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四川大学锦城学院教案【听说课程】课程名称大学英语-4授课专业财会班级财会A3班课程编号课程类型必修课校级公共课( );基础或专业基础课();专业课( )选修课限选课( );任选课( )授课方式课堂讲授();实践( )考核方式考试( );考查( )课程教学总学时数64学时学 分 数4.0 教材名称n 试听:21 世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程4(修订版) 复旦大学出版社 n 听说:大学体验英语听说教程4(第三版),李霄翔,高等教育出版社 n 精读:全新版大学英语综合教程4(第二版),李荫华,上海外语教育出版社n 泛读:大学英语阅读教程2(南方版),北京大学出版社n 快读:大学体验英语快速阅读3,高等教育出版社指定参考书1.朗文当代高级英语辞典外语教学与研究出版社2.英文字根字典外文出版社n 新概念英语4: 流利英语(新版),亚历山大,外语教学与研究出版社n Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读Level 4,布罗迪,华东师范大学出版社n 大学英语四六级晨读经典365(第2 版),Mark,石油工业出版社 星火四六级系列授课教师李朝职 称讲师单 位通识教育中心授课时间星期二 1-2节/ 星期四 3-4节第1页2 / 8四川大学锦城学院教案周 次第4周章 节名 称大学体验英语听说教程4(第三版) Unit4授 课方 式课堂讲授();实践课()教学时数共1课时时间分配Teaching Plan for Unit 4Teaching Aims: Students will be able to understand: 1. In this unit you will listen to excerpts about the responsibilities of women and the problems they encounter at home and at work. 2. You may be required to understand the polarization between housewives and career women. 3. You will also have an opportunity to talk about your choices between staying home and working outside. Teaching Contents: 1. Real World Listening Focus2. Interaction LinkTeaching Aids: 1. Multimedia facility and textbook2. Chalks and blackboard Teaching Methods: 1. Communicative method2. Task- driving3. Analysis and ExplanationImportant Points:1. Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context2. Understand the cultural background of the storyDifficult Points: 1. Understanding the theme of Family2. Appreciating features of spoken English as demonstrated in Unit 4第2页四川大学锦城学院教案周 次第4周章 节名 称Unit 4授 课方 式课堂讲授();实践课()教学时数1课时时间分配First period (45 mins)Teaching StepsStep 1: Lead -in (10 mins) Mrs. White, a full-time mother, and Daisy, a career woman, are debating on whether a woman should return to being a housewife or combine career and family. Can they agree with each other? What are their respective ideas? Step 2 Understanding (10 mins) SECRETS OF STRONG FAMILIES A healthy family is a place we enter for comfort, development and regeneration; a place from which we go forth renewed and charged with power for positive living. But we have to admit that many families are splitting up because of various problems. What are the secrets of strong families? Step 3: Analyzing language points and cultural background related to Unit 4 (25 mins) RESPOND TO THE IDEAS 1. Would you like to be a housewife/househusband after you receive higher education? Why or why not? 2. Is it really possible for a woman to be the worlds best mother, wife and boss? Are women in China still striving for equality in work, education and political activities? Extension Discuss one or more of the situations below. Situation 1: Your best friend feels her life of being a housewife stressful. What should you do to comfort her? Situation 2: Your husbands business is prosperous. He wants you to stay home with children and household chores. Will you accept his proposal? Situation 3: Will you take the risk of being a househusband and marry a girl who is more capable than you? Situation 4: You have a yearly income of RMB 100,000 from your job. Will you give up your job just to take care of your children? 第3页四川大学锦城学院教案周 次第4周章 节名 称Unit 4授 课方 式课堂讲授();实践课()教学时数1课时时间分配BONUS QUESTION If you were a baby who could make a choice between a mother as a loving companion and a mother as a remote material sponsor, which one would you choose? Roles of Spouse housewife househusband career woman superwoman full-time mother single mother single parent stay-at-home mother bread-earner-in-chief homemaker Describing Problems in Family suffer from more financial hardship and social deprivation die prematurely lose ones social status bring up ones children afford nurseries or nannies feed the divorce rate destroy family life break apart end in divorce 第4页


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