人教版高中英语同步练习:选修6 unit 1 period 1含答案

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精品资料Unit 1 Art Period 1 Warming Up,Prereading & Reading 课时精练(人教版选修6,课标通用)时间:45分钟.介、副词填空1Miss Song has faith _ Christ. 2Their research has concentrated _ a drug which can prevent the AIDS.3. When she wore that dress,Jane looked _ a princess.4. The pickpocket broke away _ the policeman who had been holding him.5Dangerous drugs were found _ her possession;therefore, she was arrested.6Ive seen the film scores _ times.7My remarks were not aimed _ you.8_ coincidence I will go too.let us go together.9_ one hand I have to work;_ the other hand I have many visitors to see. 10. She went to London _ the aim of finding a job.答案1.in2.on3.like4.from5.in6.of7.at8.By9.On;on10.with.单词拼写1To be honest,I prefer his_(雕塑) to his paintings.2We may often talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is_(抽象的)3He is taken ill,and_(结果) I cannot start.4The teacher has lost_(信心) in the naughty boy.5He thought what the child painted was_(荒谬的)6He made an_(企图)to escape from being punished.7The topic of argument is_(具有争议的)8Sometimes earthquakes cant be_(预测)9Modern education should_(采用) advanced teaching techniques.10Their_(目标) is to buy a villa of their own in 2 years.答案1.sculptures2.abstract3.consequently4.faith5ridiculous6.attempt7.controversial8.predicted9.adopt10. aim.翻译与仿写1What would you rather dopaint pictures, make sculptures, or design buildings?翻译_仿写今晚我宁愿呆在家中读点书。_2Consequently, this text will describe only the most important starting from the sixth century AD.翻译_仿写我的车坏了,因此我迟到了。_3People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.翻译_仿写安静点让我集中精力做作业。_4Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?翻译_仿写报纸预言戴维斯将会再次当选。_5When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene.翻译_仿写我尽力让他们相信我是清白的。_答案1.你更愿意干什么绘画、雕塑还是设计建筑物?I would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening.2因此,本文只谈及公元6世纪以来的最主要的几种艺术风格。My car broke down and consequently I was late.3人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。Be quietlet me concentrate on my homework.4谁能预言将来会有什么样的绘画艺术风格?Newspapers predicted that Davis would be reelected.5当人们第一次看到他的画时,还以为是透过墙上的小洞来观看真实的场景,并对此深信不疑。I tried to convince them of my innocence.语篇填词The styles in western art have changed many times. Art is influenced by the customs and_1_of a people.During the Middle Ages, the main _2_of painters was to _3_religious themes and paintings from this period were full of religious symbols. In the Renaissance, people began to concentrate less on religious themes and _4_a more humanistic attitude to life.In the late 19th century, Europe changed _5_. Naturally these changes led to new painting styles.The _6_were the first painters to work outdoors. They wanted to show how light and _7_fell on objects at different times of day. Nowadays, some modern art is _8_and some is _9_. Who can_10_what painting styles there will be in the future?答案1.faith2.aim3.represent4.adopt5.a great deal6.impressionists7.shadow8.abstract9.realistic10predict.单项填空1Her idea seems very_, so we dont understand it.(2013延边高二检测)Aconventional Babstract Cevident Dsuperb答案B句意:她的观点看上去非常的抽象,因此我们都不理解它。conventional传统的;abstract抽象的;evident明显的; superb极好的。 2Do you feel like_there or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk, but since there isnt much time left, Id rather we_a taxi. (2013海宁高二检测)Ato walk;take Bwalking;tookCto walk;took Dwalking;take答案B考查would rather的用法。 句意:你想步行去那儿还是乘公交车?我愿意步行,但是既然时间紧张,我们还是搭出租车吧。feel like doing想要做某事; would rather sb did sth宁愿某人做某事。故选B项。 3Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first_.Aintention Battempt Cpurpose Ddesire答案B考查词义辨析。句意:雪莉为生物考试进行了充分准备,以便可以一次通过。at ones first attempt是固定搭配,意为“初次尝试”。intention“意图;打算”;purpose“目的”。desire“愿望,渴望”都没有此搭配。4He worked hard after graduation,_an excellent teacher.Aaimed at becoming Baiming in becomingCaiming in becoming Daiming to become答案D考查aim用法。句意:他毕业后努力工作,立志成为一名优秀的教师。根据语境分析这儿应用非谓语动词作状语。 因为aim与he之间是主动关系,故排除表被动的A项。aim可接不定式或at doing,但不与in搭配,排除B项。另外aim也不能直接加doing,排除C项。 aim to do意为“以为目标;为而努力”。故选D项。5The young man made a_to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.Aprediction Bpromise Cplan Dcontribution答案B考查词语辨析。句意:这个年轻人对他的父母承诺毕业以后他要独立,短语搭配make a promise“承诺”,符合题意。prediction“预测;预言”;plan“计划”;contribution“贡献”。6Mr.Smith is watching NBA now.It is_of him to slip out of the office to watch the NBA finals during the final season.Anormal Bordinary Ccommon D. typical答案D考查形容词辨析。句意:史密斯先生在看NBA。他一向在NBA决赛的时候溜出办公室去看比赛。It is typical of sb to do sth某人一向。normal“正常的”;ordinary“普通的”;common“常见的”。故选D项。7It rained that day and_the basketball game was called off.Ahowever BstillCthough Dconsequently答案D考查词语辨析。句意:那天下雨,因此篮球赛被取消了。consequently“因此”符合语境。however可是;still“仍然”;though“虽然”。8Oh,Tom!You have made mistakes again.Sorry.How I wish I had_measures Mr.Smith suggested to be more careful.Aadapted Brevised Cadopted Dadjusted答案C考查动词词义。句意:Tom,你又犯错了。抱歉,我多希望我采用了Smith先生所建议的措施,更细心点啊!adopt采用;adapt适应;revise修订,校订;adjust调整。结合语境,C项为正确答案。9Anyone who is in_of weapons without permission is considered law breaking.Acommand Bcontrol Ccharge Dpossession答案D句意:不经过许可拥有枪支的任何人都被视为犯法。in command of,in charge of和in control of意为“掌管,负责”;in possession of意为“拥有”。10I happened to meet Mr. Smith on my way home yesterday evening.What a_.(2013延边高二检测)Acoincidence B. chance Cthing D. Time答案A句意:昨天晚上在回家的路上我恰巧遇到了史密斯先生。多么巧啊!coincidence巧合(的事);chance机会;thing事情;time时间。故选A项。11It is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own_,which follows everywhere you go when there is light.Ashade Bshadow Cfigure Dsculpture答案B考查词义辨析。句意:你居然害怕自己的影子,这太可笑了,因为只要有光它就会随时跟着你。shadow“影子”;shade“阴凉处”;figure“人物;数字”;sculpture“雕塑”。12How do you like his new movie?It is_boring than I expected.Aa great deal much Ba great deal of moreCa great deal of much Da great deal more答案D考查短语辨析。根据语境“比我预计的无聊得多”可知应用比较级。排除A、C两项。a great deal用作副词,修饰动词或形容词和副词的比较级时不加of。故选D项。13The girl_to figure out the boys attitude towards her but without success.Amanaged Bsucceeded Cattempted Dpredicted答案C考查词义辨析。句意:那个女孩试图弄清那个男生对她的态度,不过没有成功。attempt“尝试”符合语境。manage“设法做到”;succeed“成功”; predict“预计”。14Cloning humans has been_in the science world for many years and it is likely that it will continue to be.(2013嘉兴检测)Aridiculous BcontemporaryCcontroversial Dconventional答案C考查形容词辨析。 句意:多年来,克隆人类在科学界一直而且将继续是有争议的。A项“荒谬的”;B项“当代的”;D项“传统的”。C项“有争议的”符合语境,故选C项。15On the one hand, we should develop our economy,_we should protect the environment.(2013昆明高二检测)Aon the other hand Bhand in handCon the contrary Dby hand答案A考查短语辨析。句意:一方面,我们要发展经济,另一方面,我们应该保护环境。B项hand in hand“手拉手”;C项“相反的”;D项“用手工的”。A项on the other hand表示“另一方面”,符合语境,故选A项。.完形填空Gordon Summer is a very goodlooking man admired by millions and so rich that he can afford all he could ever wish for._1_known as Sting, hes the lead singer of The Police.Suddenly Sting has become a _2_ .“I cant walk down a street any more without feeling that people are_3_me,”he says.“When Im not working,all I want to do is to be a_4_person.I make a point of walking round the street, just being_5_.”He and Frances bought the house in_6_when Sting returned from The Polices highly successful world tour.“I picked Ireland because, apart from being_7_,you can stay in touch with England while_8_life at a slower pace!”He also has Irish ancestry(祖先)and an Irish_9_,Frances,a wellaccepted actress.Sting is very much a man_10_the eighties:“Frances_11_to be considered as only my wife, which Im_12_about. She has her own_13_.Shes ambitious(雄心勃勃的)and clever, but she has never let it affect her. Its_14_been that way.When we got married and had Joseph,”explains Sting,“we both agreed that being_15_was not going to affect our work.”A fixed_16_life is clearly important to Sting. It remains the one constant factor in a world that has changed completely for him since he_17_a job in teaching for the music business. Sting loved_18_,but could not help playing in bands. So he tried to_19_both, teaching by day, playing by night. It left him so_20_that he knew he had to choose one or the other.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了超级巨星Gordon Summer的生活。1A.Hardly BBetter CMore DLess答案BGordon Summer更为人所知的名字是艺名 Sting; well known as“作为而著名”,其比较级是better known。2A.superstar Bteacher Csinger D. player答案ASting作为主唱歌手突然之间成了超级巨星。3A.following Bcalling Cwatching Dwaving答案C此句意为“我每次上街都感觉有人在看着我。”名人嘛,当然会被公众所注视。4A.famous Brich Cnormal Dpoor答案C而我却只想当一个普通的人,过正常人的生活。5A.myself Bhimself Courselves Dthemselves答案A此处用myself,说明Gordon Summer想恢复正常人的生活。6A.England BAmerica CScotland DIreland答案D根据下文可知选D。7A.near Bfar Cpleasant Dmountainous答案CGordon选中爱尔兰的原因,除了爱尔兰环境好之外,还能再享受节奏较慢的生活。8A.suffering Bleading Cprotecting Denjoying答案D根据上下文可知为享受着生活。9A.wife Bfriend Cpartner Dparent答案A由下文可知Frances是他的爱尔兰籍的妻子。10A.of Bin Cfor Dat答案Aa man of the eighties“一个80年代的人”。11A.agrees Basks Crefuses Dlikes答案C由下文可知Frances有自己的事业,她不愿在家做专职太太。12A.worried Bglad Cthankful Dangry答案B从下文可知夫妇两人都认为婚姻、家庭不能影响自己的工作,由此可推知Sting对妻子不愿做专职太太是支持的,是乐意的。13A.child Blife Cjob Dmind答案C根据下句可知她有自己的的工作。14A.seldom Bsometimes Crecently Dalways答案D情况一直是这样的。15A.parents Bsingers Cplayers Dteachers答案A结婚有了孩子就是“为人父母”。16A.singing Bfamily Cteaching Dplaying答案B此处说的应是稳固家庭生活对Sting很重要。17A.took up Bgave up Cpicked up Dput up答案B由下文可知Sting原来是从事教学工作的,现改行当了歌手。18A.working Btravelling Cchanging Dteaching答案D从上下文可知Sting是非常热爱教学工作的,所以他曾一度一边教学,一边唱歌。19A.make Bget Chave Ddo答案D她尽力做好两件事。20A.given out Bpicked outCdied out Dtired out答案D白天教学,晚上演出,使他感觉太辛苦,不得不择其一而为之。


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