【冀教版】七年级上册:Unit 7Days and MonthsLessons 41、42导学案精修版

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冀教版英语精品资料(精修版) Lesson41:Holidays备课时间:2012.12.2 主备人: 集体备课:七年级英语教师 审核签字_ 教学目标:1.掌握本课出现的新单词:present, international, national, festival, usually, during,mountain climb2.掌握本课出现的新句型:(1) Happy New Year! (2)What do you like to do on holidays? I like to do.3.熟读课文并能掌握中国一些节日的表达。课前预习:1. 掌握本课出现的新单词和新句型。2. 熟读课文内容,掌握中国一些节日名称的表达。课内检测教师根据自己的需要检查单词和词组的背诵情况。合作探究1 小组讨论中国有哪些传统节日并且完成课后练习第一题。(P107)2 熟读课文后,练习下列新句型。1. What do you like to do on holidays/ weekends/ New Years Day? I like to.三1.归纳总结present的不同用法。birthday present_ present his report_2. 归纳总结学过的节日。国际劳动节_ 春节_ 国庆节_国庆节_ 节礼节_ 圣诞节_ 教师节_儿童节_巩固练习:一. 翻译下列短语:1. 新年 _ 2. 国际劳动节_ 3. 春节_4. 国庆节_ 5. 圣诞节_6. get together with _7. play sports_8.看电影_9. 祝你好运_ 10 go mountain climbing _ 11.购物_二句型转换1. My birthday is onOctober 11th .(划线提问) your birthday?2. It is July 12 today .(划线提问) _ _ _ today? .3. It is Friday today .(划线提问) _ _ _ it today? .4. I like to go shopping .(划线提问) _ _you like to _?5. She likes to watch a movie on weekends.(一般疑问句) _ she _ to watch a movie on weekends?6. Happy New Year. (写出答语) _ _ _. / The _ to you!三单项选择。1.June 1 is _ . A.Children Day B. Childrens Day C. Childrens Day D. Childrens Day2.We eat dumplings _ the Springs Festival. A. at B. in C. about D. during3. My father _ to play sports on National Day. A. likes B. like C. to like D liking4. They are talking _ holidays in China now. A. in B. on C. to D. about5. International workers Day is _ May. A. in B. on C. during D. at6. She would like _ English classes. A. to have B. to has C. have D. has7. I like _ together with my families. A. to get B. get C. gets D.geting8.My family_ to the zoo on weekends. A. to go B. goes C. go D.going Lesson42:Happy Holidays!备课时间:2012.11.15 主备人: 集体备课:七年级英语教师 审核签字_ 教学目标:一掌握本课出现的新单词 : excited, beach, Australia, hope, yours二掌握本课出现的新句型:(1) I am so excited. (2) I hope to go to Australia and see Anne next Christmas.(3) Happy Holidays!课前预习:一掌握本课出现的新单词和新句型。课内检测一教师根据自己的需要检查单词和词组的背诵情况。合作探究1 熟读课文后,完成课后练习第二题。(P109)2 熟读课文,完成表格。Country Season Month AustraliaSummer month Canada 三小组讨论总结下面句子中划线词的意思和用法。1.(1) The news(新闻)is exciting. (2) I am so excited. _2. (1) I hope to see you. (2) I hope to have a beautiful present. _巩固练习:一根据汉语完成英语句子。1. I like to go to the b_.我喜欢去沙滩。 2. I h_ to go swimming.我希望去游泳。3. She is from A_.她来自澳大利亚。 4. They are so e_.他们太兴奋了。二单项选择。1. My father _ watch a movie with my mother. A. wants B. want to C. hopes to2. _ your brother _ sports? A.Does; likes B.Do; like C. Does; like D. Can; like3. She _ to go swimming. A. dont like B. doesnt like C. does not likes D. like4. She _ from Australia. A. comes B come C. coming D. are5. I hope _ to China. A. to go B. to goes C. go D. goes6. _ is the weather in Australia? A. How B. What C. Which D Where7. _day is it today? Its Monday. A. How B. What C. Which D. How old8. She is very _ to watch the _ movie. A. exciting; excited B.excited; exciting C.excite; exciting D.excited; excite8. 三句型转换 1.Its Wednesday today. (划线提问) _ _ is it today?2. How is the weather in spring?(改为同义句) the weather _ in spring?3. Jack comes from England.(划线提问) _ _ Jack come from?.4. Today is December 20.(划线提问) _ the _ today?5. I like to go swimming in summer. _do you like _ _ in summer?6. They like cold weather. (否定句) They _ like cold _.7. It is sunny today.(划线提问) _ _ the weather today?8. Do you often have fun in the park?(改为同义句)Do you often _ _ _ _in the park?


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