高中英语 Unit 5 Enjoying Novels Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教版选修10

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高中英语 Unit 5 Enjoying Novels Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教版选修10_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 5 Enjoying Novels Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教版选修10_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 5 Enjoying Novels Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教版选修10_第3页
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Section Learning about Language & Using Language课前自主预习 .重点单词 1_(n.)商人 2_(n.)仓库;货栈 3_(n.)窃贼 4_(n.)顺序;序列(vt.)按顺序排好 5_(vi.& vt.)悬挂;摇摆;使晃动_(adj.)悬摆的;摆晃的 6_(n.)半圆形 7_(n.)尖叫声;吱吱声(vi.)发出尖叫声merchant warehouse burglarsequence dangle dangly semicirclesqueak 8_(n.)衣领 9_(n.)松树 10_(n.)松鼠 11_ (n.)冒险故事,浪漫史,恋情_(adj.)浪漫的,风流的,想象的 12_(n.)提议,建议 13_(vt.& vi.)拒绝;衰退;下降(n.)衰微,跌落,下降 14_(adj.)傲慢的,自大的_(adv.)自大地;傲慢地_ (n.)傲慢态度,自大collar pinesquirrelromance romantic proposal declinearrogant arrogantly arrogance 15_(vt.)询问,打听,探询,调查_(n.)询问 16_(vt.)使欢喜(vi.)欣喜,高兴,喜悦 17_(adj.)匆忙的,轻率的,急忙的_(adv.)匆忙地,急速地,慌张地_(n.)火急,轻率,性急 18_(adj.)可察觉的,明白的,有感觉的,伤感的,通情达理的_(adv.)容易感知地,有常识地,聪明地_(n.)伤感_ (n.)感觉,感官,意识enquire enquiry rejoice hasty hastily hastiness/hastesensible sensibly sensibleness sense .重点短语 1_立即;马上 2_ 立身起来 3_ 脱去;努力完成 4_ 渴望(某物) 5_ 徒然;徒劳 6_ 最后;详细地 7_ 违心地 8_ 评价不高 9_ 竭尽全力做某事straight awayat oncepull oneself uppull offlong forin vainat lengthagainst ones willthink ill ofdo everything in ones power to do sth. .重点句型 1_,I had to climb a pine tree close by so that I could reach the top of it. 2He spoke of his anxiety,but _ _he felt sure of her answer. 3And_he hastily left the room.The wall being high and steepit was evident from his face thatwith these words课内研析探究bargain (1)n.廉价货,便宜货;协议,交易make a bargain with sb.与某人签订合同,达成协议a real bargain 便宜货That is a bargain!一言为定! This house is for rent.Its a bargain. 这所房子是出租的。租金很便宜。 A bargain is a bargain.协议总是协议。 (2)vi.讨价还价;谈判,协议 He bargained with his brother for the property. 他就财产与他的弟弟进行商议。inspect vt.检查;视察 It was strange that nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train. 很奇怪,我上火车前,竟然没有人查看我的车票。 Several officials of the Education Bureau came to inspect our school last week. 上周,教育局的几位官员来我校视察。 inspector n检查员 inspection n检查;视察 inspect sb./sth.for.检查某人/物(有无)A dentist inspects the pupils teeth twice a year for decayed tooth.牙科医生一年给这个学生检查两次牙齿看有无龋齿。辨析: check,examine与inspect (1)check指“检验,核对”是否有误,是否正确。 (2)examine普通用词,用于检查身体,学生的考试。还指“察看或观察以了解情况”和“仔细调查或审查”的意思。 (3)inspect指“仔细查看是否有不足之处或不标准的地方”,还指上级对下级的“视察”。dangle (1)vi.摇晃地悬挂着;追求 The leaves dangled in the wind.树叶迎风摇摆。 (2)vt.使晃动;使摇摆 The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs. 淘气的小男孩坐在栏杆边上,摇摆着双腿。 dangle from.从上垂下来 dangle after/about/round追求(某人);希望得到(某东西) dangle before (in front of)在面前摇晃地摆动着;(希望等)眩惑着Several young men dangle after the pretty girl.好几个青年男子追求那个漂亮女孩。squeak (1)n.尖叫声;吱吱声,侥幸 I heard the squeak of a mouse in the attic. 我在阁楼上听到一只老鼠吱吱的叫声。 (2)vi.发出尖叫声;勉强通过;侥幸成功;险胜a narrow squeaka narrow escape九死一生,千钧一发squeak by/through勉强通过,侥幸取胜 The path to the road is narrow and difficult,but we can squeak through. 这条小路通向大路,但是又窄又难。 He had a narrow squeak in the big earthquake. 他在这次大地震中死里逃生。 He squeaked through the French examination. 他勉强通过这次法语考试。straight away 立即,马上 Ill bring them straight away. 我马上就把它们送来。 Do it at once.立刻做这件事。 Ill write to him right away.我马上就给他写信。同义短语:at once,without delay,immediately,in no time,right away,right off,right now。pull oneself up站起来,立起身来 Can you find a hold for your hands so that you can pull yourself up?你能找一个双手可以抓住的东西,以便自己站起来吗? Pull yourself together!Cheer up!振作起来! pull down 使扫兴;摧毁 pull up 停;使停止 pull away 逃走 pull out 驶出车站;退出 pull back 撤退;退出 pull through 康复;完成,做完(十分困难的事) Would you please pull down the curtain? 请你把窗帘拉下来好吗? The father pulled the child back from the river side.父亲把孩子从河边拉了回来。romancen.冒险故事,浪漫史,恋情 They didnt want anyone to know about their romance.他们不想让任何人知道他们的恋情。 Im a big believer in romance. 我很相信浪漫。romantic adj.浪漫的,风流的,想象的 He is a very romantic person. 他是个非常浪漫的人。 Keats is one of the greatest romantic poet. 济慈是伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一。proposal (1)n.提议;申请;建议 Your proposal sounds very attractive. 你的建议很动听。 (2)n.求婚 Have you accepted his proposal? 你答应他的求婚了吗?propose vt.计划;向提议;提议,建议;求(婚)vi.打算;求婚propose doing/to do sth.建议做某事 He proposed a toast to both the bride and bridegroom.他提议为新娘和新郎干杯。 I proposed that Li Lei (should) be our monitor. 我提议让李磊当班长。 He proposed to her,and she accepted. 他向她求婚,她接受了。 温馨提示:当propose或proposal作“提议;建议”时若后接从句,则其谓语动词用(should)动词原形。decline (1)vt.& vi.拒绝;衰退;下降 As one grows older ones memory declines. 人的记忆力随着年龄增长而衰退。 It is difficult to decline ones generous intentions. 盛情难却! (2)n.衰退,跌落,下降 There is a sharp decline in the number of trees in the city.这个城市的树木数量急剧下降。 decline sth./to do sth.拒绝某事/做某事 decline by.下降了(后常接数字) decline to.下降到(后常接数字) a decline in/of.的减少(下降) on the decline 在衰退中,在减少中The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。辨析: decline,refuse,reject与 deny (1)decline常常翻译为“辞谢,婉言谢绝”,指有礼貌地、语气委婉地拒绝,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或请求等。 She declined to have lunch with us,saying that she wasnt feeling well. 她说身体不适而婉言谢绝与我们共进午餐。 (2)refuse是表示“拒绝”这一概念的最普通的用词,语气比decline强,含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意味。refuse作及物动词时,后面常常接名词或代词表示被拒绝的对象,跟不定式表示拒绝做某事。作不及物动词时,refuse可单独使用。 It is the stupid who refuse to be taught by mistakes. 只有蠢人才拒绝从错误中吸取教训。 (3)reject指“以否定、敌对的态度而当面拒绝”;“拒绝接受某人事物”“抛弃某事物、摈弃、剔除”“不给予某人/事物应有的爱、慢待”。主语可以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。 The child was rejected by its parents. 这个孩子没有受到他父母的疼爱。 (4)deny否认,拒绝承认或相信某个事实;或拒绝给予,拒绝某人的要求;不允许。 His parents never deny him anything. 他父母从不拒绝他要任何东西。enquireinquire (1)vt.& vi.询问,打听,探询,调查enquire sth.(of sb.)向某人打听/询问某事enquire (about) sth.询问某事enquire after sb.向某人问好enquire for sb./sth.求见某人;询问是否有某物enquire into 调查;探究 We enquired the way to the airport. 我们打听去机场的路。 She enquired after my mothers health. 她问起我母亲的健康状况。 We enquired into his story and found it was true. 我们调查了他所讲的事情,发现属实。 (2)enquiry n询问 make enquiries about/into sth.询问/调查某事 After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth. 经过几个月调查,我们最后发现了真相。sensible adj.可察觉的,明白的,有感觉的,伤感的,通情达理的 be sensible of sth.对察觉 It would be sensible to go to bed early. 早上床睡觉是明智的。 There is a sensible increase in temperature this week. 这周的气温有明显的上升。 The lips are the most sensible parts of the body. 嘴唇是身体最敏感的部分。 Are you sensible of the dangers of your position? 你觉察出你处境中的危险了吗? sensitive adj.敏感的,感觉灵敏的;神经过敏的,神经质的;在意的 be sensitive to.对敏感的;体谅She is sensitive to other peoples feelings.她很能体谅他人的情感。in vain徒劳无益地,枉费心机的 All our efforts were in vain. 我们所有的努力都付诸东流了。be vain about/of sth.对自负的,炫耀的vainly adv.徒劳地,白费力地;无效地,枉然地at lengthat last/in the end/finally/eventually最后;终于;详细地 At length we arrived at our destination. 我们终于到达了目的地。 Students discussed the maths problem at length (in detail)学生们详细讨论这个数学问题。 at great/some/more length冗长地,絮叨地 at arms length伸手可及之处 at full length 伸展全身;冗长地,详尽地 go any/some/great considerable length (to do sth.)不遗余力地;竭尽全力地The boy lay at full length on the grass.男孩伸展全身躺在草地上。against ones will违心地;违背意愿地 He sold his car against his will. 他不得已才卖了汽车。 He picked up the book at will. 他随意地拿了本书。at will随意地think ill of(think little/poorly of)对评价不高 Dont think ill of him.不要把他想得太坏。think well/much/highly of对高度评价think nothing of对评价不好 .完成句子 1Lets_(达成协议)If you do my homework,Ill give you the book Harry Potter. 答案:make a bargain 2She_(与讨价还价) the shop assistant over the price of a toy. 答案:bargained with 3It was a thin gold chain with a heart_ (在上面摇晃地悬挂着) 答案:dangling on it 4Dont_(拿着灯在我面前晃来晃去)It will do harm to my eyes. 答案:dangle the lights before me 5We_(侥幸取胜) the final with a goal in the last minute. 答案:squeaked through/by 6The pig ran away,_(吓得尖叫着) 答案:squeaking with fear 7Day after day she waited_(徒劳地) for him to telephone her. 答案:in vain 8She_(对自负) her beauty. 答案:is vain of .单句语法填空 1She has always had _(romance) ideas about becoming a famous writer. 答案:romantic 2His proposal is that the dam_(build) at the foot of the mountain. 答案:(should) be built 3Tom proposed_(delay) our decision until next meeting. 答案:delaying/to delay 4Maria is a_(sense) person and never makes any unreasonable demands. 答案:sensible 5I am sensible_my error. 答案:of 6She is_(sense) to what people think of her. 答案:sensitive 7Perhaps I was too_(haste) in rejecting his offer. 答案:hasty 8The river is about 1,600 metres wide and 2,000 kilometres_length. 答案:in 9_length they came within sight of the castle. 答案:At 10He told us that we could wander around_will. 答案:at 11He refuses to do anything_his will. 答案:againstThe wall being high and steep,I had to climb a pine tree close by so that I could reach the top of it. 墙又高又陡,我必须爬上近旁的一棵松树,才能到达它的顶端。 本句包含一个独立主格结构和一个so that引导的目的状语从句。独立主格结构表示原因,相当于原因状语从句Because the wall was high and steep。独立主格结构在句中还可作时间状语、条件状语等。 He sat there,his eyes on her back.他坐在那里,注视着她的背影。(伴随状语) Enough time given,we should have done the job much better.如果给我们充足的时间,我们会把工作做得更好。(条件状语)He spoke of his anxiety,but it was evident from his face that he felt sure of her answer. 他谈到了自己的焦虑,但是从他的面部表情来看,很显然他对她的答复很有把握。 句中it was evident from his face that结构中it是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语。 It is true that Tom came out first in the English examination.汤姆在英语考试中得了第一是真的。 It is/was名词/形容词/分词that从句中it常作形式主语。 It is a fact that Chinese is accepted as an international language.汉语被公认为国际语言是事实。 It is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month. 众所周知,月亮绕地球每月转一圈。 .单句语法填空 1He_(be) ill,his mother had to stay at home to attend (to) him. 答案:being 2He was listening attentively in class,his eyes_(fix) on the blackboard. 答案:fixed 3A house_(build),we must save every cent. 答案:to be built .翻译句子 1很明显你犯了一个大错。 _ 答案:Its obvious that youve made a big mistake. 2很可能他不来参加会议了。 _ 答案:Its likely that he cant come to the meeting.谢谢观看!谢谢观看!


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