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中文摘要体态语在英语教学中起着非常重要的作用,它是有声语言的辅助工具,协助有声语言向学生传递信息。因此它是不能忽视的。在本篇论文中,首先分析了体态语的含义、用法和特点;其次分别对仪表与风度、表情与眼神、手势与动作进行了较全面的阐述,并利用具体事例予以说明;最后总结全文。关键词 应用,体态语,英语教学ABSTRACTbody language is very important in English teaching. It is the auxiliary tool of sound language and transmits information to the students together with sound language. So it cant be overlooked. In this paper, first, it analyses the meaning, use and character. Second, it expounds some views about appearance and elegant demeanor, expressions and expressions in eyes, gestures and actions more comprehensively. Moreover, it shows some examples and explanations about the use in English teaching. At last, it shows the conclusion.Key Words: Use; Body language; English teachingThe Use Of Bady Language In English TeachingIntroductionAll the time, people only stress oral language and written language about learning English. However, they didnt stress body language. An American investigation shows: About transmitting feelings and ideas, over ninety per cent information need to depend on the tone and facial expressions to transmit it to others. On it we can find the importance of body language in English teaching and communication in life. 1 . The meaning, use and character of body languageBody language is silent language, its auxiliary tool of sound language. It is special language in teaching and education. Though it has no sound, it has special meaning and it transmits special information with sound language in communication. So the teacher mustnt neglect its uses. Body language usually means the teachers appearance, elegant demeanor, gesture, action, expressions and expressions in eyes. So for as the teacher is concerned, body language can make the students excited and arouse their feelings. It can stress some important questions, sentences and words so that it can impress their meaning better. Body language exists in visual image. It can make something sound interesting and look concrete. Then the students can understand and accept knowledge easily.When we cant express our ideas and feelings with sound language, we can use body language instead. At the moment, body language possesses additional function. Though it has no sound, it has enriched the expressions and feelings.In addition, body language can adjust atmosphere and enliven emotion. If the teacher is nervous restless and restless before the blackboard, the atmosphere in class can also change into silence. If the teacher is very bossy on the platform, the atmosphere can also change into silence so that the students produce against emotion. If the teacher is serious on the platform, then the atmosphere can change into serious, too. Opposite, if the teacher talks much with the students, the atmosphere can change active. So the active, natural, bad atmosphere can be made in class unless the teacher didnt use proper body language.So far as the teachers are concerned, body language has the use of enlightenment. Silent language cooperates with sound language naturally and they make the students accept much more information with visual listening. The students understand the teachers happy events and sad events by the teachers expressions and gestures. Certainly, it strengthen the influence of sound language and make the students elect their attention better and make the students understand the information by the teachers introduction with the enthusiastic and lovely atmosphere. The character of body language must be limited. It cant be free with the ideas or feelings. Body language can produce the use of language because of its special silent language corresponds with the special information what it transmits, the corresponding relation is agreed in public. For example, the gesture of standing, make two hands spread out, it means helpless; One hand is akimbo and the other hand is held up means look at me and I can do it; Bow your head and stood, two hands are put down and crossed, it means ashamed; It means proud by two hands cross on the chest. The meanings of these gestures are understood by common practice and everyone can understand them well, even they are used more generally than Esperanto. Of course, when the teacher uses body language, it must be on the basis of the teaching contents and according to teaching target. The teacher should according to his own personal character if he wants to invent new gestures. The second character of body language is close to life. The action mustnt be exaggerated and ashamed. It should be practiced in life. It must be natural and make the students believe you when you exchange your ideas, feelings and expressions in eyes with the students.Depending for existence is the third character of body language. First, body language must exist on the base of the character of the period, national psychology and region custom. Its not proper for someone to wear robe in the street now. Its not the youngs character for them to expose their neck and shoulders in China. In addition, when body language expresses ideas or feelings, it doesnt work isolated, its used as supplementary tool of sound language. So it isnt used isolated without language environment. It is limited by time and place, too. It must be used in the visible situation.To practice the skills of body language must be joined in sound language. The expressions and gestures must according to the contents what you express. It cooperates with sound language and you try your best to make it generous, natural, proper, close to life and in accord with period. Then it can show its advantage with sound language.2 . Appearance and elegant demeanorThe first impression that the teacher shows to the students is appearance and elegant demeanor as soon as he walks toward the platform. The first impression is very important, its the key to teach successfully. So we must attach great importance to it.Appearance includes looks, gestures and actions. Elegant demeanor includes someones ideas, sentiments, accomplishments and temperaments. In appearance and demeanor, looks and stature is material base. But looks and stature arent the same as appearance and elegant demeanor. Appearance and elegant demeanor what people feel is the unity of quality and action. It can be said that elegant demeanor temperament are more important than looks and stature. Ones looks and stature will be change with age and temperament will exist forever. Its boring for a man with good looks to act vulgar gestures. Opposite, though a man has common looks, he will fascinate others. Therefore, we can se a mans knowledge, interest even character from his appearance and elegant demeanor. However, in real life everyones ideas, sentiments, temperaments and accomplishment are different. So appearance and elegant demeanor are different. Every outstanding teacher has distinct individual character. Someone is natural unrestrained and steady; someone is ardent and firm; someone is confident; someone is humorous. Then how to acquire the beauty of appearance and elegant demeanor?2.1 Stress elegant demeanor, stress dress and personal adornment, purse the beauty of appearancePeople usually show their hobby and connoisseurship. When they design their appearance. There is a standard for the teacher. It demands the teacher to dress neatly, comfortable and coordinate the colors. Besides, it must be fit on their type of build, skin color, identity, occasion and age. The hair has the right length and the hair type is not strange. The glasses are fit on face. The beautiful appearance can make the teacher looks nice. It can produce attraction and show the students confidential sense. If the teachers clothes arent neat, the hair is dirty and confused, then the students will feel that their teacher is boring and theyll be attracted by this, even it will produce “destructive power to the students. Then how to dress the appearance? The teacher should choose the dress and adornment according to his stature. First, the teacher must know his type of body and skin color, no matter what he wears, they are all fit him. If the skin is blacker, he shouldnt choose light color; If the stature is tall and thin, he should wear the clothes with thin lines and mustnt wear long trousers; If the teacher is short and fat, he should be in heavy color and choose the clothes with straight lines.The young women should wear lovely and colorful clothes; The women in mid-life should choose quietly, like this she will be a handsome woman. No matter what she wears, she should keep graceful gestures and mustnt bend waist and bow back. For graceful and right postures can set off the beauty of appearance easily, it can make the teacher look more beautiful.It can remedy the shortcoming of the stature. For example, a girl with long torso and short legs will change the posture if she wears long dress, short coat and high-heeled shoes. Its good for a man with wide and fat shoulders, but its short of thin sense for a woman, she should choose the clothes with the shape like “V. It can make the shoulders look inclined and narrow and show thin sense to others so that it increases womens graceful bearing. If people with short stature wear tight clothing, their stature will look thin and tall. If people with narrow shoulders and long neck wear clothes with necktie and padding, the stature will reduce thin sense and strengthen the sense of strong and strength.Stress the collocation of the color in order to purse the beauty of appearance. Put the clothes with different colors together right and make them embellish each other so that it can be more beautiful. For example, black has the use of mediating colors and it is used most. Heavy red isnt usually fit on heavy green. Though theyre very beautiful, they arent harmonious. But if it is paired black rationally, it both keeps the character of bright- colored and makes the clothes look harmonious. White can set off other colors. The collocation of red and white makes red looks like fire; The collocation blue and white makes blue looks like the sea; The collocation of green and white is full of vigor; With the collocation of white, black will produce eye- catching, plain and neat result.2.2 The aesthetic principle of appearance and elegant demeanorFirst, the aesthetic principle of appearance and elegant demeanor must be fit on the identity. The teacher hops to get the students resonance when he teaching in class. He should be the man who transmits knowledge and exchanges the feelings with the students. He shouldnt be a actor who appreciated by the students. Its allowed to decorate himself. But it cant be decorated excessively. Make the students feel that the teacher is a natural man in life and they are in the same period. The teacher shouldnt be in too much makeup and strange clothes. The teacher is different from the performer. The role what the performer acts on the platform is allowed to be far away from life. The teachers appearance and elegant demeanor should be close to life. Even if the teacher decorates appearance, it should be proper. Make up simple but elegant, the clothes should be clean and neat. Second, the teachers appearance and elegant demeanor should be fit on the occasion. It means the teachers elegant demeanor and appearance should be fit on the place and time what he appears. Most of the teachers time is used for teaching and education, the place what the teacher acts is the classroom. The classroom is a serious and grace, the teachers standing postures and sitting postures on the platform should be stable. Face to the students, the teacher should be relaxed but not collapse, stick but not stiff. Relax the shoulders, stick the waist, the muscle cant be relaxed and shook casually. Like this, not only it looks vigorous but also it is respectful to the students. The actions of putting one hand akimbo and putting two hands into the pocket cant be used. For example, in a young mans class to view and emulate, his class was repaired very amply and he taught very well. But he put one hand into his pocket, the lid of the pocket was raised and it looked very ugly. His appearance was broken by the small action. Besides, a teacher taught the students to sing in class. When he turned on the recorder, he shook his body with the music. Then the students whispered in a low voice at once, some students even left the classroom. The frivolous and casual action aroused the students repulsion. The teacher forgot the classroom is a serious and grave occasion, he lost the teachers appearance and elegant demeanor. If at the gathering or outing, the action wouldnt influence the whole. Being fit on the occasion is influenced by social, cultural and psycho factors. As a teacher, its not easy to act with elegant demeanor. Third, the teachers appearance and elegant demeanor should be fit on the students. Making the students produce resonance is one of the important factors to teach successfully. Arousing the students interest and make them produce resonance. One of the conditions is make the students feel from the clothes and action that their teacher lives with them so that it can shorten the distance between the teacher and the students. Dont make it influence the students to understand the teachers information. The teacher should investigate the students ages, culture, families and life customs before he teaches. Then he decorates himself according to the students psychology. Neither too straight nor too fashionable, neither too casual nor decorate excessively. If you are casual, the students will feel that you dont respect them; if you decorate excessively, the students will think you flaunt yourself. In a word, the teacher should show the respect and enthusiasm to the students about appearance and elegant demeanor.3 . Expressions and expressions in eyesThe teachers expressions and expressions in eyes are the same as the knowledge what they teach. Its one of the important auxiliary tools in teaching and transmitting information. It cant be overlooked in teaching. Using expressions and expressions in eyes properly and coordinating their teaching contents is very necessary.3.1 The use of expressions and expressions in eyesIts the first use of expressions and expressions in eyes to help the students understand teaching and education. Abundant expressions and changeful expressions in eyes usually transmit the teachers emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, love and so on. It also transmits complex and slight change of feelings. The students can understand the teachers feelings and by expressions and expressions in eyes when the teacher expresses his ideas. It means that the teacher is glad if his eyes are bright; it means the teachers emotions are bad if his sight is dim; it means thinking with knitted brows; it means criticism if the teachers sight is pointed to a place or a student for a long time. Expressions and expressions in eyes have so many magical uses, so the teacher should use expressions and expressions in eyes skillfully to help him express the changeful feelings and ideas.The second use of expressions and expressions in eyes is that it can adjust human relationship and atmosphere on the scene when you talk with the students, you not only listen to him but also gaze at him. Then the students can feel that you are listening to him carefully and his personality is respected, of course he wants to express his opinion freely. If you are listening while you are looking around, the students self-respect will be hurt. It is hard to produce good results. In class teaching, the teacher faces to many students, the teacher should look at the students squarely and make the students feel the teacher is gazing at him. Then the students will think he is respected. He will inspire and focus his attention on the teacher. If the teacher only notices individual student, most of the students will feel that they are treated coldly; if the teacher only notices the front rows, the students in the back will be treated coldly; if the teachers sight across the students head, the students will fell that you get your high horse and reject the knowledge what you transmit in class; if the teacher often looks at the ceiling or looks out of the window, the students will feel that you lack confidence, then the students will produce loose emotions. Expressions and expressions in eyes can also adjust the atmosphere of teaching scene at any time. When you have a class, you find a few students attention is not focused and they are whispering in a low voice, you neednt to let them stop angrily. You only need to stop teaching, make your expression serious and look at him with remissible sight. The students will understand the your meaning as soon as he sees the your sight. Then he will be quiet and listen to you carefully. The same as it, if you see that the students sight is cheerless, you should feel that the students arent interested in your teaching. At once and decide on the moment, you should adjust the teaching contents, change the way of expression, arouse their interest and focus their attention. In opposition to this, if the sight what you see is bright and vigorous. It means that the students understand your teaching and they are very interested in it. Then you should make the result broken scope and from the good teaching environment. 3.2 The ways of interchanging expressions in eyesThere are several main ways about interchanging expressions in eyes.The way of gazing at the students. Focus the sight on a spot, you can look at any student, a part of the students or any direction. The way can be used for enlightening or encouraging some students. It can stop the students from whispering in a low voice. It hints the future or hope; it means that the teacher wish the students to be quiet by noticing a student or a corner. But, the frequency of using gaze cant be too much and the time cant be too long. It should be proper so that it affect the students attention.The way of looking at the students falsely. The teacher stands on the platform and looks at the students. He doesnt notice a spot but the whole class. It means that it looks like looking but not looking in fact. As students, they feel that as if the teacher is looking at everyone. In fact, the teachers sight isnt gazing at anyone. The teacher doesnt lack it. It can help the new teacher prevent psychological strain. It can help the old teacher understand the students trend. On the other hand, it can be used for showing that youre thinking so that it can show the students careful and nimble sense. But, this sight can also make the teacher not see the students expressions carefully. Its not good for the teacher and the students to interchange the sight. So the teacher cant use the way all the time in teaching. It should be used together with the ways of expressions in eyes. And then you will get the best result easily.The way of looking around. The sight is roamed on the front, back, left and right. You try your best to interchange sight with every student. Dont forget any student or make everyone fell that he is treated coldly. This way can control the class and look after overall situation. It has the use which every student feels that youre interchanging with him. It also has the use of understanding the students ideas so that you can adjust yourself. It is natural for the sight to be roamed.The use of expressions in eyes is wonderful and you should use it consciously and properly. First, you should entrust the special contents and explicit purpose to the sight. Because there are some emotional colorings in the sight, if you dont use it consciously, youll make the students misunderstand. After the students


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