高考英语总复习(名师点悟+名师讲坛+典型题练)Unit 1 Living well精讲课件 新人教版选修7

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高考英语总复习(名师点悟+名师讲坛+典型题练)Unit 1 Living well精讲课件 新人教版选修7_第1页
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高考英语总复习(名师点悟+名师讲坛+典型题练)Unit 1 Living well精讲课件 新人教版选修7_第2页
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高考英语总复习(名师点悟+名师讲坛+典型题练)Unit 1 Living well精讲课件 新人教版选修7_第3页
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.识记填读1_ adj. 适合的;适宜的答案suitable2_ vt. 使适应;改编答案adapt3_ vt. 废除;废止(制度、习俗等)答案abolish4_ vi. & vt. 辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)答案resign5_ n. 同伴;伙伴答案companion6_ vt. 祝贺;庆贺答案congratulate7_ n. 收益;利润;盈利答案profit.联想填读1_adj.有益的;受益的be_.对有益答案beneficial;beneficial to2_换句话说that is (to say)换句话说;即答案in other words3_适合adjust to适应get used to/ get_习惯于答案adapt to;accustomed to4cut out切去;省略cut off切断;隔绝_省去;漏掉;不考虑答案leave out5absence n缺席_当某人不在时答案during/ in ones absence6_总而言之in all总共_the whole大体而言_short总而言之答案all in all;on;in7in many ways在很多方面_/in one way/ in some ways在某种程度上答案in a way8never_不必担心;没关系(用于回答sorry)It doesnt matter没关系答案mind.构词填读1disability n. 伤残;无力;无能_ adj. 伤残的答案disabled2ambition n. 雄心;野心_ adj. 有雄心的,有野心的_ adv.答案ambitious;ambitiously3absence n. 缺席;不在某处_ adj. 缺席的,不在的答案absent4annoy vt. 使不悦;惹恼_ adj. 颇为生气的_ adj. 使恼怒的,使烦恼的答案annoyed;annoying5conduct n. 行为;vt. 指挥_ n指挥;售票员答案conductor6_ n. 协助;援助_ n助手,助理assist vt. 帮助;协助答案assistance;assistant7access n. (接近的)方法;通路_ adj. 可接近的答案accessible8_ n. 赞成;认可approve vi. 赞成,同意(of.);vt. 批准,通过答案approval.语境填读1He got to school _(上气不接下气) because he didnt want his classmates to _(取笑) him for being late.答案out of breath;make fun of2My brother doesnt want to_(闲坐着) because of his _(残疾). _(换句话说), he wants to_(适应) the society and make a living by himself.答案sit around;disability;In other words;adapt to3_(总而言之),you have your own advantages _(在许多方面),so you shouldnt _(辞职) at this time. All_(祝你一切顺利)!答案All in all;in many ways;resign;the best to you4. Students _(除外) the teachers have easy _(接近) to the school library where there are _(充足的) books for you to read.答案as well as;access;adequate5Your thesis(论文)_(获得)general _(赞同) from the teachers and has been _(通过)_(祝贺) to you!答案met with;approval;approved;Congratulations.句式填读1I have a very busy life _ (没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜)答案with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself2Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement _ (像你一样过着丰富多彩、充实美满的生活)答案to live as rich and full a life as you do3Does this disability _ (使他们在做某些事时感到困难)?答案make it difficult for them to do some things4Sometimes,too,I was _ (太虚弱不能去学校) so my education suffered.答案too weak to go to school5I _ (可能留下) it on the kitchen table.答案might have left必会adapt to. 适应adapt sth. (for. )(为)把某物改编;(为)把某物改装adapt sth. from. 根据改编某物adapt oneself to. 使自己适应(to为介词)必会absence (be absent) from 缺席in ones absence (in the absence of sb.) 在某人不在的时候必会be annoyed at/ about sth.因而生气be annoyed by (doing) sth. 被惹恼be annoyed with sb.对某人生气;对某人厌烦be annoyed that 因而恼怒必会have/get/obtain/gain access to. 拥有的机会;可以接近;进入give access to 接近;准许进入be accessible to.可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的必会(1)as well as除之外(还);和;也,连接两个并列成分。(2)as well as还可以用作连词,表示“和一样好”;另外连接两个主语时,谓语动词和最前面的主语保持一致。(3)as well单独使用于句尾表示“也”“既,又”,但是不能用于否定句。必会word came that. 有消息传来说in a word 总之;简言之keep ones word 遵守诺言break ones word 失信;不守诺言have a word with. 与谈一谈have words with. 与吵架必会meet sb. 遇见某人;迎接某人meet ones standards 达到某人的标准meet ones damands/needs 满足某人的要求/需要make (both) ends meet 量入为出;使收支平衡meet up 碰头;相聚基础知识.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Nobody was _ from the meeting yesterday. (absence)答案absent2The timely rain _ the crops greatly. (beneficial)答案benefited3My younger sister will _ from Beijing University next year. (graduation)答案graduate4Outofdate laws and rules should be _.(abolish)答案abolished5The plan must be carried out _.(firm)答案firmly.选词填空in ones absence;make fun of;out of breath;in other words;all in all1There were wonderful music and food._,we had a good time at the party.答案All in all2They asked him to leave._,he was fired.答案In other words3Its bad manners to _the disabled people.答案make fun of4He ran_to catch the first bus.答案out of breath5The decision was made_ .答案in my absence基本技能.微语法地点状语从句A用适当的连接副词填空1The huge shopping mall will be constructed_there used to be a school many years ago.解析句意:这个大型购物广场将会被建在很多年前是个学校的地方。where引导地点状语从句。答案where2(2013成都第一次诊断性检测) Actually,the London Olympic Park is built_there used to be a poor area called East London.解析考查状语从句。句意:事实上,伦敦奥运会公园建立在一个过去叫东伦敦的贫穷地区。分析句子结构可知,空处引导地点状语从句且在从句中作地点状语,故用where。答案where3(2013江苏卷改编) In the global economy,a new drug for cancer,_it is discovered,will create many economic possibilities around the world.解析句意:在全球经济中,一种新的治疗癌症的药物,无论它是在哪里被发现的,将在世界各地创造很多经济机会。wherever“无论在哪里”。答案wherever4(2012四川卷改编) If you happen to get lost in the wild,youd better stay_you are and wait for help.解析句意:如果你偶然在荒野中迷路,你最好待在原地等待帮助。where在此引导地点状语从句,符合句意。答案where5If you are traveling_the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do.解析句意:如果你在一个风俗习惯与你的完全不同的地方旅游,请入乡随俗。此处用where引导地点状语从句。答案whereB完成句子1Make a mark _(在你有问题的地方)答案where you have any questions2_(哪里阳光雨水充足),the fields are green.答案Where(ver) theres plenty of sun and rain3Bamboo(竹子) grows best _(竹子在潮湿多雨的地方)答案where its wet and rainyC单句改错1I dont mind where you go,as far as youre back before midnight._答案far改为long2You can go swimming in condition that you dont go too far from the river bank._答案in改为on.微完形There is a story about three diggers. The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a(n)_1_in the future. The second always liked_2_about the work and his low_3_. The third digger liked_4_devoting himself to digging. Later,the first was still holding his spade in the_5_place and the second took an excuse for early_6_. Only the third became a boss. Do you understand the _7_of this story?1A.designer Barchitect Cboss Dassistant解析6空后的“became a boss”是线索提示。答案C2A.thinking BlearningCexplaining Dcomplaining解析第二个人总喜欢“抱怨”工作和“薪水”低。答案D3A.spirit BsalaryCability Dintelligence解析参见上题解析。salary“薪水”,符合语境。答案B4A.quietly Bexcitedly Cobviously Dfreely解析第三个人喜欢“安静地”工作。答案A5A.remote Bideal Coriginal Dsuitable解析第一个人依旧拿着锹在“原来的”职位上,第二个人找了个借口提前“退休”,只有第三个人最终成了老板。答案C6A.arrival BretirementCdevelopment Dpayment解析参见上题解析。答案B7A.ending Bpeople Cmoral Dimportance解析你懂得这个故事的“寓意”吗?答案C.微阅读Music education has received a lot of attention. Learning to play an instrument can help children improve math,science,and language skills. One study in Canada tracked childrens IQ scores for nine months,discovering that children who studied music had the biggest test score improvements. The secret may lie in the way reading music and playing notes use several areas of the brain,increasing our ability to learn school subjects.According to the Canadian study,which children increased IQ scores?AThose who already had high IQ scores.BThose who always played music.CThose who could not play any instrument.DThose who studied music for a period of time.解析推理判断题。根据第三句“One study in Canada tracked childrens IQ scores for nine months,discovering that children who studied music had the biggest test score improvements.”可推知,学了一段时间音乐的孩子智商会提高。答案D相关模板用于表达兴趣爱好的模板 Recently I have done a survey on (调查的主题). According to the survey,we found that many students like (爱好项目),_while (however,)(介绍其他情况) There are mainly three reasons for it. Firstly,(原因一). Secondly,(原因二). Apart from the above reasons,(原因三) In my opinion,I think(建议要做的事情及原因). Whats more/ Besides/ Moreover,(介绍另外一个建议).答案 I Like ReadingReading is my favorite hobby. I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends in my life. As we know,books are the source of knowledge. I benefit a great deal from reading.There are a variety of books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on. But what interests me most is literary books,especially those by famous writers. For one thing,they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons. For another,they can enrich my life and provide me with great fun. Isnt it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading?


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