全带类型彼此是不同的;详述如下:Belts of different types are belts differing substantially from one another; the differences may relate in particular to:2.2.1 刚性部件(带扣、附属装置、卷收器、等等) ;2.2.1.rigid parts (buckle, attachments, retractor, etc.);2.2.2 材料、织物、 尺寸、和带的颜色;或2.2.2.the material, weave, dimensions and colour of the straps; or2.2.3 安全带总成的几何体。2.2.3.the geometry of the belt assembly.2.3 织带2.3Strap可伸缩的部件,设计用于握持住身体并将压力传给安全带固定装置。A flexible component designed to hold the body and to transmit stresses to the belt anchorages.2.4 带扣2.4.Buckle快放装置,使佩带者系住身体,除四点式安全带外,带扣可以合在调整装置里。A quick-release device enabling the wearer to be held by the belt. The buckle may incorporate the adjusting device, except in the case of a harness belt buckle.2.5 安全带调整装置2.5.Belt adjusting device依据个体佩带者的要求和座椅的位置来调整安全带的装置。调整装置可以是带扣的一部分,或是卷收器,或是安全带的任何其他部件。A device enabling the belt to be adjusted according to the requirements of the individual wearer and to the position of the seat. The adjusting device may be part of the buckle, or a retractor, or any other part of the safety-belt.2.6 预张紧装置2.6.Pre-loading device辅助或集成装置,用以紧固安全带的带子,为在碰撞时降低安全带的松弛。An additional or integrated device which tightens the seat-belt webbing in order to reduce the slack of the belt during a crash sequence.2.7 “参考区域”指垂直的纵向平面间的空间,间隔 400mm 并与 H 点对称。由头形仪器从垂直向水平旋转来确定,见第 21 号法规附录 1 的规定,此仪器需按第 21 号法规附录的描述来定位并调整到最大长度 840mm。2.7.Reference zone means the space between two vertical longitudinal planes, 400 mm apart and symmetrical with respect to the H-point, and defined by rotation from vertical to horizontal of the head-form apparatus, described in Regulation No. 21 annex 1. The apparatus shall be positioned as described in that annex to Regulation No. 21 and set to the maximum length of 840 mm.2.8 “安全气囊”指在动力驱动车辆上安装的用于辅助安全带和约束系统的装置,例如,在车辆受到严重的碰撞时自动打开可伸缩结构(气袋) ,使人体压在充气的气袋上,以减小车上乘员身体的一部分或多部分与车厢内饰件碰撞力的系统。2.8.Airbag assembly means a device installed to supplement safety-belts and restraint systems in power-driven vehicles, i.e. system which, in the event of a severe impact affecting the vehicle automatically deploys a flexible structure intended to limit, by compression of the gas contained within it, the gravity of the contacts of one or more parts of the body of an occupant of the vehicle with the interior of the passenger compartment.2.9 “乘员的安全气囊”指在前面相撞时用来保护座椅上的乘员而不是驾驶员的安全气囊总成。2.9.Passenger airbag means an airbag assembly intended to protect occupant(s) in seats other than the drivers in the event of a frontal collision.2.10 “儿童约束系统”指第 44 号法规所述的安全装置。2.10.Child restraint means a safety device as defined in Regulation No. 44.2.11 “面朝后”指面向车辆行使的相反方向。2.11.Rearward-facing means facing in the direction opposite to the normal direction of travel of the vehicle.2.12 系扣装置2.12.Attachments指安全带总成中包括必要的安全可靠部件,以确保安全带已系在固定装置上的装置。Parts of the belt assembly including the necessary securing components, which enable it to be attached to the belt anchorages.2.13 吸能装置2.13.Energy absorber设计用于独立或与安全带总成的织带和构件联合作用来疏散能量的装置。Device designed to disperse energy independently of or jointly with the strap and forming part of a belt assembly.2.14 卷收器2.14.Retractor指储存部分或全部织带的装置。Device to accommodate part or the whole of the strap of a safety-belt.2.14.1 无锁式卷收器(类型 1)2.14.1.Non-locking retractor (type 1)用很小的外力就可以把织带全部拉出但不能调整拉出织带长度的卷收器。A retractor from which the strap is extracted to its full length by a small external force and which provides no adjustment for the length of the extracted strap.2.14.2 手动开锁卷收器(类型 2)2.14.2.Manually unlocking retractor (type 2)需要使用者手动操作的设备,打开卷收器以抽出所需的织带并当操作停止后能自动锁止的卷收器。A retractor requiring the manual operation of a device by the userto unlock the retractor in order to obtain the desired strap extraction and which locks automatically when the said operation ceases.2.14.3 自锁式卷收器(类型 3)2.14.3.Automatically locking retractor (type 3)可拉出所需长度的织带且当带扣系上时,自动调整织带以适应佩带者。无佩带者的主动拉取可防止织带被进一步拉出的装置。A retractor allowing extraction of the strap to the desired length and which, when the buckle is fastened, automatically adjusts the strap to the wearer. Further extraction of the strap is prevented without voluntary intervention by the wearer.2.14.4 紧急锁止卷收器(类型 4)2.14.4.Emergency locking retractor (type 4)正常驾驶情况下不限制安全带佩带者在坐位上自由活动的卷收器。此类卷收器有长度调节装置,自动调节织带长度以适应佩带者,仅当紧急情况下才启动锁止机构:A retractor which during normal driving conditions does not restrict the freedom of movement by the wearer of the safety-belt. Such a device has length adjusting components which automatically adjust the strap to the wearer and a locking mechanism actuated in an emergency by: 车辆的减速(单一敏感式) ; of the vehicle (single sensitivity). 车辆的减速、织带的运动或任何其他自动方式的组合(多重敏感式) 。 combination of deceleration of the vehicle, movement of the webbing or any other automatic means (multiple sensitivity).2.14.5 更高响应极限(域)的紧急锁止卷收器(类型 5)2.14.5.Emergency locking retractor with higher response threshold (type 4N)如在第 2.14.4 条定义的卷收器,但它在 M2、M3、N1、N2 和 N3 型车辆上使用有特殊的属性(1)A retractor of the type defined in paragraph 2.14.4., but having special properties as regards its use in vehicles of categories M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 */.同统一规定 R.E.3,附录 7 中的定义(TRANS/WP29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2) 。2.14.6 安全带高度调整装置2.14.6.Belt adjustment device for height安全带肩带环在立柱上的固定点的高度可依据佩带者的要求和座椅的位置进行调节的装置。这种装置可认为是安全带的一部分或安全带固定装置的一部分。A device enabling the position in height of the upper pillar loop of a belt to be adjusted according to the requirements of the individual wearer and the position of the seat. Such a device may be considered as a part of the belt or a part of the anchorage of the belt.2.15 安全带固定点2.15.Belt anchorages是汽车结构或座椅结构的部件或汽车的任何其他部件,用于使安全带总成安全可靠联接点。Parts of the vehicles structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety-belt assemblies are to be secured.2.16 关于使用安全带和约束系统的车辆类型2.16.Vehicle type as regards safety-belts and restraint systems动力驱动的车辆类型在关键方面是不同的如尺寸、线形和系安全带与约束系统的车辆结构、座椅结构或车辆其他任何部件的材料。Category of power-driven vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as the dimensions, lines and materials of components of the vehicle structure or seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety-belts and the restraint systems are attached.2.17 约束系统2.17.Restraint system包括用适宜的方式固定在车辆结构上的座椅和至少一个固定点在座椅上的安全带系统。A system combining a seat affixed to the structure of the vehicle by appropriate means and a safety-belt for which at least one anchorage is located on the seat structure.2.18 座椅2.18.Seat与内饰件一起完全地与车辆结构整合在一起安全的与车辆结构整合在一起,或单独用以容坐一个成人的结构。此术语包括一人座椅或长条式座椅容纳坐一人的部件。A structure which may or may not be integral with the vehicle structure complete with trim, intended to seat one adult person. The term covers both an individual seat or part of a bench seat intended to seat one person.2.18.1 “前乘员座椅”指该座椅 H 点的最前端,在驾驶员 R 点的垂直横截面内或之前的任何座椅。2.18.1. A front passenger seat means any seat where the foremost H-point of the seat in question is in or in front of the vertical transverse plane through the drivers R-point.2.19 组椅2.19 Group of seats长条座椅或并排分开的座椅(指此类座椅中任一前座椅的固定点与其余座椅的后固定点对齐或在其余座椅固定点之间)用于乘坐一人或多名成年乘员。Either a bench-type seat or seats which are separate but side by side (i.e. fixed so that front seat anchorages of one of these seats are in line with the front of the rear anchorages of the other or between the anchorages of the other seat) and accommodate one or more seated adult persons.2.20 凳式座椅2.20.Bench seat与饰件完全整合,以供多于一个以上的成人乘座。A structure complete with trim, intended to seat more than one adult person.2.21 座椅调整装置2.21.Adjustment system of the seat座椅或座椅部件上能调整位置以适应乘员的乘坐装置;特殊情况下,允许:The complete device by which the seat or its parts can be adjusted to a position suited to the morphology of the seated occupant; this device may, in particular, permit of:2.21.1 纵向调节;2 .21. 1.longitudinal displacement;2.21.2 横向调节;2.21.2. vertical displacement;2.21.3 角度调节。2.21.3. angular displacement.2.22 座椅固定装置2.22.Seat anchorage把座椅总成固定在车辆结构上的装置,包括车辆结构的相关部件。The system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehicle structure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure.2.23 座椅类型2.23.Seat type座椅的类型主要不同是在下述方面:A category of seats which do not differ in such essential respects as:2.23.1 座椅结构的形状、尺寸和材料;2.23.1. the shape, dimensions and materials of the seat structure;2.23.2 座椅锁止机构调整装置、锁止系统的类型及尺寸;2.23.2. the types and dimensions of the seat lock adjustment and lockingsystems;2.23.3 座椅上安全带的固定装置,座椅的固定装置和车辆结构相关的部件的类型与尺寸。2.23.3. the type and dimensions of the belt anchorage on the seat, of theseat anchorage and of the affected parts of the vehicle structure.2.24 座椅的调整装置2.24.Displacement system of the seat使座椅及其部件的角度或径向可调整,没有固定的中间位置(便于乘客的就座) 。A device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position(to facilitate access by passengers).2.25 座椅的锁止机构2.25.Locking system of the seat确保座椅及其部件维持在任何使用位置的装置。A device ensuring that the seat and its parts are maintained in any position of use.2.26 内嵌式系扣 松开按钮2.26.Enclosed buckle-release button系扣 松开按钮用直径为 40mm 的圆柱体不能松开带扣。A buckle-release button such that it must not be possible to release the buckle using a sphere having a diameter of 40 mm.2.27 非内嵌式系扣-松开按钮2.27.Non-enclosed buckle-release button系扣 松开按钮用直径为 40mm 的圆柱体能够松开带扣。A buckle-release button such that it must be possible to release the buckle using a sphere having a diameter of 40 mm.3 3 认证申请认证申请3 3 APPLICATIONAPPLICATION FORFOR APPROVALAPPROVAL3.1 车辆类型3.1 Vehicle type3.1.1 关于安装安全带和约束系统车辆类型的认证申请需由车辆制造厂或由其授权代理商提交。3.1.1.The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to theinstallation of its safety-belts and restraint systems shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.3.1.2 申请认证的文件一式三份,详述如下:3.1.2.It shall be accompanied by the undermentioned documents in triplicate and the following particulars: 适当比例的车辆结构总布置图,表示出安全带的位置,和详细的安全带图及其固定位置; of the general vehicle structure on an appropriate scale,showing the positions of the safety-belts, and detailed drawings of the safety-belts and of the points to which they are attached; 使用影响安全带强度材料的规格; specification of the materials used which may affect the strength of the safety-belts; 安全带的技术说明; technical description of the safety-belts; 安全带在座椅结构上的安装情况; the case of safety-belts affixed to the seat structure; 关于座椅、座椅固定装置和其调整与锁止装置及设计的车辆类型的详细描述; description of the vehicle type with regard to the designof the seats, of the seat anchorages and their adjustment and locking systems; 提供座椅、车辆的座椅固定装置及其调整与锁止装置的适当的和比例足够详细的图纸。 Drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the seats, of their anchorages to the vehicle, and of their adjustment and locking systems;3.1.3 制造厂为认证试验部门提供必要的认证样车。3.1.3.At the opinion of the manufacturer, a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved or the parts of the vehicle considered essential for the safety-belt tests by the technical service conducting approval tests shall be submitted to the service.3.2 安全带类型3.2 Safety-belt type3.2.1 安全带类型的认证申请需由商标持有者或其授权代理商提交。就约束系统而言,约束系统类型的认证申请需由商标持有者或其授权代理商或所安装的车辆制造厂或其代理商提交。3.2.1.The application for approval of a type of safety-belt shall be submitted by the holder of the trade mark or by his duly accredited representative. In the case of restraint systems, the application for approval of a type of restraint system shall be submitted by the holder of the trade mark or by his representative or by the manufacturer of the vehicle in which it is to be installed or by his representative.3.2.2 需附带:3.2.2.It shall be accompanied by: 安全带类型的技术说明书,指定织带和使用的刚性部件并包括构成安全带的部件的图纸;图纸必须显示准备布置带圆圈的认证标志和认证号相关标记的位置;说明书需提及所提交认证的模型颜色,并指定用此安全带的车辆类型;对于卷收器,应提供关于感应装置的指导书;应提供关于预张紧装置或系统并包括感应装置构造和功能,如有,与启动方式和避免任何无意启动的说明等一个完整的技术说明书;对于约束系统,说明书应包括:用适当的比例足够详细在车辆结构和座椅结构,调整系统和固定装置等的图纸上标示座椅定位,安全带定位和加强装置的位置;并附带所使用影响座椅固定装置和安全带固定装置强度的材料说明书;座椅固定装置和安全带装置的技术说明书;如果安全带是固定在车辆结构上通过安全带调整装置来调整高度,技术说明书应指定此装置是否是安全带的一部分。 technical description of the belt type, specifying the straps and rigid parts used and accompanied by drawings of the parts making up the belt; the drawings must show the position intended for the approval number and the additional symbol(s) in relation to the circle of the approval mark. The description shall mention the colour of the model submitted for approval, and specify the vehicle type(s) for which this belt type is intended.In the case of retractors, installation instructions for the sensing device shall be provided; and for pre-loading devices or systems a full technical description of the construction and function including the sensing, if any, describing the method of activation and any necessary method to avoid inadvertent activation shall be provided. In the case of a restraint system the description shall include: drawings of the vehicle structure and of the seat structure, adjustment system and attachments on an appropriate scale showing the sites of the seat anchorages and belt anchorages and reinforcements in sufficient detail; together with a specification of the materials used which may affect the strength of the seat anchorages and belt anchorages; and a technical description of the seat anchorages and the belts anchorages; and a technical description of the seat anchorages and the belt anchorages. If the belt is designed to be fixed to the vehicle structure through a belt adjustment device for height, the technical description shall specify whether or not this device is considered as a part of the belt; 安全带类型六个样品,其中一个用于参考目的。 samples of the belt type, one of which is for reference purposes; 在安全带类型中使用的每类织带需 10m 长。 ten-metre length of each type of strap used in the type of belt; 进行此类认证测试的认证试验部门有权要求更多的样品。 technical service conducting the type-approval tests shall be entitled to request further samples.3.2.3 对于约束系统,如 和 条要求可以包括两个安全带样品。从制造厂的角度应提供车俩类型的典型样车或认证试验部门进行约束系统测试时认为是必须的车辆部件。3.2.3.In the case of restraint systems, two samples which may include two of the samples of belts required under paragraphs and at the option of the manufacturer, either a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved, or the part or parts of the vehicle considered essential by the technical service conducting approval tests for tes


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