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无加强专业图书馆人才队伍建设Trive to Train Specialized library Personnel HLLO Chun ying, ZHAOGuoliarg (ShanxiAcademy of Social Sciences ,Taiyuan 030006,China )Abstract:The Specialized library is not only an important component ofour library undertaking and also an indispensable factor for developmentof socialist culture. At Present, there are some obstacles to developmentof the libraries. It is, therefore necessary to make proper use of availablepersonnel creating for then a sound environment, carry out continuingeducation training high-quality personnel, relax education backgroundrequirement lowering the threshold for introducing talent adhere to themanagement idea of scientific use of personnel building a platform fortalent growing, encourage innovation in knowledge settling up themechanism of cooperation between the library and scientific researchdepartments , establish a incentive mechanism encouraging competitionKey Words : specialized library personnel; socialist culture.无潞城市发展县域经济的几点思考Reflection on Wags for Lucheng City to Develop county EconomiesHAO Yong-ming(General office of the CPC Shanxi provincial Committee, Taiyuan030071, China)Abstract : centering on the strategical goal of transformation forleapfrogging development in Shanxi, and in the light of the actualproblems existing in economic development and present opportunities inthe city , the article presents some new lines ,suggesting that the cityacceleratetransformationofthemodeofeconomicdevelopment ,vigorously make agriculture industrialized , expandingindustrial concentrations , strengthen the self-improvement of industries ,and improve the environment for economic development.Key Words: county economies; Lucheng City new lines.无加强企业法制教育 完善企业法制建设Step up Enterprise Legal Education and Improve Enterprise Legal SystemWANG Kang(Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)Abstract : Legal education is of important significance for developing thesocialist market economy and the productive forces ,and for maintainingsocial stability .In practice there are some legal education problems inenterprises in China Therefore , to strengthen legal education inenterprises , It is necessary to further understand the significance of legaleducation getting clear about the objective and task of the education ,reinforce the reality and practicality of the education , produce abreakthrough in the educational idea , content and forms , treat theimprovement of educatorsquality as the basic project of legal education ,and constantly play leading cadresexemplary role.Key Words: enterprise; legal education; improve legal system.无农村社会管理体制改革创新的动力机制探析How to Reform and Innovate on the Power Mechanism of the RuralSocial Management SystemWEN Bin(The CPC Huaihua City Party School, Huaihua 418000, China)Abstract: It is a systematic programme to reform and innovate on thesocial management system in rural areas. To reform and innovate on thesystem, we should follow Marxist theory of social management, use ourown and foreign experience of social management for reference, and usethe changes in social and economic relationship in rural areas for thedriving force so as to build a new socialist countryside.Key words: system for social management; reform and innovate; powermechanism.无中国特色社会主义经济制度三题Three Subjects about the socialist Economic System with ChinesecharacteristicsZHAO Jing(Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)Abstract: The socialist economic system with Chinese Characteristics hasfour outstanding characteristics. At present, the system is confronted with“three” challenges of the medium income trap, of resources, populationand the environment, and of the new international situation. In thiscontext ,in improving the socialist economic system , we must uphold thesocialist road with Chinese characteristics conducting economic reformwith Chinese characteristics , uphold the basic economic system in withpublic ownership is dominant and different economic sectors developside by side creating a sound economic environment with Chinesecharacteristics , regard development as the top priority in governing andrejuvenating the country promoting the growth of economy , pursue anindependent foreign policy of peace expanding opening up with Chinesecharacteristics , actively transform the mode of economic developmentpromotingscientificdevelopmentofeconomywithChinesecharacteristics .Key words: socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics; modeof development; scientific development.无着力实现晋中农业现代化率先发展Focus on Taking the Lead in Achieving Modernization of Agriculture inJinzhong City(The CPC Jinzhong City committee Party school, Jinzhong 038300,China)Abstract : Jinzhong City is rich in natural resources and has developedagriculture ,and that lays a good foundation for taking the lead inachieving modernization of agriculture , To achieve the goal , JinzhongCity should develop agriculture in the way of developing industries with“one village producing one type of product ,one county engaging in onetrade ” as the start point , land transfer as the breakthrough , andinstitutional innovation as the key .Key words: Jinzhong; modernization of agriculture; industrializedagriculture.无当代社会主义: “跨越”还是“选择”?Socialism of Our Time :“Leaping Over ”or“Choice”?ModemInterpretation of “On Our Revolution”WANG Xue-rong(Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, china)Abstract: Modern socialist countries have chosen a development roaddifferent from capitalist one, aiming at obtaining all results of civilizationwithout experiencing all the hardships capitalism has suffered. But wehave not leaped over the hardships; we have only chosen a developmentroad different from capitalist one. Therefore ,the true road for establishingmodern socialism is a “choice”rather than “leaping over”.The “truemission ”of modern socialism is to concentrate our energy to make theeconomy politics and culture modernized . In modern socialist countries ,the “stage of natural development ” must be completed by socialism .Key words: modern socialism; “leap over”; “choice”.无大力推进中国特色社会主义文化建设研究Vigorously Promote Studies in Development of socialist Culture withChinese CharacteristicsLI Hao, HAO Ru-jie, JIA Xue-fen (The CPC Sichuan provincialCommittee party school, Chengdu 610072, China)Abstract: In recent years, studies in developing socialist culture have beenmade in domestic academia. Scholars hold that to develop socialistculture with Chinese characteristics, the studies must be under theguidance of Marxism adapted to Chinese conditions, use the system ofsocialist core values to integrate various social trends of thought and leadthe development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, andincrease financial input in the cultural undertaking so as to arouse theenthusiasm of the masses.Key words: socialism; development of culture; the system of socialistcore values.无马克思恩格斯社会公正观研究述评Commentary on Research into Marx and Engels social FairnessOutlookLI Jian(South ChinaAgricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, china)Abstract: Since the middle of the 20th century research into Marx andEngels social fairness outlook has been clone. The research mainlyinvolves the connotation, contents and basic features of the outlook.Generally speaking, the results of research have been increased, theresearch scope has been expanded, and the research methods are various.But some shortcomings exist: There is a lack of argument on the resultsof research, the research angle is too single, and the sphere of vision isnot wide enough.Key words: Marx and Engels; social fairness outlook; result of research无邓小平实事求是思想的新思考New Reflection on Deng Xiaoping and “seeking truth from facts”the Reaction to the 20th anniversary of Deng Xiaopings In sectionof south china GENG Xing-yuan(ShanxiprovincialElectricityTrainingcenterforHighrankingManagerial Personnel, Taiyuan 030006, china)Abstract: “Seeking truth from facts” was a Chinese idiom of remotesttime at first, Mao Zedong added to it a new connotations and the 7thNational congress of the Party made it the ideological line, DengXiaoping carried on the soul of Mao Zedong Thought and developed itinto “emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts”. The down-to-earth style is the main manifestation of Dengs thinking of seeking truthfrom facts. The down-to-earth ness, innovation and practice are threemajor characteristics ofDengs thinking of seeking truth from facts.Key words : Deng Xiaoping ;seeking truth from facts ; down-to-earthstyle ; “Deng s talks during his inspection ofSouth China ”无大众文化健康发展机制研究AStudy of Mechanisms for Sound Development of Popular CultureWANG Li1, XIN Quan-ming2, XIAYing3(1.Hebei polytechnic University , Tianjin 300401 , china; 2.Fianj inGeneral team of peoples Armed police, Tianjin 300049 ,china ; 3.NankaiUniversity , Tianjin 300071 , china )Abstract: To promote sound development and prosperity of popularcultures, it is necessary to establish a correct value guidance mechanism,rational enlightenment mechanism, equal dialogue mechanism and“harmony while difference” mechanism.Keywords:popularculture;lackofhumanisticspirit;solutionmechanism.无构建和谐党群关系:问题与对策Creating a Harmonious Relationship between the Party and the Masses:Problems and SolutionsZHU Rui-jie(Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China)Abstract: The harmonious relationship between the Party and the massesis a guarantee of the Party being in an unassailable position .In recentyears; changes have taken place in the Partys governance environmentand governance conditions. For example, society is dividing into groups,the under privileged groups are being marginalized, and peoples interestsand rights cannot be completely safeguarded. Under the new conditions ,to build up a harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses ,it is necessary to correctly handle various relations of interests , respectthe peoples principal position in history ,and safeguard the basic rightsand interests of the people .Key words: relationship between the Party and the masses; the mass line ;political dimensionality .无基于毛泽东关于我军工作队思想及其启示Mao Zedongs Thinking on the Armed Forces Being Also a WorkingTeamLAN Yang(Nanjing polities Institute, Nanjing 210003, China)Abstract: In the later stage of war of Liberation, especially, afterLiaoxi-Shenyang, Huai-Hai and Beiping-Tianjing Campaigns, MaoZedong, correctly appraising the situations, presented the thinking thatthe armed forces were not only a fighting team but also a working team,requiring that cadres should learn to take over and manage cities and newareas. That has played an important role in developing the cause of therevolution. In the new area, our armed forces should carry on andinnovate in Mao Zedongs thinking on the working team, strive to giveprominence to improving the core military capacity focus on theimprovementoftheirunmilitarycapacity,tryhardtotrain“learning-oriented” high-quality composite type personnel, safeguardChinas security and contribute to economic and social development.Key Words: war of Liberation; Mao Zedong; working team无导游从业人员应树立正确的职业价值观Tourist Guides Should Set Up Professional ValuesDu Yu(Shanxi Tourist Vocational College, Taiyuan 030001, China)Abstract: On the whole the tourist guides of the country have correctprofessional values. But it cannot be denied that some unfavorable factorsinfluence the formation of the values. Therefore, it is necessary toenhance the reputation of the profession as tourist guides, for the publicto take a correct view of the profession, establish a rational pay systemfor tourist guides, and try to make the profession their lifework.Key Words: tourist guides; professional values; harmonization andtraining.无公共利益:政府与媒体的互动逻辑Public Interests: the Interactional Logic of Government and MediaWang Min(Hengyang Normal Institute, Hengyang 421008, China)Abstract:As an important subsystem of human society, government andmedia are closely related to public logic mission, of the governmentorganizations, and public interests are also the essential attribute andwork mission of public media. The common attribute and missiondetermine that on the one hand government, based on the norms of publicinterests, standardizes the operation space for media, on the other media,also based on the norms of public interests, supervise and act ongovernment performance. Based on public interests, benign interactionbetween government and media is conducive to safeguarding andincreasing public interests.Key Words: public interests; government; media; benign interaction无发挥国税职能服务山西转型跨越发展Let State Revenue Serve Shanxis Transformation for LeapfroggingDevelopmentXu Guang-yuan(Loufan Country State Revenue, Loufan 030300 China)Abstract: To serve Shanxis transformation for leapfrogging development,Shanxi State revenue should give play to its two functions, implement thetax law ad correctly pursue the tariff policy, to establish and improve thesystems related to revenue, to emancipate the mind and innovate on thesystem for allocation of human resources, and to create harmoniousrelations between collecting taxes and paying taxes and optimize taxationservice.Key Words: functions of State revenue; Shanxi; transformation forleapfrogging development


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