高中英语 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 第4课时 Using language课件 新人教版选修8

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高中英语 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 第4课时 Using language课件 新人教版选修8_第1页
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高中英语 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 第4课时 Using language课件 新人教版选修8_第2页
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高中英语 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 第4课时 Using language课件 新人教版选修8_第3页
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.词汇:根据提示写出相应单词。1_(vt.) 忍受,忍耐,负担2_(v.)轻打,轻拍(n.)轻轻的敲击(声),(水)龙头3_(vt.) 联想;联系_(n.)联想;联合;协会4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( a d j . ) 实 际 的 ; 实 践 的 ; 实 用_(v.)_(n.)实践5_(n.)扩大;延伸;电话分机_(v.)延长;伸展;扩展_(adj.)伸出的;扩大的;延长的6_(v.)悬挂;把吊起_(过去分词)_绞死;悬挂(过去分词)7_(n.)能力;胜任;本领_(adj.)有能力的;有资格的答案:1.bear2.tap3.associate; association4.practical; practise/practive; practice5.extension; extend; extended6.hang; hung, petence; competent.短语:1dive_ 迅速把手伸入;一心投入2set_to do sth.开始做某事3hang_不挂断;稍等,紧紧握住4out_order 次序颠倒;发生故障5get_设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完,通过6ring_回复电话7ring_挂断电话8be associated_和有联系9be aware_意识到10_track 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例答案:1.into2.out3.on4.of5.through6.back7.off8.with9.of10.beaten1currenta)n.1)电流The electric current has been shut off.电流已被切断。2)(海洋或江河的) 水流,潮流,气流There is a strong current in the river.河里有一股很强的水流。 b)adj. 1)现时发生的;当前的;现在的 Our current methods of production are too expensive. 我们现今用的生产方法太花钱了。 2)通用的;流通的;流行的 This view was current in the country. 当时这种看法在这个国家很流行。【知识运用】(1)The storm whipped up huge_.AcurrentsBwavesCflows Dstreams答案:B本题题意:暴风雨掀起了巨浪。wave表示“(波浪, 尤指海浪的)浪头”。(2)The_is strongest in the middle of the river.Acurrent BwaveCflow Dstream答案:A本题题意:河中央的水流最急。current表示“(海洋或江河的)水流;潮流;气流”。(3)The government is trying to stop the increasing_of refugees entering the country.Acurrent BwaveCflow Dstream答案:C本题题意:政府正在设法阻止越来越多的难民流入本国。flow表示“流;流动”。(4)Cars filed past in an endless_.Acurrent BwaveCflow Dstream答案:D本题题意:汽车川流不息,鱼贯而过。flow表示“(人)流;(车)流”。2importance U重要性;重要;重大This matter is of vital importance to us.这件事对我们来说至关重要。The items are listed in order of importance.这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。【知识运用】(1)(2010江西25) Parents_much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.Aattach Bpay Clink Dapply答案:A本题题意:学生父母十分重视教育。他们会尽其所能给孩子们那份无价之宝。attach importance to 表示“重视;认为有重要性”。(2)(2004上海春48) I have read the material several times but it doesnt make any_to me.Ameaning BimportanceCsense Dsignificance答案:C本题题意:这些材料我已读了几遍,但是我搞不清什么意思。make sense表示“有道理;有意义;讲得通”。(3)We cannot emphasize too much the_of learning English.Ameaning BimportanceCsense Dunderstanding答案:B本题题意:我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。importance表示“重要性;重要;重大”。never与cannot和too搭配,表示“再也不为过”。3stable (adj.)1)稳定的;稳固的;牢固的Mentally shes very stable.她情绪十分稳定。This ladder isnt very stable.这架梯子不太牢靠。 2)(人) 稳重的;沉稳的;持重的 Hes about the most stable person I know. 我认识的人当中, 数他最稳重。 He is a bit neurotic, but his wife is a very stable person. 他有点神经质,但他的妻子是一个非常稳重的人。【词语辨析】stable, firm, steady这些形容词都有“稳固的”之意。1)stable多指根基牢固,平衡良好,也指性格或位置等的稳定,不可移动或改变。A stable government is essential to economic growth.稳定的政府对经济增长是重要的。2)firm指牢固不可动摇或意志、信仰的坚定。I dont think the chair is firm enough to stand on.我觉得这椅子不够稳固,不能站人。 3)steady指保持平衡不动摇。用于有形物时,指没有根基的稳固,也指动中的稳。 The price of fruits remains steady. 水果的价格保持稳定。【知识运用】(1)(2007湖北30) Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a_environment.Apeaceful BsensitiveCcommon Dstable答案:D本题题意:水能够吸收或释放出大量热量而引不起大的温差变化,因此建立了一种稳定的环境。stable表示“稳定的;稳固的;牢固的”。(2)She was trembling with excitement but her voice was_.Astable BfirmCsteady Dstill答案:C本题题意:她激动得发抖, 但声音却很平稳。steady(not changing and not interrupted)表示“稳定的;恒定的”。本题也可采用形容词calm.(3)My brother has a_belief in the value of cold baths.Astable BfirmCsteady Dcalm答案:B本题题意:我的兄弟坚信洗冷水澡有益健康。firm表示“坚定的;确定的;坚决的”。(4)The high wind passed and the sea was_again.Astable BfirmCsteady Dcalm答案:D本题题意:大风过后,大海又风平浪静了。calm表示“(海洋)风平浪静的”。4practical (adj.)1)实际的;真实的;客观存在的Practical experience is often very important.实践经验往往是很重要的。2)(想法、方法或行动)切实可行的He gave sound and practical advice.他提出了很好的,切实可行的建议。3)(东西)有用的;适用的Your invention is very practical.你的发明很实用。 4)明智的;实事求是的 We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision. 我们应该实事求是地先把费用算出来, 然后再做决定。【知识运用】(1)(2004全国329) When we plan our vacation, mother often offers_suggestions.Acareful BpracticalCeffective Dacceptable答案:B本题题意:当我们筹划假期安排时,母亲时常提出实际可行的建议。practical表示“(想法、方法或行动)切实可行的”。(2)The owners brother has been in_control of the firm for years.Aexact BtrueCjust Dpractical答案:D本题题意:业主的弟弟实际控制该商行已有多年。practical表示“实际的;真实的;客观存在的”。5associate (v.)1)sb/sth(with sb/sth)联想;联系I dont associate sunbathing with the North Pole.我不会把日光浴和北极联系在一起。2)with sb交往;(尤指)混在一起I dont like you associating with such people.我不喜欢你和那些人混在一起。【知识拓展】1)associated (adj.)(1)有关联的;相关的Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially.薪金与相关的费用大大增加。(2)有联系的He no longer wished to be associated with the partys policy on education.他不再愿意与该党的教育方针认同。 2)association (n.) (1)协会;社团;联盟 The association is/are having its/their annual conference next week. 该协会在下个星期举行年度会议。 (2)C & U(with sb/sth)联合;合伙;关联;交往 He developed a close association with the university. 他与那所大学建立了密切的联系。 (3)C, usually pl. 联想;联系 The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. 海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。【知识运用】(1)What do you_with such a heavy snow?Atie BboundCinvolve Dassociate答案:D本题题意:这样一场大雪让你有什么联想? associate.with.表示“把和联系起来”。(2)You want the child to form a/an_between good behaviour and rewards.Acombination BcollectionCassociation Drelation答案:C本题题意:你想让孩子把好的行为与奖励联系起来。association表示“联合;合伙;关联;交往”。1dive into1)跳水We dived into the river to cool off.我们一头跳进河里,凉快一下。2)跳入I saw a rabbit dive into its hole.我看见一只兔子钻进了洞。3)扑去;冲去When the rain started, we dived into a caf.雨下了起来,我们立即跑进了一家小餐馆。 4)迅速将手伸入(包或口袋内) He dived into his pocket and fished out ten dollars. 他突然把手伸进衣袋,掏出十块钱来。 5)一心投入 We are determined to dive into our research from now on. 我们决心从现在起全身心投入到我们的研究工作。【知识运用】(1)She_some lemon juice into her tea.Amoved BdivedCfell Ddropped答案:D本题题意:她在茶里滴了几滴柠檬汁。drop表示“使滴下;使落下”。(2)He_into the river to save a drowning child.Amoved BdivedCfell Ddropped答案:B本题题意:他跳入河中去救一个快溺死的小孩。dive into/jump into the river表示“跳入水中”。2set out1)(to do)(怀着目标)开始工作,展开任务They succeeded in what they set out to do.他们打算做的事已经做成了。She set out to break the world land speed record.她决心要打破陆上速度的世界纪录。2)出发;动身;启程They set out on the last stage of their journey.他们开始了旅行的最后一程。We set out for the Western Hills at 1030.我们十点半出发去西山。【知识运用】(1)(2004江苏29)Its ten years since the scientist_on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical.Amade for Bset outCtook off Dturned up答案:B本题题意:这位科学家从事这种重要的化学制品的研究已经十年了。set out 表示“(怀着目标)开始工作,展开工作”。(2)He_out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part_.Aset off Bset aboutCset out Dset forth答案:C本题题意:他开始着手粉刷整幢房子,可是只完成了前面的部分。set out to do sth表示“(怀着目标)开始工作,展开任务”。注意,set about doing sth也具有相似的意思。(3)(原创)After dinner, Candida _for the supermarket to buy some chocolate.Aset about Bset outCset aside Dset up答案:B本题题意:晚饭以后,坎迪德外出到超级市场上买点巧克力。set out表示“出发;动身;启程”。3hang on|hold on1)别挂电话;停一下The line is busy; would you like to hang/hold on?电话有人在打,请别挂断好吗?2)抓紧He hung/held on until the rope broke.他紧抓着,直到绳子断了。3)(在逆境中)坚持,不放弃Hang/Hold on at your present job until you can get another.你在没有找到另一个工作前不要放弃目前的工作。 4)等一下;停一下 Now hang/hold on a minuteyou cant really believe what you just said! 等一下你不可能真的相信你刚才说的话吧! 5)等待某事发生;等候 I havent heard if Ive got the job yettheyve kept me hanging on for days. 我是否得到了那份工作的事还没有消息他们让我等了好几天了。【知识拓展】1)hang on sth 有赖于,取决于(某事物)It all hang on whether he is willing to help us.一切都取决于他是否愿意帮助我们。2)hang/hold on to sth.(1)抓紧某物The little girl hung/held on to her mothers hand while they crossed the street.横过马路的时候, 小姑娘紧紧抓住她妈妈的手。 (2)保留;不卖掉;不放弃 Lets hang/hold on to those old photographsthey may be valuable. 咱们留着这些旧照片吧它们或许有价值。 3)hang out 常去某处;泡在某处;闲逛 The local kids hang out at the mall. 当地的孩子常在商业街闲逛。 4)hang up 挂断电话 After I hung up, I remembered what Id wanted to say. 我挂断电话之后才想起来原本想说的话。【知识运用】(1)(2009天津6)Sorry, I have to_now. Its time for class.OK, Ill call back later.Ahang up Bbreak up Cgive up Dhold up答案:A本题题意:“抱歉,我现在得把电话挂断了。上课时间到了”。“好吧。那待会儿我再给你打电话。” hang up表示“挂断电话”。(2)(2008福建29)_a moment and I will go to your rescue.AGo on BHold onCMove on DCarry on答案:B本题题意:坚持一会儿,我将去援救你。 hold/hang on 表示“(在困境或危险中)坚持住;挺住”。例如:How much longer do you think we can hold on?你认为我们还能坚持多久?(3)(NMET200231)We thought of selling this old furniture. But weve decided to_it. It might be valuable.Ahold on to Bkeep up withCturn to Dlook after答案:A本题题意:我们原本想把这件旧家具卖掉。但是我们已经决定留下它。它或许有价值。hold on to 表示“保留;不卖掉;不放弃”。(4)_a minute while I look it up.AHang up BHang outCHang on DHang about答案:C本题题意:电话别挂断, 我查一下。hang on表示“别挂电话;停一下”。4out of order1)有毛病;出故障The elevator is out of order.电梯出故障了。2)安排不当;不整洁I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order.我检查过案卷,其中有些未按顺序编排。3)(out of line) 行为不当;举止令人难以接受You were well out of order taking it without asking.你不问一声就把它拿走,这是很不妥当的。 4)违反规程的;不合乎(会议或辩论)规则的 His objection was ruled out of order. 他的反对被裁定为违反会议规则。【知识运用】(1)(2008天津15) At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was_.Aout of sight Bout of reach Cout of order D. out of place答案:A本题题意:在火车站,这位母亲一直在向她的女儿挥手告别,直到火车看不见为止。out of sight表示“看不见, 在视野之外”。(2)(2006广东34)You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of_.Adate BshapeCorder Dbalance答案:B本题题意:你一直坐在我的帽子上,现在它已经严重变形了。out of shape表示“变形”。(3)(原创)It is a pretty place; but I fear it will be getting out of _.Aorder BrepairCsight Dshape答案:A本题题意:它是个美丽的地方,可是我担心它会变得乱七八糟。out of order表示“安排不当;次序错了;不整洁”。 (4)采用适当的名词填空: The children have been playing with my hat theyve knocked it out of_. I ran to the theater all along and was out of_. It is out of_that I will write to you. The dresses on show are out of_. I couldnt ring because the phone was out of_. I dont want anybody to help me out of_. Prices and wages were badly out of_. I used to be good at basketball, but now Im out of_. His wife got out of_soon after marriage. The ship went down and at last went out of_. It is not best that we use our morals weekdays; it gets them out of_for Sunday. But there are enough wanting to put you out of_to make it very awkward of you. The model plane got out of_and crashed. The insecticide(杀虫剂)was put out of the childs_. I would like to go back to teaching but Im out of_with my subject now.答案:shape本题题意:孩子们一直玩着我的帽子把它弄得不成样子了。breath本题题意:我一路跑到剧院上气不接下气。question本题题意:我一定会给你写信的。date本题题意:展出的服装都过时了。order/action本题题意:我没法打电话,因为电话机坏了。pity本题题意:我不要任何人出于怜悯来帮助我。 line本题题意:物价与工资非常不协调。 practice本题题意:我篮球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。 shape本题题意:结婚不久之后他太太的健康状况就不好。 sight本题题意:船在下沉, 最后消失不见了。 repair本题题意:我们在一周的工作日里遵守道德并非最佳办法,这会使之在星期天缺乏维修的。 business本题题意:可是要你做不成生意,让你处境非常狼狈的也大有人在。 control本题题意:模型飞机失控坠落下来。 reach本题题意:杀虫剂应该放在孩子拿不到的地方。 touch本题题意:我愿意来教书,但是对我的学科已不熟悉了。5get through(to sb)1)(用电话)接通,打通,联系上I tried to telephone you but I couldnt get through.我给你打电话可是没有打通。2)到达(某人处)Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies dont get through(to them)数以千计的难民若得不到这些救济物品, (他们)就要死亡。【知识拓展】1)get through(sth)顺利通过(考试等)The candidates didnt all get through.报考者没有全部通过。2)get through(sth)|get sth through(sth)(使)正式通过;获得采纳Do you think the Bill will get through(Parliament)?你认为那议案(议会)能通过吗? 3)get through sth (1)消耗掉;用完;耗尽 She gets through forty cigarettes a day. 她一天抽四十枝香烟。 (2)(设法)处理;完成 Ive got through a lot of correspondence today. 今天我处理了一大批信件。 4)get through with sth 结束,完成 As soon as I get through with my work Ill join you. 我工作一做完就来找你们。【知识运用】(1)(2010浙江12) After that, he knew he could_any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on with Cget through Dget across答案:C本题题意:从此之后,他明白尽其所能就能顺利解决任何突发事件。get through表示“(设法)处理;完成”。(2)(2009全国127) I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget on Cget to Dget through答案:D本题题意:我试着打电话到她办公室,但没有打通。get through表示“(用电话)接通,打通,联系上”。(3)(2009四川5) Have you _?No. I had the wrong number.Agot in Bgot away Cgot off Dgot through答案:D本题题意:“电话打通了吗?”“没有。电话号码错了。” get through表示“(用电话)接通,打通,联系上”。(4)(2007天津5) Hardly could he_this amount of work in such a short time.Aget through Bget offCget into Dget down答案:A本题题意:在这么短的时间内,他几乎完不成这工作量。get through表示“(设法)处理;完成”。(5)(2006全国218) There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get_.Abetween BthroughCacross Dbeyond答案:B本题题意:有许多人站到门口那儿,小女孩不能顺利通过。get through表示“通过;穿过;达到”。6ring/call back| ring/call sb back (给某人)再打电话,回复电话Sorry, shes just go out. Will you like to ring/call back later?对不起,她刚出去,过会儿再打电话好吗? Ill ask Simon to ring/call you back when he gets in.等西蒙来了,我让他给你回电话。【知识运用】(1)Im waiting for someone to ring me_with a price.Aon BoffCup Dback答 案 : D 本 题 题 意 : 我 在 等 人 回 电 话 报 价 。ring/call(sb)back 表示“(给某人)再打电话;回复电话”。(2)Ring_the airport and find out when the plane leaves.Aon BoffCup Dback答案:C本题题意:给机场打个电话,问清楚飞机什么时候起飞。ring/call sb/sth(up)表示“给打电话”。(3)(原创) It took me ten minutes to persuade her to_later. At last I hung up the receiver.Aring up Bring backCrin goff Dcall off答案:B本题题意:我花了十分钟的工夫才说服她,让她过会儿再来电话,最后,我总算挂上了电话。ring/call back| ring/call sb back 表示“(给某人)再打电话,回复电话”。7ring off 挂断电话Ill have to ring off now; I have a train to catch.我现在不得不把电话挂上了,我要赶火车去。He rang off before I could explain.我还没来得及解释他就挂了。【知识运用】(1)The game was_because of bad weather.Acalled on Bcalled offCrung off Drung on答案:B本题题意:比赛因天气恶劣而取消。call sth off表示“取消,停止进行”。(2)Id better_now.Aring on Bring offCcall off Dcall on答案:B本题题意:我该挂电话了。ring off表示“挂断电话”。1Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西盘踞在你的头脑。【知识剖析】本句中含有重要结构:“祈使句and(表结果的)简单句”, 祈使句表示“条件”,简单句表示“结果”,通常使用一般将来时。句型“祈使句and(表结果的)简单句”的意义为“干某事,那么就会”;“祈使句or/or else/otherwise(表结果的)简单句”的意义为“干某事,否则就会”,连词or可用 or else/otherwise替代。例如: Work hard and(If you work hard)you will pass your examinations. 你若用功, 考试就能及格。 Arrive late once more and (If you arrive late once more) youre fired. 你再迟到一次, 就把你开除。 (NMET1998) Leave it with me and Ill see what I can do. 把这件事交给我,我看看自己能够做点什么。 Turn the heat down or your cake will burn. 把热度调低吧, 要不蛋糕就要糊了。 Run or else youll be late. 快跑, 不然你要迟到了。 Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill. 把瓶盖儿盖好, 要不汁液就洒出来了。【知识运用】(1)(2008全国213) Stand over there_youll be able to see the oil painting better.Abut Btill Cand Dor答案:C本题题意:站到那边去,你会更好地欣赏那幅油画。本题考查固定句式“祈使句and(表结果的)简单句”的用法。(2)(2007辽宁28) Help others whenever you can_you will make the world a nicer place to live in.Aand BorCunless Dbut答案:A本题题意:在可能的情况下要帮助他人,这样的话,这个世界将会变为一个更佳的居住场所。本题考查“祈使句and简单句(表结果)”的用法, 根据题意可知,祈使句与后面的陈述句存在一种顺承关系时,所以采用连词and.(3)(2007北京31) You have failed two tests. Youd better start working harder, _you wont pass the course.Aand BsoCbut Dor答案:D本题题意:你已经两次考试不及格了。你最好(从现在)开始努力学习,否则这门课程你会通过不了的。本题考查“祈使句or/or else/otherwise简单句(表结果)”的用法。祈使句表示条件,相当于一个条件句:If you dont start working hard,or.;or后的句子表示相反行为引起的结果。(4)(2006四川24) Start out right away,_youll miss the first train.Aand BbutCor Dwhile答案:C本题题意:立刻动身,否则你将错过首班列车。本题考查句式“祈使句or/or else/otherwise简单句(表结果)”, or后的句子表示相反行为引起的结果。(5)(2006重庆27)_and Ill get the work finished.AHave one more hour BOne more hourCGiven one more hour DIf I have one more hour答案:B本题题意:再给一个小时,我将会把工作完成。本题考查句式“祈使句and简单句(表结果)”的用法。祈使句表示条件,相当于一个条件句,但祈使句有时会被一个名词(词组)所代替。例如:One more week, and well accomplish the task.多给一周,我们就能完成这项工作(1999上海)。在本考题中,one more hour(If I am)given one more hour.(6)(原创)_on the bright side of things, and you will live happily.AIf you look BLookingCLook DTo look答案:C本题题意:如果看事情的光明面,你就可以活得很快乐。本题考查“祈使句and 简单句(表结果)”的用法。(7)(原创)_careful of your language in the presence of others, or you will be sorry for it.ABe BTo beCBeing DIf you答案:A本题题意:在其它人面前注意你的语言,否则你会为此而后悔的。本题考查句式“祈使句or/or else/otherwise简单句(表结果)”, or后的句子表示相反行为引起的结果。(8)(原创)Walk slowly on the ice,_youll fail.Atherefore BbutCand Dotherwise答案:D本题题意:在冰上要走慢些,要不然你会滑倒的。本题考查句式“祈使句or/or else/otherwise简单句(表结果)”。2But he found the problem difficult to solve.但是他发现这个问题很难解决。【知识剖析】在found the problem difficult to solve中,不定式to solve采用主动形式表示被动含义。不定式修饰作表语或补足语的形容词时,如果和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式通常采用主动形式表示被动含义,这是因为可以看作把for sb.给省略了。常见的形容词有:easy, difficult, hard, expensive, convenient, impossible, interesting, pleasant, comfortable, nice, dangerous, fit, bad, good等。例如: Some books are interesting to read, but boring to learn. 有些书读起来很有趣,但学起来很乏味。 English is difficult to learn well in a short time. 英语难以在短时间内学好。 Looking through the book, he found it difficult to understand. 浏览了一下这本书,他发现这本书的内容很难懂。 They found the subject hard to understand. 他们发现这个题目很难理解。 This way made the problem easy to understand. 这种方法使这个问题容易理解了。【知识运用】(1)(2010四川11) In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant_.Ato deal with Bdealing with Cto be dealt with Ddealt with答案:A本题题意:在许多人看来,那家公司虽然规模相对较小,但很好打交道。不定式(短语)修饰担任表语或补足语的形容词时,不定式(短语)通常采用主动形式表示被动含义。(2)(2008全国126) I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good_.Ato be breathed Bto breathe Cbreathing Dbeing breathed答案:B本题题意:在夏季,我喜欢早起。呼吸早晨的空气有益于身心。本句还可以转换为:It is so good(for us)to breathe the morning air. 不定式(短语)修饰作表语或补足语的形容词时,通常采用主动形式表示被动含义。(3)They found the lecture hard_; they all felt sleepy.Ato be understood Bfor understandingCto understand Dto have been understood答案:C本题题意:他们发现这个讲座很难懂,所以他们都有恹恹欲睡的感觉。不定式修饰作表语或补足语的形容词时,如果和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式通常采用主动形式表示被动含义。(4)The days_we spent together on the farm are not easy_.Awhen; to forget Bwhich; to be forgottenCthat; to forget D/; to be forgotten答案:C本题题意:我们在农场一起度过的日子难以忘记。第一个空考查定语从句中的引导词,由于定语从句中谓语动词spent后缺少宾语,所以采用关系代词which/that引导;第二空考查“不定式修饰作表语或补足语的形容词时,如果和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式通常采用主动形式表示被动含义”。(5)The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable to_.Asit Bsit onCbe sat Dbe sat on答案:B本题题意:这把椅子看起来很硬,但实际上,坐在上面很舒适。本题考查“主语beadj.不定式”结构不定式修饰作表语的形容词,和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式采用主动式表示被动含义。(6)Easy as we made it_the importance to keep earth in place, some villagers wouldnt listen.Ato understand BunderstoodCunderstanding Dto be understood答案:A本题题意:尽管我们清清楚楚地说明了保持水土的重要性,但一些村民根本不愿听。在连词as引导的让步状语从句中,担任表语的easy提前了,本句含有结构make it easy to do sth. 注意,不定式在修饰担任表语或补足语的形容词easy, hard, difficult, expensive, convenient, impossible, pleasant, comfortable, nice, fit, dangerous, tough等形容词时,采用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。


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