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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中国古建筑名词中英对照专心-专注-专业居民点都城 capital city 宫城 imperial city 外城 outer city 皇城 imperial palace 里 neighbourhood 街 street 巷 lane 胡同 hutong,alley 关厢 outskirt 城濠 city moat,city trench 城堡 castle 城邦 polis 城市 city 镇 township,town 市区 city proper 郊区 suburb 工业城市 industrial city 矿业城市 mining city 港口城市 port city 商业城市 commercial city 大学城 campus city 科学城 science city 风景旅游城市 sceic-tourist city 休养城市 resort city 小城市 small city 中等城市 medium-sized city 大城市 large city 城市历史保护 urban conservation 历史建筑 historical building 历史地段 historical site 城市改建 urban redevelopment 城市更新 urban renewal 中国古代建筑及构造宫 palace,temple 殿 hall 厅 hall 又称“堂”室 room 房 house 亭 pavilion 台 platform 坛 altar 楼 storied building 阁 pavilion 廊 colonnade 榭 pavilion on terrace 水榭 waterside pavilion 轩 windowed veranda 民居 folk house 四合院 courtyard house 寨 stockaded village 舫 boat house 阙 que, watchtower 牌楼 pailou, decorated gateway 华表 huabiao, ornamental pillar 塔 pagoda 硬山 flush gable roof 悬山 overhanging gable roof 歇山 gable and hip roof 庑殿 hip roof 四阿 hip roof 卷棚 round ridge roof 重檐 double eave roof 攒尖 pyramidal roof 园攒尖 round pavilion roof 大木 wooden structure 大式 wooden frame with dougong 小式 wooden frame without dougong 大木作 carpentry work 小木作 joinery work 抬梁式构架 post and lintel construction 穿斗式构架 column and tie construction 井干式构架 log cabin construction 檐柱 eave column 金柱 hypostyle column 内槽柱 hypostyle column 唐代术语内柱 hypostyle column 宋代术语山柱 center column 角柱 corner column 唐、宋术语瓜柱 short column 脊瓜柱 king post 蜀柱 king post 宋代术语雷公柱 suspended column 帐杆 suspended column 宋代术语侧脚 cejiao 宋代术语卷杀 entasis 梭柱 shuttle-shaped column 宋代术语角背 bracket 由戗 inverted V-shaped brace 叉手 chashou, inverted V-shaped brace 宋代术语柁墩 wooden pier 驼峰 tuofeng, camel-hump shaped suport 宋代术语梁 beam 袱 beam 宋代术语月梁 crescent beam 三架梁 3-purlin beam 平梁 3-purlin beam 宋代术语四架梁 4-purlin beam 五架梁 5-purlin beam 四椽袱 5-purlin beam 宋代术语六架梁 6-purlin beam 七架梁 7-purlin beam 六椽袱 7-purlin beam 宋代术语九架梁 9-purlin beam 八椽袱 9-purlin beam 宋代术语单步梁 one-step cross beam 双步梁 two-step cross beam 挑尖梁 main aisle exposed tiebeam 乳袱 rufu, beam tie 宋代术语抱头梁 baotou beam 穿插枋 penetrating tie 角梁 hip rafer (木行) purlin (used with dougong) 大式檩 purlin (used without dougong) 小式抟 purlin 宋代术语脊(木行) ridged purlin 大式脊檩 ridged purlin 小式脊抟 ridged purlin 宋代术语金(木行) intermediate purlin 大式金檩 intermediate purlin 小式上中平抟 intermediate purlin 宋代术语老檐(木行) purlin on hypostyle 大、小式,宋代术语正心(木行) eave purlin 大式檐檩 eave purlin 小式下平抟 eave purlin 宋代术语额枋 architrave(used with dougong) 大式檐枋 architrave(used with dougong) 小式阑额 architrave 宋代术语由额垫板 cushion board 大式檐垫板 cushion board 小式枋 tiebeam 脊枋 ridge tiebeam 上金枋 upper purlin tiebeam 下金枋 lower purlin tiebeam 老檐枋 eave tiebeam 大式,指檐口构造檐枋 eave tiebeam 小式,指檐口构造顶椽 top rafter 脑椽 upper rafter 花架椽 intermediate rafter 檐椽 eave rafter 飞檐椽 flying rafter 飞子 flying rafter 宋代术语连檐 eave edging 瓦口 tile edging 颔版 tile edging 宋代术语举架 raising the purlin 举析 raising the purlin 宋代术语步架 horizontal spacing between purlins 材 cai 栔 qi 分 fen 斗口 doukou,mortise of cap block 斗拱 dougong,bracket set 斗 dou, bracket set 升 block with cross mortise 大斗 cap block 栌斗 cap block 宋代术语拱 gong,bracketarm 翘 flower arm, petal 华拱 flower arm 宋代术语昂 ang,lever 槽升子 center block 齐心斗 center block 宋代术语三才升 small block 十八斗 connection block 交互斗 connection block 宋代术语正心拱 axial bracket arm 泥道拱 axial bracket arm 宋代术语瓜拱 oval arm 瓜子拱 oval arm 宋代术语万拱 long arm 慢拱 long arm 宋代术语厢拱 regular arm 令拱 regular arm 宋代术语单材拱 outer-side bracket arm 撑头 small tie-beam 枋 small tie-beam 宋代术语耍头 nose 攒 set of bracket 柱头科 bracket set on columns 柱头铺作 bracket set on columns 宋代术语平身科 bracket sets between columns 补间铺作 bracket sets between columns 宋代术语角科 bracket set on corner 转角铺作 bracket set on corner 宋代术语出 extension of bracket 出跳 extension of bracket 宋代术语 cai 跳 tiao 宋代术语雀替 sparrow brace 搏缝板 gable eave board 搏缝版 gable eave board 宋代术语木装修 joiners work 外檐装修 exterior finish work 内檐装修 interior finish work 框槛 door frame 槛 stud 抱框 jamb on door or window 格栅 partition door 抹头 window stool 棂子 grill 裙板 panel 槛窗 sill wall window 榻板 window sill 支摘窗 removable window 门枕 door bearing 门簪 decorative cylinder 门跋 door knocker 门钉 decorative nails on door leaf 门枕石 bearing stone 抱鼓石 drum-shaped bearing stone 天花 ceiling 帽儿梁 lattice framing 支条 lattice framing 井口天花 compartment ceiling 海墁天花 flat ceiling 藻井 caisson ceiling 罩 shelf 龛 niche 博古架 antique shelf 瓦石作 masonry 檐墙 eave wall 廊墙 partition wall 扇面墙 horizontal partition wall 隔断墙 vertical partition wall 槛墙 sill wall 樨头 gable wall head 挑檐石 cantilever stone on eave 五花山墙 stepped gable wall 拔磉 corbel, hanging over 叠涩 corbel, hanging over 宋代术语角柱石 corner pier 阶条石 rectangular stone slab 压阑石 rectangular stone slab 宋代术语台阶 steps 踏道 steps 宋代术语踏垛 step 踏 step 宋代术语斗板石 intermediate pier 垂带 drooping belt stone 副子 drooping belt stone 宋代术语象眼 triangular space 御路 yulu, imperial path 羌差 ramp 须弥座 xumizuo 圭角 guijiao 上枋 upper fillet and fascia 下枋 lower fillet and fascia 上袅 upper cyma, recta 下袅 lower cyma, reversa 束腰 suyao 钩栏 balustrade 宋代术语单钩栏 single frieze balustrade 宋代术语垂台钩栏 double frieze balustrade 望柱 baluster 望柱头 baluster capital 栏版 frieze panel 华版 frieze panel 地伏 plinth stone 寻杖 handrail 宋代术语柱顶石 capital stone 柱础 column base 踬 zhi 碑碣 stone tablet 赑屃 bixi, stone turtle 宋及宋前术语趺 fu, stone turtle 清代术语 石像生 stone animal 石人 stone human statue 筒瓦 round tile 板瓦 flat tile 青瓦 black tile 脊瓦 ridge tile 琉璃瓦 glazed roof tile 勾头 eave tile 滴水 drip tile 瓦当 tile end, eave tile with pattern 正吻 zhengwen 鸱尾 chiwei 宋及宋前术语 正脊 main ridge 垂脊 diagonal ridge for hip roof, vertical ridge for gable roof 戗脊 diagonal ridge for gable and hip roof 博脊 horizontal ridge for gable and hip roof 仙人 celestial being 走兽 animal 砖雕 brick carving 彩画 colored pattern, colored drawing 苏式彩画 Suzhou style pattern 旋子彩画 tangent circle pattern 和玺彩画 dragons pattern 天花彩画 ceiling pattern 箍头 end portion of painted beam 藻头 intermediate portion of painted beam 枋心 central portion of painted beam 点金 gold pointing 退晕 color change 沥粉 embossed painting 贴金 gold foil painting 园林史中国古典园林 classical Chinese garden 中国传统园林 traditional Chinese garden 中国古代园林 ancient Chinese garden 中国山水园 Chinese mountain and water garden 帝王宫苑 imperial palace garden 皇家园林 royal garden 私家园林 private garden 江南园林 garden on the Yangtze Delta 西方古典园林 western classical garden 英国式园林 English style garden 中英混合式园林 Anglo-Chinese style garden 意大利式园林 Italian style garden 西班牙式园林 Spainish style garden 法兰西式园林 French style garden 勒诺特尔式园林 Le Notres style garden 文艺复兴庄园 Renaissance style garden 洛可可式园林 Rococo style garden 巴洛克式园林 Baroque style garden 庄园 manor,villa garden 廊柱园 peristyle garden,patio 绿廊 xystus 迷阵 maze,labyrinth 灵囿 Ling You Hunting Garden 周代术语灵沼 Ling Zhao Water Garden 周代术语灵台 Ling Tai Platform Garden 周代术语阿房宫 E-Pang Palace 秦代术语上林苑 Shang-Lin Yuan 汉代术语未央宫 Wei-Yang Palace 汉代术语洛阳宫 Luoyang Palace 魏代术语华清宫 Hua-Qing Palace 唐代术语艮岳 Gen Yue Imperial Garden 宋代术语圆明园 Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden 颐和园 Yi-HE Yuan Imperial Garden 承德避暑山庄 Chengde Imperial Summer Resort 苏州园林 Suzhou traditional garden 悬园 Hanging Garden 又称“悬空园”,“架高园”。英国皇家植物园 Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 又称“邱园”。凡尔赛宫苑 Versailles Palace Park 枫丹白露宫园 Fontainebleau Palace Garden 景 view,scenery,feature 远景 distant view 近景 nearby view 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。借景 borrowed scenery,view borrowing 对景 oppositive scenery,view in opposite place 缩景 miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery 漏景 leaking through scenery 框景 enframed scenery 尾景 terminal feature 主景 main feature 副景 secondary feature 配景 objective view 夹景 vista line,vista 又称“风景线”前景 front view 背景 background 景序 order of sceneries 景点 feature spot,view spot 园林空间 garden space 开敞空间 wide open space,wide space 封闭空间 encloseure space 意境 artistic conception,poetic imagery 苍古 antiquity 空灵 spaciousness,airiness 动观 in-motion viewing 静观 in-position viewing 轴线 axis,axial line 主轴 main axis 副轴 auxiliary axis 暗轴 hidden axis,invisible axis 又称“隐轴”外国古代建筑及构造金字塔 pyramid 方尖碑 obelisk 牌门楼 pylon 莲花式柱 lotus column 纸草花式柱 papyrus column 棕榈叶式柱 palm column 塔庙 ziggurat 列柱围廊式 peristyle 山花 pediment 多立克柱式 Doric order 伊奥尼亚柱式 Ionic order 曾用名“爱奥尼亚柱式”。 科林斯柱式 Corinthian order 檐口 cornice 檐部 entablature 檐壁 frieze 额枋 architrave 柱头 capital 柱身 column shaft 槽沟 flute 圆底线脚 torus 柱基 plinth 台基 stylobate 输水道 aqueduct 万神庙 pantheon 凯旋门 triumphal arch 角斗场 colosseum 广场 forum 托斯卡柱式 Tuscan order 门廊 potch,portico 小穹顶 cupola 平嵌线 reglet 主穹顶 main dome 半穹顶 semi dome 帆拱 pendentive 会堂 basilica 中厅 central nave 侧廊 aisle 半圆形壁龛 apse 袖廊 transept 柱廊 colonnade 神坛 altar 拱廊 atcade 壁上拱廊 blind arcade 塔楼 turret 玫瑰窗 rose window 扶壁 buttress 尖顶 pinnacle 滴水兽 gargoyle 顶端饰 finial 花色窗棂 tracery 四叶饰 quatrefoil 五叶饰 cinquefoil 府邸 mansion,palazzo 鼓座 drum 采光塔 lantern 小侧窗 bulleye window 涡卷装饰 cartouche 宣礼塔 minaret 圣龛 mihrab,prayer niche 讲坛 mimbar,pulpit 拱式 vault type 筒拱 barrel vault 棱拱 groin vault 肋骨拱 rib bed vault 星形拱 stellar vault 网状拱 reticulated vault 扇形拱 fan vault 倒槽式拱 trough vault 钟乳拱 stalactite vault 券式 arch type 半圆券 semicircular arch 尖券 pointed arch 弧形券 segmental arch 葱花券 ogee arch 马蹄券 horseshoe arch 交角券 squinch 穹式 dome type 半球形穹顶 semespherical dome 葱花穹顶 ogee dome 方穹顶 square dome 阿拉伯花饰 arabeque 阿拉伯式柱头 Arabian capitaldovetail 燕尾榫 鸠尾榫


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