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PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003生产件批准生产件批准(p zhn)程序程序 - PPAP第1页/共106页第一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PURPOSE The purpose of this training session is to describe the Major Steps in compiling a Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Package as part of QS 9000 and ISO/TS 16949 requirements第2页/共106页第二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003目目 的的 这个培训课程的目的是描述编写完成作为(zuwi) QS9000 和 ISO/TS16949 要求的一部分的整个PPAP文件包中的一些重要步骤第3页/共106页第三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PURPOSE PPAP is an important activity consisting of a powerful set of requirements used to validate that a PROCESS can produce PRODUCT at production QUANTITIES, which meet all CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS AQP process is the DRIVING FORCE as it relates to accomplishing all PPAP Process requirements All process requirements for PPAP are performed as part of a companys PLANNING PROCESS 第4页/共106页第四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003目目 的的 PPAP 是一个非常重要的活动,包含了很强大的要求来验证了我们的过程能否按预定产量进行生产,并且满足顾客的所有的要求。AQP程序是一种推进力因为它与实现(shxin)整个PPAP程序的要求有关所有的PPAP的程序要求都应作为整个公司策划过程的一部分第5页/共106页第五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DURATION OF TRAININGDuration of Training 1 full day (8 hrs) on PPAP requirements Followed by 1/2 day (4 hrs) “hands-on” preparation of a PPAP package for a real project by the class Followed by 1/2 day (4 hrs) of “Train the Trainer” with in-depth review of PPAP requirements presented in day one, and also open discussion on PPAP methods, this session is only for QE, QM and Supplier Development 第6页/共106页第六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003培训培训(pixn)周期周期培训周期相关的PPAP的要求:一个工作日(8小时)“由老师帮带”在课堂上为一个实际的项目准备PPAP文件包(4小时) “讲师(jingsh)培训”,对于在第一天提到的内容作进一步的回顾,以及一些PPAP方法的自由讨论,这个课程只对质量经理,质量工程师和供应商开发人员 第7页/共106页第七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003SCOPE & OUTCOMES OF TRAINING Scope Overview of PPAP - definition, purpose, and goals PPAP requirements and their role in AQP process Documentation and maintenance of records PPAP general requirements Principles of Design and Process FMEA 第8页/共106页第八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003培训培训(pixn)的范围和成果的范围和成果 范围 PPAP概况 定义,目的,以及目标(mbio) PPAP的要求以及它们在AQP程序中所担当的任务 存档和记录的维护 PPAP通常的要求设计和过程FMEA的原理第9页/共106页第九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003SCOPE & OUTCOMES OF TRAINING Scope Process study requirements Measurement System Analysis (MSA) studies Control Plan (CP) Customer notification and submission 第10页/共106页第十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003培训的范围培训的范围(fnwi)和成果和成果范围 过程(guchng)研究的要求 测量系统分析(MSA)的研究 控制计划 (CP) 顾客的通知和提交第11页/共106页第十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003SCOPE & OUTCOMES OF TRAININGOutcomes Demonstrate an awareness of the 19 PPAP requirements Understand how the PPAP requirements fit into your organization Understand how the different PPAP elements / tools work together to form a process Determine how PPAP elements and tools coincide in your own companys process 第12页/共106页第十二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003培训培训(pixn)的范围和成果的范围和成果成果 证明能了解PPAP中的19项的要求的内容 理解如何将PPAP的要求融入到自身的组织当中 理解如何结合使用PPAP中不同的原理或工具(gngj)来形成一个过程 决定PPAP中的原理和工具(gngj)如何适用于我们自己公司的过程 第13页/共106页第十三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REFERNCE 参考书目参考书目 AIAG Production Part Approval Process Manual (AIAG的生产件批准程序手册) AIAG Potential Failure Mode & Effects Analysis Manual (AIAG的潜在失效(sh xio)模式及后果分析手册) AIAG Measurement System Analysis Manual (AIAG的测量系统分析手册)第14页/共106页第十四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DEFINITIONS 定义(dngy)AIAG - Automotive Industry Action Group 汽车(qch)工业行动组织AQP - Advanced Quality Planning 先期质量策划ECN - Engineering Change Notice 工程更改通知EWO - Engineering Work Order 工程更改任务第15页/共106页第十五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What Customer PPAP requirements for new partsand Current production parts which are undergoing a change in construction, material or material source, production method, engineering level, tooling change or relocation also require an updated PPAP submission第16页/共106页第十六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时(h sh)以及什么 顾客的PPAP要求针对新零件以及当目前生产的产品曾经有过结构的变化,原材料或原材料来源的变化,生产方式的改变,工程等级的变更,工装改变或重新布置等都要求重新递交PPAP第17页/共106页第十七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What It applies to all sample submissions packages completed by TI Automotive, unless a customer specifically requires a different formatIt should also apply to internally supplied commoditiesCustomer PPAP requirements for new parts第18页/共106页第十八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时以及什么 除非顾客指定不同的格式,否则这适用于所有由 TI Automotive 向顾客提交的样件的文件包顾客对新零件的PPAP的要求(yoqi)也应当应用于内部提供的产品上第19页/共106页第十九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What A PPAP package should include the following element:The elements numbers listed below are not the same as requirement numbers listed in PPAP Manual:1. Part Submission Warrant (PSW) - Item # 132. Master Sample Part - Item # 16 & # 173. Assembly drawings, Components and Sub-assembly drawings, and Tool Note - Item # 1 and # 3 第20页/共106页第二十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时以及什么 一个PPAP文件包应包含以下内容:以下列出的内容的编号和 PPAP 手册中的编号不完全一致1. 零件提交的保证书 (PSW) - Item # 132. 标准样件 - Item # 16 & # 173. 总装(zn zhun)图,零件和分总成图纸,以及工装注释 - Item # 1 and # 3 第21页/共106页第二十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What A PPAP package should include the following items:4. Additional Engineering Change Documents - Item # 25. Dimensional Results referenced to the part drawing (including components) - Item # 7第22页/共106页第二十二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时以及什么 一个PPAP文件包应包含以下内容:以下列出的内容的编号和 PPAP 手册中的编号不完全一致4. 附加的工程(gngchng)更改的记录 - Item # 25. 由产品图纸引用的尺寸报告(包括部件) - Item # 7第23页/共106页第二十三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What A PPAP package should include the following items:6. Gauge Calibration Results for gauge(s) used to verify the part - Item # 18 7. Material and Performance Test Results - including components as applicable and Laboratory Scope - Item # 8 and Item # 11 8. Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and Workshop Floor Plan - Item # 5第24页/共106页第二十四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时以及什么 一个PPAP文件包应包含以下内容:6. 用来检验产品的检具的校准(jio zhn)结果报告 - Item # 18 7. 材料和性能试验报告(包括部件的,如适用)和实验室的范围 - Item # 8 and Item # 11 8. 过程流程图(PFD)以及工厂平面布置图 - Item # 5第25页/共106页第二十五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What A PPAP package should include the following items:9. Process FMEA (PFMEA) - where proprietary issues exist an on site review will be held - Item # 610. Design FMEA - Item # 4第26页/共106页第二十六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时以及什么 一个PPAP文件(wnjin)包应包含以下内容:9. 过程 FMEA (PFMEA) 当存在知识产权问题的情况下,可进行一次现场的评估 - Item # 610. 设计 FMEA - Item # 4第27页/共106页第二十七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTWhen and What A PPAP Package should include the following items:11. Process Control Plan (PCP) - Item # 1212. Process Capability Studies - Item # 913. Gauge R&R Studies (including other MSA studies where appropriate) for all gauges used on all special characteristics (& contour gauges) - Item # 1014. Engineering Approval (if specified on drawing) - Item # 3第28页/共106页第二十八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求何时以及什么 一个PPAP文件包应包含以下内容:11. 过程控制计划(PCP)- Item # 1212. 过程能力研究 - Item # 913. 对于所有测量特殊特性(txng)的量具和形状检具的重复性和再现性研究(包括其它适当的MSA的研究) - Item # 1014. 工程批准(如在图纸上有详细说明) - Item # 3第29页/共106页第二十九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003REQUIREMENTThe following guidelines must be followed when preparing the PPAP package for submission to Customers and, where applicable, verification of PPAPs submitted from Suppliers to TI Automotive第30页/共106页第三十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003要要 求求当我们准备向顾客提交的 PPAP 文件包的时候(sh hou),必须严格遵守下列的条款,同样适用于, 验证供应商提交给 TI Automotive 的 PPAP文件第31页/共106页第三十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PART SUBMISSION WARRANT (PSW)1. Part Submission Warrant A Part Submission Warrant (Form # CFG-1001) will be completed for each part number being submitted for approval Instructions for completing this warrant are included in the AIAG PPAP Manual The PSW should be signed by the Plant Quality Manager or Plant Manager if the Quality Manager is not available.第32页/共106页第三十二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003零件零件(ln jin)提交保证书(提交保证书(PSW)1. 零件提交保证书 每个零件号都需要准备和提交 零件提交保证书 (格式 # CFG-1001)以获得批准 填写该保证书的说明包含在AIAG的PPAP手册中 该保证书需要由工厂(gngchng)的质量经理签署或当其不在时由工厂(gngchng)的总经理签署第33页/共106页第三十三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003MASTER SAMPLE PART2. Master Sample Part: A Master Sample Part from the production tooling must be identified and maintained through the life of the program The Master Sample Part should be identified with a Master Sample Tag and stored in a protected environment to prevent damage Master Sample Parts of purchased components submitted from suppliers should also be retained through the life of the component.第34页/共106页第三十四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003标准标准(biozhn)样件样件2. 标准(biozhn)样件: 由生产工装生产出的标准(biozhn)样件需要在整个项目的生命周期中加以标识并保存 标准(biozhn)样件需使用标准(biozhn)样件挂牌加以标识,并且存放在受保护的环境中以免受到损坏 由供应商提供的标准(biozhn)样件同样也需要在整个部件的生命周期中加以保存第35页/共106页第三十五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DRAWINGS3. Drawing and Tool Note A copy of the customer assembly (or top level) drawing along with tool notifications must be included in the PPAP file In addition, copies of any component drawings referenced on the top level drawing must also be included in the PPAP package or in a location referenced in the PPAP package第36页/共106页第三十六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003图图 纸纸3. 图纸和工装注释 PPAP文件中需包括顾客的总装图(或最高级图纸)和工装注释的复印件 除此之外,和最高级图纸相关的零件图纸的复印件也需要包含在PPAP文件中,或在PPAP文件包中提及(t j)相应的存放地点第37页/共106页第三十七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DRAWINGS3. Drawing and Tool Note Each requirement on the top level customer drawing (dimension, performance specification, material specifications, notes, etc.) must be assigned a reference number The numbers are typically circled during a technique called “ballooning” These numbers are then referenced in the appropriate section of the PPAP package 第38页/共106页第三十八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003图图 纸纸3. 图纸和工装注释 顾客图纸上的每个要求(尺寸(ch cun),性能标准,材料标准,注释等)都必须指定一个相对应的号码 使用特定的圆将这些号码圈出,这种方法叫“画气球” (“ballooning”) 这些号码在PPAP文件包的相关的章节中将会被引用第39页/共106页第三十九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING CHANGE DOCUMENTS4. Additional Engineering Change Documents In cases where a design change has been made, but not yet incorporated onto the drawing, a copy of the change documentation must be included with the PPAP package For example, EWO, GM1411 ECN, FORD SREA第40页/共106页第四十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003附加的工程附加的工程(gngchng)更改文件更改文件4. 附加的工程更改文件 如果存在设计变更但还没有在图纸上体现(txin)的话,体现(txin)这些更改的文件的复印件就应包含在提交的PPAP文件包中 例如, EWO GM1411 ;ECN FORD SREA第41页/共106页第四十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DIMENSIOANL RESULTS5. Dimensional Results Prior to sample submission, a part will be verified against the top level drawing to ensure that every call out specified on the drawing is within specification 第42页/共106页第四十二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003尺寸尺寸(ch cun)报告报告5. 尺寸(ch cun)报告 在样件提交之前,需要确认总成图纸上的每一个被指定的尺寸(ch cun)都在规定的范围之内。 第43页/共106页第四十三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 20035. Dimensional Results Dimensional Results Work-sheet or equivalent (Form CFG-1003) should be numbered to correspond with the numbers identified during the ballooning of the drawing This form will serve as the top level list for all ballooned items including material, performance, and durability specifications For items other than dimensional call outs, reference on the dimensional work-sheet the appropriate document where the specific results can be found DIMENSIOANL RESULTS第44页/共106页第四十四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 20035. 尺寸报告 尺寸报告单 (格式 CFG-1003)或等同的表格上的编号应根据在图纸上用“画气球”方法标识的尺寸编号相一致。 对所有标注的项目而言,这份表单将作为最高级的清单, 包括材料,功能和耐久性的规范 除了必要的尺寸以外的其它项目,可在尺寸报告单上注明在哪些适当的文件(wnjin)中可找到相应的结果 尺寸尺寸(ch cun)报告报告第45页/共106页第四十五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DIMENSIOANL RESULTS5. Dimensional Results The drawing dimensions, tolerances and the actual results of dimensional verifications should be recorded along with a check mark indicating whether or not the part met the drawing call out Where the drawing identifies a specific non-dimensional requirement (examples component colour, orientation, etc.), the word “complies” should be documented in the work-sheet if the specific requirement is met第46页/共106页第四十六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003尺寸尺寸(ch cun)报告报告5. 尺寸报告(bogo) 图纸上的尺寸,公差和尺寸确认的 实际值 必须和标记符号一起记录下来以显示该零件是否符合图纸的要求 当图纸上的要求是一个非尺寸值时,(例如零件的颜色, 方向等),当要求被满足时,在尺寸报告(bogo)单上使用 “符合” 这个词第47页/共106页第四十七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DIMENSIOANL RESULTS5. Dimensional Results Any components used to assemble the finished part will be verified against the customer component drawing (where applicable) to ensure that all referenced dimensions are to print The results of these inspections will be documented as above and included in the PPAP package第48页/共106页第四十八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003尺寸尺寸(ch cun)报告报告5. 尺寸报告 任何用来装配到最终产品上的部件也需要根据顾客的图纸(适用时)加以验证来确保所有(suyu)的相关尺寸符合图纸的要求 这些检测的结果也需要根据上述的情况进行存档记录并包含在PPAP文件包之中第49页/共106页第四十九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DIMENSIOANL RESULTS5. Dimensional Results In the case where a supplier submits a PPAP package to a drawing or part number other than the customer specified drawing or part number, verify that the two drawings and / or part numbers are identical, and document the comparison on the PPAP submission 第50页/共106页第五十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003尺寸尺寸(ch cun)报告报告5. 尺寸报告 如果供应商提交的PPAP文件包针对的图号和零件号与顾客指定的不一致,在这种情况下, 核对两份图纸(tzh)和 / 或零件号是否一致,然后在PPAP提交时记录下不同之处 第51页/共106页第五十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DIMENSIOANL RESULTS5. Dimensional Results During the print verification, if there are any items which are on the customer print, but omitted or different on the supplier print, request a drawing change, and request the missing data and / or correct part number information from the supplier prior to approving the component PPAP package 第52页/共106页第五十二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003尺寸尺寸(ch cun)报告报告5. 尺寸报告 在验证图纸的过程中,如果那些项目在顾客的图纸上有,而在供应商的图纸上没有或不同的情况下, 在批准部件(bjin)的PPAP文件包之前,要求图纸变更, 并要求供应商补齐遗漏的数据 和 / 或纠正零件号的信息 第53页/共106页第五十三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003GAUGE CALIBRATION RESULTS 6. Gauge Calibration Results Any part specific checking or test device used to inspect product must be certified against the dimensional requirements specified on the drawing A record of this gauge verification must be on file, and available if required. For more information concerning gauge calibration, refer to AIAG Measurement System Analysis Manual 第54页/共106页第五十四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003检具校准检具校准(jio zhn)报告报告 6. 检具校准报告 任何用来检验产品的检查或测试的设备必须根据图纸(tzh)上特定的尺寸要求进行鉴定 对于这些检具的鉴定报告必须归档,在需要时应能得到 关于检具校准的更多的信息,请参考AIAG的测量系统分析手册第55页/共106页第五十五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003MATERIAL AND PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS7. Material and Performance Test Results When testing requirements are referenced on the customer drawing, a copy of the actual test results must be included in the PPAP package for each test requirement In addition, copies of each specification should be readily available第56页/共106页第五十六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003材料材料(cilio)和性能试验报告和性能试验报告7. 材料和性能(xngnng)试验报告 当顾客的图纸上引用了试验的要求,每个试验要求的实际试验结果的复印件必须包含在PPAP文件包当中 除此之外,每个标准的复印件也应能易于获得第57页/共106页第五十七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003MATERIAL AND PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS7. Material and Performance Test Results The applicable AIAG work-sheet or equivalent format / test report (CFG-1004 Material Test Result, CFG-1005 Performance Test Result) should be numbered to correspond with the numbers identified during ballooning material specification, performance specifications, etc 第58页/共106页第五十八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003材料材料(cilio)和性能试验报告和性能试验报告7. 材料和性能试验报告 AIAG 的工作表或是等同的格式(g shi) / 试验报告 ( CFG-1004 材料试验报告, CFG-1005 性能试验报告) 必须进行编号,且与材料标准,性能标准等在初始的“画气球”上的编号相一致第59页/共106页第五十九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003MATERIAL AND PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS7. Material and Performance Test Results The results should identify the change level of the parts tested, and the number, date, and change level of the specification to which the part was tested The results should also identify the location completing the test, the specific test requirement, sample size, date tested, actual results and whether the test requirement was satisfied 第60页/共106页第六十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003材料材料(cilio)和性能试验报告和性能试验报告7. 材料和性能试验报告 试验报告必须标注出试验零件的 更改等级 和 相关试验规范的编号,日期,和更改等级 试验报告还需要注明完成试验的地点,具体的试验要求, 样本(yngbn)的数量,试验的日期,真实的结果以及是否满足试验的要求第61页/共106页第六十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003MATERIAL AND PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS7. Material and Performance Test Results In the case of test results obtained from a third party laboratory, the name of the laboratory must be identified Special attention should be given to assure specification numbers, test requirements, etc. match test results Some customers require testing to be completed at an accredited laboratory. In these cases, appropriate certificate and the scope of accreditation should be included in the PPAP package第62页/共106页第六十二页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003材料材料(cilio)和性能试验报告和性能试验报告7. 材料和性能试验报告 如果(rgu)试验的结果来自于第三方实验室,那么必须注明该实验室的名称 需特别关注标准编号,试验要求等确保与试验结果相符合 有些顾客要求试验由有资格的实验室完成。在此情况下,PPAP文件包中应包含该实验室的认可证书和资格范围第63页/共106页第六十三页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PROCESS FLOW DIAGARM (PFD)8. Process Flow Diagram Create a PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM that identifies the sequence of operations, inspections, and material transfers Expected delays for the part starting from the receipt of components through shipment to the customer These steps are identified on the flow diagram commonly by the symbols: diamond , circle, triangle, and square respectively第64页/共106页第六十四页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003过程过程(guchng)(guchng)流程图流程图 (PFD) (PFD)8. 过程流程图 编写一份 过程流程图 来识别操作,检验,和材料移动的顺序 以及从零部件进货一直到发运至顾客处的零件预期的储存 这些步骤(bzhu)一般在过程流程图上分别用符号来表示: 菱形 , 圆圈, 三角, 和 正方形 第65页/共106页第六十五页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PROCESS FAILURE MODE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS (PFMEA)9. Process FMEA A unique Process FMEA will be completed for the customer part number that follows the processes outlined in the process flow diagram It is recommended that PFMEA is reviewed with customer, and no hard or electronic copy are given to customer, as PFMEA contains proprietary information第66页/共106页第六十六页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003过程过程(guchng)FMEA (PFMEA)9. 过程 FMEA 根据在过程流程图中所描绘的过程,每个顾客的零件(ln jin)号都应完成一份 过程 FMEA 推荐和顾客一起来回顾PFMEA, 但不要向顾客提交硬拷贝或者是电子拷贝,因为 PFMEA 包含了知识产权第67页/共106页第六十七页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003DESIGN FAILURE MODE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS (DFMEA)10. Design FMEA A Design FMEA will be completed for the customer part number It is recommended that DFMEA is reviewed with customer, and no hard or electronic copy are given to customer, as DFMEA contains proprietary information第68页/共106页第六十八页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003设计设计(shj)FMEA (DFMEA)10. 设计(shj) FMEA 根据顾客的零件号来完成 设计(shj) FMEA 推荐和顾客一起来回顾DFMEA, 但不要向顾客提交硬拷贝或者是电子拷贝,因为 DFMEA 包含了知识产权第69页/共106页第六十九页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PROCESS CONTROL PLAN (PCP OR CP)11. Control Plan A Control Plan and a Pre-Launch Control Plan must also be completed which includes increased controls (inspections, frequencies, sample sizes, etc.) to be implemented during Pilot Builds and initial production ramp-up.第70页/共106页第七十页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003过程控制过程控制(kngzh)计划计划 (PCP OR CP)11. 控制计划 在样件制造和初始生产爬坡阶段(jidun),必须完成并贯彻控制计划和试生产控制计划。包括加严控制 (检验,频次,样本大小等)第71页/共106页第七十一页,共107页。PPAP, Compiled by: V. Suhinin, Oct 2003PROCESS CAPABILITY STUDIES12. Process Capability Studies A prelim


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