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List some serious accident in recent years 武隆县检察院查实,2008年10月28日20时20分许,武隆县浩口乡境内重庆渝通公路工程总公司承建的芙蓉江跨江大桥施工场,23名工人乘坐钢丝吊篮上晚班,因钢丝绳断裂,载人吊斗坠落至桥面,当场造成9人死亡,在送医途中又有2人死亡,受伤的12人中重伤5人。 List some serious accident in recent years 据甘肃省政府消息,2011年16日9时40分许,甘肃省庆阳市正宁县榆林子镇一大翻斗运煤货车与当地幼儿园接送车迎面相撞,造成19人死亡,其中两名成人。据介绍,发生事故的校车核载9人,实载64人。 List some serious accident in recent years2008年8月26日中午12时26分,宁通高速公路芒稻河大桥上发生一起交通事故,一辆大客车(牌照为苏A22705)从桥上撞坏高速路边的护栏翻到桥下,大客车立刻面目全非,当场11人死亡,多名乘客受重伤。Leaning aims:Check the answers:认真记单词,看谁写的又快又准确。仔细的,认真的careful 天花板ceiling严肃的,严重的serious ladder 梯子 injure 伤害,损害 fault 缺点;过错 ambulance救护车 请在课文中找出并写出下列短语。1. 是我的错。Its my fault . 2. 掉到了上面 fall on top of 3. 足够高tall enough 4. 小心,当心be careful/look out /takecare. 5. 下来 come down 6. 跑进 run into 7.听见某人做了某 hear sb. do sth. 8.爬上 climb onto 9. 叫救护车 call an ambulance 10.听,听从 listen to Listen and answerListen and answer1. What are Danny, Jenny and Brian doing?2. Does Mr. Jones come here?3.Whats the matter with Danny?4.Where is Brian?5.Where do they send Brian?Discuss in groups.(5minutes)Discuss in groups.(5minutes)Get ready for the show.Get ready for the show.探探 究点究点 展展 示示 点点 评评Point 1Point 2Point 3Point 4Group 1-B/CGroup 2-B/CGroup 3-B/CGroup 4-B/CGroup 5-AGroup6-AGroup 7-AGroup 8-ACooperation and discussion当堂检测当堂检测 请根据句意填空:1. I think he isnt (够仔细).He always makes some small mistakes in the test.2.Im sorry. (是我的过错). 3.Tom fell off the bike and (掉到我身上).4.I saw a dog (躺在地板上) 5. I didnt (听从)their warning. 6. We must (叫救护车)at once . The man is hurt badly.7.A group of students the old man hospital. (带到)8. He was late for school and (跑进) the classroom in a hurry. careful enoughIt is my faultfell on top of melying on the floorlisten to call an ambulanceran into took toA.B.同学做练习册1.2.3.4题 C 同学做1.2.3题


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